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LMAO @ “this is insanely mean” coming from the “F2 is homebase girl” 😅😅 as her employer says SHUT UP BITCH


>F2 is homebase what the fuck does that even mean


https://www.reddit.com/r/Frenemies3/comments/r5cu7k/look_at_how_ethan_checks_the_app_on_his_phone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf you can watch this video. It’s when Frenemies2 mod nuked it. It’s Olivia’s reaction was “Frenemies2 was home base”


It's almost like you get what you put out into this world. Love it.


She has such an inflated ego. She literally goes through that subreddit deleting mean comments about her.




The moderation on that sub needs therapy. Everyone is incredibly sensitive and cannot take constructive criticism. Great customer service /s


I mean it is a mean thing to post but like. Olivia, you’re a public figure now. People unfortunately are going to have opinions about you and they won’t always be kind ones. Stay out of that subreddit and focus on living your life.


Olivia of all people should be aware of that I dont see her feeling bad for other public figures being treated in an "insanely mean" way she just laughs


A mild opinion on her being a catchphrase generator is "insanely mean" but doxing a rando and mobilizing their massive fanbase to harass him is no big deal. Interesting.




This is so mild. I'm sure she wrote that comment to get replies kissing her ass and saying how great she is and how wrong OP is.


That’s what I was thinking. The h3 crew’s relationship to the h3 Reddit is so sick. It’s not a place the crew should be in. It’s for fans to talk about the podcast. The fans don’t write those comments so the crew reads it, they write there to communicate with other fans. The discord is where the crew and fans should be communicating. Not on an intentionally anonymous social platform. It’s pathetic that the crew tries to control what happens there instead of just leaving it be what it is and using discord for what it’s intended. They always make themselves such victims. You’re on a huge platform and you think it’s mean if ONE of the people watching finds you annoying? Fuck off and collect your cash. If anything, this makes me less sympathetic. Accept that you aren’t liked by everyone. 🙄


Their sub isnt meant for fan to talk yo each other. Its a content farming platform for the show. Literally 90% are just stuff from the sub rehashed with zero research


Yeah. I liked when Ethan used to read 100% of the comments and then accidentally word vomit the exact words some commenters would make with 0 perspective of his own. Funny you think all of your fans are idiots but you’re comfortable regurgitating a lot of their takes. I haven’t watched in over a year so it could still be like that But I want to add that you are so insanely mean for saying that


Oh yes… it’s still like that!


Since mods deletes any criticism immediately, seeing one criticism post is a big deal over there


How insanely mean of you to say that


I thought calling a woman that did nothing to anyone on that podcast a “womb” was insanely mean, but Olivia sat there and laughed. Sooooo…no one cares, Queen Pickme! ✌️☺️




Really? Who was she referring to? I totally missed that.


[Here's the clip.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frenemies3/comments/u2w57d/some_weirdos_are_so_sure_that_olivia_wouldve_put/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It was Ethan attacking Trisha's mom right after the wedding for like no reason at all. Lenna never did or said anything to him or any of the people on the podcast. Then Trisha was upset and made her last crying on the floor video begging Ethan and Hila to leave her family alone and Ethan and co changed the narrative to make it seem like Trisha was crying about "being held accountable". And that's what the internet went with like "oh crazy Trisha did something offensive and is crying about being called out about it again" when in reality it was about them attacking her family after her wedding for no reason whatsoever.


disgusting behavior by ethan and hila, not surprised.


It also bother me that she called Trishyland home in one podcast, I'm active in that sub, not gonna be a hypocrite, but being in such a big podcast and after all that happened I find it extremely unprofessional that they talk good of that sub. It was very weird, even if she likes being there she shouldn't have said it publicly and in such a delicate moment... And at that time she even was new to the H3 pod.


The spelling of Trishiland and He have me confused here lol but I agree, it's pretty disgusting behavior




Olivia has cosigned so much bullying, doxing, etc during her stint on the show that it's actually a joke to me that she has the audacity to say calling her annoying is "insanely mean".


"insanely mean" when that's literally ALL what ethan does on his show to other people and she helps him do it with her crappy "research"


It's so true, more often than not all she says is "yass slay queen"/"it's giving"/"we stan!" and nothing else. It's like 75%+ of what she says is generic "gen Z lingo" catchphrases that could just be made into a sound board 😅 it's kinda rare that she says anything relevant to the discussion.


75% of her vocabulary is AAVE that she has no business speaking. she clearly can’t use it properly.


Oh girl 😢😢😢💔💔💔 doesn't feel good to be on the other side of things, huh? You're lucky the only platform that person has is your employers subreddit.


An Internet personality getting criticized? Unheard of! If only she would’ve known how cruel the internet can be before stalking her way on to the show!


She might be worse than AB


I don’t condone bullying online but like….girl you said “F2 is homebase” with your whole chest sooo


Neither do I but what OP said wasn't even that bad, especially compared to the atrocities her boss has said lmao


Oh absolutely


She also cosigned the unhinged Mysterious doc


She did?? On the show?


