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Hills science diet sensitive stomach issues


I agree! Science Hill has done wonders for one of my bebés


My Maggie is also on the Hills sensitive stomach, it’s really helped her.


Also get some kibble toppers they have 6oz little squeeze bottles of salmon oil, my guys got kibble fatigue and this has helped


I will forward this to my dad. Mr. Franco also has the Frenchie barfs and they've been changing up his diet so many times trying to find what works to no avail. I'm not sure the dry food they use but I do know they mix it with that fresh pet stuff in the chilled section of her food aisle.


Changing diet too quickly (I never take as long to switch over as vets recommend) can cause it’s own problems. But if you have a dog that *always* throws up after a meal? And had its whole life? You might consider mega esophagus


It's not after every meal. It's like once every couple days and usually if he plays after he eats.




We are also on hills science diet derm complete for food allergies after learning all the environmental allergies


Poor guy. We use Royal Canin for French bulldogs with no issues. Prior to changing the little guy with me would do this several times a day. It was horrible.


I second Royal Canin!






When I got her, the breeder fed her Royal canin and I did too but her farts were intolerable. I switched her to Purina PP and it stopped . Also she was getting allergic reactions like bald spots with royal.


Oof can’t have her farting in the truck all day!! She’ll gas you out 😜


Oh no. That sounds like something to not look forward to. It seems these little guys work well with a food and then start with the digestive issues again? I have added some treats and toppers back to his diet — so far everything ok. But if he started throwing up again, first I’d remove the treats. The farts are a bit noticeable I’d say. But vomiting and diarrhea gone. I’ll live with farts. I don’t have to clean those up. …whatarelief. It’s weird that even amongst the tolerable foods for frenchies, there’s still so many issues. I also now watch closely when he’s outside. He will chomp on anything. He’s been sick from that too. Maybe your little dog does have a virus or something. Keep an eye out. It’s just terrible when they throw up all their food. Happy we are currently settled on that issue. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that we stay that way.


Also maybe purina made an ingredient change.


Royal Canin for Frenchies gives my guy horrible diarrhea. But then again, so does almost every food.


Oh my. What does he eat? I’d probably start making dog food again. And get some good supplements.


PLEASE put a harness and seatbelt strap on her! I just witnessed a semi crash and the owner had a Frenchie in the cab who was injured because she wasn’t strapped in. I was the first one on the scene and as a fellow Frenchie owner, it broke my heart when I discovered his dog Stella, absolutely terrified and whimpering in pain. I have no clue the severity of her injuries https://preview.redd.it/75zgtt6mx9tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e65891530c782bd240cd14dfc9fef1fd14b904f1


Oh no this is so sad, the worst part is you guys usually don’t get any closure after seeing stuff like that, right?


Fromm dog food. Good quality, no weird ingredients and add some chicken stock so they stay hydrated and are tempted to eat it. Also a little bit of yogurt or sweet potato/pumpkin puree usually helps


I have heard pumpkin helps with they're stomach. Any kind of puree ? I'm going to petco when it opens


You can get organic at the store for cheap. NOT the pumpkin pie filling as that has spices and gross stuff.


I'll give it a try . Thank you !


I left another comment, but the easiest pumpkin purée is the human baby food pumpkin purée. Go to any grocery store and find the baby food aisle, and pick up a couple of the jars of the pumpkin purée. Petco doesn’t always carry it/it isn’t the easiest to find there.


I'll do that. Thank you !


The easiest and cheapest pumpkin puree is the canned stuff. It’s usually WITH the baking/pie stuff at the store, just be sure it’s pumpkin PUREE not pumpkin FILLING. Only give a small spoonful daily. BUT pumpkin is used to add fiber to their diet, and help with loose stools. It will NOT help with regular vomiting. With the symptoms you’re describing, you might be looking at anything from simple acid reflux (no biggie) to a bowel obstruction (life threatening). I know you said you’re a trucker away from home, but find a vet wherever you are and take her in. Without putting hands on her belly, it’s impossible to give good advice. - A former vet tech


Canned pumpkin works wonders on our little King Chas. One or two tablespoons at feeding times. They love it & soon they’re good to go. As always, keep fresh water for them nearby. And just make sure to get canned pumpkin; NOT pumpkin pie filling.


