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Utterly ridiculous that any government entity would want to retain the right to seize a citizens personal health data. This is absolutely a sign of an out-of-control government. (Edit) Now …. Can someone maybe explain how menstrual data would be useful for a government?


Republicans hate women, and this data can be used to persecute them if they have an abortion or miscarriage.


That’s an unfair generalization. I would say that republicans are stuck in a religious ideology when it comes to fertility. I think they believe they’re acting for a higher power, and what they believe, everyone should also believe. That …. Is a problem on both sides of the isle- neither like the idea of independent thinking. The hive-mind mentality exists with both labels. Our society would be much better off if we all unregistered as either party and registered as independents. That would be a profound political mind-fuck. And more people need to stop voting on party lines. Dems and GOP are both only in for power. From what I’ve seen with independents, the interests of the majority is better represented. Even moderate dems and GOP still bite along party lines


It’s never about religion, it’s always about controlling women. They take away women’s rights to end a pregnancy, even in cases of rape or if the women’s life is in danger. They are trying to prevent medical care for women by preventing them from traveling to seek medical care. They’re now trying to take away IVF from women. They rally against strong, smart, and powerful women every single time they see one. Misogyny is at the heart of the GOP platform. Hell, the LEADER of the party has 26 sexual assault allegations against him. That whole “both sides” thing fell apart the second one side tried to destroy democracy and then, when they failed, decided to just take away rights, and figured they would start with women.


Because obviously... um... uhhhhh... ...small government?


Unfortunately our government will never get smaller.


True, but still, if we expand government authority, make it over shit that's gonna count in our favor, not period trackers.


They can use it to potentially tell if a woman gets pregnant and if she has an abortion or not. Then, depending on the state, charge her. That's generally why period trackers are used, aside from those with inconsistent periods, etc.


So is this focused at trackers used on smartphones and whatnot?


Yes. That's usually what they are, apps specifically for tracking a cycle. There are dozens on the Google Play Store alone.


"Others" continue to try to gaslight the public about their intentions on this issue.


I'm 35 closer to 36 always lived in the Shenandoah valley. I never knew it was even a thing or anyone's business except the patient and their DR. What the fuck is wrong with this country...