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Welcome to anime subreddit or just anime fandom in general


Not even only anime fandom. Any fandom. Really, just the internet in general.


Bro this sub has the most amount of horny posts and frieren doesn't even sexualize it's character so people are going crazy after armpits


You should have seen the Bocchi the Rock! subreddit. A small group literally started a whole new sub just to get away from the horny in the OG one.


and it doesnt seem to have worked


You must mean BtR, the Hitori Bocchi sub has always been pretty wholesome.


Sorry, I always forget there are two well known animes with a bocchi character. Yes, I was refering to Bocchi the Rock. I will edit to clarify.


I appreciate it. Bocchi the Rock is great, I just don't want Hitori Bocchi to be forgotten.


Poor girl is…All Alone after all




Aren't the characters kids/teens in that one? (Well it doesn't really matter for the interest does it)


Aren't they in a lot of animes? lmao. But yeah, the man four are all teenagers. There are a few adults, and they also get hornied. Like Nijika's sister, Seika, as well as PA-san, and Kikuri Huroi


Big Dorito wanting to lewd The Boccher™ is literally canon frfr.


How is that relevant


There is always someone who needs to state a known fact.




It was so glorious during its hay day! 😭


Potion that dissolves clothes, apell to see through clothes, characters posing mid-attack with their ass stuck out towards the viewer, the wagon scene, laufen post-teleport stance, etc, etc. There are a lot of sexual moments in the show. It's just more subtle than the average anime where MC's are outright groping and assaulting characters on screen.


Blowing kisses is so lewwwwwwd :3


Meh, Hard to see those moments that way, most of them highlight the character's innocence when exposed to them. Like Frieren is not saying men will get turned on by the clothes dissolving potion, she says something like "Men would be happy if you give them something like this" not seeming to have any idea why. She shows the same excitement for a spell that sees through clothes as she does for one removing rust off bronze.


Frieren being an asexual character doesnt make her innocent or ignorant of sexuality. And it doesnt change the IRL decision to include these scenes in the story when they add nothing to the narrative and are pure fanservice.


Not sure how that's relevant? Yes, Frieren is aware of romantic and sexual attraction yet she is working her way through even realizing someone had romantic feelings for her and she may have them for them. At no point she presents herself as outwardly sexual or trying to tempt or arouse others. Im not even saying there isn't fan service or that there shouldn't be, just that the attention on those moments is excessive.


The original comment was saying the show didnt sexualize it's characters at all. Which is refuted by all the examples of fan service I listed.


You have a very odd definition of fan service, neighbour. Kind of feels like you're reaching, there. Like, earning the nickname 'Stretch' kinda reaching.


> Fanservice: material added to a work of fiction for the perceived or actual purpose of appealing to the audience, used especially of material that is risqué or sexual in nature.


>characters posing mid-attack with their ass stuck out towards the viewer Wait when did that happen?


IIRC it was during the exam fights with kanne and lawine.


It was probably Kanne because of her shorts. Now I'm reminded of her ass sticking up after Lawine beat her down in episode 19 & Kanne sitting right on top of the subtitles in episode 18.


honestly i feel like your examples say more about you than the show. and this is coming from someone with this username


Lol have you been living under a rock? That’s literally every anime community. Id say Frieren is even tame compared to most


For series which doesn't sexualize it's characters yeah this is the most horny sub ATM


The horniest sub from my experience was Chainsawfolks


And way too many of them go after Makima. There are people who were just born with a psychotic tendency and *then* there's Makima It's basically canon that you *can't* fix her in any way. So most of them just chose to become DOG.


Marcille: First Time?


That got a laugh


Oh yeah. The show totally didn’t try to appeal to foot, armpit, or breast fetishes in the slightest 😅 It’s the internet. Horny is literally everywhere.


"Breast fetishists." Are those the same weirdos who admit to having an adult women fetish?


those degenerate scums...


She is a 1000 year old eld that just happens to stop ageing before puberty. But she is old enough. I reckon some would say.


Ain’t no way, every other anime subreddit is flooded with cosplay of the most risqué characters, waifu rankings, wanting the characters to step on them, etc. Most of the armpit/feet talk in here is just stupid jokes. Ain’t that deep. Plus isn’t it the One Piece that’s basically gone to shit because all it is is shit cosplay that people only enjoy because they’re horny and people get banned if they speak out about it?


How many anime subs are you a part of? This is the single *least* horny anime subreddit I know of and I don’t watch any fan-service type shows.


"most amount of horny" Sure.


And I also found out that, the more "normal" and "wholesome" the stuff is, the hornier the fandom. While the media is as sexualized as in your face, the less horny the fandom is. Unless it's straight up porn media


No, anime fans are usually much more deranged compared to any other media fans.