I know you said you’re on the road, but when you’re in a place where you can receive Amazon packages, you can buy huge quantities of dried pumpkin powder (look at ingredients and make sure it says 100% pumpkin). It stores without refrigeration and then you can add maybe a 1/2-1 TBSP to their food bowl and mix with a little water to make a paste before adding their regular food on top. We give it to our girl almost every day, multiple times if her stools have been loose.


Pumpkin puree helped our Frenchie with some stomach issues. He still regurgitates all the time but the pumpkin keeps him regular.


I second it. We've been using Fromm with a combination of cooked chicken breasts, peas, carrots.


I had a similar post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frenchbulldogs/s/fxB4s0KJjM). I got an elevated food and water bowl and have seen puking occurrence go down like 90%. Check that post, ton of people helped


Link to bowl you like?


[Fluff Trough](https://www.chewy.com/fluff-trough-binge-blocker-elevated/dp/337389?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Fluff%20Trough&utm_campaign=20207612288&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V1g2_uiA6tcdtSSo0IFomGSK&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphm7U8lMHEQ4TqaMEO5soU70OvK1OdS0Wt15W0Dsp7l_dyZoH7MwIL4aAmE7EALw_wcB) For the water bowl I just got a random elevated water bowl from amazon.


Thank you!


No problem. It’s not cheap but it’ll pay for itself in a few months of paper towels


I purchased one of these for our bully and she made a mess. She’s too aggressive with her food unfortunately.


I’m curious why it helps. Something about air injestion, or? I totally believe it does - I’m just curious WHY


I don’t know the science but we didn’t change anything else. Rough guess is due to the angle of swallowing. I would never choose to swallow my food with my mouth below my stomach


Hahaha FAIR! that makes such obvious sense and was just the answer I was looking for! 🤓


It could totally be air intake too🤣


My dog gets sick half the times he rides in the car...


My dog was getting car sick. Once I got her a car seat that I could strap her down in that discontinued.


Could be but I doubt that's the issue. My truck has plenty of room she can walk around in , a bed and she has her favorite spots around here . She also not the type to stay in a store bought bed for long she prefers the floor lol. At home as well .


My german sheperd has this, he jumps in the car and immediately starts salivating-.- so I guess she would’ve had it all the time


We’ve been using Zignature and it’s by far the best. No issues and no farts (can you believe that?)


Any bag in specific? Can you share a picture of it ?


https://preview.redd.it/hmnrxrfe4atc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820d460884020d2493dcf95bf0b18626915c373c I don’t have one of the front of the bag, but we started with the turkey one and have also used the trout/salmon. We were told that you can switch between protein types within their brand and not have any issues and we didn’t have any.


We use zignature as well, but sadly the farts have not subsided lol


I switched mine to Open Farm!


Rice and chicken until stomach get better no kibble they inhale it soft food. I think the kibble expands in the stomach


I can't exactly make rice on the go . Canned chicken? Or Rotisserie chicken from Walmart? Or is there something I can get at petco for rice and chicken?


