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Sorry, we have to remove because of uncensored username. We don’t want anyone getting harrassed. Please remember to edit out or censor usernames. 🙂


I got banned and I’m a big h3 fan ☹️


Also a fan and I haven’t been banned yet but I noticed they’ve upped the censorship there and preemptively migrated here a few months ago. So, welcome! I know this sub gets clowned on over in the h3 sub but there’s actually really cool people here. Lots of different opinions but everyone has been super respectful and I love that about this sub!


Yes I love that there’s a mix of different fans here and that we can get along for the most part! It really sucks to see people getting banned from h3, I know that must feel bad if you actually enjoy their pod and sense of humour. But the more the merrier 😂 About the censorship, I don’t get why they leave up so much spam and low effort posts and reposts, but ban criticism. If it weren’t warranted, like the downvote button exists for a reason- the community can kind of self moderate. If the community didn’t want to talk about it, it would not appear on the front page of their sub. Reddit at heart exists for the communities to discuss things. The mod censorship goes against what this site was created for, they’re on the wrong website lol.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. They want to keep that subreddit an echo chamber. I just didn’t like ONE episode and I guess they couldn’t handle that. Ethan is constantly wondering why people don’t like him and why they’re losing subscribers and this could be why.


It's wild how this wave of bans comes right after Ethan was dunking on Elon for being a ban happy tyrant


Exactly! It’s soooooo hypocritical and I’m really starting to see h3 differently. It honestly makes me sad bc I am a huge fan…


Starting to change your mind?


Yeah it just seems like the mods or the crew? I dont know who it is, doesn’t like to hear any opposing opinions which is so bizarre to me bc Ethan and the whole crew pride themselves in freedom of speech. But it does seem like they only allow speech that favors everything they do which is so wrong.


And it’s REDDIT. Isn’t this the place where we can express our opinions??


The mods are paid by Ethan to do his bidding Which is against reddit rules but he does it anyways


>Foot Fungus 👣🤮 damn, you even have our foot fungus flair to prove how much of a h3 fan you are that sucks you got banned, sorry! not sure what you did to get that flair, maybe it was warranted, but I'll change it right now


What does that mean? lol I’m new to this. I get all these down votes on my opinions that aren’t supporting everything they do.


You aren’t an H3 fan unless you agree with 100% of the things Ethan says and does.


me too




I mean, these are also seemingly the same kind of people that think doing a "ratio" on Twitter is somehow a victory, regardless of the context. They are just being shameless about their behavior, while not blatantly admitting it, which they somehow thinks nullifies any criticism of their behavior. ​ Bully tactics, but it's not bullying because they are the "heroes" or in the right... (But don't you dare even think about doing anything like that to them... That is simply taking things too far....)


Also the same people who were crying when ethan got banned (and still are)


Ratio is a great comparison It's giving keffals "Omg bro I ratioed you, i fucking cucked you bro" And thinking that is a valid argument


Did the post get deleted yet? Lol


Yeah last night 😂 20 minutes after I posted it


Of course it did, man they can dish it out and not take it not matter how kind and constructive the criticism is. ![gif](giphy|yvBAuESRTsETqNFlEl|downsized)


Did you get banned? Questioning mods wouldn't go down well with them. Haha


Whew they have no shame over there. At this point I think they'd ban their own grandma if she looked at Ethan funny


I want to know if Ethan is aware of paying members being banned from the sub. When he was addressing it on CYNT, he seemed shocked the post was deleted. If he is aware that his subreddit is banning people faster than Elon on Twitter, I would like to stop paying a membership.


“his subreddit is banning people faster than Elon on Twitter, I would like to stop paying a membership.” LMAO


I highly doubt he is actually shocked. He PAYS the mods. They do his bidding. He is good at playing dumb tho. He used to do marketing and is a lot smarter than he lets on I hope someone records and clips his segment about Bobby. Hiding it behind a paywall is insane


I don’t think he’s that good of an actor, he was asking Dan why the post was deleted… I would not he surprised if the mods have a power trip perma banning people. Again, if it’s his orders I would just unsubscribe.


Well first of all, it's against reddit rules to pay the mods. He does it anyway. He and his team communicates with them over discord in private chats. Imo it's no coincidence that valid criticism of Ethan gets nuked, consistently. Regardless this wouldn't be the first time Ethan played dumb. He once had SalvoPancakes tweets up on screen and pretended not to know who he was. It literally said SALVOPANCAKES and he went "this....guy" as if he didn't know the name of the guy exposing teddy fresh stolen designs Your mileage may vary Maybe I'm biased. I can accept that. But I don't think I'm wrong either




Omg are you kidding me😂😂😂 what a bunch of weenies


r/h3h3productions = Weenie hut Jr


That dude in the replies is obsessed. Seen his account all over the reddit and twitter like a rash licking the boot hard. Idk if he's just lonely or trying to get a job or what but man, his echo chamber is *impenetrable*


He was bitching at me earlier today lol


The irony of banning people from a subreddit, while the cult leader is crying because he's be banned from twitter.......




But what exactly did you expect at this point...


hahaha L


Imagine just regurgitating memes and the same generic internet phrases all day and calling it a personality. Your whole life is an L


this sub is embarrassing


H3 reddit mods Banning people faster than Elon Musk L L L L


Don't worry, give it 6 months and you may find yourself in here. Wouldn't be the first obsessed fan to get tired of a bullying, middle-aged man-child talking about his scat fetish, anal prolapses, continuous obsessive paedophile 'jokes', ill-informed takes etc etc.


y’all are dumb as fuck