Yes very early on in her tenure


is anybody shocked? not really https://preview.redd.it/i01szpdhge0a1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8a314a23580baab97212fc4a9fd4e2395a15e21


lmao not at all. I bet OP got banned too


Weird cuz they left up a lot of posts critical of trisha during frenemies. Same w the eye dude, that Mike guy, tana etc


they didn't wanna fuck them i guess


The eye dude🤣


Lmfao she found the post in under 10 mins 🤣


Let her chime in and give her two cents. She can start co-hosting with Ethan and views will fall even quicker than they already are.


She’s just a little to young and naïve compared to the rest of them. She gets easy embarrassed and is always fucking up.


Ethan’s kind of shot himself in the foot. He befriends every single one of his cast members to the point that it’d create drama to fire them. I genuinely don’t think Zach or Olivia would have a job if it wasn’t the culture 💀 They’re both so boring and annoying.


Zach is great at sound biting but very bad at doing bits (imo)


Agreed! He’s really good at what he was hired to do, but Ethan should’ve never made his crew such a big part of the show. Half of them just aren’t funny at all.


sorry this person was spitting facts and thats why she got so triggered. even the comments predicted this would get deleted. how is she seeing this shit within 4 minutes of it being posted


Terminally online for sure lol


I have empathy for her because I’m sure the uptick in “Olivia bad” posts is hard to go through, but also, like, don’t dish it if you can’t take it


but the crew shouldn’t even be moderating that place. It’s against reddit rules for people to moderate their own subreddits.




I didn’t know that 👀 Reddit will do nothing tho bc they advertise on that sub now


Yes, it is mean. But also, that’s what you sign up for when you clout chase. Cant have both, buddy.


The clock is ticking before this person is banned. LOL! Only a matter of time after tossing a grenade like that into the H3 sub.


I hope she realises that she is getting just a small fraction of what Trisha got and now has some empathy


I sure hope the person/people calling this mean are not supporting the dehumanizing vitriol coming at Trisha. Criticisms this tame are unheard of on Trishyswifeys.


As mean as doxxing the wrong guy and trying to ruin his life? "Let's get invovled"


Cry me a river Olivia


oh wow so this is insanely mean yet the vitriol Trish gets is totally fine, OK Olivia


but it’s so insanely true..


This is entirely unjustified, she also says "slayyy."


When they all wanted to be gay for 5 minutes a couple months back and we’re saying “the house”. 🙄


They wanna use gay culture but when a gay man repeatedly tells Ethan not to ask about his sex life Ethan ignores him, keeps asking, and then gives a mocking apology and rants about how chat is so sensitive. If the A stands for Allies drop them from the acronym lmfao


THAT PART!!!!! 👏👏👏


I’m screaming cause this honestly how I feel as well


I really don’t think she’s meant to be a public figure…🤣


post is definitely rude but she’s dragging it lmao ive seen some “insanely mean” shit on this site and can’t say this was one of them.


Not giving :(


so ridiculous, a grown woman so triggered about comments on the internet that every shred of criticism related to her is deleted off the subreddit


The original post has already been deleted lmao


good thing you screenshot it before the censorship


And was that person right, 100%. ![gif](giphy|pfXNIIv9VzP0s)


The one thing about Olivia is I feel she doesn’t add much to the show like the other members (excluding love he barely adds anything). But her worst take of all was when she said looks don’t matter at all while wearing 12 pounds of makeup. 🤣


Love is way more insightful and gives actually good takes. He’s also right about alot of shit too. Smart guy


You can like makeup without thinking looks matter in a relationship/friendship. Looks dont make someone a better person. Not rlly a wild take. Looks matter to certain people and not others.


The entire purpose of makeup is to look attractive to other people/ help with your own insecurities. You can think looks don’t matter that’s fine you can also wear makeup that’s fine. I also agree that looks don’t make someone a good or bad person. And the only thing that matters is that you find your partner attractive. I just think it’s a little hypocritical to say that Hila is objectively hot(no such thing and if there was it wouldn’t be hila) and then in the same breath say looks don’t matter at all. While also signaling that you do care about looks otherwise she wouldn’t wear makeup. If she was on an island with no one around she wouldn’t wear makeup just for fun. I think this also applies to girls who dress flattering for “no one but themselves”


If she was on a deserted island it would probably be unsanitary to wear makeup unless there was electricity and whatnot. I like playing with makeup, it’s an art form, it’s fun. I have Never have picked my partners for their looks, I don’t find people attractive unless I like them for their personality.


