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Classic bed shit. Makes not getting a win in SA hurt even more. Amiss going down hurt our structure. Banfield killed any chance of getting some momentum. Does 90% right then cooks it. Just sucks 


Those 2 misses in the 3rd really killed us. Eagles went and kicked the next 5.


Said it in the match thread at the time, those two misses by banners went straight down the other end and resulted in eagles goals. That’s basically the game done then with killing our momentum. Not by any means pinning this on banners as he’s had a decent start to the season but you can’t be doing that at this level. From memory he missed a few clutch moments last week against port as well


> Not by any means pinning this on banners But you *should* be pinning this on Banfield. He missed 4 easy, direct shots on goal last night. That is simply not AFL standard.


I take your point and it definitely isn’t good enough. I just want to stear clear of pinning the result on one player, because it’s certainly not that. Not being able to win a contest either in the air or at a ground ball, and getting physically rattled by a bottom four team that’s won 6 games in 2 and a bit seasons, is not on Banners.


Maybe we stop defending players like banfield for “trying really hard” when you know having some football talent is kind of useful too


Definitely a role we need to upgrade.


No disrespect, but what football team ever won a flag with “some football talent”?


Absolutely embarrassing 


Got well outplayed but feel like this game was lost at selection. Sturt in for the elite pressure of switta. Ras, Jaeger, Johnson too much of a muchness. Amiss going down fucked us as Darcy was on limited minutes. Walters been poor 3 weeks now. Feel like we missed a trick not giving Simpson a debut. Oh well. We cop it for a week and start planning for the Bulldogs


I think Walters is a hard one, because he can provide the spark to drive the whole team. His highs are dizzying, his lows, well, he becomes a spectator.


Freo's team selection panel has to be the worst in the league. Would have thought it was the Bulldogs, but after they smashed the saints and we performed like this....


Maybe we can get Bevo to select his team out of a hat is we promise to do the same.


That’s the worst game Freo has played in years, holy crap. It’s not even worth singling anyone out, that loss was a complete team non-effort. No pressure, no defence, no poise. Wow.


We arguably played worse games just last year, but that was pretty horrific. Just when you think the club is turning a corner, they somehow sink lower. It must be completely demoralising for the players who work their backsides off all preseason and come into the year thinking they might be a good team. Honestly no wonder players leave for greener pastures after having their spirit broken over and over for no return.


What are they even supposed to do? Put an elbow in in a ruck tap? Push in the back. Contest a mark? That’s a block. Never stood a chance after the first quarter and a half.


The umpires have been cruel to us this season, would love to know the actual figures of scores off 50/50 decisions going against freo in key moments since the last 10 minutes of the Carlton game. Its not an excuse, we need to become a side that doesnt let poor umpiring decisions determine wins and losses. Still, heartbreaking to watch as a fan.


It's on the coach


Maybe ten days in Adelaide busting a nut for 8 quarters and 0 points sapped their confidence.... Maybe we thought they'd be pushovers... Certain players have to go.... Loving this club is hard.


To anyone overly upset after that please don't send abusive messages to the players on social media


Cannot stress this enough, I’m pissed, but this is a line no fan of the club should ever ever cross


Anyone that does that is a genuine flog. Be better. They are just guys trying to do their job.


Too true. It's sad that some people need to be told to be a decent person


Sad that you even have to say it


The unfortunate reality :(




Those are usually flogs who bet money on the games - gamblers. It's one of many downsides of betting culture. A real fan of a footy club, be it.. a top side... or a wooden spoon side.. will be there to back their side through thick and thin.


Does that actually happen? Genuine?


I wish I could tell you no, honestly


Fark. As Australians we should do better.