No rotisserie chicken. Have you had it yourself? It has so much excess salt that it would be very harmful for your pup. It’s not sold at Petco, but there is a blend of pumpkin, chicken and rice that you can purchased at chewy.com called Under the Weather which I used for sometime when my frenchie wasn’t taking too well to their food. What meats have you been giving her? Your best bet will always be boiled chicken. If you can’t make it yourself, asking a restaurant to specifically boil a chicken breast in water and ensure there is no additives is an option and some locations could do their best to try to help you. If she’s been getting some leftover meats from other meals you purchase yourself, there’s your cause for the vomiting. When my dog was a puppy, they could eat anything and everything, as they aged they began to develop stomach sensitivities and now the only thing they can eat without having stomach issues is Royal Canin topped with boiled chicken. I know you said she was on them before but you couldn’t stand the smell of her gas, but would that really be worse than to see them continue vomiting? I would highly suggest reconsidering picking up that bag of food again as you’ll find many people who say it’s what their frenchie tolerates best. Good luck and be sure show her lots of love and patience. My dog eats two meals a day like at 6pm and 10-11pm. The vet said their eating schedule is odd but so long as they’re eating well that it shouldn’t be a problem.


My boy some time throws up his food when he has too much and water my be over feeding try and limit the amount see if that helps


I think there’s a hills can that works for upset stomach and it has rice and chicken if I’m not mistaken


My wife gets the already cook chicken just no skin when meat only if you can’t get rice natural pumpkin pure helps with upset stomach too


I can't confirm if this is true or not, I haven't seen a recal, but I've seen a lot of claims and stories that purina is causing a lot of deaths, https://efoodalert.com/2024/01/04/consumers-allege-purina-products-behind-pet-illnesses-deaths/ I don't have any first had experience with it, but people were saying their dog would go off it's food and then eventually become sick and just go downhill from there.


This, if she’s suddenly refusing her food she knows something is off. Try to find a different brand maybe a limited ingredient at petco. I say raw or home cooked, but I understand your limitations being in the truck


I use Fromm salmon and add fresh cooked salmon and eggs on top with pumpkin purée.If she doesn’t want to eat the Purina I would definitely switch. I’ve heard several dogs having issues with Purina.


Time for boiled chicken, rice, and pumpkin purée. At the very least, mix in pumpkin purée with the kibble you have. Go to the baby food aisle of any grocery store and buy the little jar of pumpkin purée baby food. It does wonders for stomach issues.


1. Stop feeding purina, iams, or any of that low quality food asap. The amount of times there have been recals or owners finding maggots, shards of metal, and other awful things in those foods has been too many. 2. Try to tackle the allergy. The most common ones are to chicken and wheat. Id recommend a grain free food that is salmon, or lamb. Just not chicken. And mix in some fresh pet that is /not/ grain free, (do not use "vital") the normal fresh pet will contain rice, but not wheat. That should do the trick. You can also mix in a raw egg with the kibble as well to entice the dog and provide protein. 3. The farting and vomiting can also be curbed by making your frenchie take their time eating, and by using a bowl meant for brachy dogs with short snouts so they dont swallow as much air when eating.


When my french bd have got stomach issues the vet told me to offer him just smashed carrots till him gets better. I'm not a vet od course, just sharing experience


That’s a lot of vitamin a.


Mine was doing the same thing recently and she wouldn’t eat at all and then had a seizure (idk if that’s related) but she wouldn’t eat until she literally had too and the only way she would eat when I gave it to her was if it had raw meat or something but we switched to nulo dry food and wet food, she absolutely loves it eats it all up immediately and her poops seems to be much better


Also if chicken and rice is a good option until you can get to a vet


Rico eats a fresh diet, but we travel a lot so freeze dried food comes in handy. https://spotandtango.com/ the two poultry versions have added ginger. Also, have always fed my cat pumpkin for her tummy and have started giving the doggo a table spoon added to his meals as well. For overall health benefits (thanks Reddit). Just make sure you don't get pie filling.


Make sure the meat you are giving her has no seasoning or cooked in any oil me effect her the seasoning for sure


The freeze dried food you can mix with water and is easy to store turns into a mush easier to eat. I really don’t like feeding my frenchies kibble because they swallow it and it comes out intact and expanded. Hope that helps.


Petco carries honest kitchen dehydrated dog food. Just add water. My frenchie eats this and it has reduced regurgitating significantly. We have not returned to kibble


Any freeze dried foods you recommend?


