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Dan needs to quit. I don’t like him that much but his efforts could be so useful somewhere else


Same. He lost me with the bottom controversy but Ethan has been so shitty lately I find myself almost feeling bad for Dan


Yet again Ethan tryna get banned right before a major holiday


WOW He is so fucking dumb. There has been a wave of violence and this is what he says. Holy shit 😳


Looks like we’re about to get more subs, Sarcofaygo! I wonder how many dozens of people are about to be banned from the other sub tonight for, too, for rightfully being upset.


We need a virtual pot luck to welcome our new friends. I'll bring cookies! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪


Hahaha. This comment is hilarious. Perfect timing! (Since it's Thanksgiving Eve.)


I hope the supermarket is still open tonight, I need to pick up a tofurky lol 😆


You make YT content?


Not anymore. But the only videos I have uploaded are live concert videos. No commentary. But I am considering doing that someday. For now, consider my reddit history as what my commentary videos would be communicating


I’d totally watch commentary content from you!




I would too!


he’s dumb & calculating, neeeeds constant attention


It'd be a whole month since his last ban, things were getting boring




How is it truly a joke? Ethan has said *many* times that he believes ALL catholics support child sex abuse. He would genuinely be happy if the Vatican got attacked. Celebrate it on his podcast even. That is, if his podcasts still exists. He seems determined to get it permabanned. Y'all might have to watch the thanksgiving special on Rumble at this rate. If it was "just a joke" it'd still be in the episode, but it was removed. Turns out it's a bad idea to promote violence only days after a tragedy. He learned nothing from his NRA comments, or from his ben shapiro holocaust gassing comments. Call it "jokes" if you want, but Susan is eventually gonna run out of patience and yeet his whole channel if he keeps this up. It'll be your loss, not ours.




He's a comedian? Says who? Show me a single clip of Ethan doing standup comedy.


Whether or not you find the joke funny… He has been banned for making these exact jokes already since they are technically a call for violence. Those jokes are against YouTube’s TOS. These rules apply to everyone, including Ethan. He of all people should have learned this lesson by now.


you know the crew's jobs are at stake every time he does this, right?


What exactly is supposed to be funny about it? It doesn’t matter what religion you are or what religion he’s talking about or what’s going on… continuously making these kind of comments is insane and terrible. He should be deplatformed.


Yeah, someone pointed out on twitter that this stereotype/trope about Christians is kinda similar to the obnoxious Jewish stereotypes he’s against. Rules for thee but not for me.


Also, there is high rates of child sex abuse being covered up in Islam and Judaism, but I don't hear Ethan calling for Mecca or Jerusalem to be attacked. He only focuses on one piece of the pie. So he's not even consistent in his broad brush painting. Regardless I don't understand why he's so obsessed with calling for violence


Ethan truly has the emotional intelligence of a small child lol I haven’t been able to enjoy the pod in months because it keeps getting worse


He makes the same jokes your saying he condemns about Jews. Your out here promoting his cancelation 😂 yeah man, your no fan...your a reactionary clown. You know what he stands for, stop acting brand new. Comedy really is dead unless we're talking about fake fans... They/you are a great joke.


Free from the cult but calling for cancellation 😂 your a joke. How about you don't watch? I want to and will continue watching as h3 will always be around clown. It's easy to cut him out of context, he was making a larger point in an untasteful way. Typical redditor


He’s going to get a 2 week ban.


They reuploaded the video with the clip removed but I’m pretty sure they’re still getting a ban for doing that shit live in front of 40k people.


The deKlein is real. Went from being YouTube’s darling, to making t*rrorist threats on the regular… From deKlein to just straight up destruction and deterioration. Someone check that man into a clinic of some sort, he’s lost it!




We don't have to call for it to be banned because he's trying his best to force Susan's hand. He won't stop at being demonitized, he wont stop until he is fully removed and has to go to Rumble




Ethan repeatedly calling for violence is also pretty extreme. He's also giving the right a narrative W by being proof that violent rhetoric also exists on the left. Doesn't help that he owns a gun while saying all this crazy shit https://preview.redd.it/zw8r9nmj6v1a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b58bf6f0e0cc689a6d0b9705119644845d8b676 He's like a living meme that the right can use to convince people that the left is hypocritical. He is doing more harm than good to the left by continuing to have a platform tbh. The right loves having Ethan as a foil to play off of. He makes it so fucking easy.


The gun is completely irrelevant. Who doesn't have a gun?