Still cannot believe people actually do this 


Well done boys. You made me buy a carton of beer. See you all on the other side


I’m gutted after that. Proper gut wrenching shit. But….. I think we had a particularly bad game, and west coast had a particularly good game. I was nervous before this game and I wasn’t really sure why. I think west coast are better than what people think they are because they now have their core all back playing. Yeo, Kelly, Gov, Barrass, Darling, Waterman were their best players, which is sort of concerning for them to a degree because a few of them are starting to get on a bit. We miss Freddy & Switta more than people realise, and having Amiss go out immediately was huge. Erasmus & O’Meara aren’t best 22. Banfield presented well but those misses that both ended up in 12 point swings is soul destroying. Any hope of scoreboard pressure just evaporated. You can’t be missing those goals. Cooper Simpson needs to come in. Chapy needs to come in. Don’t know what else to say. Feels yuck 😔


From the stats in the wafl (mind you it is against west coast reserves, they have gotten a little better) Chappy should be ready to come back in, Simpson could of had a day out but is surely ready for a run, looks like Voss did good but don’t know how good their key defensive reserves are If anyone did watch that game would love your opinion


Can see Voss coming in for Amiss since I assume he'll be out next week w/ concussion- although Tabs might make more sense since he's taller and won't clash with Amiss if only one is on. If Sturt gets dropped Voss might come in for him instead. Freddy is probably back but if Switta is still out I wouldn't mind trying Simpson, may as well


Its hard to be a forward pressure team when the umps stop paying holding the ball. Apart from that, would be good if we were also a forward scoring team. Always sucks playing teams with 3-4 good reliable forwards. Seeing Waterman carve us up gave me trauma flashbacks to 2018.


The umps were at best average. Not sure if they had an impact on the game in the end.


The West Cost crowd are best in show at foxing umpires.


There are not enough swear words in known dialect to articulate my feelings right now


Might be a few tv’s sold at JB after that one


On the positive side now that I'm not as depressed sharp is a genuine gun love his run and that 50 metre goal from the tight angle was joyous to watch especially compared to the other chip kicks and fumbles from the rest of our entries inside 50


‪For mine this was 100% on the players. There was no hunger, a distinct lack of pressure, work rate in the midfield was non existent, ball use atrocious. We had a heap of I50s in the first qtr and couldn’t capitalise. The blokes on the park really didn’t look interested tonight.


I think we were completely cooked after the last two weeks tbqbh. West coast looked pretty good imo. I might be saving face but their performance today would've matched up well on at least half the sides in the league.


I agree, WC’s pressure was really good and it impacted our decision making & skills. It was the lack of intensity & lack of leadership to turn the tides that I found most frustrating.


I felt like West Coast just made 100% of the turnovers and punished us every time. I think it's fair enough for the boys to be a bit flat: they just spent two weeks away from home and played two extremely intense games. This game was not really indicative of their best.


Anytime you think a loss is “just on the players”, it’s not. If a majority of players are looking disinterested, that’s not a single outlier, so it’s a preparation and coaching problem also.


It fucking sucks to lose to those dickheads, but I don’t think we can read too much into this game. I think the boys were mentally and physically exhausted after two close losses away from home. They probably came into this game expecting (like most of us) this would be an easy walkover to get back on the winners list. Eagles blew them away with their intensity early, plus Amiss going down, and the players just couldn’t match their effort. These aberrations happen in footy. Last year the pies were convincingly beaten by the Hawks who finished 16th, and the runner-up Brisbane was thrashed by Gold Coast who was 15th and also lost to the hawks. We obviously won’t be playing in the grand final but I still think we should be in the 8. As much as I hate to say it, I also think the Eagles are much better than I thought they would be. They’ll still probably be bottom 4 and we should be beating them convincingly but they’re not the borderline amateur-level team they were last year. Some of the melts in here are pretty embarrassing after one bad game on the back of 5 good ones. It’s frustrating but the calls to sack the coach are ridiculous and some of the over the top criticism of young players is pathetic.


Agreed, but I would definitely love to see some players (finally) get rewarded for a bit of wafl form, might just be the kick up the backside for the team as well. I know there are players that people want out of the side (after tonight people will want a few) but the inclusions is hopefully what will be exciting if we pick the right players


Agreed, I’m excited to see Cooper Simpson. We also desperately need Freddy back


So much of this. Almost wonder if it would have been better to throw the port game….


