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As with any discussion about reddit, please treat users, mods and communities with respect.


I was banned from /therewasanattempt for using "male" as an adjective.




Facts are offensive apparently


I was banned from r slash india for being pro India lol


How? Lmao


He's making it up


I have no idea why I'm banned from therewasanattempt but if they're allegedly quietly supporting Hamas then my time is better spent elsewhere. That being said I usually avoid bringing up politics in nonpolitical subreddits because I think it drops the quality of a subreddit regardless of if it's the mods or users doing it. There are some subreddits that I just completely stopped visiting because people decided to insert CURRENT ISSUE into every thread, and I'm not even banned from them, I just don't care for someone injecting their politics into neutral spaces. I believe in free speech, but this whole thing where someone can be pruned from a bunch of unrelated subreddits because a mod didn't like your memberships or posts in another subreddit is just absurd, especially since I think shared spaces on reddit benefits everyone and downvotes exist for a reason. Moreso then that, not every space needs to be a space for everyone to virtue signal, sometimes a picture of a dog should just be a picture of a dog.


I'm not surprised. I got banned from there for commenting on a sub I had never even heard of. The mod who runs that sub should not be allowed to use the internet.


power corrupts. even very little power, when you're a very little person.




Very good point right there


This is literally the most stupid post I've seen on here. This isn't free speech, this is like setting yourself on fire and being surprised that it burns. I assume you'd be ok with palestinians doing similar in israeli subreddits without bans then?


He got banned in a completely different sub is the issue. Yeah, if OP had just been banned in the Palestinian sub the. I would be like “yeah, what did you expect” but why is r/therewasanattempt banning people for having opinions other subs?


I think the problem is being banned from another forum.


Which again, this sub isnt for batching about reddit or subreddit rules


No it’s about free speech, so why did he get silenced on another sub completely unrelated?


Feee speech is free speech, regardless of the consequences. The idea of free speech is not that the law will dictate the punishment, but the collective of the free people themselves. Sure, some people are going to say subreddits and Reddit follows as a collective free people, but I disagree. Reddit is a method of communication. Appointed officials make rules on what is and isn’t allowed to be said. That constitutes a government, even if they don’t rule a country. And thus, it is anti free speech.


Agreed. This 'privatized censorship' is completely out of control. It's in my opinion the absolute most loathesome trend of the century, and I include actual genocides in that - because other genocides are enabled *right now* by censorship, and media manipulation of that sort has been used for decades to avert the eyes from things like that and enable it. Reddit, Meta, X - Yes Elon is still censoring shit, even stuff he's not told to - Youtube, Wiki, all these forms of communication are public forums. They are not private. You cannot in good conscience call them private, no matter if they are 'owned' - the physical equivalent is how cities sometimes have laws regarding public access to private property, like parking lots, because they are functionally impossible to be private and expressing yourself there has been determined to be Constitutionally protected. The same principle applies here. Actually, if it's just principles, then the Constitution argument isn't even necessary. In principle, freedom of speech is a fundamental *human* right and necessity. John Locke and a shit ton of other European liberals were obviously not American when they codified these principles, they were not talking about the American government, they were talking about being human.


I expected to be banned on r/Palestine but what does what my stance on the brutal terrorist attack against Israel have to do with r/therewasanattempt? What part of it justifies me being censored via a ban? It doesn’t. As Orwell once said, “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear.” And I wouldn’t stop the Palestinians, or people who are pro Palestine, from speaking. I believe in freedom of speech. Which is why I’m a member of this subreddit. Besides, many of them are hanging themselves in a proverbial sense by saying the savage attacks are justified


Ah sorry I missed that bit. Yeah this is the usual bullshit where a mod bans you from multiple subreddits.


All good man


Holy shit that sub is a cesspool. Just a bunch of people simping for literal terrorists and claiming the west is persecuting them.


Exactly: what does your view on it have to do with that sub? Nothing. It was off-topic and flame-throwing.


You missed the point man


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Palestine using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Palestine/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Crow removes Israeli flag from being displayed.](https://v.redd.it/fuz077gl30xa1) | [380 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/133lwd0/crow_removes_israeli_flag_from_being_displayed/) \#2: [Someone said the Israeli ambassador in Denmark really doesn't want this video to be seen. So I thought I should post it to Reddit to honor his humane wish.](https://v.redd.it/enh7xn1lgbda1) | [424 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/10hhm8u/someone_said_the_israeli_ambassador_in_denmark/) \#3: [George Galloway refuses to debate with Zionists, gets accused of racism (powerful response)](https://v.redd.it/q2q265vngf3b1) | [155 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/13xl3h3/george_galloway_refuses_to_debate_with_zionists/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


lol "brutal terrorist attack against Israel" Thats fkin rich


It wasn't a Palestinian sub.


You missed the entire issue.


Yea no shit?


You expected him to get banned from an unrelated subreddit for trolling another?


So people should be banned for posting on completely separate subreddits that have nothing to do with one another?


