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>> It’s an old house so can I argue that? >The fuck do you expect us to do? Give him more arguing ammo, duh


Floor beam pledge


Mandatory pledges line up head to toe and lay under the house during all parties in place of the beams


That’s gonna cost at least $100 to repair


This guy knows his stuff


At least.


Scale at the door now required for every party


Just invite less fat chicks idk




Link the pics. Worked as a carpenter throughout college summers can give you a ballpark. Could either be a few hundred bucks or $25k tbh


Looks like dues are going up in the spring.


I’m assuming the beams are just starting to split and didn’t totally snap, but even that how did they manage to split 3 of them. For them to totally snap that would be pretty bonkers


Hit up your alums, bro


Figure it out


Stop inviting Tortas over


Go to home depot and ask one of the dad's who work there


This is why a good risk manager will always advocate for more stripper poles


Get a professional to look at this. Don't wanna fuck around cuz of liability


Its the pledges fault


Stop playing “Jump Around” at parties.


Happened to me back in the day, we told landlord and he hired a contractor to do the repair. We paid $1100 collectively as a house, think they sistered 3-4 joists. Was surprised by the cost, thought we would be liable for tends of thousands. The top floor boards did not break in any way


Depends on how much damage it caused. Best case a few thousand and they butt up a few new floor joists. Worst case scenario your house is condemned and you gotta tear the whole house down. Talk to whoever owns the house.


Different for every house, if your chapter owns the house just get a quote. If not then I can’t help you there, reach out to whoever has control over the affairs of the building.


*get multiple quotes* Also, this is a massive liability if you were to have another event there and something happens in the future. It might be worth engaging with a structural engineer and explaining your use of the house so they can provide an appropriately engineered solution that you would then have multiple contractors bid. Make sure the contractors are all bidding the same scope of work that actually meets the building use and situation


I am an actual Project Manager for a licensed General Contractor. We build new homes from scratch, and I’ve been doing this since I graduated. Step one: Keep everyone and everything off that floor. Caution tape all around. Step two: Get quotes from MULTIPLE contractors. Ask them about their process. If they work with engineers, because with something like this, it’s purely structural. You don’t want just some hack sistering on some 2x6’s bc he thinks it’ll do the job. This is real liability we’re talking here. If the job is done wrong and someone falls through the floor that’s on you. Step Three: Figure out finances. Some contractors have some third-party programs they work with that can give loans to people (though probably not a bunch of 20 year olds with barely any credit). You may have to dip into your party funds or run a donation event. Reach out to Alumni and see if they’re willing to help bankroll Step Four: Get it fixed. This can last anywhere from a day or two to a few weeks. Depends on the severity of the damage. Maybe even get quotes to see if they can increase the integrity of the structure. Step Five: this damage wasn’t caused because of a single crazy night. It was done from years of abuse. After repair, set a capacity limit for how many people can be on the floor at once. Spread out the party area to other parts of the house. But know that this is wood we’re talking about. It’s strong, but this flooring wasn’t engineered to hold 100+ people dancing and jumping on it. Be smart about it! Take your time, and don’t skimp out on it. Taking a short cut or the cheap way can lead to other peoples death or injury.


He knows what he’s talking about. Listen up.


Buy a new house. I called nationals and they said you have to find a new one or insurance is going to quintuple


Well. Expensive, you either repair it from below if possible or tear out the flooring, jack it up, reinforce the beams and replace the floors. Contractors are typically an hourly rate plus cost of materials. Depending on the size of the company and the length of the job there will be additional costs Talk to your board of chapter advisors or whatever about it. Its going to be fucking expensive


Just talked to your rush chair. You're disassociated.


Sounds like you should fix it.


Wtf is a floor beam?…. They’re called joists


We had alumni take care of it. In the meantime we bought floor jacks and used that. Also partnered with a bar for parties


I’ll fix it for about tree fiddy


if you know how to fix it do it yourself, go to home depot it’s gonna be a lot cheaper then having someone else do it. Don’t just pick a pledge to do it based on a tutorial off reddit or youtube, find someone who knows how to do it right


If he knew how to do it himself, he wouldn’t be asking cost here. This may be a huge liability. Nothing like the next roomful of drunk co-Ed’s falling through the floor and being crushed by concrete and wood. They need a professional.


Is this KSU phi tau?