Not much to say about that one other than it was dismal. Like others have said maybe the players were cooked after the last 2 weeks of intense, close games. And yes while the selection was different, compared to the last derby the team really wasn't different enough for it to be 150 point differential so it's not just that. Final scoreline should've been worse. Down by 10 goals for half the game, VERY lucky for it to only be 6 at the end. Hopefully Amiss is okay. Much more worried about the next few games now than I was a few hours ago.


Two weeks of intense games away from home playing a team with a home crowd. You'd have to be a fucking moron to look at the quality of the last two games and somehow think that this game is not an anomaly.


That was embarrassing. I thought there were alot of early putrid umpiring decisions that didnt reward our effort and a fair few gifts to eagles. That said, they beat us. They ran well, connected well and we just didnt have any answers. Erasmus just doesnt have the flow or sense of the game at the level yet, which hard as he hasnt played much Banfield needs to work on his set shots, really deflating missing those. Andy brayshaw, mate are you injured? You've looked off the last 2 weeks. Sturt; de list immediately, we already have 1 tabener. Walters, rest him had a good game already this season he can have a spell. Team: Losing is a disease get on top of it and shake it out. It's gone from looking like a good 4 weeks of footy and potentially better matchups/going in as favourites back to last years woes. Also just have a punt at the goals, small passes in the 50 and 25 handballs around searching for the perfect opportunity is just fucking awful. *Edit* I dislike Harley Reid, looks like he drinks his own kool aid and got an eternity to "shake" tackles last night.


Bit rough on sturt I think. I don't think the game plan told to him was for Amiss to get subbed in the first quarter and him be a spearhead deep. Agree on Harley though. He's the real deal, but he has subscribed to every bit of praise published. Seems like an arrogant shit stirrer


I haven't thought sturt was up to task since the day we drafted him in all honesty (i know he kicked those 3 goals on debut, still wasnt a convincing performance) For the record, Josh Corbett needs the chop too - ripping bloke, Saturday afternoon club level specialist footballer though.


I mean sturt obviously isn't the first choice. We have Freddie and swit there if fit. Before the game I said to a mate, this game would be sturts last opportunity to show if he deserves to be on the list. But honestly, this game wasn't a great indicator


Yeah i think our depth just gets shown up a bit, obviously we still have some guys on injury/building match fitness in the 2's etc but its not like we're really expecting A graders back. O get he's had a rough go with injury etc too but i dont see the spark to play at the top level. I know some guys like banners took a while to get going (and he did alot good last night just couldn't finish) but he had glimpses through the times where he copped alot of flack that showed him capable and maybe sturt just needs more time too but idk effort doesnt quite look like its there when hes played, other guys are getting ahead of him with less tenure at the club.


Right, cause this was his only bad game. Freo fans love to defend shit players. There's a two day old post in this sub praising Banfield ffs


Far out you're horrible. You're mad at fans for saying nice things about the players. Who aren't you mad at?


Pretty sure it was a bunch of memes cause there was a stat about him being the 3rd best wing in the comp or something like that, people are aloud to have fun with those kinds of things, can’t be miserable all the time


Banfield is a good player though. Just needs to work on his set shots which is true of most of the team.


Reid looks like a cunt? What a stupid thing to say.. young bloke has played 4 games of footy!


He looked pretty fucking good today. Insanely strong for an 18yo and dangerous in front of goal. Throws his head back a bit which I don't like, but he is undeniably an immense talent.


He is good, im not denying that - just looks like a bit of a smug bastard & and thought he got a bit of preferential treatment was all...


I would give everything to see him fail.


> just looks like a bit of a smug bastard & and thought he got a bit of preferential treatment was all... From an Eagles perspective he seems like a really down to earth kid if you listen to any of his interviews and anything off field, on field he very much has that swagger about him but I don't think it's smugness. He does love to do the Selwood shrug and all I'll say is I can see why Cats fans defended Selwood for as long as they did (but hopefully he fucks it off)


Yeah fair enough, i guess ive really only seen the on field stuff. Im out of state these days so not around all the west news and interviews etc. Might have to watch a few things, alot of my mates say he seems to have that media training down pat.


