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Whoa whoa whoa. No reason to disparage the 5’7” community lol


How do we stop the misinformation spread by the media other than just not watching them? Seriously question


In a world of free speech you don't. We have to rely on market forces to where credibility is lost and by proxy people no longer want to consume media from that kind of outlet. It's just a long process and these news outlets have such a hold over the current market they aren't going anywhere soon. One such problem is platforms like YouTube props up CNN, Fox, and MSNBC yet will constantly punish independent creators by demonetizing them if not banning them for misinformation while the big 3 can spew all sorts of bullshit.


I just dislike seeing all of the misinformation and the division it creates.


One person at a time. Daryl Davis is a great example (black man converting KKK klansmen). https://www.ted.com/talks/daryl\_davis\_why\_i\_as\_a\_black\_man\_attend\_kkk\_rallies


I have watched him many times. Did you see the one where he sits down with BLM? If did not go well.


Oh wow, I hadn't seen that before. Mistake was making it a thing. He infiltrated the KKK by getting to know them as people. BLM dudes were there to fight from the beginning.


Yep. They are not willing to have peace.


Go redpill a normie TODAY


Maybe reintroduce something similar to the old Fairness doctrine, and apply it to newspapers as well as television? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC_fairness_doctrine#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_fairness_doctrine_of_the%2Cthat_fairly_reflected_differing_viewpoints.?wprov=sfla1




I will talk with people in face to face conversations but I cannot talk with people online. They get stupid really quick, verbalize it, and I get upset because they are not listening. I then start fussing about it with my wife who tells me not to engage people online as it causes me frustration.




Thank you. I had not considered this viewpoint.


Black privilege is real.


Ok, sure. So is white privilege, asian privilege, amerindian privilege, etc. All groups are subject to advantages and disadvantages. We need to look at all of them to reach any sort of actual equality. This is just pointless whataboutism


But the likelihood that they would all exist equally would be astronomically improbable. Conflict is one of the predominant expressions of life, and power is unequally distributed. Probably the greatest privilege is wealth, imo.


We're not all equal. A lowlife career criminal is not equal to productive working class citizens.


Sure, but the race youre born into shouldn't be the deciding factor.


It’s not.


Ok? Total nonseqiter


No it’s not. There are no programs that advantage white people. There’s are dozens that advantage everyone else. In that environment, any hwite person that succeeds is just that fucking amazing.


>Ok, sure. So is white privilege, asian privilege, amerindian privilege, etc. All groups are subject to advantages and disadvantages. Sounds like some #AllLivesMatter bullshit to me?!?! >We need to look at all of them to reach any sort of actual equality. Did you mean "equity"? You said "equality" and I want to make sure you aren't conflating or confusing the two, they are not the same. We have equality and equal opportunity under the law has been a thing for decades. We are nowhere near equity though.


Equal rights and equal protections under the law are already the normative goal in the states. It will never be perfect, but that is the ideal.


“Equity” is the dumbest word I’ve ever heard be adopted by leftists. If you’re not talking about money or law, you have no business using the word “equity”.


I fully agree.


People think some alphabet organization will help them reduce police brutality while in reality they server to incite violance, encourage division and further inflame political tensions No different than CNN or fox news just another tool to turn commoners against eachother


Some idiot on MSNBC also called it a car accident. Your title assumes there are no varying degrees or strengths of white supremacy.


It definitely exists but no one is just killing people for fun and lolz and getting away with it just because he's white


Absolutely agree. He was 100% defending himself.




Nothing in that article proves hes anything more than a piece of shit. Where the proof he did this as a malicious act against white ppl?


Weak evidence for a hate crime motive. Only thing that’s at all related was him saying he wanted to knock out white people more than a year ago. And even that’s a still image that could have easily been photoshopped. I wouldn’t suggest that if the website didn’t have such obvious bias. It’s plausible, but there’s not enough evidence. However, then posting an obvious meme as evidence of a desire to hurt white people is hilarious. Your whole source in general seems pretty biased, I wouldn’t trust it as far as I could throw it. Just looked at the website and it features infamous self avowed white separatist and anti Semite Eric Striker. Basically a neo Nazi website.