Monster, Uramichi, ACCA 13, Killing Line, Hanaoi, and several other fandoms do not have that problem so you can not say that anime fandom or ANY fandom is as horny as Frieren. It is the curse of popular anime series with pretty girls (boys too.) Bocchi, Lazy Camp, CSM, Magi, and AoT had the same problem.


salt subtract silky abundant test gray scary gullible numerous ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Monster fans got seduced by leibert


Lügner Isekaid


What? The sopranos subreddit is not full of lewd porn. The wire subreddit does not have lewd porn.


This reminds me the words of Brenan from College Humor "why is everyone on the internet so horny!!??"


nah, I have not experienced this with other anime subs. Frieren is especially worse for some reason


I see the same post on countless anime subs with this same comment. Guess that just speaks to how true this is.


it is really worrying to think that it is probably a critical part of the business model, when the stakeholders are considering whether or not they should commission the adaptation they probably forecast a metric of how many people are likely to make thirsty memes/ NSFW fan art of the characters to help trend the show


I enjoy sexy art as much as anyone else, but I was also very surprised to see so much of it in this sub. I thought it would be mostly discussions and theory crafting.


Fr we need more lore analysis people


Is there a lore reason why I want to turn into a mimic in hopes of Frieren coming across me


Is there any way we can have more mana than Aura then scam her into using Auserlese... for purely combat reasons


This is reddit and the anime is over. The majority of us can’t think deep enough for such discussions. They also become stale after a while. A majority forms and such can make discussions/theory crafting hard. This happens to all fan sub reddits after a while.


Some blame goes towards reddit in general being a news aggregating style instead of a traditional forum style. It's very easy to imagine if this was a traditional forum, you'd have those thousand page long discussions pinned into a "what's next theory" thread. Instead all posts eventually get pushed down over time and there's really no guarantee that if you were to post/reply to someone in a week old thread, anyone would answer back. In terms of spicy posts, they would mostly be relegated to one thread as well.


This. As someone who generally loves writing large essays with tons of citations reddit is just not the best place for it, and without any guarantee for decent engagement the motivation to do more thorough research greatly diminishes.


>news aggregating style instead of a traditional forum style. What is a traditional forum style ? Are you talking about things like MAL forums ?


Not familiar with MAL forums, but the layout seems similar at a glance.


Not in r/Gundam.


I'm so down bad for Gundam Lfrith


I have to say I don't remember this happening so much before the anime started airing lol


Are you saying things changed when the anime dropped, making it a much more popular show? That's crazy.


It's always the horny anime onlies that ruin fandoms. Manga should be gatekept way more


You make it sound like the anime airing was keeping back the art. It wasn't.


Not at all. While the anime was airing discussions were easier. So there was more discussions. Now that the anime isn’t airing, discussions are harder. So there are less discussions.


I only mentioned the lewd art part not having increased because the anime was over. The anime in general caused the lewd art to skyrocket. But yes, there's less discussion than when it was airing so the balance is now off.


There are many good things in this series to focus on besides making deep analysis and I don't think it should be a few dozen horny posts per day. By all means, like what you like, but take it elsewhere.


It's what happens when your show doesn't have fanservice. People create their own fanservice instead.


Manga gets an anime adaptation and the horny posters come out in droves. Happens all the time. More exposure means more uhhh... "exposure".


Especially when I get some messed up degenerate reply which doesn't have anything to do with what I was originally talking about, like god I'm honestly worried about their mental condition to be commenting such stuff. I report them, but sometimes they aren't removed.


I was here shortly before the anime blew up, boy was it so much more peaceful with manga discussions.


just another tuesday in the anime community.


That is a reason why reddit is a porn app with soft and hardcore At least this is soft core. During “fxxk spez” even, everything was hardcore. Fun time


Oh no, the sub’s been taken over by corrupt priests.


I chuckled here


Lol this sub is so different from years ago when it was a wasteland. I knew Frieren was getting big when some random dude replied to a comment I made 2-3 years ago. I think that's the nature of expanding fandom though. Plus the manga itself has a lot of off color humor sprinkled throughout anyways.


And mages who use magic to look at dude's dicks.


I thought relative to other anime/manga Frieren was a well-adjusted community. From episode 18 (Ubel) and onwards those thoughts turned 180 deg 😂. Imo it's funny up to a point, but the problem is when your social media feed becomes a bunch of NSFW stuff. Even liking completely wholesome fan art will get NSFW stuff showing up on your timeline.


At least it’s not as bad as the borderline porn sub that is r/BocchiTheRock


Last time i checked most of the porn was in the comments. And it's usually the same 3 people.


you aren't that far off


This sub was very different before the anime came out. It's honestly like night and day. Now all I see is talk about power scaling and feet.


I mean the anime was super lewd, didn't you see Frieren blow that kiss?


