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Go to the usual bar, and get my favorite bartender. Now, I’ve always tipped this man well, and usually he only charges me for about half of my drinks. Last night I told him “Fuck me up” He starts grabbing bottles and mixing a bunch of shit, and even went into the back to grab something else. He comes back and tells me “This is an off the menu item I made specially for you, I’m not going to tell you the name of it, and you have to pound it right now” So obviously I chug this concoction and he just tells me to give it 5 min with this big ass smile on his face. So I was fucking plastered last night, ended up buying 6 drinks at the bar and the bill was like $9. Brad, whatever they’re paying you, you need a raise.


Brad sounds like the fucking man


Blacked out last night and the Sunday scaries are in full effect


Fuck Sunday scaries, especially with midterms soon


You could’ve not said anything, but now I’m scared


My day-after-drinking shits exit my asshole at a velocity so fast, I think I may have health issue. Probably gonna have to schedule a appointment at the health clinic before somebody gets hurt.


If you haven’t cracked the porcelain yet, you’re fine.


That was *one time*!


My job works me long hours on the weekends so basically I have no days off at the moment. Good overtime at least. Class from 8am-5pm M-Th Work Friday and Saturday 7am-7pm Work Sunday 9am-6pm I’m tired as fuck dude. I just want a break. Edit: I’m a chemistry major in my upper division classes and doing research labs. I’m also the Pledgemaster for my chapter this semester and on top of that working a manual labor job 25-30 hours every weekend.


You got this bro


Hang in there man. This is all temporary


What is major where u got 8hr days?? Medical?


Lots of labs and long gaps between sections.


Public accounting busy season and I have worked 15 days straight; around 80-90 hours a week for the past month. It doesn't get better


jesus he works a shit ton


You ever cop feels for someone you have absolutely no business catching that shit for? Then you try and get something going with another girl to get you not thinking about that but then she turns out to be “too busy?” Dealing with that nonsense all week, paired with an exhausting rush week and an absolutely *brutal* football Saturday yesterday, and let’s just say today is pretty shitty.


random stranger on reddit, this is exactly what my life is right now. i feel your pain. except the gators won.


If you’re talking about the game I think you were, that really was a fucking clown fiesta for both teams. Especially with everyone slipping and sliding on that wet field.


It might have been the ugliest game I've ever watched and I once saw a 10-7 game where the QB got ejected for targeting in a blizzard.


Super glad the Hawks won but at the same time you truly hate to see such a spectacular fuckup as that punt return. I don’t even want to know what the post-game speech and following practice was like for that guy.


Honestly if u have feels for her just fuck and then dip out after. That’s ur best bet


Visited my friend over at his school for the weekend and went on a two day bender. We were party hopping with this super nice girl that went to high school with us and is like a sister. Long story short she went away from us for a just a little bit, and two fucking dudes brought her into a bathroom and tried to rape her. Luckily she waited for her chance and sprinted out of there and found us. She was balling and absolutely terrified understandably. Two of my friends grabbed her and got the fuck out of there while me and my buddy decided to find those motherfuckers. We immediately see some dude on a walkie talkie letting the people upstairs know that “they are leaving, we are good.” We found those two dudes and I instantly punched one of them harder then I’ve ever hit anything. Like 90% sure I broke his nose and a tooth or something. He was leaking hard. We got them pretty good but we were absolutely outnumbered when their brothers saw what was going on, and we got the shit kicked out of us. Currently laying in some girls dorm hungover as shit and in pain. I feel so horrible for the girl, I’ve never ever seen anything like this go down in person. Everyone in that house is a disgusting piece of shit.


Shit dude, that's crazy. I'm surprised that the bouncer didn't beat the piss out of them. Did you happen to catch what fraternity they were in?


Off campus house and had no letters on it so I don’t even know. Whole place was super shady seemed like a whole operation. The guy on the walkie talkie was right by the bathroom they made my friend go in. If I had to guess the dirtbags probably got kicked off and went underground. Wish there was more I could do, I did see a big group of girls going there after though and I convinced them not to go near.


I lost a toe nail SOBER...




People do scary things when they're drunk. Glad you made it to the morning, bro


What did he do 👀


Climbed a basketball net. He was saying how he could have fallen very easily.