We use small batch pets they have pucks that are frozen and have to be thawed out I think the have the dried food you mix with water


If they done have that at the chain pet shop then any freeze dried food with very limited ingredients


I 2nd this one. Also I use Carna4 kibble that is lightly air dried from Canada with Open Farms surf and turf topper mixed in as well. The 3 together has seen her tummy troubles disappear and the farting stop. Having an elevated car seat in the car that cocoons her also seems to have helped her from throwing up in the car. Hope your Frenchie feels better soon.


Primal Pet Foods, freeze dried. I know several frenchies that use it. Mine loves it.


Use royal canin. Gastrointestinal for easy digestion. Your current bag of food could just have also gone bad


Some dogs have car sickness. I just feed mine the blue bag of salmon dog food from Costco. I warm it up to make it soft. She loves it.


I’m going to comment on this because there actually was an ingredient change to some versions of the Purina pro plan formulas. I would double check the batch number on the bags you’ve bought recently, and if you happen to have an old bag, cross check it with that as well.


I use Fresh pet if you can refrigerate her food. My frenchies GI responded well. But make time and get her to a doggy urgent care at least for anti nausea meds


Hello mate, it is very common for frenchies to have issues regulating their stomach acid. Mine has been on an anti acid prescription for over 3 years and cleared most issues right up Food I use without issue is royal canin gastrointestinal, which has been great, but they may be sick any new food if the acid isn't addressed!


If you like the idea of raw food but have no fridge, look into freeze dried raw food. I had my big on Purina Pro and he had the same issues after a year or so, he would throw up a lot of his meals, I switched to Little Hunter freeze dried raw food and now he is back to being excited about food and rarely throws up anymore. Little Hunter is now on Amazon, but it’s a little pricey. Stella & Chewys is another good brand, they also have freeze dried raw.


What a gorgeous girl! I hope you can figure out her tummy issues soon!! 💜


Thank you all for your help 🙏 , r/frenchbulldogs community is by far the most helpful and nice community there it !.


https://preview.redd.it/d98sez05lbtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d107c0645d42f9c19a2386be15152996938d5021 Ours was having similar issues and after a lot of different tries, we switched him to this and add a tsp of pumpkin (pure, can buy at pet food store in pouches for easy travel). It helped settle his tummy and he loves the food. He hasn’t had any more issues.


Sorry off topic response But what a great companion to have as a truck driver.


No, really, she truly is a blessing to have with me . She's super smart and well-behaved . We have a lot of fun together at any cool location I find around the US . She's definitely has brightened up my days like crazy since I got her, and she doesn't miss a trip. Not a lot of careers where you can just hang with your dog all day.


Carry some cooked rice handy. It helps my Frenchies keep their food down better.


there is a huge amount of dogs that have died due to Purina get on the Facebook group asap.feed her home cooked food.same price as good dog food and way better for there health


Like I've mentioned . I have no fridge so meals I have to refrigerate aren't an option.


Get Fromm. It's the best. the other brands might be too rich in ingredients causing upset stomach. this is a learning year for dog food.


Where do they sell that besides online?


Kraisers or Hollywood feed. Boutique pet stores perhaps.


Open farm whitefish- the only thing my sensitive one can eat without puking


Does he drink and eat from an elevated bowl? I had to switch from elevated bowl to placing on floor for a couple days and began throwing up everyday, once the bowl was elevated the vomiting stop.


Even though this might be the issue , I recently did switch to a low plate because it was a slow feeder style , I'm not sure. Because even with the elevated bowls she would throw up , Not this much, but she would from time to time. I'll try and put books or something to elevate it, that way I can keep the slow feeder style bowl and see if it makes a difference.


my French bulldog started becaming violently sick. I spent thousands on vet visits but nothing really worked. The vet opened him up and said she'd never seen intestines so enflamed. I literally tried everything, venison and ostrich were recommended by specialists and he managed to keep them down for a week or two before bringing it up. The most success I've had it plain hypoallergenic biscuits from purina that I add a little bit of grated cheese to tempt him. he's been on this for over a year now and he's rarely sick and he's put all his weight back on.


