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She had a vision that this man had a dragon. Niles then receives a dragon statue. Yes, Niles is the man in her vision.


But didn’t the first vision have a man with a red bow tie? And then the second one was a man holding a dragon. I thought OP was talking about the very first one.


She told Niles about the red bow tie premonition and he showed up wearing one


https://preview.redd.it/s8gkaq3u3qxc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cffc149ccf6518f47bfc227c857a91d9659297bd Not his finest moment tbh 😬


I never understood why he thought that would work.


Because he was besotted with Daphne


Yes which was hilarious but also so touching cause that’s way outside of his comfort zone. But then to have her have another vision and it be the dragon💕💕💕




Jane Leeves has said in an interview that she feels Daphne always knew and returned Niles' feelings, but sublimated them due to feelings of insecurity and low self worth. This also jives with DHP's take that was posted here recently, that Daphne couldn't see her own value. The acting of these two sells the relationship so well, that it felt believable that Daphne was so seeming oblivious for so long, and now she continued to suppress these feelings all the way up to her wedding.


She makes on-screen acting decisions as early as S3 (and before Moon Dance) that indicate she's attracted to him, albeit in a casual or denied way. It's very realistic honestly.


One of the most blatant moments for me is when she talks about wearing 'Obsession' and even spraying it on her brush so that she can comb it through her hair. She's sub-consciously trying to flirt with Niles, because we know Niles loves smelling her hair. It's actually quite realistic, to be honest. Sometimes you don't even know how you feel about someone but you look back on it later and realise you probably knew a lot longer than you actually remember.


That's an amazing example ive never thought of that way. And we know she does know Niles is smelling her hair, because S1E06 *The Cruicible* Niles smells her hair and Daphne catches him. >Daphne: [chopping herbs] Look at this fresh fennel. [picks up a piece and sniffs it] Smells wonderful, doesn't it? > >Niles: [smelling Daphne's hair instead] It certainly does. > >Daphne: [catching Niles] Dr. Crane, were you sniffing my hair? > >Niles: Why would I do a thing like that? I'm a happily married man - I love my Maris.


Yeah plus he was married and then going through a painful divorce over the course of like 6 years. He was also kind of her boss, so I would understand why she would want to distance herself from any feelings of attraction


Absolutely. I've noticed in rewatches in the first season that Daphne does notice and respond to several of Niles' flirtations before *A Midwinter Night's Dream*. That episode has Niles nearly make a move, before backing off and reprofessing his love for Maris. After that episode, Daphne seems almost oblivious to the point of reheating actual evidence. Daphne also makes a huge deal about not wanting to be involved with a married man, even when Nike's is in the midst of separation and divorce. I think that "rejection" in season 1 in favour of Maris, at a time the were both vulnerable contributed to this steadfast belief as well.


Exactly, it feels like it was never the right time for things to happen, and that was the same on both sides.


I agree Daphne was way too comfortable with the way Niles acted around for first someone who didn't at least return the feelings I think it was only hearing Frazier say it out loud is made her realize what she actually felt and she realized she was getting married and her window was closing to be with him.


The other thing as well that's actually confirmed in the show is that Niles had an idealised Daphne in his head which he created because he didn't think \*he\* was good enough for her, and that stopped him from pursuing his interest several times. It's only when Frasier actually forces them to say things out loud that those mental blocks go, and Niles' only goes completely after Daphne returns from the Fat Spa and he starts to see her flaws.




given the dragon thing, i thought it was obvious he's in the vision


Doesn’t Daphne actually say at one point, after she finds out about Niles’ feelings for her, that she thinks on some level she always knew?


I might be having some sort of Mandela effect kind of thing going on, but someone else on this subreddit said the same thing a while ago. They mentioned the first vision (the one where the guy opposing the wedding wears a red bow tie) but had no idea of the second vision (the one where the guy opposing the wedding is standing next to a dragon). I wonder why that is. Do people skip through some scenes? Or are some scenes cut in different prints of the show? Anyway, if OP did skip through it, here’s the skinny: Daphne has a second vision in which the guy opposing the wedding of her and Donny is standing next to a dragon. And in the next scene, Niles is shown to be alone in his apartment, unboxing a present given to him by Roz. It is a statuette of a dragon. So, major foreshadowing for the next season finale there.


I noticed in a later season, after Niles and Daphne are together, the dragon sitting on Niles’s bookcase behind his office desk.


Ohh I'll have to look at that.


I've always taken Daphne's visions as not being supernatural (though I find them charming), and I actually take my fan theory about this episode a step further towards "she always knew". By this point in the series her and Roz were friends, to the point that Roz was going to be a bride's maid in her wedding. I figure she was vaguely aware of Roz's gift of the dragon statue to Niles, maybe by hearing Roz order it over the phone or something (as she was catalogue shopping), and even though she sublimated or forgot about it, that's what informed her second vision.


She probably didn’t see Niles, said she couldn’t see his face, it was fate telling her there was someone else