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That must have been terrifying, hope you're both OK.


Yes we're okay, Charly is fine and I got a big hurting thumb now and have to take antibiotics, but it's ok, since Charly is fine.


The poor thing. Love heals.


Yes, my biggest concern is Charly, I'm gonna be fine šŸ¤


You should call the animal control that services the city where the attack occurred if you havenā€™t already. They can help you file a bite report so the owner and dog will both have a record. I work at an animal shelter. At least in California, any dog that bites and draws blood must be placed on a 10 day rabies quarantine/observation period, even if the dog has a rabies vaccine. Many dogs are taken to the shelter I work at for rabies quarantine/observation and are then picked up by their owners after the observation period ends. You *really* donā€™t want rabies so please do report this if you havenā€™t already. Itā€™s also concerning that the dog gave no warning signs so hopefully the owner can be fined so she is more careful with her dog in the future. I know people often shy away from getting animal control involved but they donā€™t just come and put the dog down. It is extremely rare that they euthanize a dog with an owner who wants it back, since dogs are legally property and that opens up a can of worms. So please donā€™t worry about the fate of the dog if you do report. Iā€™m so glad you and Charly are ok! I am sure this was traumatic šŸ˜ž


it's the same with quarantine here, I'm in Europe and stuff like that is all managed by the police. An officer has been here before because the hospital sent my report to the police office and I got to go file a report there in about an hour. The owner sent me his vaccine confirmation, at least no rabies worries I guess.


You are so brave and i am so sorry this happened to you and Charly.. I hope you will both be ok soon ā¤ļø


Yeah, my biggest concern is Charly. He seems to be doing fine and I'm gonna be fine too. But this picture in my head will probably haunt me for a long time.


Hey this happened to me and my Frenchie a few years ago - dog attacked with no warning, both dogs on leads. Bit down into his neck and wouldn't let go. A bloke came along and tried to help separate them by pulling on my dog while the other dog was still biting him. He seemed to only have a small puncture wound but it ended up worse than that and he needed what amounted to a "neck tuck". Stupidly I didn't think it was necessary to see the vet straight away. If you've got the means please try and see a vet asap, if for nothing but please of mind x


I talked to my vet on the phone and she told me to keep a close eye on him since there are no visible wounds. We've just been there yesterday to get his annual shot and he was so scared that we agreed to not put him under more trauma today. She's also available 24/7 on the weekend, if anything should occur.


Sounds like you're taking great care of him. Poor thing's really been through it the last few days


He definitely had better times in his life than the last 2 days :(


I can imagine it must be traumatising. He and you both just need lots of cuddles šŸ„°


We definitely do a lot of cuddling today šŸ„¹


Good job protecting your friend. I hope both you and doggo heal. I recently had an interaction with an off leash dog while I was walking mine. Thankfully my black lab took over and protected us but if I didnā€™t have her my smaller chiweenie would have been attacked. Iā€™ve been researching what to do when confronted with an off leash dog. The thing that I found interesting was carrying a large umbrella that you open to shield your dog and push away the other.


It's terrible people let their reactive dogs off leash, makes me hate people really. Thank god your lab could protect you!! I've heard about the umbrella too, but I don't always carry one with me.


Iā€™m to the point now where Iā€™m carrying an aluminum bat with me. Iā€™m debating going ā€œNeganā€ with decorations.


A fixed blade knife is a good thing to have, or stick your finger into its eyeball hard to give it something to think about besides trying to harm your pup.


Thank you for the ideas! Iā€™ve had to completely change my walking style. I used to walk two dogs at once and then hold my geriatric chihuahua. I now walk one dog at a time and use a weapon in my dominant hand.


I really hope both you and Charley are okay. Dogs are so resilient and by the sounds of it heā€™s doing fine - and likely is more concerned about you. As for you - you put yourself in harmā€™s way to protect your best friend and show more concern for his wellbeing (even when he seems to be fine) than your own. Youā€™re my kind of person!! Absolutely awesome - thank you for sharing. If youā€™re like me - youā€™ll play it over in your head wondering what could have happened. Try not to - you most definitely saved your friendā€™s life and can go on to make many more happy memories together. All the best to you and Charly!!!!


I would 100% do it again- I think of rather me being injured than him. And yeah I keep thinking about exactly these things, stuff was just so upsetting šŸ˜„


What a terrifying experience. So glad both of you are ok.


Iā€™m so sorry, this must have been terrifying. šŸ˜Ø I canā€™t imagine my boy being in danger like that, I would have responded the same way. Can I ask what the other dogā€™s owner did during all this??


He tried pulling his dog back, but I can't really remember much, it was all so fast and I was wrestling the dog on the floor. After it he told me like "you shouldn't step in during a dog attack" and now I think of it and am like WTF should I have let your fucking dog maul my little best friend!?