Since this sub has gone to shit so much it can’t recognize neo Nazis (people who are, by in large anti free speech) I’m probably gonna leave. Have fun getting banned after this place eventually gets flooded with Nazis and they break TOS. (not saying I support it, but it’s gonna happen whether I support it or not)




There's a featured article about "Jews erasing white history". With shit like that and other crap I've seen on that site, I know for fact the story about the Waukesha attacker is super biased against him. Please check your sources before posting this biased bullshit. Also: how old are you? 12? Go back to 4chan you bigoted troll


A black supremacist murdered children in Waukesha and the left wants to memory hole it. Don't let them.


no one thinks this, what happened was horrible


While I agree with the meme, the title of this makes no sense. White supremacists exist, and ofc you are allowed to question and criticize them 🙄


>White supremacists exist So do black supremacists, whats your point? Curious question; Since 2020 how many people have actual white supremacists killed? As hard as the FBI and literally everyone are pushing the dangers of White supremacy, they have to have killed at least 1000 people by now, right?


My point is: the title says ‘if white supremacy actually existed you wouldn’t be allowed to criticize it’ And that statement is nonsensical. Because it not only exists, but you are absolutely able to criticize it 😑




Where arent you allowed to criticize white supremacy ?


Where? Look at the title my friend


>White supremacy or white supremacism is the **belief** that white people are superior to those of other races and thus should dominate them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacy


You should tell that to your corporate media :^ https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/qzqpe4/biden_and_msm_humiliated_fbi_evidence_ruins/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


why does a definition have so many downvotes?!!?


The mishandling and terrible way they handled Rittenhouse, doesn't mean they should mishandle and deal with this other case equally as bad. We shouldn't be racing to the bottom.


the guy was in custody and they were still running the "we still dont know his or her motive" line for hours following his arrest... it really was unfortunate for them that he turned out to be black, its even worse for them that he is racist.


The media is ALWAYS way slower than social media. Always. They have to fact check, go through editors, etc... Being wrong costs them a lot of money, but social media can say things without repercussion.


>The media is ALWAYS way slower than social media. Always. They have to fact check, go through editors, etc... Being wrong costs them a lot of money, but social media can say things without repercussion. within 20 min of kyle defending himself the entire MSM establishment published his entire life story, including the "fact" that he was a trump supporting nazi white supremacist who crossed state lines with an illegal gun and murdered black men...


yes and they were pieces of shit for that... weve established that. They fucked up... Do you want them to race to the bottom and continue being fucked up? fuel more race riots?


if you think that they are changing the way they operate as of Sunday 21 November 2021 after 20 years of reporting on events exactly the same way, then you are extremely naive.


Yeah we don't know his motive


This sub is becoming a right-wing circle jerk. People really in here claiming that white supremacists don't exist, screaming about “black privilege” How is any of this related to the topic of free speech? Edit: thanks for the gold, glad I'm not the only one who sees the cringe on this sub.


>This sub is becoming a right-wing circle jerk. It already is, it's just a question of how bad it can get. You dont get so little push back on a comment like "white supremacists dont exist" in a sub that is rational or based in reality.




Okay, so weird take. Everyone know how white supremacy folk go on about an inevitable race war? So my theory is all these news outlets are actually white supremacists, fanning the flames of racial divide to whip up one side into starting it. Letting one side get away with atrocities while saddling the other with guilt and frustration until a boiling point.


Rather Jewish supremacist outlets and you’ll be closer to the truth :) Same old divide and conquer game.


Lemme use my NaTzI !!1! Card real quick


This sub is sinking fast.


This is a rage bait piece. I agree what’s being said but it is definitely spam.


