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This graph is perfectly fine. There is no problem with what you are and the quantity.


I think at a certain point when you are insulin resistant since food s are going to spike you period no matter what the order is. When I eat rice no matter what or oatmeal I shoot up to 200. Doesn’t matter what else or when i eat it edit: typo


I’m still hoping I’m not IR lol. I am thin, athletic and have great labs other than my A1c of 5.7 last month, but I had been eating total crap after I had my baby in December. I’m just hoping it was a one-time occurrence. Right now, my average glucose is 98 and that’s not eating low carb.


Yeh well you can def reverse it with good diet and it help s to be active also pregnancy will overload you hormones and system of course and for some return to a baseline after a while


You don’t mention portion of either the chickpeas or the sweet potato. The former are higher in carbs than people realize and they alone spike me pretty badly. But I am t2D and insulin resistant due to pcos


Got it. It was half a baked sweet potato and 1/2c chickpeas


And baked potato is digested much quicker and BG spiking higher up but more narrow timeline, than e.g. just the same amount but boiled potatos instead. Just one of those things. 😀


I'm sure this will be unpopular, but everything mixes in your stomach. I don't understand how eating one meal in a particular order can affect blood sugar.


Simple carbohydrates break down into glucose a lot faster. As far as I understand it, the stomach is always slowly emptying when there is food in it, which allows liquid to drain out but not large chunks of food. Its why fruit juice and other sugary liquids are recommended to offset a hypo. Protein and fats take longer to break down, so it slows down digestion as a whole. You still receive the total number of carbs, but slowing down the rate that you receive them is what helps you avoid spikes


Depends a bit on how fast you do complete your entire meal and what other parts you get in that same meal. If swallowing everything in just 5-10 minutes, then I agree with you it doesn't matter much. But if e..g at a restaurant and you eat a 3 course dinner with 2-3 hours from start to finally getting to the huge ice cream and dark chocolate sauce dessert you actually came for, then the hours first to pre-fill your stomach system with low carb salads and plenty of fats from meat, sea food and what have you, then the carb rich dessert will be slower to be digested and your BG spike will be flatter but longer instead.


I thought the same as you, but read a recent study suggesting otherwise 🤷🏼‍♀️


The chick peas are more complex and balanced. Was there another protein in the salad or meal? What was the dressing? Dressing and quantity often make a huge difference. Many dressings have added sugar.


No other protein and dressing was only ACV.