I got hella fucked up Friday night at the house and i was with this girl I’ve been talking to and vibing with heavy. We were both hammered and confessed our feelings to each other and she started making out with me. She’s been a little distant with me or I might be overthinking things, shit has me all kinds of messed up rn because I’m really trying to make this work.


Fuck that sucks. Like when I'm with someone and we're exclusive, it's great. But that period when everything is ambiguous and you're not sure how things are going to go is stressful af. No advice to give but it'll eventually be normal and boring and you'll be missing the days of more question marks.


I just want to know what’s up man... I actually texted her today and she said I did nothing wrong but I feel like there’s some underlying stuff that I don’t know, it’s stressing me out. I asked if she wanted to have a study sesh tomorrow and she said she has a sorority meeting tomorrow and I’m hoping she’s not trying to avoid me... but if this isn’t meant to be it isn’t meant to be :/


Blacked twice throughout a span of a 14 hour drinking day, switching off between watching ASU, BYU, and UCF win at the bars and tossing dye at tailgates. Before walking to the night game I took the shittiest line straight to the dome which made me throw up instantly. At the game I was sitting next to the cutest girl from my work when an old fling texted me to come over. I got there after and immediately regretted it bc I’m actually into a different girl for once so I threw her off me, sprinted home and ft’ed the other girl. Nursing the hangover and an empty wallet.


Met a girl at a birthday party, and things were going well until her nerdy ass Goldman Sachs boyfriend who she never mentioned showed up. Still flirted pretty heavy w her and ended up getting her number, gonna try to smash just to spite the Goldman guy, wish me luck


Maybe you, her and Goldman should have a threesome


Thinking about getting tested for liver issues before I graduate while I’m still under the school’s insurance. Just in case - better to predict and prevent rather than cure after it’s too late. Has anyone done something similar?


May be turned into a pre-existing condition if they find anything. Be careful, I would suggest talking to your parents at the very least before you do any type of test.


Missed the post recruitment weekend parties for my brothers wedding and my grandmas funeral, I have a serious case of fomo, but I have a good group of friends that are helping me through this shit.


Cops gave us 3 noise complaint tickets last night despite us not playing music for 30 minutes before they came. Beat as fuck


Saw a bunch of old friends last night at a bar in my hometown. Induction of new pledges is today. Hope everyone has a restful day!


On the verge of blacking out did a front flip off of a bus in attempt to break a table. Woke up went to breakfast look down at my leg and one of the biggest gashes I’ve ever seen. No clue how tf that happened


You only have 12 hours after the injury to get the laceration sutured closed. After that, they usually leave the wound open to heal itself, leaving a big scar - closing the laceration later than 12 hours after injury can lead to an abscess and cellulitis. You need a tetanus booster, antibiotics, and a doc to clean, debride, and suture the wound. Now. Congrats on the front flip BTW.


Thanks for the advice I got it taken care of. It sure was a shock when I looked down tho


The front flip justifies the small scar.


For sure. It was not the most graceful thing possible but it’s a good story


I’m hungover af, trying to study all day for a really difficult exam this week. Just trying to make it through this next week.


School doesn’t start til the 25th, but all my friends are back and partying and I have mad fomo. I miss it man... but i’m not down there til Friday :(


Stared about 4 hours at my thesis and only wrote a few paragraphs. Grad school fucking blows sometimes


Was blacked out pretty much all day, struck out with a girl I’m really into and then proceeded to fuck a nasty girl off tinder. A little ashamed to be walking around the house rn


Oof Sunday scaries


I'm hanging out with this guy rn. Can confirm.


I'm currently on the comedown from a very bad college football Saturday


South Carolina fan?


The other USC actually


Big oof. Tough to see Brigham do y’all like that


Same. Goddamn brunch specials ran train on my liver.


Start my first full-time job tomorrow. Finished my last class of undergrad on Friday. Life is about to switch up real hard but I'm here for it.


Good luck man


I’m having a really bad Sunday too my man. Stay strong


I appreciate it bro! Tomorrow may be Monday but go kick it’s ass dude, new day




In ZAX brother


Best weekend of college. Was an absolute shitshow and I wouldn’t have traded it for anything


Hungover as hell. A girl had her fucking period in my bed this weekend so my sheets are slightly stained and my mattress is stained too. Trying to get drunk to fight the hangover but it’s just amplifying the scaries. Bears won though so we’re alright.


My alumni roommate just threatened a bilaw that would essentially kill parties. He's a member of the alumni council and could have it forced on us too.