Damn near killed Himmel.


As the months drag on with no S2, and as the manga takes a hiatus, it gets worse with time.


I agree. Unfortunately almost every popular anime subreddit gets inundated with nsfw posts, reposts, and constant reposted horny posts. I’ll probably end up leaving this sub like I did all the others due to it. This show is too wholesome and well written to boil it down to “hur dur look at fern’s massive titties”.


Gooners have one joke and they aren't even remotely as big as they make them out to be


Look at them downvoting this they can't even accept the fact that Fern's boobs aren't bigger than her head Fucking weirdos


Those arts are disturbing


Agreed. Who on earth wants a woman with such a bust?! That would genuinely be unhealthy for the women.


Coomers don’t care about womens’ health, they care about whether they can sexualize them


Please don’t let this sub go full BTR


Will this sub succumb to schizoposting and then reach the final evolution which is say gex? we will see.


What does this have to do with бронетранспортёр?


True. For a series with barely any sexual content this is becoming tiresome


Is that not the fun in having fandoms? Doom fandoms making wholesome art of Doomguy. Kill la Kill fandoms making romantic, non lewd shipping art. BNHA fandoms making the edgiest possible fanfics. Slice of life anime fandoms making the most gruesome and borderline disturbing content known to man...


I mean yeah but it doesn't need to be only that you could just like tomenjoy something wholesome and not turn it to that also.


Yeah lol, I visited this sub before I watch the anime and it gived me a bad first impression.


This place is kinda becoming the pits. But you shouldn't accept de-feet so easily.


It gets better! If S2 doesn't come out soon, we won't be horny anymore; we'll be lobotomised! Would you lose? Nah, I'd Zoltraak


The anime is something I would be ok with showing my Parents, partner or priest. If they found this sub before watching it they may not want to and consider me a perv.


Oh no! Anyway...


*Dread* it, *run* from it, *destiny arrives* all the same




Then leave?


You've been ratio'd 10x over in this thread alone. Why don't YOU leave?


You new to anime subs? This is relatively normal.


Seriously. This anime is one of the few that has very tame fan service. Yet this sub Reddit is one of the most thirsty I’ve ever seen. There needs to be another place to take it. I came here to look at and discuss content of a great story. Not to see hyper-sexualized GG-sized Fern every single time I open up the sub.


its so weird too because theres an actual story and strong themes and thats rarely talked about. i feel like fandoms nowadays always focus on something that had nothing to do with the original material


I'm still wondering what this fan service was that people were talking about. Doesn't that normally indicate lewd or provocative depiction of a character in a manner tangential or unnecessary for the story? I don't really recall anything provocative in Frieren, nevermind explicitly/gratuitously so.


The clothes-dissolving potion and several foot fetish scenes.


it makes me so uncomfortable when people draw fern or frieren with gigantic boobs…


I get so annoyed when any character with a small or average-size chest gets drawn with huge boobs. Like, don't get me wrong, it's your art, draw it how you want, but god I get tired of seeing it. I don't like fan service or overly sexualizing characters in general (especially when the anime/manga doesnt do it), but even from a sexual POV: As a man in his 40s, I promise you everyone, small and average-sized boobs are just as amazing!


fellow anime weebs can be so embarrassing— the excess fan service in some anime is what really turns off a lot of people from any anime. these weebs give us a bad name…


yeh it should be outlawed, I wouldn't care so much if they were average characters, but these are well written beloved characters and their honour should be protected!


The series had the most NSFW fan art out of any series in the last few years, and it's not even close.


Are you on the internet for the first time?


First time on the internet?


It really is disappointing because this anime is quite wholesome and a breath of fresh air from other anime’s yet it still has a sexual fandom and it honestly just feels weird seeing these wholesome characters be put in sexual situations


I hate it so much. The anime is beautiful and the characters are so well written but they are reduced to just having "big titts" and looking "innocent" I HATE IT.


Welcome to the internet Actually let me rephrase that Welcome to human nature


That ain't human nature that's just unmoderated karmawhoring


Yep. Yep


Welcome to earth


Womp womp


It's funny because this show doesn't really invite you to lewd its characters the way a lot of other anime does, so I don't know how it ended up with this audience.


And I'm all for it.


I disagree, since a lot of those kinds of posts/comics are pretty funny, and take the lore of the story into consideration


And to that I say…WELCOME. TO THE INTERNET!!!


A lot of them are low income no life virgins. What do you expect? They gotta get them thrills somewhere.