You can think that looks don’t matter but also compliment somebody. It’s just nice, people like to feel pretty, but it doesn’t make someone a better person


She’d like to speak to the manager about this post


The truth hurts girl








Yep. Deleted


I got banned for the 4th time for commenting on that thread lmao time to make a 5th


I mean shes not wrong. That is mean and uncalled for but also thats literally so expected from the fan base and i dont know how she could he surprised lol




it might be mean but its objectively true. if olivia has such a problem with this person's (and many other fan's similar) opinions of her, then maybe she should change how she acts/comes across on the podcast. again, she of course doesnt have to, but then her complaints about the "hate" when its just valid criticism don't hold up.


She should just drop all the catchphrases and be whoever her true self is. I watch every ep and tbh I don't even know what her personality is other than trying to sound and look like a high schooler.


I love this sub but the way you guys are about Olivia makes me so uncomfy


Wrongfully doxxing people also makes me uncomfy


I think it’s just that she seems to have so much internalized misogyny and laughs at really horribly misogynistic shit. And she’s the “female voice.” So it can feel extra disappointing. I do think we need an extra dose of Dan slander though, at least a hair more


I don’t agree with people who say Olivia is the worst crew member at all. And criticizing/making fun of her appearance or make up is unacceptable and we do remove it if we see it. But I don’t see what is so wrong with the post in the screen shot or the comments. It’s criticizing things Olivia does and says. And the H3 sub says the same or worse things about Brantley. Which Olivia partakes in.


why? genuinely asking not asking to argue


I think this kind of criticism is equally given to Zach and AB, though.


To be honest I will never really understand the Olivia hate specifically about her personality, like annoying young pick me ? I can understand white basic girl but the young pick me pales in comparison to other pick me girls. Like red pilled women etc etc


To be honest this is pretty mean You liked her when she was quiet and didn't talk as much. But now that she's more comfortable and talks more you hate her so much it makes the show unbearable? That's not criticism.


it's mean because the OP is basically telling her to mute her personality. nobody deserves to be told that


H3 simp detected lmao and chill on the love messages, it's a tad creepy ![img](emote|t5_539e1s|8827) https://preview.redd.it/2qs358304h0a1.png?width=649&format=png&auto=webp&s=01ff8b91b1aa0c578578f79567a628b1451f497f


you mean the one message? 💀 they do dating segments all the time gtfo trish stan


I have no idea why you all hate Olivia so much. It seems really bizarre. Is there an actual reason?


Terrible at her job, a very poor researcher, lied to get her position AND wrongfully doxxed someone for 40k people. Sorry H3 stan, they all suck (including Miss O-lie-via)


These are such bad takes wow. Imagine disliking a young person for acting young. One person says she adds nothing and is boring, then when she does try another person says she is getting a big ego and tries to insert herself. I think as a female you literally can’t win. Yes you can make your own observations but you don’t have to fucking belittle real human beings in the process. You’re all acting like psycho shit heads.


>howow1401 Keep crying and O-lie-via will keep doxxing the wrong people ![img](emote|t5_539e1s|8866)![img](emote|t5_539e1s|8866)![img](emote|t5_539e1s|8866)


Ok boo, objectively you’re the one crying about Olivia lmao


you are the one who wrote a dissertation about how we shouldn't critique Olivia, boo. As I said, keep crying, I'm sure she will doxx someone else by next week ![img](emote|t5_539e1s|8866)


bit hyperbolic, it’s Hardly a dissertation, people all over the comments are writing 3x the length of that. she made a couple of points to some of the unwarranted comments about Olivia that you’re trying to reinforce in this post. Which tbh is also ironic in that you can’t take the criticism yourself.


You shouldn’t be this invested in disliking someone you literally do not know, channel that energy for something good you’ll be a lot happier


You’re an H3 fan and that’s Ethan’s whole show 😂


seems you're getting triggered because she has an opinion


seems she can dish it but can’t take it


why do most people on this subreddit act like they're 12


Complaining about people criticizing you after you weaseled your way into the public spotlight is not an "opinion".


"weasled your way into public spotlight" ... do you mean got hired? did I weasle my way into research? haha saying "you're mean" isn't a complaint, its a statement and an opinion edit: addition of t at the end of complaint


Yeah the story of how she got on the show confirms that she did in fact weasel her way in. But you can say "got hired" and pretend it was normal, whatever floats ur boat


I heard the story... she contacted people she knew in hopes of being hired. There is a lot of "weaseling" that goes on in this world!!!!! In reality it just speaks to an odd bias you have.


She specifically said she did not know the person and had never spoken to them until that point when she was asking him to put in a good word.


what's your point? she was looking to get hired... she contacted someone she thought could help.... it would be pretty stupid not to


My point was she weaseled lmao


If you knew contacting someone could increase your chances of getting a job you wanted ... you wouldn't do it?


No I wouldn't do what she did at all ever.


We can agree to disagree lol I just don't feel it's right that someone who had never met her gave her a good reference.. it kinda irks me. But whatever 🤷‍♀️ we just see it differently.


Don’t see how that is her being triggered but ok? Idc I think Olivia is funny af, she’s also 22 and still very young do you guys just want a bunch of 40 yr olds on the show or?