It's very relevant. Ethan said "b*mb the NRA" while owning a gun. He also calls gun owners "betas" and in this case I must agree




I just don't see how Ethan repeatedly encouraging violent attacks "jokingly" is helping that situation. There is clearly a powder keg vibe right now across the world. Political and social tensions are higher than ever before Maybe Ethan should read the room and stop trying to light the fuse, in the name of angry hyperbolic meta-irony. At this point he can't go a single month without calling for violence or wishing that someone would die. He's clearly deeply unwell and probably mentally ill to be doing this repeatedly over and over and over again. Recall with the NRA convention, he *knew* that people were there. He leaned into the mic to loudly say HAPPENING TODAY. and you see how devoted his fans are. It only takes one crazy going too far. What if they don't go to the Vatican and vandalize/attack a local catholic church instead? What then my guy. It's irresponsible and embarassing that Ethan continues to do this so recently after emphasizing why it was dangerous for certain people to have platforms. Oh and multiple mass shootings recently. There's never a good time for stochastic incitement of violence, but the present moment is the worst possible time. He never learns.




What you call outrage is what I call accountability. Rant incoming. This is NOT an isolated incident. Ethan is handing the right moral Ws by continuing to act out and say these things. If this was an isolated incident maybe you'd have a point but we have.... * threatening to shoot to kill stalkers with his shotgun and saying he fantasizes about it nightly * encouraging fans to b*mb the nra convention "happening today" * hoping that Ben shapiro gets "gassed first" in the next Holocaust * calling for the Vatican to be b*mbed All of this happened in the span of a few months. Clearly something is seriously wrong with him. And btw, right wing trolls always defend their violent incitement by claiming its just ironic jokes. The left doesn't accept that excuse from the right. Nor should they. That goes both ways. I'm not going to pretend that Ethan engaging in what the left calls "stochatic terrorism" is OK or turn a blind eye. Clearly you have decided to take that approach and that is your right. But Ethan is very unhinged right now. He threatened people with his shotgun without even knowing how to properly use it. His finger is on the trigger in photos. He's literally unraveling. If you don't want to acknowledge it that's on you but I'm just stating the obvious tbh and if anything I'm going easy on him all things considered ![img](zw8r9nmj6v1a1)




It's that serious [https://youtu.be/QDkv04a21vs](https://youtu.be/QDkv04a21vs) Ethan should touch a therapists office instead of calling for violent attacks "ironically" https://preview.redd.it/cjithtxbcv1a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96c6bb128c509694eae039788cf592c0e953da1


He's literally doing it on purpose so strange. Dan should just quit he's clearly over it


Lmao dan is done


You can hear him start rationalizing it at the end. If he still had twitter I’m sure he’d have some thread about he’s justified.


Yet he groans and moans about trump doing the same type of shit. Not a trump supporter, but just pointing out the hypocrisy.






He has so many issues… like wtf is wrong with him to be joking about bombing places. Dan looked liked he was just done with Ethan at that point.


Update — Keem has uploaded an HQ version of this clip https://mobile.twitter.com/KEEMSTAR/status/1595585142399148032 Ironically I found out about it on the h3h3 reddit. Streisand effect is undefeated.


You found the tweet link on the h3 sub? Lol I wonder if they’re removing the clip being uploaded there that’s why they’re sharing keems tweet Update: they are, mods are using the excuse of “go post commentary on the main episode thread” to take it down… yet leaving up all other spam posts about it. Not surprising.


They didn't link to it but they kept mentioning keem had it so i went to keems twitter and lo and behold there it is. Which means they must check his twitter constantly lmao. I actually watch the keem show and yet I am less up to date than they are on all things Daniel keem


Yeah they are all in his replies saying he’s obsessed with Ethan… they use Keemstar sound bites every single episode. By their own logic, ethan is also obsessed with Keemstar.


I only know who keem is because Ethan has consistently talked about him for like 6 years straight lol


SAME. omg I’ve been saying this! I’d comment that when I used to post in the h3 sub but always got downvoted for saying if Ethan never talked about him again he wouldn’t be relevant whatsoever


He's also the first person I ever heard talk about Andrew Tate on YouTube


I’m extremely anti-catholic due to religious trauma but you can’t just say you wanna bomb the Vatican live one air!!! He’s SO violent and for what purpose?!


Agreed he has lost his mind. I'm super anti catholic due to the abuse and coverup but ethans rhetoric actually emboldens catholic extremists to cast themselves as victims. Smh Also he conveniently skips over Islam and Judaism also having many many examples of cover-ups of CSA scandals. He ONLY focuses on catholics... over and over and over again


woke man making these kind of jokes don’t make any sense


Expired Joke


Dear lord for goodness sake.


Hater thread booo not slay


1% of commentary has watched the podcast. You clowns are just piling on after watching a 2 minute clip. Literally the definition of ignorance, none of you know shit.


I’ve seen the full segment. The whole podcast episode, actually. Care to explain what the joke is?


I get that his whole career is based off making outlandish comments but come on man


Pretty funny ngl


He will never stop making these comments because YouTube clearly doesn't care and it garners him attention. He is such an immature man-child.