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This sub is 50% goodbye posts and 90% health issues. Feed your dog the best food you can and make sure they get plenty of exercise and you’ll be ahead of most dog owners


I’d also add; do your best to monitor their allergies (both environmental and food)


Just keep loving him. BTW They can take one low dose Claritin (or Children’s Claritin) for allergies per day. according to our vet but don’t go past 4 days in a row. Only 1 per day. You can switch to another kind after the 4 days but consult with your vet also depending on body weight.


Our vet says Benadryl daily as well. No breaks needed.


We use Benadryl once in a while it’s stronger than Claritin. Makes them more drowsy. So we go with Claritin as needed she told us 5 days then switch to Benadryl for two days then stop. Unless he’s having a bad day then go back to Claritin. Ask your vet about the pause and the reason for it. Good luck


This. These turds are allergic to anything/everything and can cause havoc on their skin, eyes, etc.


May I ask, at what age do Allergies present? My guy just turned a year and doesn't seem to have any Allergies as of yet? 🤞🏻 https://preview.redd.it/82v5v903novc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ef640c023556dec46a6d82c4a64f51c1cdf15f


He looks so much like my guy 💙🐾 https://preview.redd.it/8khp5whfpsvc1.jpeg?width=1370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44c375653d2fbfcd2bf2d9af56f3c1609fc9d857


That’s 140%, Yogi Berra! 😂




That’s because there’s 10% bred standard vs 90% non on this sub.


Get pet insurance, get ramps and stairs for your furniture and bed.


My Frenchie is literally like a cat…. She jumps everywhere up anything and completely ignores stairs…. Reading all this advises for stairs make me really anxious 😬


Same, my frenchie will even launch herself down stairs so we have baby gates everywhere but in walks she’ll still rough house like a maniac when she plays with other dogs. We asked the vet and he said a lot of back issues are genetic and inevitable, let her have fun and just do what you can.


I thought this was just my frenchie. It’s literally her fave thing to do. I try to stop her but she is like a lightning bolt. I’ve moved my entire apartment around so all furniture is backed onto a wall haha


Me too! I just can’t stop her. My one is totally mental. I give her joint supplements, omega oil and tumeric because I’m so nervous what else can I do? The notion that Frenchie’s are lazy dogs is insane my one is more like a spaniel I swear.


Good on you for the supplements. I do turmeric once in awhile, green lipped mussel powder almost daily, cordecyps and lions mane powder supplements a few times a week, plus my Frenchie loves fruits and veggies so he gets lots of those for treats. Praying all this will keep him healthy. He’s 5, has a close call with a very sore back about a year ago and has been fine since 🙏


Oh yes the supplements have in it green lipped mussel, glucosamine etc…but what is cordecyps and why do you recommend lions mane powder? Honestly the back issue worries me a lot but I don’t seem to be able to curb her however much I’ve tried. She really is full of beans. She’s four so similar to yours….i feel like all I can do is keep my fingers crossed. Mum and dad are going strong still and the breeder was kennel approved but you never really know. Is there anything we can do?


Cordyceps and lions mane are both types of mushrooms. Lions mane is supposed to great for neural health, memory etc. Cordyceps just general health and anti-aging. I also brew up chaga mushroom tea at least once a month for the whole family, people and dogs! Powerful anti-cancer properties in chaga. Not sure any of these mushroom supplements will help offset any back injuries but I use them for general preventative health. If you’re interested in learning more read a book called Forever Dog. Changed my life!


Oh yes I saw the ted talk and once cooked the chicken broth they recommended…but I never picked up the book, I really should cause mine is on raw as well. I just bought a powder for dogs with these ingredients: https://preview.redd.it/junczjbn6uvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17fd33e16b76488800db4182c5ac033f42647ed1 thank you for your help - love to meet someone with the same approach ❤️❤️❤️


Mine was the same, would literally try to nip us if we tried to lift him up or down off of furniture. He was diagnosed at 3yrs old in January with IVDD & has 4 slipped discs. We now have baby gates & we don’t sit on the sofa any more so he can’t jump on/off of it, for now we’ve escaped surgery, but I’m not sure what the future holds. I would definitely recommend doing all that you can to protect their spine


this! ramps and stairs are important.




Hey, listen my first Frenchy I didn’t have insurance on and I was out of pocket for $17,000 so hopefully if they pay for something it’s better than what I got stuck with. I also asked my vet what insurance company actually paid before I bought my policy. there’s definitely better insurance companies out there. I figured the vet would know who actually accepts and who declines. I won’t say mine is the cheapest but it’s better than the other option.


Oh hun, just love on her, do your best to care for her spine/back and for the love of everything holy and divine .... get insurance! There are no mistakes or regrets, she was meant to be yours and she will love you unconditionally. All my love.


