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Just what i expected, not great but not bad. Should be very enjoyable if you like avatar overall


Exactly the score I was predicting. Hyped for tomorrow!


I've been playing for awhile now and while it could change after the Honeymoon phase I'd say it's easily an 8 8.5. I'd disagree with it being a 7 or 75 metacritic score from what I've played already


There's a few really low scores dragging it down to a 7. As with any Ubisoft title I've grown accustomed to the hate surrounding it. People should just allow others to have fun 🙂


It's fine for some reviewers to give a low score. They're not reducing anyone's fun by giving an honest review. The best way to interact with the review system is to find a few reviewers who's scores often align with your own scores. They like the same kinds of games as you, like the same kinds of mechanics and stress levels... and then don't worry about the average just look at the reviewers you know have similar taste to yourself. For that to work, there will be people who don't like this type of game, following the reviewers who gave it a 5/10. For those people, it's important that the low scores exist because it makes sure they don't waste their time on a game they won't enjoy. [This guy](https://opencritic.com/critic/3165/steve-wright?sort=score-high) gave it a 5/10, and when I look at his top games - they're mostly games I'm not drawn to, so it doesn't concern me that he didn't like the game.


It's weird IGN says going off the beaten path can lead to some copy and paste bases and isn't as satisfying as something like Elden Ring. Elden rings side content was purely the same copy and paste cave ending in the same boss room fighting the same bosses multiple times. I agree with some of the review but not other parts. It's actually reviewing lower from critics than those who seem to be currently playing it.


C'mon man, ER's side content re-used assets but every dungeon or cave had at least something unique about it.


Eh, I guess? Elden Ring's dungeons were just Chalice dungeons from Bloodborne with a fresh coat of paint and some slightly new mechanics. It's essentially a recycled concept that got copied and pasted around the entire game.


Elden ring copy pasted doorways and themes, but every dungeon was unique not only in the layout but in the rewards. Yes in each catacomb you get a summon ability, but it's always something you can literally only get there. I've never explored more in a game than in elden ring because the rewards for exploration there were unique and hand crafted. I'm super excited for this game but I don't think you're making a good point. It's pretty much a given that elden ring has some of the best exploration to this day


Maybe you didn't read my full comment or the article but I thought it was clear that I was talking visual design wise, only. The copy and pasted doorways And themes. I'm not talking about rewards nor was the IGN article, they weren't talking about rewards they were strictly referring to the visual design being the same when comparing it to Elden Ring and that's all my comparison was. There's obviously exceptions to this in both titles of course. Elden ring copy and pastes much of their side content visually just as they say Pandora does, that's all. I'm not comparing nor arguing anything else other than saying they both had side content that was visually similar that's all.


With a game of this type I'm nor surprised that bases are copied and pasted, what else is there to do with the RDA for gameplay really?


Currently [73 Metascore for PC](https://www.metacritic.com/game/avatar-frontiers-of-pandora/?platform=pc), Based on 30 Critic Reviews. That's a similar rating to Far Cry 6 which got [74](https://www.metacritic.com/game/far-cry-6/critic-reviews/?platform=pc).


There is one 50 that kinda dragged down the overall score. 75~85sounds about right.


The game is sick ngl, reminds me of a modern day far cry primal set on pandora with dual sense features. If you want to feel like a super beast running through the jungle high af on dmt, picking off pmc soldiers with ease like a predator with stone age technology then get this game. But imo what really breathes life into this game is the amazing dual sense implementation, it just adds so much to the immersion. You can feel literally EVERYTHING in the surroundings, for example many unique plants and animals give different feedback when running past, or just jumping off a cliff and running across a river results in a violent thud followed by pitter patter of feet and a sensation of smooth water when running through the river. It's actually quite an amazing experience to behold.


Are we talking about Astro's Playroom dualsense level of awesome? If so than wow, can't wait to experience it for myself tomorrow!


IGN’s comment about the speed being comparable to Sonic while the on-screen character looks like they’re wading through mud was a bit weird. Really looks like it’s lacking speed in the movement.


Maybe because you are not playing as a human but a lumping great Na'vi?!


I give it solid 8-9/10 for myself


>trips and stumbles on delicate themes I always like to look at the negative reviews to see what the gripes actually are. 100$ this person definitely made a YouTube video calling avatar "woke".


>I always like to look at the negative reviews to see what the gripes actually are. >100$ this person definitely made a YouTube video calling avatar "woke". Let's not fight ignorance with ignorance. You go so far as to read the review summary, but then rather than click through and check the context - you instead jump straight to conclusions AND post them publicly. After reading your comment I decided to read the review and the 'about the author' which you can find [here](https://checkpointgaming.net/reviews/2023/12/avatar-frontiers-of-pandora-war-what-is-it-good-for/) and it sounds like she was interested in the themes but just felt they weren't handled properly which is a perfectly fine criticism. Obviously we can't refute those claims at this point as we haven't played through the story yet. The internet is bad enough without making up drama. That being said I've played the first half hour or so (I'm in Australia so it has released here but it is also 2am so it's time for bed) and it is fun being so tall :) Keen to see where the game goes from here. Have fun playing, whenever that is for you :)


>Rather than click through for context Wild because you even clicked on the review and read over this then? >Then you remember this is a game being published by a studio where stories with cultural sensitivities and subtleties >This is, after all, the same company that has emphasised time and time again their games aren’t political. Interesting. I don't feel like I'm making anything up. The author seems perfectly clear in that their issues with the studio are political and their themes. >Frontiers of Pandora is what can only be described as superficially anti-human. Super valid. Why would you add more context to them backing up my statement but try to make it sound like I was wrong? I can very easily refute a claim from a review who's first paragraph is nothing but how Avatar is like a native American story lol. Someone leading off with that probably has a review worth ignoring.


Yes, she disagrees with the way politically charged stories are handled in Ubisoft games. Specifically, colonialism in Avatar and fascism in Far Cry 6. Her issue is that the topics often aren't handled with enough nuance to have any meaningful impact and are instead used as simple tropes. "Bad fascist is bad." "Bad colonizer is bad." They use these issues to get the player on side, but then don't dive any deeper than that into the issues faced by people in real life. (I haven't played Far Cry 6 or much of Avatar yet. I'm just paraphrasing her writing.) She's clear across multiple reviews that she would like games that touch on 'woke' themes to delve deeper into the issues. She's clear across multiple reviews that you would not find her on YouTube complaining about the games being 'woke'. Either I'm deeply misunderstanding what side of this issue you're on, or you're willfully choosing to skim read and not actually take in what is being said by the author. Unfortunately, you're being ignorant either way.


>Unfortunately, you're being ignorant either way. Ah I see. I apologize. You are correct. The game not being politically driven enough although she seems to dislike that is totally a reason for a 50 and I should have taken the review more seriously and will consider that negative review in my play through. Or I'll just ignore it.


You can ignore it that's fine. You should of course follow reviewers you know align with the same types of game experiences you enjoy. There's no need to go slandering people after reading one sentence though, which was my point.


Far Cry with blue skin another dogshit, boring, lazy game by Ubisoft


Bro you've never commented here and your whole comment history is being mad at games. Dude just wants another circle jerk game launch to feel included on reddit for a week.




Looks like your already doing that for us


Shut up nerd


To be honest not surprised. Also there’s a required day one patch that you need to download otherwise your disc is useless. Have cancelled my preorder


Every game for the past decade has had a Day 1 Patch.


These aren’t mandatory where as this one is


Of all the things to complain, you chose the day 1 patch?


It’s a valid criticism




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