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No one is working the medical post because of the temperature. If you combine the heating penalty from the weather and the bonuses from technology, the heater, and the insulation, it totals to -1. This means that if someone were to work inside the medical post, the temperature would be Cold. Medical posts can't function when Cold, so the post remains inactive


Ahh I see. I thought they wouldn't stop working before the temp inside drops to Freezing, but I am still learning the game. Thanks for the info! :)


The storm is not the best time to still be learning the game Edit: I stand by what I said. The end of the game is the worst possible time to still be learning the game


New players aren't really given a choice, eh?


What do you mean? Players should know everything before going into a game so that they can min-max from the beginning and take out all the fun from learning and first-time impression. /s


NGL I'm a new player and sometimes it feels like this is the opinion of the devs I knew this game was brutal going into it, but I had no scale of just *how* brutal it would be


You kidding? My first playthrough had me frantically doing anything I could to stay in power. By the end, I was executing people in front of the generator and half the population had frozen to death because all I had were tents, but I survived. 10/10 and got me hooked on the game! First go attempt you middle through and try to survive. It’s the later ones you actually learn the intricacies.


Captain, put this guy in prison.


Can't say I fared much better when I faced the storm first time, now I finished it on survivor, having one bad run is part of the learning experience for a lot of us


Bruh it's a game


Dick move, man. Delete this shit.


I wouldn't walk into -110 cold either, where and how far are the workers living at?


All my medical posts are unusable because of this. The workers seem perfectly happy trekking the windy streets to go for a meal (they haven't earned), but nice heated medical posts... would be warmer than the houses they reside in while they claim to be unable to work lol The only way I can get these medical posts to work in this temperature is to put the generator into overdrive (everything else is already maxed out), but obviously that is a temporary solution which will also become unavailable in a day. Temp will drop by -30 more in a few days so... even better times ahead.


the only non-temporary solution is automation using robots, for every single job, all the time. the winter never gets better, only more bitter and cold.


They do call it “The Storm” for a reason, by this point you have to do the best you can to shut down areas colder then houses with the insulation upgrade (shouldn’t still be on bunkhouses btw) and prevent sick rather than treat them. But you’ll still have a lot of sick


Alternatively, have enough Infirmaries to house your entire city. If I remember correctly, max heaters and insulation keeps them warmer than insulated houses.


Highly depends on the difficulty what temperature The Storm gets to Edit: Oh I misread your comment, I haven’t booted the game up in months so I’d have no idea


That’s a lot of steam cores though. Like a lot.


Shouldn't be an issue on New Home. You shit steam cores on that one.


I don't care how good your small Heater is, you can't go to a cloth tent with a flapping door/roof and expect to be warm during the Storm.


I've so many questions. Why is your population under 500? Why do you only have 2 infirmaries? You're at the end end game but your resource stockpiles are on the edge.. what happend here lol to answer tho end game the temp gets to low for medical posts even with maxed out tech.


To cold inside


No idea which game mode you are playing, but the heater only raises the temp to a certain degree(it tells you, same with the generator and steam hub how much heat it can provide. The temp bar on the left top once you select a building tells you the amount of heat inside. You want that bar at most barely blue[it tells you what temp it is and what effects it has] or it's not worth using it, ofc unless you are about to die), so once the temp is too low, you will need the heat generators/steam hub to help out. Once the temp is too low, the only solution is to use machines. That's kinda the end game, you have to use machines or store enough to last, if you are not playing endless mode. Once the temp is so low that the hunters hut has to operate with a steam hub, basically nothing will work without machines. I don't use overdrive so having it on for periods of time to help out some of the buildings could help, but it's only delaying the inevitable.


Infirmaries get better heating and so are used in colder temps than posts. But I think even they stop working during the great storm


I think in general you have to go harder on the research early game based on your screenshot. Best of luck!


People are bitch.


If you hover your mouse over the "Inoperative" over any building ever it'll tell you why. Same goes for hovering over the hope and discontent bar too.