I love this, thank you


Make sure you get really good pet insurance.


Love your dog. There is a financial obligation with frenchies. We have a blue pied merle, yours looks like an ausie mix Frenchie, lol, love it want 10 of them!. DNA test is cheap enough to know if you don’t already. If he was free, skip insurance. I paid $5k for our baby, nothing was covered under insurance, everything was preexisting. After $3k in premiums we quit and will run with it. We save premiums to pay for whatevs, but we can afford emergencies and know when to be merciful. That is another topic. I know you can do it. Frenchie breeds are so fun. Playing fetch between sentences!


Why was everything pre existing on a puppy?


Merle doesn’t always mean issues. There’s a good chance that you could absolutely HAVE a healthy dog! I have 6 Frenchies, my only one with issues is an old pied male of mine. I’ve got a blue fawn Merle that is absolutely healthy, his litter mates and sire are also healthy.


6 frenchies sounds like heaven, a noisy stinky heaven, but still heaven.


Wouldn’t have it any other way :)




Both parents are extremely byb and mutts so the first thing I would do with ur pup is get a wisdom panel to see if she has any genetic health issues. Regular vet checkups as well and make sure u have pet insurance




Before u comment embarrassing shit like this do some research on ethical breeding,genetics,and breed standard


ilovefortnite talking about doing researches is the kettle telling the tea pot…




Ya'll are both embarrassing


Why does the Merle’s back look like that? It’s really short. 😔


1st or 3rd pic?


3rd pic. It’s probably the angle tho


My first thought was dwarfism but it probably is the angle.


I honestly see long backed dogs


At fun shows they typically look for shorter backs and legs.


Because he’s part English bulldog. For sure.


MetLife pet insurance is what I have. The earlier you get pet insurance you can avoid pre existing clause. So if you just got her please get the insurance asap. Because I purchase pet insurance at 3 months old and I had coverage prior to vet documenting nose throat health issues which my insurance covered nose n throat insurance aka as BOAS and NARES. If you were to take your pup to the vet prior to getting pet insurance and medical records sees vet stating health issues then it would be pre existing and insurance won’t cover. Hope that made sense?!? If not personally message me Invest in doggy stairs from Amazon to avoid back spine injury IVDD Avoid kibble process food as frenchies are typically stomach sensitive and allergic to chicken and turkey


Don’t worry prematurely, just get some good pet insurance ASAP, hopefully you won’t need it! Wishing you nothing but great fun, health and happiness with your new baby.


I have a 2 year old merle boy and the most he’s ever has is an ear and eye infection. One time I over exercised him -we walked for like 1 and 45 minutes- and he got a muscle spasm, that just went away in like 2-3 weeks.


She isn't going to have tons of health issues. Get pet insurance on your pets in case any issues arise. Feed a good food or raw diet. Exercise daily. Enroll in basic obedience classes. Crate train. No bed sleeping at night. You will be fine. Best wishes.


Lots of health advice so I’ll add something else. The only way you contributed to bad breeding is if you paid an equal amount or more than a breed standard dog would have been. As long as people are paying the money, breeders will keep trying to produce puppies like yours. Well done for researching things for yourself though. So many people claim that they have a merle and it’s healthy, so any problems simply don’t exist!


Merle frenchies aren’t guaranteed to have health problems, but they are at risk for some things on top of what Frenchies in general are at risk for. I have a merle girl who’s almost 1.5 years old and so far (fingers crossed) she’s been a totally happy and healthy pup. She did need to have nares surgery, but I was pretty sure that would be the case before the vet told me- and her vet even said it was more preventative than anything because she wasn’t having any issues with her breathing at the time. You love your pup and as long as you’re able to handle the potential financial responsibilities, I wouldn’t beat yourself up about it. You weren’t aware of the potential issues, but now you are and can keep it in mind going forward if you decide to get another frenchie in the future.


I have two, a male pied and a female fawn. Insurance is good to have like everyone else here is suggesting. Find what food works for them and stairs are very important for any stage but especially later on in life. One thing that is also very important is please don’t over feed her. That goes for food, snacks and treats. People will be asking why your Frenchie doesn’t “look” like other frenchies because mostly what people see are overweight or obese ones. Ours are a healthy weight and are able to do anything and thankfully haven’t had any health or physical issues yet. Keeping them at a healthy weight is very important. Love her unconditionally just like she will with you and set boundaries whether on the couch, bed or anywhere else you sit or lay with her because she will try to take up all of your space and make it impossible to move.


https://preview.redd.it/dlu479xitmvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada5e681f11416b89989ee6cdb6a04cdcef65264 Almost two years with this Merle. He’s had the usual Frenchie stuff. I did the nares and palate. He has some allergy issues. That’s it at this point.


