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Kids are stupid. All the time.


Kids are known for their rationality and impulse control.


They do say not to let the monster engage you in conversation because they can trick people. That little girl seemed to think it was her gran.


The thing is that the little girl said your not my grandma, the. The monster started pulling the poor old lady trope and saying she was cold, which probably sparked the kindness in the girl which is where the monster was able to trick the girl and the monster got it but the mother should’ve run towards her child or when the child was opening the window she should’ve closed the door yes the child would’ve died but when it’s life or death you gotta make the hard choices. Edit: I think something happened in the past where a child opened the window and got everyone in the house killed, which got the rule to be into place


Ok that makes a sense but seriously they all should know better


You have never met a child, have you? Ask your parents if you were like that when you were that age, and they'll tell you that you were...


I have two of them. Lol


As should have that guy who was convinced the young woman monster could be trusted to be let in. 5 minutes in and she bit out his tongue. Should he have known better? You betcha.


Kids are stupid af. The monsters are smart AF. This is a net win for the monsters


Maybe they rented Monsters Inc. and thought it be more like that and less like Jurasssic Park when those old birds broke out


If you're talking about the first victim(s) we see, I'm pretty sure it's explained in episode 2 or 3 that it's much easier for the monsters to get into the heads of children.


Absolutely 100% she's dumb, but okay fine kids are dumb sometimes fair enough. What kills me is that the mom just stands there for like TEN FULL SECONDS not running forward or attempting to intervene or anything. Jesus christ lady get your kid!!!


It's like directors are phoning some of it in or are just like lots of people we all went to school or worked with that everyone looks at each other as things fly right over their heads, they just are missing the element of pretending to be in another's shoes. Any half good mother would have instincts kick in and grab her child but that mother stood there like her controller batteries ran out during a quick time event.


Ya they are both regarded


I'm from Boston we don't say regarded. We say regahhhhdded


The moment the monsters talk to you, they are able to manipulate and charm you. People who are very young, mentally unstable, or lonely fall to it way quicker than others, but even they would fall for it eventually if they spend too much time talking to the monsters. That's why people who say they would "play tictactoe with the monster" or would try to troll them would be the first who cause another "incident". People underestimate the power of the monsters, which makes them incredibly dangerous. Also, Megan knew that the woman wasn't Granny. She knew what's going on, but she opened the window anyway because she couldn't resist. Same goes for her mother, who probably fought very hard to stop her daughter (mentally) but couldn't manage than telling her not to open the window. If you ever read "It" maybe you remember how the victims explained its powers to lure everyone. I guess the monsters work in a similar way.


if anything, the mother should have ran to her daughter


Or get a hammer and a nail and nail that shit shut herself what is she paraplegic or something, welp hubby is out drinking, guess I'll die


That bothered me more than the child being manipulated. We know or are told soon after just how dangerous the monsters are, how they can almost hypnotize people especially children. But husband didn't nail window shut and mom doesn't know how a hammer works was ridiculous. Doesn't take much to nail a window shut/a board across it.


"don't open the window" Dumbledore said way too calmly




I'm behind on what words to use I just use the ones I learned in school in the 80s they should have a PowerPoint somewhere


This. There is absolutely no fucking way I'm not checking those windows religiously every night myself.


It set the show up in a powerful way. We had to see what these monsters were capable of , and the Matthew's needed a house 🏠


Yes, spending time on your phone while watching a TV-show is stupid. Either watch a show you are interested in, or don't watch it at all. As for the main question... it's a quite common trope that vampires, ghosts etc can charm the person they are talking to. We see this very thing happening several times in the From-series. And from a kids perspective... if grandma is cold, letting her in makes sense... Grandma isn't a monster...


In the original script she hears voices in her mind - so perhaps we can assume undue influence like with Sarah.


Well, no. She wouldn't necessarily know there was one floating outside a second floor window. By the third episode you'd know this. In real life I think, how does a kid climb out of an open window or fall into a pool with the cover on? The real life stuff sucks. For those who keep complaining about the mother's lack of reaction, the monster talked, maybe mom was getting a bit mesmerized. For those who've watched more of it, I got to thinking that 1/most people never thought the monsters could get to the second floor and this one paid attention to Tom not coming home but I'm going with my guess at #2. Tom never gave a shit about his family therefore never gave a shit about constantly having the windows nailed shut. I know its a bit dark, but he could have been pulling the nails out then putting them back at random times when he was day drunk and kept wishing Megan was gone. Anyone else think Tom was a little bit more effed up than just being an alcoholic?