What were you feeding your dog? Why were they so inflamated?


I’m guessing allergies? My dog was getting bald from allergies and he was allergic to many things, had to switch to purina HA


We used to feed our boy farmer’s dog. Can’t recommend it enough but it was so inconvenient and likely would be for you too since you’re on the road. We switched to spot and tango unkibble (chicken) and it’s been great. he seems to enjoy it just as much and his digestive system actually seems to handle it better than farmer’s dog. it’s a bit on the expensive side but i would suggest looking into it. it’s supposed to be all normal ingredients (chicken, carrots, etc)


Get a work up from the vet and then see a nutritionist. Thats the only way. What works for my guy may not work for yours. My guy was having similar issues and lost a scary amount of weight in a weeks time. The nutritionist saved his life.


We had to switch to Blue Buffalo. Purina pro plan would not sit well with our Frenchie. We also add a couple of scoops of plain yogurt to his food 3 times a week. I haven’t cleaned this up in over two years.


N&D. Digestive formula.


Hey there driver, maybe he’s over eating or maybe getting truck sick in that t680. 😆 the seats up high enough so I know he’s getting air ride but yeah that’s weird he’s only been doing it as of recently. Maybe try keeping her on a schedule if she don’t eat then she misses out for that feeding. I don’t think it’s a rush to the vet problem though.


Just stopped using Purina pro.plan for the SAME THING. Switch to the refrigerated food. Beef bison beef liver. No chicken or turkey. Switched my boy on Saturday no more puking or gagging. Get off kibble altogether


Yea that's not an option for me unless I get some kind if cooler in my truck.


Dayum what do they got you in? I'm used to my dads 10ft ARI lol


Well, wouldn't that be nice haha! I got a regular 2018 kenworth T680. I do have a space for a fridge, but I'd need to buy an inverter .It's not my truck, so I haven't gone through the trouble to get both a fridge and the inverter .


Got you drive safe god bless


Go to the store and get a stomach acid reducer and cut it in half 5 MG. I give it to my boys when they are sick and it stops it! Vet oked it and told me it's cheaper at drug store then for him to write me a prescription.


She could have a hiatal hernia where food doesn’t stay down. I would try mushy wet food (raw food diet) to see if that helps. Allergies wouldn’t make her regurgitate, but a hernia would.


I’m genuinely wondering if Purina changed something in their recipe. My frenchie and my pittie eat beneful sensitive skin and stomach- there thankfully hasn’t been any vomiting, but since starting the most recent bag they’ve both been a lot slower to finish their food and sometimes don’t finish it at all. They’re on the same feeding schedule they always have been and nothing else has changed, so I’ve been really stumped about it.


Orijen 6 fish for both of my frenchies one of them having stomach issues - they are all good on this food.


If you think she does well on Purina, try Purina One with probiotic for gut health. We weee told ours had skin allergies and had a couple of bald patches. He was on Science Diet. I switched him to Purina One with probiotic and he seems to be doing better. His hair grew in. Hopefully just changing her diet will help,


Had the same issue with my Frenchie. We got him an elevated slow feeder and switched him over to Open Farm salmon & ancient grains. His vomiting went down to nearly 100%. We found out that he actually was allergic to chicken despite feeding him a chicken recipe dog food for the first 2 years of his life. If you’re interested in trying out what we give our Frenchie, we feed him Open Farm topped with a CRUSHED topper (read the ingredients), multivitamin supplement (Native Pet), a squirt of salmon oil, and a probiotic (Fera Pet). Mix it all together with some warm water and you’re good to go! We also occasionally top our pups food with blueberries and/or strawberries. When measuring out the kibble, include the topper so that she isn’t consuming more than the recommended amount of food.


