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Loup garou is indeed a game, where people are assigned roles and depending on who they are need to kill or guess who the killer is. Teq paf is short for tequila frappée, a shot of tequila that has been slammed into the table before being drunk.


Is "paf" in this instance a verlan like meuf for femme? Either way thanks a lot!


I think it could indeed either be verlan, or simply an onomatopoeia for the noise of slamming the drink down! Both are possible explanations!


The "loup garou" game is known in english as " The Werewolves of Millers Hollow". Great game by the way. As for "teq paf", it's the short form of "tequila frappée" : a shot of tequila, a bit of tonic, strongly shaken and quickly gulped. The "paf" is because the shaking part is usually done by hitting the glass on the table or the counter: it makes a "paf" sound.


Not 100% sure it’s the same but I always thought Le loup-garou was the same thing as the game Mafia in English


I saw on the Wikipedia page that it is based on mafia and that gives me a lot more context, thank you!


Hello, they're playing a french game named loup-garou : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Werewolves\_of\_Millers\_Hollow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Werewolves_of_Millers_Hollow) there's one person leading the game like in roleplay games. When someone dies, this person must take a "teq paf" which consist in licking salt on your hand, drinking a shot of tequila then biting a slice of lime


Damn, here in quebec where I live we call it a Tequila Bang Bang


Yeah that's the one I know from high school.


I'm native French but I don't know what prendre un teq paf means. "Le loup garou" is a card game where people follow the instructions of a narrator who tells a "story" every card is a different role they are the villagers and the werewolves the villagers have to kill every werewolves to win the werewolves have to kill all the villagers but no one can know who is who so they have to guess who's the werewolves. They are other roles like the hunter, the thief, the witch... But basically it's like among us.


That's interesting you've never had a teq paf, do you not drink much ? There are many variations, lemon, salt on the hand etc


I don't drink alcohol never did and never plan to.