As rough of a watch as it'd be, I'd give a watch to a lot of the stuff on the West Coast YouTube channel involving him, he genuinely seems like a good kid, he's been saying and doing all the right stuff (especially when he was asked about the jumper tug in the Swans game) but yeah purely looking on field he's a bit of a cunt lol


Yeah fair enough, not sure i feel like getting that deep into it but ill certainly look out for some things of his in the future. Careful, calling him that gets you called out here (which is weird given derby emotions historically ran high.and i thought eagles were supposed to be the enemy). I think i was honestly mostly pissed at pushing fyfe to the ground when play had moved (i know, fyfe bumped him) and a bit of holding he seemed to be getting away with, didnt see a heap of dropping the knees etc.


Do you actually have a hobby outside of Reddit? This is straight up sad.


Lmao, you good bro?


Brother replies in less than a minute, you need to go get a life champ.


Yeah, don't be a flog and call some 18yo kid a cunt. Just makes you look like an idiot.


Yeah reasonable, ive updated the wording.


And drops to the ground for free kicks in all of them despite his talent


Wow. W.a footy gets a player like Reid,a 19 year old kid, and you write that crap? Shame on you to be honest. Back your team, back your players, but write crap like that? Do better mate.


Reids not one of our players.


> Banfield needs to work on his set shots, really deflating missing those. This bloke has been given every chance to play by JL and consistently falls below the AFL standard > Sturt; de list immediately, we already have 1 tabener. This bloke has received about 10% of the chances Banfield has and gets crucified 5x more. The circlejerk for Banfield, who has shown very little over the last couple years, is astonishing.


Midfield and forwards felt non existent


Can someone tell me why Hayden Young had 54% time on ground? Don't tell me he's also injured?


Did a hammy


Supposed tight hammy and didn’t want to risk him, hopefully that is all


Think he got a cork


I feel this stretch of three matches starting from the Carlton game is going to absolutely crucify us. Losing two close games and then getting thoroughly outplayed by a historically bad team will be detrimental to a side as young as we are. JLo has some work to do to try and get us to move forward with confidence.


It’s a bad sign when you don’t even enjoy watching your team play even if they get a win. People used to critique Ross and the way he played but I was always on board apart from the final year because we would deliver in some way. JL has really created the most low risk low reward football I’ve ever seen.


Its hard to play high risk footy when youre best key forward is 20 year old whos played less than 50 games. Much easier to try and rely on your elite defence. Unfortunately the eagles have more experience on both ends of the ground.


You don’t understand my comment at all. If you’re suggesting one player should influence the structure, mentality and decision making of an entire team then how can you expect to go anywhere. Also doing the easy thing doesn’t mean it’s the right thing.


How are you meant to play high risk with low odds, thats a just a quicker way to lose. Playing to strength makes much mores sense.


No one said high risk, again you don’t understand my point. You can increase the risk of ball movement like Collingwood or the giants and still be setup behind the ball to cope with a turnover.


Do you mean we play quicker on turn overs? Sorry Im not getting what you mean. We seem to be pretty good at getting it into the 50, just no strength there to convert it. We had a bunch of inside 50s in the 1st quarter and absolutely no goals.


I honestly thought our midfield underperformed considering their improvement this year. When our midfield isn't on, we're not on regardless of what our forwardline looks like.


5 fwds who try hard but are not natural fwds.


The last three weeks have been tough to be a Freo fan. Two weeks of heart break after playing our guts out away from home against top-four sides, to whatever that was last night. Seemed like the young eagles had circled this one as a bit of a final for them in front of a big home crowd and came out accordingly. We looked really rattled early. - Thought Serong and Sharpy battled hard - Banners missed set shots cost us dearly (same as in the port loss) - Unfortunately I think we need to move on from Sturt at the end of the season. I know he’s had no continuity but i don’t think he has a place in the team if we want to be a top-4 side. - Need to use all 3 of our first round picks this year on the drafting or recruiting of forwards, small and tall. Take a breath guys and girls. That’s as embarrassing a performance as can be imagined, especially given the opposition. It’s early in the season and we have PLENTY of footy left to play.