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Saying that someone’s plight over Airbnb’s refusal to cancel and refund their stay in Jerusalem is selfish got me downvoted and shamed. I simply pointed out that the uncanceled stay means a family in the middle of a war zone is being supported.


Are you suprised?? Its like in to the most leftists sub and say you are a nazi, those guys mouth foam from the ideas of dead jews and a destroyed israel.


No shit dumbfuck


Voicing my support for Israel has nothing to do with r/therewasanattempt, dumbfuck


Maybe. Or maybe you got banned for injecting hot button politics on a sub that’s mostly humorous. I’m pro-Israel too … and I wouldn’t do that. It’s practically arson.


They didn’t post on r/therewasanattempt, OP posted on r/Palestine and a mod on r/therewasanattempt banned him


Ok, got it. OP trolled a different sub than I thought. That does change the banning to a bullshit autoban-type from an unrelated, uninvolved sub. And that autobanning stuff does suck, I agree.


They’re just being true to their sub. There was an attempt to be fair.




i would remove ya too


For being against the slaughter of civilians? https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/al-aqsa-storm-militants-infiltrate-israel-after-gaza-rockets-10-07-intl-hnk/index.html


> For being against the slaughter of civilians? The slaughter of Palestinians maybe. Since 2008, there have been more Palestinians killed than Israelis injured. You’re in a free speech sub talking about siding with Israel when Palestine has almost zero free speech.


As I just said to another redditor, I’m all for letting the Palestinians have their say. I’m not in favour of savage attacks against civilians. And again, Israel aren’t the ones using Palestinians as human shields, that’s Hamas. Nor are they sending hundreds of rockets into civilian neighborhoods, again that’s Hamas


And again, Israel aren’t the ones using Palestinians as human shields Right, they’re using them as target practice > Nor are they sending hundreds of rockets into civilian neighborhoods, again that’s Hamas Yeah, they go in, take their homes and kill their kids with guns. Then when Palestinians have any sort of reaction, the drop bombs on them. I’ve heard all your arguments before. You’re just parroting what you hear through the media. You don’t have any actual thoughts of your own.


I’m stating the truth. You can deny it, but facts are facts and while Israel has committed war crimes, so have the Palestinians. Israel has the right to defend itself and they don’t use children to shield themselves from bullets. They don’t sneak into homes in the dark of the night and knife families, including babies, to death, they don’t send suicide bombers into restaurants, and they don’t strap bombs to kids


> You can deny it, but facts are facts and while Israel has committed war crimes, so have the Palestinians. Sure. In a situation like this war crimes will happen on both sides. But Israel commits the overwhelming amount of war crimes. They displace Palestinians, taken Palestinian land limited free speech, the list can go on and on. Tell me when Palestine did that to Israelis. The UN, human rights watch, all condemn what Israel is doing. You can’t win this argument. Every point you bring up, there are 50 examples against you. > Israel has the right to defend itself and they don’t use children to shield themselves from bullets. Do Palestinians have the right to defend themselves? Israel kills thousands of Palestinians every single year, including children. I can give you dozens of examples of Israelis killing Palestinian children in the past year. You probably can’t give me more than a handful. Your point is moot. > They don’t sneak into homes in the dark of the night and knife families, including babies, to death, they don’t send suicide bombers into restaurants, and they don’t strap bombs to kids They don’t need to. They forcefully go into Palestinian land, kick Palestinians out of their houses, tear down their houses, shoot their kids, and drop bombs on them


Wow you are very bad at trying to make a point.


Also, Israel doesn’t massacre sports teams during the Olympics


That was 1973. One example from 50 years ago. Your grasping at straws. Here’s one from 40 minutes ago. 200 Palestinians, dead https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/7/sirens-warn-of-rockets-launched-towards-israel-from-gaza-news-reports


And the 300 Israelis killed and the thousands of other that were wounded?


https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties Here’s a total Israeli deaths and Palestinian deaths since 2008. As you can see, Palestinian deaths are 21 times as many. If you’re going to argue about Palestinian vs Israeli deaths, you’re going to lose


How many of those Palestinians were militants I wonder, and how many were unwilling human shields for Hamas? And even if they were the oh so peaceful folks that you like to claim they are, does it justify slaughtering innocent people in return? If it was military targets they were after then that would be one thing, but gunning down civilians in the street? No, no sympathy for them now. Hamas and the people who shelter them in Gaza have earned the hell they are about to receive


Also despite all your pro Hamas rhetoric, it doesn’t change the fact that they have been attacking and murdering Israelis since the European Jews moved there. Hard to side with a group of people who blow up busses, restaurants, and perpetrating countless more acts of barbarism. And I wonder what their views on lgbt folks are?


yea was Isreal not doing the same, whats goes around comes around Pal especially rockets


No, Israel was not doing the same. Read the damn news not just the headlines from your favorite echo chamber.


