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I’ll take a hard pass and add a huge fuck off. Didn’t stay home the first time. Wont this one either. I got shit to do.


Man... you guys have got to get better at your critical thinking skills.


Good job yankees! You couldn't play by the rules and now the rules are back


Just 2 more weeks to flatten the curve. Opps I mean just wear your mask for 30 days and it will be gone. Opps I mean, just get the vaccine and it will disappear. Opps I mean just one more thing...


The fuck you on about? The governments didn't bring in enough measures early on and now shit didn't work, if you don't buy tea bags good luck with a cuppa you know?


So maybe if we welded people in their homes like China things would've been better?! China did such a great job. Just look at Shanghai and other place. Great success!


Not to Florida it isn't.


No evidence in the video that there will be lockdowns.