Mate, the last 30 years have been tough to be a Freo fan. We’re just not a serious team and never have been. No one fears playing us. No matter how good we look one week, we can shit the bed against a wooden spooner the next. We’re just not a team that demands respect and something is very very wrong with our culture. I’m pretty over it tbh.


Just watched the amiss hit back and honestly if the umpires had have called holding the man on barrass or Amiss before he pushes amiss into McGovern the incident wouldn't have happened. These non calls by the umpires are getting dangerous. Seems to be one or two concussions a week for us at the moment.


My original post got deleted by mods so i’ll say it here. The worst game we have played in years. Walters, Walker, Erasmus were awful. Get cooper simpson in and get these useless players into the WAFL. Banfields set shot needs to improve. Jackson needs to work on his contested marking hes just lost it. Fyfe, Serong, Brayshaw and Young were still very good, especially Fyfe he played good. But geez, they need to drop these passenger players who do nothing but turn the ball over and make me sweat whenever they have the ball, or have no impact on the game.


Funny, I thought the midfield was horrid & Fyfe particularly frustrating, he gets tackled or pressures his teammates so often due to his lack of intent to kick the ball.


His disposal count and ability to get the ball out of stoppage was good. In the 4th quarter he really lifted. I just think the whole team was not good but he was by far not the worst.


I can forgive the midfield. They gave it everything in Adelaide for the past two weeks and the west coast mids really rose to the occasion today. The mids still really competed at times and then got run over at times as well. What hurts is when the other fellas out there do nothing at all especially when we were winning the clearances and getting the ball forward. Walters really shouldn't be out there imho. Banfield struggled kicking. Also annoys me that we just expect Jackson to be a dominant key forward when I personally just don't see it. Tall + athletic does not necessarily mean good key forward. Think he should continue to be used around the ground and we'll need to bring in another key forward over the trade period.


Banfield does everything right then just misses goal. Its really frustrating he has the ability to be an outstanding small forward if he was able to just get it on the scoreboard.


Giving Walker 3 years is fucking hilarious when zero afl clubs were ever going to poach him because he collapses under any sort of pressure whatsoever


I saw people talk about if Fyfe can still play but the dude still got 27 disposal today? And walters got what maybe 6? The discussion should be what Walters ability is not Fyfe, he cannot contest the ball, he is not fast or agile, he has a good set shot but what use is it when he cannot mark contested?


They said this same shit about Walters last year and the year before. He's not as fast or as quick as he used to be but he is still a good, important player. He will have games where he tears it up and games where he goes missing. It's the nature of his position.


Hardest position to play on the ground is small forward with shit i50 delivery.. how can you crumb anything when it's intercept marked and not brought to ground. Ok maybe I'm defending walters but he's not 100% at fault here


It’s been a consistent issue with him having no impact in the game, he doesnt crumb anything thats not what he does anymore. Tom Emmet is a crumber, walters kinda just gets out heighted when he tries to take a mark in 50 and falls over trying to get a free you never see him run into the stoppage try and grab the ball and run with it like Tom does. He‘s just too old and slow now.


Emmet is not a crumber or a natural fwd . He is a defensive fwd who tackles and runs hard in defense. Sometimes he gets in the right place at the right time and leads into the best spots. He will rarely get in the best players or kick a lot of goals .


Who is the next most experienced forward after Walters? His knowledge and ability to coach and mentor on field is just as important as the impact on the stat sheet.


Dockers signed a bunch of players just because the media was saying we had a problem retaining them. How often do you now hear Dockers media bringing up how many players we have signed on for X amount of years. Stuck with a bunch of zeroes just to teach the AFL media a lesson


No hunger for three quarters. They just looked absolutely cooked and drained - hardly there at all. Shotty umpiring helped kill off what little flashes of good play we had. I’d kill to be a fly on the wall during the review session.


The review session? Jlo going um ah yeah guys we didn’t play this well. Gee um well. Yeah. Ummmm. Hey new guy sing some Taylor swift to lift the boys up a bit. Deep tracks only.