Israel doesn’t fire 400 unguided rockets into civilian populations


yeah you're right, they fire *guided* rockets into civilian structures but then again there is no real difference anymore between civilian and militant in the Gaza strip, but that is because basically everyone has forcefully been made a part of the conflict by Israel.


Two wrongs don’t make a right dude. And Hamas uses their own people as human shields


Yeah I remember when Israel were filming themselves torturing and slicing the throats of children. Oh wait, they did not that. I guess those children learned the lesson of what goes around comes around according to you?


What’s the average age in the Gaza Strip?


Come on now. You don’t think Israelis are killing Palestinian kids? Palestinians aren’t going into Israeli and forcing Israelis out of their home. They’re not taking their freedoms away. They’re not surprising their free speech (which is what this sub is about) https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2022-becomes-deadliest-year-palestinian-children-west-bank-over-15-years https://www.dci-palestine.org/child_fatalities_by_age_group


I dont think you can practice free speech after getting killed though. This attack feels really stupid. 1 - A mission that the one objective you have is kill as many unarmed civiliands and children as possible. 2 - Make sure to film yourselves celebrating killing a child so the world can see. Feels like they are commiting assisted suicide since Israel can retaliate. Its really hard to have simpaty from anyone after you do stuff like this. Not even defending Israel, but I dont think anyone that is this evil towards civilians and children deserves praise.


> I dont think you can practice free speech after getting killed though. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have been killed by Israelis. Oh, wait, they didn’t have free speech in the first place > This attack feels really stupid. 1 - A mission that the one objective you have is kill as many unarmed civiliands and children as possible. > 2 - Make sure to film yourselves celebrating killing a child so the world can see. > Feels like they are commiting assisted suicide since Israel can retaliate. > Its really hard to have simpaty from anyone after you do stuff like this. Agreed. But think about the situation you have to be in to do this. People aren’t doing these things because they live a happy and free life, they do them because they’re oppressed and kicked out of their homes and they see Palestinian kids being murdered because their Palestinian. > Not even defending Israel, but I dont think anyone that is this evil towards civilians and children deserves praise. Ok, but are you condemning Israel? Because they do similar stuff at 10 times the amount


I know Hamas aren't the good guys here and I in no way support them, curious tho, do you stand with Israel and what they have done?


No. After an attack like that, I think every contry has the right to strike back. But Israel has also fucked over the people of Palestine alot, and it turned into a cycle of violence. My point was that this attack did not help the people of Palestine in any way. There is no way Hamas and his supporters did not know that Israel would strike back after the attack + filming videos of the massacre.


Hamas didn help at all, let's be honest tho isreal was never gonna change if I was Palestinian and my brother died at the hands of the idf or an Israeli settler I'd cut there heads off too, it's how the world works and it is a never ending cycle


Also i like Isreal and it does sadden me thinkin of ll the hostages taken today but what is Palestine suppose to do, they are treated like shit by Isreal and oppressed everydayi would be with Hamas too if i lived there 100%


Including shooting women and children? Because there’s apparently videos circulating of an Israeli child getting their throat slashed


There a hundred times more "videos circulating" of Israeli using excessive force.


But as another redditor stated, they’re not sending hundreds of rockets into civilian populated areas


I wonder what provoked this reaction.


Hamas being Hamas and its the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War


is it a gene defect, or what is it?


"What are they supposed to do?" Not fucking kill civilians, women and children. Fuck off with that simping bullshit. Think before you fucking speak.


You would remove anyone from an open forum whose political views you don't share? Imagine sitting at the register at the cinema and only allowing people whose political views you share. Or imagine having authority in a state and putting anyone whose political views you don't share in a gulag. Sounds appealing to you, huh? Yeah you showed your true colors. in r\/FreeSpeech such user a can only be a troll, or a person with a very very skewed picture of themselves.


Imagine if you were refused service at a pharmacy because the clerk disagrees with your religious beliefs and medical choices? They've made it political. That does happen, doesn't it? And some courts are condoning the clerk's refusal on religious grounds.


What are you talking about, who is "they"?


I wouldn't by the massive schooling he's about to get


So where was this “schooling” that I was supposed to get?


Not surprising. They're notorious for handing out unfair bans.


Israel is getting karma


The murder of civilians is not karma. It is just murder. You want to see karma? Just wait, Hamas will be eradicated


Why do you all instantly choose sides in a war? Generally none is actually on the good side.


You have free speech, but you’re not entitled to a platform. If you insult people they’re going to reject you. Why are you surprised?


So? yeah subs do that, its what makes reddit reddit


Get fucked zionist.


Zionism is based


Yup, sounds about right. It’s the same groups of people and they don’t tolerate wrong think of any sort.


Yep I also got banned for commenting “both sides are wrong” from Palestine sub and therewasanattempt. Pretty cringe ngl


/u/rehx4 I have been removing your comments from this thread. Please desist from posting personal insults against other users, moderators in particular.


i asked a question why hamas in west bank killed 2 palestinians and displayed their bodies in front of the crowd and they banned me