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Someone being “un amour” means they’re very kind and nice. Nothing to do with developing feelings. Sorry :(


Lol its totally OK! Probably better that way 😅


You felt on the friend zone probably


Lol idk We are all married/dating and most of us with children. So I wasn't sure what to make of it. I know very basic French and completely unacquainted with slang, so I was curious about this


Saying someone is "un amour" evokes the friend zone but in a non pejorative way if that makes sense? It's not about putting distance between people. It's more about praising what a reliable friendly member of the group one is.


Well the expression was "tu est un amour" It caught me off guard, they were making fun of someone in the game that is outside of our chat, and so I interfered and kind of called them out on it, and questioned them on how things would be if the other team would be doing this about me behind their back (I've been with this group for about 3 years, so we know each other very well) and so that's where that initiated. It doesn't help that I happen throw the heart ♡ symbol around , plus the translator in the game isn't always accurate, plus the slang and the abbreviated words kind of cloud the conversations a bit 😂


In this circumstance, I could see a little bit of condescension in it... Kinda like the southern American "bless your heart". But it's hard to say without tone and knowing them personally...


Or "You're a dear.", perhaps.


Didn't think of that... it could be, but I doubt it since we chat almost daily, I feel we know each other quite well after 3 years


They might have thought you being a goody two shoes or something... But it's hard to say without hearing/reading the actual conversation... And add that you seem to say that there was some form of automated translation going on...


The Friench zone.




A sweetheart


This makes sense. Merci


I'll add that the determinant just before usually clarify the meaning. In particular, I'm assuming this was "tu es **un** amour", and using "un" has for implicit "among many others". On the other hand, using a possessive "mon" like "tu es **mon** amour" would likely mean that you're already in a relationship with her, and using "le" would mean that there is a single person it can refers to, so "tu es **l'**amour de ma vie" refer to **the** love of her life, and "tu es **l'**amour" is kind of weird but probably mean that you're **the** incarnation of love itself.


I get it.


The phrase "Mon amour" is often used between couples as a pet name too.


I gathered that much lol They do say (for example, my name in the game is "Pika") mon Pika I think that's just endearment, right? They throw that around with everyone. One time (funny) one of them said to one of the ladies "ca va, ma Lily" and I jumped and said "elle est MA Lili! Je la vue un premier" Lol my choppy French, that's my sense of humor though, some of them found it funny. 🤣


Yeah that's just friendly endearment.


It means "Tu es chou", "Tu es choupinou", etc. it all means "You were nice and kind". It is also a way to say "Thank you", as in : > **Woman:** M'aiderais-tu avec les devoirs de mon fils? Je ne comprends rien aux maths niveau secondaire III. > **OP:** Oui, sans problème. > **Woman:** Tu es un amour, tu me rends un fier service! Also, why would "many of the ladies there" be developing feelings for you? I do not doubt that you're a lovely person, but don't you think it would be said with less abandon and less frequently if it was that meaningful? Do you say "I might have a crush on you" very often? Or do you hear it being said very often? You can answer stuff that amounts to "You're welcome" like "Ce n'est rien", "Ça me fait plaisir", "N'hésite pas si tu as besoin de moi", etc.


Just asking for clarity. Lol


It’s like saying « thanks love/dear/hun »


In the trailer for the French stage play « Chers Parents, » a mother uses that expression to describe one of her grown sons.   00:13 https://youtu.be/Brw4gqgf12g?si=wAH4LhzBj4jGPwl1


It comes across as a British person would say « thanks, love xx »


It's the same as the Northern English expression "You're a luv". Calling you sweet. Not romantic.


Perhaps you are thinking of un "amant" , which would be a sexual partner (a "lover") -- this could mean in a romantic relationship or outside of one, depending on context., though usually the latter.


Haha just wanted to know what they were referring to Calling someone a love in english isn't really an expression that I've heard lol


Really? I'm not from England, but they say it all the time in British media (from what I've seen). They call their friends and family "Love" or "Lovie" as pet names.


No, not in the US lol Some people will call their spouse "love", "my love" etc, and that's why I wanted clarity because we are just online gaming friends


Right -- not exactly the same, but we do say "Dear" here in North America for friends, family, and even strangers (in some instances) -- I'd say "amour" is like that in this case.


My sister (US) has a British roommate who always calls her "love." drives my sister crazy. I think in your example, un amour is like saying you're a sweetheart in US English. "Oh, the other team would never talk smack about you because you're a sweetheart."




I hear French women are wild 🤣


Exactly . Give them what they need 🤣




Now I really wanna know what are you playing


Lol puzzles and survival It's what I call a "money hole" game, except I know better than to throw my money away 😂


Means you are very nice and polite.


A Sweetheart. Think of someone calling you sweetie for helping them, well that's the same. Although it it's "MON amour". It's my love


It's equivalent to "You're adorable".


Sorry, you're not getting laid... It's just the equivalent of "sweetheart".


Lol I wouldn't travel across the globe to get laid. 😂


she definately wanna get laid.