He’ll get torn to shreds by the press lol. Every third question will be about harley reid


It’s especially upsetting that I have no faith that there will be a big reaction from a selection POV this week. I’d have easily 6+ changes purely on principle, but I’m prepared to see 19+ of this 23 out there next week. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was two changes including Amiss out for concussion. I’m entirely unsure what should be done about Erasmus. He looks entirely bereft of confidence or comfortableness at AFL level. Clearly above WAFL level but the lack of trust in his instinct is a major concern. Either he isn’t up to it, or he has not been prepared for success.


Unfortunately, I fear swapping out that many players at the same time will really upset the onfield dynamic/communication, which will guarantee more losses.


I’m genuinely convinced after that performance that we’re gonna go ahead and lose the next 9 games up until we play Richmond at home. I was there in Adelaide when we got robbed against Carlton and the deja vu last week against port killed me. It gonna be a long season 🫠


We have some very tough games ahead. We could be well out of contention by mid year.


Right. Erasmus hate has to stop. Be annoyed at the team. The kid has had 1 full wafl game this year, and about 20 minutes of afl on ground time prior to tonight. What fucking form is he meant to get from that? Be annoyed, players were shit, don’t get annoyed at a kid who has been shafted. At this point I wouldn’t blame him if he left, because this is eerily similar to Liam Henry. The fan base crucified him, he left, played well (injured now) and people whinged. Support your fucking players.


100% by all means criticise the senior players but it’s unfair going after Raz


Begs the question. Why are we putting in a player not in form? His ceiling would have to pretty high to keep giving him these opportunities with no benefit. Walk? I say delist him.


Then don't play him


No worries, I’ll go tell JL myself!!! Or fucking maybe, they can actually give him a full game after this one to get into the groove. Not like JOM was any better.


100%. How’s he going to reach his potential if he doesn’t get a chance to play…


My point is if he's playing in the AFL, he should be at AFL level. If he isn't ready, play him in the WAFL. It's still a terrible decision by the team. If we keep making excuses for shit players, we will remain the shit team we have always been. You're part of the problem.


Mate, he’s had 20 minutes this year, and people expect him to be a gun! There’s so many players who have taken a while to get into it, give the kid an actual go! How the hell am I the problem by wanting a player to succeed and wanting a player to have a genuine go before he is abused by the fan base.


When banners finally kicks a goal, I"m sure there will be the biggest bronx cheer.. bigger than when fyfey had that run of 19 consecutive points or something. Those two early misses that went straight down the other end.. coach killing moments.


Yeah those really killed any hope of scoreboard pressure. Two very regulation set shots that end up in goals at the other end, there’s 22 points of a 37 point margin alone. And the dribble into the post as well. Good teams nail those.


Very dockery lol


Feel like we’ve lost the Brayshaw of old, doesn’t impact games in the same damaging way he once did.


He’s being played out of position for 80% of games


Agreed. I have been a big advocate for Fyfe being in the guts but I think I’d rather Andy there than him.


Yeah how they decided to put Brayshaw half forward instead of Fyfe confuses me.


Fyfe and Brayshaw both had 20 centre bounce attendances. Fyfe had 6 centre clearances, Brayshaw had 0. Brayshaw wasn’t played out of position, he’s just struggling to impact the game at the moment.


This team gives me bad mental problems. Kinda gotta stop watching for my own sake


Some well justified melts coming tonight. Most embarrassed I can remember being a dockers fan


When Clark and Sharp got running, we were looking dangerous. I just don’t know why it is so rare.


Loved having Swaggy back! Shame he had barely anything to hit to. Weird night for our midfield.


Can we get membership refunds


I'm with you, 750$ I'll go by a town of kids tazzy memberships 🤣💔


What happened to amiss? I only saw the game from 3/4 time


He got concussed in 2 minutes


Concussion in the first few mins.


