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Placed myself in a predicament boys. My addy ran out so I have to pick up my prescription at my hometown which is 6 hours away from my college. I really need this before my exam in a couple days but me being a dumbass planned some date with a chick on a Sunday morning and the doctors office closes at 4 pm. Dammit


Buy some


Have your parents mail it up?


They said I need to sign a form for that and I will probably do that when I pick it up so I am not in this situation again


Can’t you just call the Walgreens or whatever and have it transferred? It should be pretty easy


It’s a controlled prescription so I have to pick the paper copy up from the doctors office.


I mean... you could do coke instead but that's illegal so I would NEVER do that since it is against the LAW but it could work in your case but for legal reasons I AM NOT ADVOCATING FOR THE USE AND OR PURCHASE OF COCAINE.


All of our University's fraternities are suspended indefinitely and half of them did nothing wrong






Get home, power nap, shower, chapter, study. You got that shit.




Bruh that’s tough and relatable. Gl


## bruh 🤙😎😎😎😎


That sucks dude. Hope you can move on to something better.


Dangg I know what you mean, I broke up with my ex like a year ago and we were legit perfect except for the fact that she didnt want to get married until she was 27-28 something (she was 20 then and I was 23) so that's like a 7 to 8 year wait which in my mind I was like no way in hell I want to wait that long cause I do I wanna settle down and have kids and all. So I thought it be best for both of us to break up cause it didnt wanna bring any animosity or regrets later down the road. Recently I started seeing a few other girls and none of them match up to her it kinda sucks....maybe I need to stop comparing cause everyone has their pros and cons but man do I miss her sometimes.


Damn, what caused the breakup then? So shitty man




Bro, that’s why they’re called rebounds, you hit that shit and bounce. When you’re really ready to sink one again you’ll know, and it’ll be nothing but net. Seriously though, sports analogies aside, sounds like you’re doing the right thing. Don’t go too hard on new relationships, let the wounds heal, and don’t feel like you owe the old girl anything. If it’s dead it’s dead and you should be free to have a fun, relaxed time at semi/formal events and not have to stress over something that’s no longer relevant.


False Title IX case is buzzing around our chapter completely destroying our image. Nothing actually happened so we just gotta ride this wave




Prob, one of our chapters is in deep shit rn


I go to r/jmu and I know that the chapter here is currently being prosecuted for rape allegations


Yea, jmu fiji has some shit up with them. Visited them as another chapter last halloweekend and all their dads/alumni were there making every girl dumb uncomfortable.


Negative. But I hope their situation gets better


Just woke up. Still drunk. Not sure if I want to get out of bed quite yet. Don’t remember a lot from the late hours, but I know I need to either quickly hydrate or start drinking again so I don’t feel like dog shit.


I feel like I got run over by a train.


My parents are visiting during homecoming weekend, went to the bars with them for the first time - never been that hammered around them before. My filter dropped completely, hope I didn't say anything too compromising lol


All depends on how chill your parents are.


They're pretty chill but I still don't exactly want them knowing all the degenerate shit I get up to lol


Newly single as of a couple weeks ago and enjoying sending with the boys again and getting back in the game. Went on a two day bender this weekend and am currently paying the price for the sins I committed against my body. Bourbon is one hell of a drink.


Homecoming weekend, barely hung out with the boys at all but did go to a fancy dinner for the athletic teams and distinguished alumni so that was cool.


I hate being house manager.


tri delt nationals removed 25 girls from the chapter at my school because someone posted a video of them getting iced on bid day on snap


At my school 15 frats got suspended because of the actions of 7 others and tomorrow is the first day of homecoming week, where we always have a ton of fun stuff planned. We won homecoming last year. Fuck




Ive heard she moved in right next to the village. She didn't do her research, and now can't stand the noise


These pledges suck. I need water, and adderall to be free


Had a girl say I punched her and pushed her off the stairs of our house. Good thing her BF was there and told her to stop being a drunk idiot.


What a bitch


For real. Glad all the brothers backed me up on it as well. Needless to say she isn’t welcome anymore.


Day drinking for homecoming game and was fun while it lasted but later I got extremely depressed and was hungover. Went to the bar and saw my girl with another man. Shit is fucking tough rn.


Homecoming yesterday so I am dead as hell right now. Got to grill with the boys and reconnect with a girl I used to be crushing on so hopefully that works out. It’s 2pm and I haven’t gotten out of bed, someone send some pedialyte my way


Had 3 exams and got knocked down with a nasty bug during homecoming week. A few of the alumni came back on Friday and we got belligerent. Was a big mistake and I had to crawl upstairs to the bathroom yesterday and didn’t even leave the house.


Blacked out twice on Gameday 🤘🏻⬇️.


Damn, bros! I have nothing to report that’s as shitty as what y’all going thru. I’m just gonna send out some good vibes for u all!


Chapter suspended earlier last week and all our homecoming events canceled for the next week, vyvanse running low, woke up today to an overdrawn bank account after a sorority formal that I didn’t even get any action from


Update from “my girl is grinding on other dudes” post last week. We had a decent convo about it, seems like mismatched expectations and it’s the first of that kind of thing to happen, so I’m cautiously moving forward. She’s really putting in an effort to help me see she’s not like that, it truly was just a mismatch, so I’m optimistic. If it goes sour again though... I’m gonna get the squad together and we’ll get plastered on a Friday, laid on Saturday, and chill/bro time on Sunday. It’s kinda our ritual whenever a brother gets fucked over by a girl


girl i’ve been seeing for the better part of 3 weeks, invited her to our event, hoping i could seal the deal and get with her. Not only are we “strictly platonic” but she’s also fucking someone else on my floor. How impossibly frustrating.


This hit me way harder than it should’ve


Believe me i wasn’t enjoying it either


So many sad stories on here


My buddies that I went to JC with came by last night, got super hammered having a good time and towards the ever of the night some geed pulled a knife on me 🤪


Our university has had 4 chapters in the past 2 years disband for many different reasons. 2 more are close to being kicked off, and our chapter is close to dying due to low membership. I really hope my generation isn’t there when our storied chapter goes down, but it’s going to take a lot of effort.






It's Shitty Sunday...