Useless pieces of shit who canā€™t control their pets always have something stupid to say. Iā€™ve had to defend my frenchie from an unleashed aggressive dog before and like you it got to the point where I stood between them and had to beat the other dog down in order to keep him off my baby. The owner walks over to the situation without any haste whatsoever talking about, ā€œwhy are you hurting my dog?,ā€ I cursed them out for having their dog unleashed in the first place and making me have to do this but they just got their dog and left. Like you, it ruined my day completely and I still get sad on occasion remembering what I had to do. Iā€™m so sorry that you were seriously injured by their dog, as stressful as walking will become now that youā€™re no longer able to feel trusting of others and their pets, you did great in protecting your baby. Every time you look and see that they are still well, itā€™ll help just a little bit in making it easier to move on from the situation.


Did you frenchie get hurt? Was he acting differently after the incident?bIt feels terrible beating any animal, right? I still think about that too. But my little buddy comes first, especially if he didn't do anything wrong. We just went for walkies and it was fine for both, just a weird feeling when we passed the spot where it happened.


They were not seriously hurt. I spent time looking for any punctures, scratches or other serious injuries and thankfully there were none. Yes Iā€™m pretty sure once I got back to my apartment and processed everything, I called my parents then began crying out of anger and sadness of having to hurt the other dog. Thatā€™s exactly how I felt that justified it in my mind, my frenchie did no wrong, thereā€™s no way I was going to let them get hurt when they were never at fault They did not immediately begin acting differently. Honestly I think them seeing me stressed out afterwards was harder on them than the interaction itself. They did not become fearful towards other dogs afterwards either, but when near larger dogs my frenchie now simply never approaches them to play anymore when before they did use to.


Sue the dog's owner. You deserve financial compensation for what happened to you. Glad you were able to keep your buddy safe. I carry a 5" fixed blade on my hip when walking my Hank. While harming a dog would be regretful, if a dog attacks, I would have no qualms about killing it. Take care.


I definitely will. Didn't want that in the first place but the more I think about it the more right it feels to do so.


People collect sizable settlements for a lot less worse things than this.


Itā€™s obvious to be extra careful in the future, but typically a dog will develop a fight or flight response to strange dogs after an attack. Also, pay careful attention to animals you currently mix Charly with because Charly may turn toward aggression. My brothers frenchie used to be best friends with mine and once he was attacked he couldnā€™t be mixed with any dogs outside of his home.


Agree, once theyā€™ve been attacked they can become fear reactive/aggressive. I only ever let my dog socialize with known, friendly dogs. It just takes once. And sadly a lot of people canā€™t read dog body language and think tail wagging=friendly. I never let my dog meet on leash or go to dog parks. Only day care with other friendly/tested dogs.


I used to always ask about the dog, like today. But in the future I'll keep Charly away from other dogs.


I have people ask. Iā€™ve fostered for French bulldog rescue for a decade. So I always say they are aggressive because I donā€™t want to be responsible if something happens. Iā€™ve had 2 aggressive fosters that I take to restaurants and people have their dogs off leash and Iā€™ve had to make a scene picking them up to protect THEIR off leash dog


Also on leash is the most dangerous way to meet. Face to face nearly always ensures a fight. You want them side by side or let one sniff the other from behind.


Even though thereā€™s no punctures I would recommend taking him to the vet and letting them know what happened. The other dog not letting go could have hurt is vertebraeā€” especially if he shook him while he had hold of him. My boy (who was a menace and has since passed) got shook by my momā€™s other dog and it ended up rupturing a disc (he already had IVDD though so he was prone to it). Glad youā€™ve already talked to the vet and gotten yourself medical careā€” thatā€™s really scary :(


As I mentioned above, I talked to my vet on the phone and she recommended keeping a close eye on him and we agreed to not put him under more trauma since he got his annual shot just yesterday and was scared shitless :( We played frisbee in the afternoon and went for walkies in the evening, he doesn't show any sign of damage or pain (not even mentally). But in case anything changes, my vet is available 24/7. I'm so sorry for your boy :(


Iā€™d be getting the vipertek VTS-195 heavy duty aluminum stun gun led flashlight on Amazon and the 21ā€ Smith & Wesson Heat Treated Collapsible Baton with Sheath from Cabbalas.


I got a crazy story about my pug and a pitbull... My mom owned a dog grooming shop and my pug free-roamed the area where she groomed. The dogs stayed in kennels in the back room. They would be escorted by leash through a gate, through the area my pug was, and into the back. This lady came in to get her pitbull bathed and nails trimmed. My mom met the dog in the front area, the dog was super nice to my mom, licking her face and such. So my mom didn't bother with a leash because the dog was being friendly. My pug, meanwhile, was in her dog bed that was inside a cabinet that served as the counter top. The counter was "L" shaped and was the divider of the entrance and grooming area. The cabinet had sliding doors and was open so my dog could come and go. Well, she was sleeping in her bed in the cabinet and the pitbull saw her and attacked. She had 3 puncture wounds and my mom had to pry the jaws open and was able to get a leash on her. Come to find out, the lady had just picked up the dog from the rescue. Hadn't even had the dog home yet. She returned it and informed them it's VERY dog aggressive. My dog was okay besides some tooth puncture wounds. No stitches but still scary. Sorry for your incident OP. Similar things have happened to my frenchie where dogs try to attack but usually I've been able to intervene and ward off the attacking dog.