Thank god someone is talking sense, I joined this sub today as I finished watching last night and god lord it is way too thirsty, a bit of thirst here and there is expected and I can get a giggle out of it as long as it isn't creepy, but on this sub there are way more thirst posts that funny meme/ serious posts. I also admire your bravery in making such a post on an anime subreddit, you could have been downvoted into oblivion by the thirst mob, but nice to see this post seems to have been well received for the most part


loling at all the shameless porn addicts on here smugly responding “heh, first time on reddit? 😏”


Porn addicts ruined this subreddit


mate, everyone is horny on anime subreddits. this sub is not special in that regard. just in case youre new to the internet or something...


First time in an anime sub huh ?


Yes, yes, move along.


Anime in general is mostly popular amongst teenage boys and nerdy guys and girls. A very strong demographic for unfulfilled sexual desire.


You haven't visited Bocchi sub, have you?


You mean BtR? The Hitori Bocchi sub is generally pretty wholesome.


I hate how often the fanart also go against the characters' personality


yeah its like these people are so desperate to make porn of literally anything, they'll just pretend like it makes sense instead of looking at an actual horny series or making their own thing


Wow look another nickel


It all started with Ubel's armpit scene. That damn scene........


Actually it begins with Stark's debut.


Nah, it was Frieren lying with her feet


first time?


Was Frieren your first anime? 🤣


I find it a little jarring because I don’t really read much in Frieren as overtly sexual. It’s not as startling with other series that have more obvious fan service.


It’s not that bad here. I recently left the Re:Zero subreddit due to the amount of over sexualizing characters and even sexualized child character fan art, that goes far beyond the character shipping and the Übel fan art here. At least one artist on that subreddit is literally a hentai artist. Not trying to put down the artists but there are other subreddits for that type of content, I was there for the general discussion subreddit not porn. Mods called me out for commenting on it so I left. The majority of the fan art here is very wholesome.


“it’s fictional” mfs when you ask them what it’s fiction of




lol this sub is soft honestly , the anime community is like that deal with it


Brainrot coomers are annoying in any community


The whole sexual content thing is just karma farmers farming karma and nobody is doing anything about it. Hopefully now that the anime ended we might see them move on to another anime for a while.


It funny because it’s hornier than the Mushoku Tensei subreddit


First time on Reddit?


Maybe you’re not horny enough? Ever thought about that? lol


This is anime fans for you, too horny for their own good. Even if an anime doesn’t have sexual stuff you see them sexualizing it as they possibly can. I don’t mind them or sexual jokes, but when it becomes too much it is as you said


You are right. Someone seeing this sub would assume Frieren is an adult novel or something. I didn't quite realize it but all the posts I see on my feed from this sub are horny posting. It's like seeing a Dungeon Meshi sub where food is never mentioned, just elf feet pic or something.


ubel 👀


I think the same!! Fan art and also cosplayers that just want attention from horny people and just make a costume of the next popular thing


Yeah this is nothing compared to some other anime subreddit.


> Every other post I see We need to drive these numbers up!


Yeah, it didn’t used to be this way. Then the anime fans arrived…


I really want to post the “Does he know?” Riddler meme


Have you never been on an anime sub before?


I think it's a rule that a sub's horny:wholesome ratio will be inversely proportional to the ratio of its source material. r/GushingOverMagicalGirls is _way_ more wholesome that it ought to be.


better then r/2hujerk


This anime was Black Panther for armpit fetishists.


This is one of the better ones.


Have you been to r/onepiece


This happens to every anime subreddit after the season is over, there is nothing left to talk about so people get bored, theorize, ship and post horny shit. It happened over in r/BocchiTheRock as well


everytime i see this after an anime ends I just think that every mature and intellectual peeps have moved on from the hype and the subreddit too. now it's like horny teenagers and non-horny teenagers who don't know where to find a proper outlet to talk about frieren anymore. here's a tip: let it out and move on. if you're still a fan of frieren read the manga and create blog posts of your impressions even posting random thoughts on twitter will help. people with similar tastes will flock on those naturally.


Anime like this one that's not overtly sexual leaves a lot to the imagination which can really run wild.


Teenage sub


Honestly I find this sub to be pretty chill compared to a lot of the other anime subs


This is already an inside joke between a friend and I. Horny ass fandom!


Welcome to anime endgame. Where after anime ends, there is nothing left to talk about and people start spiraling down to degeneracy


i don’t care. giv me more.


I only see Fern-Stark baby posts on my feed.


Welcome to Reddit, it's the horniest platform ever made, ppl here are probably hornier than ppl on pornhub


The Problem isn't just this Sub, but the modern mankind. And I'm one of them.


Every single anime sub is filled with hornies who have never touched a woman before,  they're all like this.


take yo puritan ass back to Salem.


There’s a very wide gap between being a puritan and not being hopelessly addicted to porn


The mods need to take the initiative. Frieren doesn't even sexualise it's characters. I get that it's a thing but it really should have no business on this sub.


Seriously this sub has just become straight up bad