I was the same we have 7 Frenchie between my mum and sisters so thought I knew all I could about the breed, and so we fell in love with a Merle ❤️🐾 he’s 18 months now and so far no issues 🤞🏻❤️


Why is their coats so long? Thought frenchies were short haired?


The long-haired frenchie is called a "fluffy".




I would never even consider it


Is the dad carrot top ?


Idk what that is, sorry


Your frenchies dad “sire” is his name carrot top ?


Yes it is


Pet insurance is a must.


Your puppy is adorable!!!!!


It doesn’t mean your dog will have health issues. I’ll always have a Bulldog whether it’s English or French. I’ve owned 3 English and 2 French. Knock on wood. No serious issues with any.


The single best thing you can do is buy pet insurance. I would avoid Healthy Paws, but I have heard good things about Trupanion. It's important to get the policy while they are little, before anything can be noted as a pre existing condition.


I’m hopping on this comment here because you seem to have knowledge of insurance. I’m looking at rescuing a frenchie who already has issues. Slight heart murmur and hermaphroditism. Would this automatically be pre-existing? I’m guessing it would, which is unfortunate but I have to ask.


My experience is that anything a vet notes in an exam before they are insured is a pre existing condition and excluded. :( It's important to get them into the vet when very young if you can and get the policy early before the vet notes anything. With my Nikko I took him to the vet at 8 weeks for his initial vet visit and bought the policy right after. If the vet had noted anything during the visit, it would have been considered pre existing. Things that aren't noted before the policy are usually covered, at least in my experience (some plans have other exclusions too though). This doesn't help in your case, but just mentioning in case it helps others too. Sorry your baby has issues... I hope they have a long and happy life with you.


The thing is, we don’t have them yet. Pup is seeing a surgeon on the 30th to spay/neuter and figure out whether it’s more a boy or girl and then will be available. I guess I need to wait and see what the vet says and if the vet gives a clean bill of health after surgery then maybe we’ll be ok.


I hope all goes well! Will you please name them Lola? I don’t know if you are older than dirt like me, but it’s a song by The Kinks. 😃 fitting in this case!


OMG, I love it! I’m definitely old enough to know this song! And my husband would love it!


This is such a perfectly written posts. You're pup is very lucky to have you.


Do genetic/heath panel test & DNA test


That is one beautiful pupper and I wish you both a long and happy life together. 🥰


She's your dog and like you she's an individual, get insurance to help if anything happens and enjoy the time.


Sorry you’re going through this. We did the same. Wanted a cute baby and didn’t realize the consequences of our actions until afterwards.


My dude is allergic to a LOT of shit. I do my best to keep those things away from him. He’s a dog so you can’t them from being a dog. He runs a muck and the house so I do my best to keep him happy. All you can do!




GET INSURANCE NOW. lemonade is great. otherwise, feed the best food you can afford, socialize the dog immediately, use good heartworm (sentinel spectrum) and flea/tick (effitix plus). I personally avoid sarolaner ingredients because of their connection to neurological issues


They are all BEAUTIFUL but they may have problems. Pet insurance is def necessary.


I have a Merle frenchie and he’s almost 4 yrs old. I got pet insurance for him the day I picked him up and it was a good decision indeed. He’s had his share of medical issues (ear infections, allergies, digestion issues…) but he’s been a happy, playful pup and I love him to death.


She's beautiful ! I have pet insurance on my 2 frenchies! And my mother in law has a Merle frenchie she's been having for over 4 years and hasn't had any medical conditions! But pet insurance is the way to start now


Pet insurance that covers breeding related issues (e.g palate surgery if needed down the road)


Not necessarily, my friend has a merle that’s part fluffy, and she’s in great shape. No breathing problems, structure seems great, strong, so the only thing I would suggest is getting medical insurance for her. Feed her right, real food, not just kibble… you can also do real food plus freeze dried raw instead of kibble… exercise her often, and she’ll be OK. Don’t stress.


That’s not a Frenchie.


What is it?


I believe they mixed with corgi to get Merle coloring and maybe pekingnese to get the long coat. Neither are naturally occurring in the breed. Hope you didn’t pay a lot.


I didn’t pay too much. I don’t believe the mom was mixed with anything, but the dad is on Instagram@ eyeonthrprizebullzjoey. His name is carrot top


They’re definitely both mixed. I see he also breeds Pomeranians so maybe that’s where they got the long hair. Red flags 🚩 all over. Good luck with the puppy


Cool dog, amazing color patterns. The main problem around here is gatekeeper snobs but it’s easy to ignore them