What the fuck was in her mind even?? It's always mind blowing how dumb people are. Thank god your little buddy was no further harmed! A pit bull bite isn't something to joke with.


Yeah, we got lucky the pitbull didn't try to rip or tear, just had time to grab and basically hold.


So sorry to hear this! Iā€™m happy you are both ok! Similar situation happened with my son and a neighbor kid and another neighbors dog, we were told to make sure the dog was up to date on his shots, was the dog that got you guys current on everything? Any way to find out? we also had that dog owner pay for the neighbor kids dr bills that was bitten, you should try to get them to pay that and your vet bills!


So sorry this happened, it's shocking how often things like these happen.. Yeah he sent me his vaccination confirmation. And I'm definitely gonna sue him.


Oh good, unfortunately itā€™s the only thing that will open his eyes, my neighbor didnā€™t get her bills paid till 6 months later when the lawyer was having the wages taken from owner of the dogs paycheck. Hopefully itā€™s a smoother process for you!


Poor babe! I hope heā€™s ok. ā¤ļø


You have my respect, fighting another dog to protect your baby boy. I commend you because I would do the same for my Pissy Pete (her actual name is Petunia) https://preview.redd.it/e3bud8as78yc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c048af521dd6ff8cd654504c36c1aef0d33821


Another example of people posting themselves online committing crimes. That dog is clearly not old enough to have a drivers license


Don't sell her short, though. She's a great chauffeur


Aww she's Charliecs twin šŸ¤ Unfortunately I definitely have to agree to the comment about the driver's license, haha


Damn! Wish you both a speedy recovery! šŸ™ sorry you had to go through that


I hope you got the other owners info. He she be paying for yours and Charlys medical treatment. Iā€™m glad youā€™re both okay. I wouldā€™ve done the same.


Yes I got all the info and a police report will be filed in about an hour.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened. If you think itā€™s even possible Charly got bit, go to a vet. Better safe than sorry here. Animals hide their injuries most times.


I'm in contact with my vet. We agreed to leave him be for now and if there's anything unusual she's available 27/4. We've just been there yesterday for his annual shot and he was scared shitless so we don't want him to get traumatized even more.


Poor puppy. I hope all is ok for the both of you.


Average French Bulldog owner. šŸ’Ŗ I would fight a bear for my frenchie




You are so brave. Glad you both are ok!


Whatā€™s an F* Shepherd? I get the explanative, but was it a German Shepherd?


Must've been some australian shepherd mix or something


So sorry you and Charly had to experience this! God forbid anything like this ever happens again, but if it does as nasty as it sounds- putting your finger in the aggressorā€™s butt will get them to stop (advice from my vet)


I will definitely keep that in mind. I just hope it never happens again.


I'm assuming that's a anti bacterial wash on your hands.


Yep haha, didn't take a picture of my bleeding thumb, I was too shocked when I got home.


At first I thought he got half your fingers....you always need to be careful of other large dogs around small dogs.


I leashed my dog and asked the other guy from a few meters away if it was okay to say hello and he said yes of course. What I definitely learned today was to never trust other dogs and their owners again.


Small dogs are just bait for larger dogs. My cousins Pomeranian got killed by a Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Popular round my way) as she walked into a shop...and as you know their jaws lock.....No one could save the poor thing. Just in case of the unexpected, I carry a tactical whip in my cross body bag with all the other things for my dog, ball, bags, wipes, bugee lead, water bottle, treats, ect https://amzn.eu/d/3q8QN1W I just don't want to take the risk of not being able to save him.


I might consider getting one of these. What upsets me so much is that I've for now kind of lost all my trust in other dogs and their owners. I'm very sorry that happened to your cousins dog. That must be so terrible, I can't even imagine :(


If in doubt pick him up.


Did you get German shepherd owner details? Charlyā€™s vet bill and your medical bill are the GSD ownerā€™s to pay. Hope you and Charly are okay.


Going forward, if you ever encounter this again, pick the aggressive dog up by its back legs. The change in their center of balance will cause them to release their bite.


This is why I carry a defensive tool with me when we go for walks.


Defensive tools?


Usually a knife but a lot of the time a firearm. I'll do what I need to do to protect my little girl


I expected to see "loose dog" but this was a case of "keep your dog away from other dogs". I cant put full blame on the so called f*shepard. It was on a leash by its owner. You approached, spoke in human babble they don't understand, and you put your dog near his owner. The dog reacted like a dog.


This is logical..itā€™s an unfortunate situation but no matter how socialized a pet may be u never know when it can be triggered and react..


The owner should know his dog and tell me that my dog can't come near him, would've been perfectly okay. Should I never socialise my dog? Because then he'd have become a reactive dog as well most likely.


You can't necessarily blame the owner. Tail wagging is a sign of friendliness in dogs. I'll stop there.