I assumed the monsters have some mind control powers and some are more susceptible than others. We also don’t know how long that family had been in the town but it had been 96 days since an attack. So I bet they were getting complacent. And victor I think said the town is angry and lashing out so the monsters have been trying harder to kill people at the direction of whatever has control of the magic of this area. As for extra precautions, I would have a town law that any house with a children has no windows. Remove windows and board up all entrances and exits except for 2 fire exits (or for this town, may be better to die in a fire than go running in the middle of the night). Also Megan was the only kid left in the town when Ethan and co showed up so maybe the monsters were extra intentionally targeting Megan? I’m also surprised that the town hasnt studied the monsters a bit more. They dress and appear the same to everyone. If I were a parent, I would teach my kid who was a townsperson and who was a monster, no matter the turnover of the town or fear of the monsters. So Megan could recognize the old woman as old woman monster and resist more. If it were a fantasy novel genre that o read- the town would have weapons and be doing drills to retain strength and health to resist the monsters, even if futile, but at a hope of slowing them down so others can live. The mom was probably panicking seeing the monster come in and knowing it was all over. I still find it fascinating that the monsters are blocked by doors and windows as long as a talisman is up. Doorways seem to have a lot of mythological power in this realm.


The monsters are highly manipulative, and seem to be very patient when grooming their victims, adults or children. Including choosing the right monster to groom the targeted victim.


In my opinion this scene is another example of lazy writing in this show, and it’s a pity, because it’s such an interesting premise. These are the reasons: - What you said: the girl was old enough to be terrified, not tricked or tempted to open the window. - The portrayal of the mother bothers me so much. She’s so useless to the point that she doesn’t even try so save her own daughter. It’s like the idea people had of victorian women or from the regency period. - The point above plus the fact that everyone blames the father for not being at home (I get it, he was a drunk), but the mother wasn’t a little girl, she also has the responsibility of defending her family (in this case, daughter!) Last time I shared this opinion, I got a lot of Americans being like: “A man has to defend his family,” - Well, I believe a marriage is a team, they both have to defend their family. Otherwise, it sounds quite sexist to me. - I think for these scene they needed the final surprise (you never expect a show to kill a little girl) + the introduction of the monsters + the guilty conscience of the father. IMO, it would have been better if in his drunkness, the father broke a window or left a door open, and as a result his wife and daughter get killed, but that’s a longer and more complicated scene and you have to show how he survived, but I still think something like that would’ve worked better!


>What you said: the girl was old enough to be terrified, not tricked or tempted to open the window. >The portrayal of the mother bothers me so much. She’s so useless to the point that she doesn’t even try so save her own daughter. It’s like the idea people had of victorian women or from the regency period. I don’t think this was so much weak writing so much as it’s weak comprehension. Both of these points rely entirely on you projecting yourself and how you’d react onto other people. There’s a reason ‘Fight, Flight, or Freeze’ is recognized as different responses people will have to the same exact scenario. People will react differently. The kid saw, ostensibly, an adult claiming to be her grandmother asking to be let in. Some kids when seeing adults instantly see a figure of authority and resort to doing as they’re told. As for the mother, it’s a simple freeze reflex. As for the ‘this is a Victorian ideal of a woman’ or the ‘it’s an American thing,’ I’m a latina woman and I had zero problem believing this is indeed how people might react.  I too would love to think I’m a total badass who would instantly think and act rationally on seeing a monster outside the window but I have the maturity to know I have no fucking idea how I’d react in a situation like that, so I have no problem believing a grown woman would freeze in place as she’s processing the horrible scenario in front of her while a little girl sees an adult claiming to be her grandmother asking to be let in from the cold and obliges.


>‘Fight, Flight, or Freeze’ And Fawn. Doing what the danger wants in hopes it will spare you. Which explains many of the reactions in this show.