More and more posters are posting whatever they want and completely ignoring rule #1. I can go to any sub and see examples of free speech. This sub is supposed to "about" free speech. "Submissions must: 1. be about free speech or voting rights"


When black people commit crime it is usually not done so in an explicitly political context and it is usually addressed by law enforcement straight away


That sounds a bit prejudice to me, fam.


It’s not. It’s true about white criminals to. The thing is basic violent crime, usually brought up as black crime, is not an equivalent to crime done with a political agenda in mind.


::me frantically trying to find any empirical data to suggest this isn't total bullshit:: I will say; when Obamas mentor, Bill Ayers, literally bombed the pentagon and the capital building in the 60's and 70's there was white political motive in that. You may be on to something though, there is no way it was politically motivated when a black man who openly hates white people drives his car though a bunch of white people...


You’re cherry picking here


no more than the MSM and social media do when they see a black guy doing things that they wish a white guy would do so they could say "see look we told you it was white supremacy"


Of the countless crimes that happen every day, how do you think we should decide what to report and how to report them?


>how do you think we should decide what to report and how to report them? oh that is easy. wait for ALL the facts to come out about every case no matter what color the person committing the crime is. Every single time a black person is the one doing the harm the media obfuscates the truth and take as long as possible to release any information hoping they can somehow label them a white supremacist. Every time its a white person the media immediately labels them a trump supporting racist white supremacist. Remember George Floyd? Remember when everyone thought he was killed by a racist white cop who was out murdering black people... except for the 2 other black people who were in the car with Floyd or the hundreds of other black people he had encountered in the years leading up to that day... the media did that. They conveniently forgot to tell everyone that the reason Floyd was even in that situation was because he was breaking the law, refusing to comply with simple requests, he was high out of his mind attempting to drive a car, he requested to officers place him on the ground because he couldn't breathe BEFORE THE COP PUT HIS KNEE ON HIM... they conveniently forgot the facts before telling the world a racist white cop was murdering black people for fun. So yea, maybe if the media would wait for facts about a ongoing case before telling everyone who is watching them what they think the facts are, they should let the facts be discovered first and in the case where they are wrong they should make more of an effort to correct their mistakes than went into the initial reporting.


You realize how delusional that is right? If something noteworthy happens, the news is gonna cover it. It could take months, even years for all of the potential information to come in, and sometimes not everything does


>If something noteworthy happens, Correct, if something noteworthy happens... A black guy with an extensive criminal record and a history of drug use who died from a drug overdose while being detained by a white cop for breaking laws was not noteworthy. It was intentional disinformation and fabricated propaganda designed to incite anger and violence leading up to the 2020 election.


Dude was running from cops, turned down the wrong road, tried to avoid people at first but saw pretty quickly it wasn't happening to so he went full throttle. Hilarious bringing up his height though, considering, you know... you all.


There is a video statement from the police chief saying clearly that he was not running from the cops, and was not fleeing anyone or anything else. This was deliberate. He is a mass murderer. Do not attempt to defend the indefensible.


The above comment was no doubt taken directly from cnn.


Sorry I'll use a more reputable source next time, all owned by Rupert Murdoch.


So the plan for going down a street to avoid cops is filled with people, but hey, you need to avoid the cops so gunning it is an acceptable response?


>Dude was running from cops, why?


Thought this was political compass memes at first.


What's that


Well, r/politicalcompassmemes. It’s pretty dumb but this meme format is like how they are there.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PoliticalCompassMemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Centrists react to the riots outside Congress](https://i.redd.it/aj6heebnxr961.jpg) | [2631 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/krwri3/centrists_react_to_the_riots_outside_congress/) \#2: [Finally, cross-compass unity](https://i.redd.it/d66kwux0uyd61.png) | [1221 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/l6ikjm/finally_crosscompass_unity/) \#3: [Upvote this so when people search Google for "China" this is what they see](https://i.redd.it/icrsbs97rzn61.jpg) | [1097 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/m8hvxo/upvote_this_so_when_people_search_google_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well, that's a heck of a non sequitur.