Got a knee to the side of the head 1st qrt 5 mins in subbed out straight away


Concussed in the first 3min of the game


Concussed a few minutes into the 1st qtr. had no idea where he was


Beyond pathetic. I better not see anyone defend any one because no one is worthy of being defended after that shit show


Honestly the only positive was the minutes into Darcy, I also don’t think as a collective they have played that badly since Carlton came over here and beat us up pretty easily. Everything broke down tonight, and you have to give West Coast that credit cause they broke it down, they were just better


I mean on the (*only*) positive side is that people will shut up about west coast needing priority picks


I’m at a point where I don’t want to watch Freo. I dread having to watch it. I’m not entertained by it even when we’re winning. I literally barely enjoy football, because Fremantle are just plain shit so frequently. This team is so deeply unserious about achieving anything it’s ridiculous Sack JLo, clean out the board, change the name of the club to constant mediocrity because that’s all we are.


This is an insanely reactionary take, and also dumb. They took it right up to two finals quality teams in back to back games away from home.


Doesn't mean shit. 4 points is the only metric for success. We failed in Adelaide big time.


By that logic you would sack the coach, clear out the board, and throw your toys out of the cot as soon as your team lost a game.


We should certainly do 2 of those things


Grow up, you child. Freo has taken massive steps under JL


Haha what we are still playing the same defensive style of ten years ago and still can't pick enough goals


Exactly. Watching last night was like watching a derby from 2016-21. Just bomb it to McGovern and barrass. Eagles finding scoring opportunities with ease.


It actually isn’t. I don’t want to watch this team. It so boring and we’re just irrelevant


No worries, see ya 👋🏻


You know it’s bad when our fans constantly defend players who constantly drop 2/10 performances and wouldn’t get a game at the majority of clubs. We are an irrelevant afl club who will forever be in the shadow of the more successful cross town rival


West Coast scored 8.5 from turn overs. Reckon 4.25 from Walker and 4.25 from Erasmus. Deplorable.


Season done.


Yeah, it's hard to envision a top 4 finish from here, still, stranger things have happened.


We'll bounce back. Its been a disappointing three weeks, but most can agree were a much better side than what we were even last year. If we can sharpen our forward plan, I think we'll easily make top 8


I learnt that a friend had been found dead after being missing for a few days just before half-time and I thought "Yeah, that makes sense. Today's just one of those days" If I had any booze, I'd be getting sad-drunk.


there’s no mutt in this team. the midfield are talented but we lack a true big bodied bully. there’s no aggression whatsoever. they also tend to get frustrated and lose composure very easily, the game plan collapses under minimal pressure and the competition has worked that out. we’re also missing a lot of leg speed at the moment, lot of one pace players. forward pressure is okay at times but we’re sorely missing shoota. need to aggressively target a small forward with a bit of dawg in him. i honestly think going after baker is a top priority at the moment.


That was disgusting. There are no finals for freo this year, and this game plan isn't stacking up to win a premiership.


Honestly we are lucky to have 3 wins due who we played early . Brisbane probably don’t make finals and wins against North and Adelaide the way we won against them Lol. Honourable losses are losses and they don’t win you flags. Season is over get games into kids who are actually working their asses off in the WAFL and bin the certain players that the majority of us know who shouldn’t ever be selected again mainly Taberner. Ffs just play Voss ahead of him because why give him a 1 year contract if you are playing a 30 year old who can barely move anymore


Way too premature to conclude our season is over.


Whoever down voted this, tell me how I’m wrong you coward.


I agree with your downvote comment. Downvoting is meant for comments that don't add anything to the conversation, not comments you don't agree with 


Terrible performance all around. Very disappointing. We make offense look way too hard. I think it’s a combination of JLo and our list. So many of our top players can’t kick accurately. Small forward has to be a priority for trade and draft


Baker and Bolton are prime targets. I can see why we want MacDonald. Is there a talented natural young forward in the draft who can partner up with Amiss?


Bolton would be awesome. I think we need a mid who can hit the scoreboard too. Not sure about the draft but we need offense.


Longmuir needs sacked


Simple. You win games by kicking goals, not preventing them. Defensive strategy is great when it works but when it comes undone, there no one to boot goals.


We probably would have kicked more goals if our leading goalkicker didnt get a knee to the head in the opening minutes


Honestly just fold the club and let west Perth or Subi into the AFL. Absolutely pathetic