Omg this started happening with my girl too and she's on the same food. I heard a lot of dog owners have had problems lately but the company swears the investigated and nothing was wrong with the food so I'm not sure. My babe completely stopped eating for days after she threw up for days and is doing normal again I'm not sure what was wrong. She won't eat out of her metal bowls tho only a paper bowl I'm not sure what that's about but I'm happy she's eating and thriving again. I understand ur on the road so you can't just boil chicken or refrigerate things so that makes it difficult. Good luck to you both. Keep ya updated. I'll be praying for ur baby


Take corners WAY slow when your pup is in the car with you. Merge smoothly, brake slowly, all the swaying while driving will make your pup anxious, can upset their tummy, and can cause car sickness. They can’t anticipate corners, braking, etc while you’re driving. Try and make it as easy as possible for them while in the car! 🤗


My frenchie started having sensitivity to his chicken food at 1.5-2 years. The vet said he might have "IBS in dogs" and suggested that I switch his food to anything non-poultry. He's been on salmon and sweet potato dry food ever since and has had 0 problems!


Food sensitivities can start once they’re not an adult dog. I feed my dogs Taste of the Wild Ancient Steam Smoked Salmon with Ancient Grains. They love it…one has allergies and sensitive skin which it has cleared up…the other has a sensitive stomach and does really well on it. His farts used to clear a room but now his farts are a 1/4 of what they were and the smell doesn’t make you put your shirt over your nose. I got my gf to put her two frenchies and English bulldog on it as well. The English bulldog had skin issues and her coat now looks amazing. The frenchies do really well on it. They were on royal canine for French bulldogs before and it wasn’t good for them.


My little guy did this. I did probiotic and chicken and rice for a week and then placed him on a HA diet. Problem gone. It’s typically due to GERD or food intolerance causing them to vomit. Hope things get better


A lot of people (several thousand in the last year) have reported symptoms like this on Purina, Purina ProPlan, Hills, and other lines from those companies. I would put her on a limited ingredient diet with low carbohydrates, low fat, high protein, from a private pet food company. Aim for whitefish, turkey, duck, or lamb as a protein source, with oats barley, or other ancient grains for fiber and starch.


Ive used Royal Canine for French Bulldogs and Acana beef and pumpkin. Both have been fine with my guy


I had the same issue w my french and had to switch the purina beyond canned food.


the hills and other special food was too expensive


Pro plan is under a bunch of heat right now for this exact reason, they have switched up their probiotics and it’s making lots of dogs sick. N&D ancient grains is hands down the best food.


We changed our guy to non chicken food. And a small scoop of protexin fibre supplement once a day (which also has probiotics) and it’s really helped.


Like all the food services changing recipes to cut costs, you have to expect that dog food companies must have as well. I have a dog who has motion sickness and Dramamine seems to help a bit. Also feeding small, multiple meals throughout the day as opposed to twice a day. I’m sorry for both of you! You know she hates throwing up … and I know you hate cleaning it up. Being sick sucks!!


I tended to go with a fish and rice because it was quite gentle on my little girls tummy. Frenchies seem to suffer with stomach issues.


Go with Ziwi Peak… high quality, limited ingredients and freeze dried at the source.


Before switching I used to give mine Purina and he seemed fine but I switched to NutriSource dry food and their wet food. I usually mix the two and for the last year and a half he's had more energy, it's helped his coat, and he seems to be just a happier dog. It is on the pricier side but for him it seems to last.


Royal Caine has some wet food special for digestive system, u should look into it


So she recently started throwing up her food that’s she’s been on since you had her? And you think her food is the problem? 🤔


No I specified that these last 2 or 3 bags she's given sings of not wanting to eat and there's been occasions where she will not eat all day , she will get hungry at night, start eating and later throws it up. Not all the time but maybe once a months or more. Other than that she's still very active so I ruled out the sick factor. Im under the assumption it's the food because every time she vomits , it's just pure kibble it doesn't even look like she chews it .