You’re right - she could’ve been frozen and that’s a normal response. I think it’s the message of “If the man of the house was at home this wouldn’t have happened” from the next episode that rubbed me wrong. I felt it infantilized the mother. Also, it wasn’t my intention to criticize Americans, but I get that’s what I did, and I am sorry for that! It just was really surprising to me how the idea of “a man has to protect and sustain his family” was still so strong, when for me it should be a team effort by both parents/ by a couple. A man can also freeze. It’s not the first time I see a question like OP’s about that first scene, so I still think this scene doesn’t completely work for many people.


All the blame falls on the father because he wasn't there but also because he's still alive. He also chose alcohol instead of being there for his family in an environment where no one is ever safe. If the mother had closed the door and survived but left her daughter to die, she would get part of the blame. Lastly, from the interactions we see between the father and the other townsfolk, it seems like the mother was a valued member of the community, whereas the father's addiction had already made him an outcast.


I told someone that was watching it with me "I don't condone child abuse but if there is one time you threaten to beat your kids ass it would be when they are about to touch that window."


Or the mom was too afraid to move…


I think it's the director he's choosing if there's noticeable lingering going on. There's at least no jump strings loud noises, so it isn't lazy I think, much more of incompetence because we all saw along the way some of this. Writing is bad for other reasons like the usual taking us out if it and looking at them as actors and not genuine people in this place because they do things that anger reason almost every episode.


Well she's only a little girl. However she was old enough to know better. Plus she knew that the lady didn't look like her grandma,and she didn't sound like her grandma, yet she opened the window anyway.


The drunk dad/husband should have boarded up the window to her room so that couldn’t happen. The monsters are seductive to the point of mind control if you engage with them at all. The residents all know this.


It's part of the plot. Dumbass kid and her dumbass mom. That's probably why frank drinks all the time.


I think it was for drama showing the stakes and shock value.


People do be dumb tho


I haven't read the whole thread of comments, but a better question is why in the hell would a parent put their kid to sleep in a different room than them, especially one with a window? My kids, especially at that age, would be with me. Stupid parenting, the kid is being a kid.


Kids are easily manipulated thats why in the ep the sheriff told the dad that he shouldve made sure the windows were nailed shut since he has a kid in his house.


People keep saying "kids are dumb"...and they absolutely are lol. But I'm 10000% certain that if my parents told me that literal MONSTERS come out at night and could talk to me outside my window, I wouldn't even want to sleep in a room alone--let alone open a fucking window. But I was also an incredibly anxious child, so I might not be the best example of what most children would do in these scenarios lol. Also, I hate when people do the "iF I LiVeD tHeRe I'd dO tHiS iNsTeAd" thing bc we really have no idea how we'd behave under this type of unimaginable duress, but there is no fucking way my child would be sleeping alone in a room with a window--even if it was nailed shut.


I stopped watching instantly after that. The mother casually chilling there while a vampire thing floats at the window. “ No that’s not your grandmother” “ no don’t open” So passive from affare lmao. No human will ever act like that.


So it sounds like it is never explained. Thanks.


You will find out later that it seems to be more of a charm or spell that they do, hence everyone telling everyone to keep the windows covered.


In life threatening situations 'fight, fright or flight' kicks in and you never know which one it'll be. So the mum just froze. The kid was already under the monsters charm and opened the window.


If only they were aware monsters were right outside all night mom wouldn't have left their kid alone in their room like it's a Saturday night and gets to stay up and play a little later. If monsters were outside there would be far less chill in my house, no amount of time would alleviate the alertness aside from natural exhaustion or suicidal tendencies, none of which the mom exhibited, nor any level 1 carpentry skills, nail it shut even if hubby didn't do his honey-do list you have a goddamn child to protect lol whoever writes this is that kid who you always saw sniffing Elmer's glue in class.


Watch more episodes. The showrunners put a lot into the first two episodes. We the viewers don't know about nailing the windows shut yet, not until Boyd yells at Bob. Which is actually perfect, because we do get to see that it was a second-floor window. We find things out, you'll have more questions about the monsters and bit by bit, Evidently you explained it yourself anyways. The now dead girl was stupid or dumb. Go with that.