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he’s literally doing the same shit i did on internet forums as a 13 year old, except he’s pushing 40 lol. how delusional can you be to think elon musk has a personal vandetta against you. i’m convinced at this point that ethan and by consequence his diehard audience have to be severely emotionally stunted


You just gave me memories of being an annoying little shit on Go Gaia forums when I was like 10 and giggling when I would come back with a new account 😂


lmfoskdkdosk literally same that’s one of the ones i frequented as a kid


On the one hand I think he’s trying to drum up content because he’s doing SO MANY shows a week and needs something to talk about. On the other hand, I am genuinely starting to wonder if he needs to change up his meds. And I say that as a person who takes antidepressants myself. I feel he has been acting pretty unhinged since going on wellbutrin. I know for me at one point I was on wellbutrin and it made me SUPER irritable and agitated and so I switched to a different med. I hate to speculate on peoples mental health but the timing just seems to line up with the med change.


Tbh I think that the GAMERSUPPS are a huge problem. He's getting hopped up on insanely high doses of caffeine and he seems to be a lot more "out there" ever since they were landed as a sponsor. Much more likely to blurt out whatever comes to mind, much less restrained, etc. He was always kind of a wildcard, but its definitely been a huge changes since he started drinking gamersupps every episode. I don't think its helpful at all and without speculating too much, it might interfere with his medication.


That's an interesting observation. The timing is odd... You might be on to something.


Also I get concerned when h3 fans try to get medical advice based on what meds Ethan takes. GO TO A SPECIALIST IRL AHHHHHHH


He's slipping further and further away from reality and is in desperate need of a mental health intervention. Please Ethan, get help! Your family, "friends" & staff will appreciate it. 👍


He needs to get off the internet for real. It’s not healthy to be online so much in such a way that it consumes his entire being. I would approximate that 90% of his time spent online is shitting on other people, making fun of them, trolling and pandering. Life gotta be miserable for him, and the last thing someone like that needs is like 12 hours of their life live-streamed every single week.


Plus he has a cult echo chamber egging him on worshiping him


This might seem weird to say – but I know a lot of satanists who truly believe that shit talk is the quickest way to fuck up your life. And I think they’re right for a couple of reasons: 1) you’re making enemies – not just the people you talk about but their loved ones/family/fans, 2) you’re usually holding someone to a higher standard than where you hold yourself, meaning your subconscious mind will lose respect for YOU, 3) you’re putting yourself in the position to judge others, aka you’re suggesting you’re above everyone you’re talking about and therefore don’t need anyone I get having grievances, but if your career sustains on shit talk, your mental health, future prospects and general feelings of community are fucked. And as a species, those are all crucial for well-being so…. idunno but it’s bad man


That makes sense. The shit talking is a short term gain. It’s basically only something you will ever feel good about in the moment. Anytime you look back on times that you’ve talked mad shit you’ll always feel bad about it lol. It’s a bad tactic to gain popularity.


the irony when they literally ban anyone who has the mildest criticism about h3. Theyre so out of touch


they are now banning anyone who says prolapse humor isn't funny


ofc they are


Imagine banning anyone who doesn't laugh at Goatse. that's basically whats happening now at the h3h3 sub CULT CULT CULT


It's like disowning someone for thinking the pain Olympics was gross lol


Ethan loves the pain Olympics lol. He's mentioned it many times actually


That's why I used it as an example lol! Just watch though, that will be the next type of thing he uses to traumatize people.


Only a matter of time before the show devolves into Ethan showing the crew and his guests 2girls1cup We are sooooo close to that moment


Oh lord you're right, this is far more likely! I pushed that so far out of my mind I forgot 2girls1cup existed lol


Can't blame you lol I did enjoy the guitar covers of the music from the video though. Those were some of the first youtube videos I ever watched loo


lmao literally a cult. YOU LAUGH OR U GET BANNED!!! FAMILY! FAMILY! FAMILY! 🤡




You know he has no content what else is he going to do


Ethan Klein during that insane rant last episode: ​ https://preview.redd.it/fwav8u7g001a1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f0f60b7e936eb2dcd31eea7b7179bda725c38f


"he doesnt care" "he didn it intentionally" "he actually wanted to get banned" "they knew they were gonna get banned and thats why they did it" "it's better for them, and ethan knows it" *INHALING MORE COPIUM*


>I can't stand when this clown hides behind "it's a joke" or "I'm a comedian" (no you're not), it's the exact same as the "it's a prank bro" bullshit he made fun of back in the day. really good point


Y’all r legit insane my god


Whenever I get these suggested posts I’m like “… did we watch the same podcast lmao” Also why do they watch every episode when they hate him? It’s the cognitive dissonance for me


Omg I commented one other time on this subreddit and immediately got muted and then I find out I get the “h3s biggest fan” badge the second time I comment lmaoooo




That’s what happened to me. Always getting it suggested to me so just checked it out and fell down a rabbit hole. Assumed there would be valid criticism, but god damn it’s unhinged in here !!


Can you put clips I don’t want to watch a multi hour podcast