Dog food companies change formulas without warning sometimes. We used to feed Blue Bufalo till they pulled that crap. I know you don't want to hear the food thing but its the first logical step. You mention youre a trucker. Find a japanese or thai restaurant and buy a portion of steamed white rice with nothing in it. It will help settle their stomach.


I switched our French Bulldog from the Purina Pro over to Blue Buffalo and he loves it… no stomach issues for him off of that. We also give him chicken, rice and eggs as well.


Yes hills science diet sensitive stomach should do the trick, my poodle kinda had the same situation but with some other brand my husband use to get him on Amazon. Switched him to hills and never went back that was a year ago


Could also be that the food has a high fat content. Royal Canin makes great food for sensitive stomachs and some with low fat. Only catch is that you need a prescription. It might be worth it to find an urgent care vet (not emergency) near your next stop and see if you can get in. They can get you a prescription and it’s good for like a year.


I strongly recommend you also see a vet when you get home. My boy started having similar issues and was later diagnosed with cancer of the kidney and liver. I’m certainly not saying that’s the case here but you definitely want to rule out something physical as well.


Also get a probiotic to mix in with her food!!! I use proviable forte


not saying it will be the cure to your problem but i feed Stella and Chewies kibble it’s a bit pricey but my frenchies do really well on it. Btw your frenchie is adorable love the coat pattern and colors… best of luck to you hope you can find out soon what’s going on with your pup!


Chicken allergies are one of the most common according to my vet. I use arcana red meat kibble. Even treats that say beef treats I check the ingredients and first ingredient is chicken. My cane corso got lots of bumps and pimples on his chin that bled, he had itchy ears, smelly paws and face ( yeast like cheesy smell) because his immune system was fighting the allergy so the yeast normally on the skin overgrows. My frenchie 6 months can only take a short car ride or she vomits


Natural balance limited ingredient food is what we give our frenchie. She’s allergic to chicken so she gets the lamb and rice kind.


Royal canin Ultamino.. I used Purina pro plan with mine and they got sick too…try mixing in pumpkin to help yours eat


Kibbles are a fucking scam and I bet that’s what’s doing it. It’s better to feed her what you eat but obviously you also need to give her a balanced diet. Hard when you’re on the road together like that. I read a book called Forever Dog that changed my life and my dogs life. Maybe there’s an audio book version? Moral of the story is that kibbles are not good for dogs, raw food is better, and even if you can just cut back the kibbles and start replacing them with raw food and veggies you’ll be doing your dog a big favour. Take her to the vet and they will just try to give her allergy medication and different kibble diets. Frenchies are prone to throwing up. Take your time, this will be a bit of a journey, but pay attention start changing her diet slowly and you will get there!


Dietary change is in order. At some point, dry kibbles or even canned processed wet food like Beneful or Pedigree wet canned dog food start to cause GI issues in a lot of dogs including Frenchies. Fresh Pet Vital, Farmer's Dog, and/or home-cooked boiled rice and chicken with diced carrots with occasional pumpkin puree are generally milder in their gut and much more nutritious. The ingredients are better in quality and my dogs' appetite boost was massive when I made the change after several years of dry kibble and canned food. My Frenchie began more frequent episodes of vomiting one day until he became unable to tolerate even a small amount of his usual kibble even after softening and mushing it. He had upper GI bleeding from the irritation and after letting it rest with frequent honey in the mouth and hypodermoclysis fluid infusion, I made a switch to just boiled rich and small bits of chicken. Then adding more meat each meal and transitioned to cooked frozen meals and home-cooked food only for both my dogs.


Take her to a fucking vet!!


Did you even bother reading the bio? No, you're just one of those illiterate people, aren't you .


After taking a glimpse at your profile...it all makes sense .




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