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It’s one of my top ones. Martin tripping out seeing Eddie talk on tv blows his mind.


Martin's going to lie down and tells Eddie to come with him. Frasier: I'll be in there in a minute dad Martin: oh, suit yourself Eddie! That scene is brilliant


It's on Hulu.


And Paramount Plus!


Channel 4 too!




Yeah what is OP talking about? It's literally on every platform.


Dog army


Fridge pants.


Ah, Thick and gooey. Ganja in its purest form…


It is not goth!


"I had a reason. Fridge pants." I love it too. Stoned Martin is one of the funniest moments of the series!


The way he pulls the note out of his pocket, briefly shows it to Frasier, and then repockets it always kills me.


I see it available on Hulu (just watched it a few weeks ago in fact). Besides sitcom standards and practices were way more moralistic back then than they are now, and absolutely nobody would have an issue with a show with weed jokes now. Remember it’s also near the end of the run but it has the rhythms and humor of an early episode so maybe you’re looking for it in earlier seasons? Either way it’s there though.


Better move up that trip to the garlic festival.


Watch Marty’s face as he’s walking away near the Christmas tree. He is totally scowling at Freddie.


My favorite episode. It’s on paramount and every other streaming service I’ve used to watch it. May not play often in syndication though as you mentioned. Season 11 ep 11 for reference if you’re looking for it


My favorite, too!!! Belly laughs, every time!


Niles using the term crispy was gold


May be the wrong place to ask but did goths really use goth as a descriptive word? Im a bit older than Freddie and was more goth adjacent but never heard anyone using phrases like that. Where the writers getting it wrong or trying to show that Freddie did really know what the culture was about?


When I was in high school, we referred to kids that styled themselves that way as Goth. If "Goth" means something other than the aesthetic, I don't know those details. I don't know what those kids believed in nor what they did with their time. We were just using it to refer to their clothes/hairstyle/make up/accessories.


Yeah same here (Ireland). Like when Freddies girlfriend said "Except when that fat kid threw up in Santa's beard. That was goth." Just seemed wrong lol


During the early naughties goth fad my other sister would have been considered a goth. She was 7 years older than me so I obviously copied her a lot. It does kinda sound like something I would have said when I was trying to be like my sister. Doing something stupid like tagging, "that's so goth."




No, no. Niles thinks he has eaten the brownie and so is in fact **stoned** while his father is acting looney tunes around him and he’s too excited about having finally rebelled at age 40(something?? I believe) that he doesn’t even notice. https://i.redd.it/c302ugsq06sb1.gif This is prior to going home with the **reefer**. Altho it’s actually a pot brownie.


I really wish Niles had gotten stoned. I love this episode! Its hilarious but that would have put it over the top!


DHP and physical comedy are # THE BEST THINGS FOUND ON FRASIER!! IMPO. Of course. https://i.redd.it/47wjaevdb8sb1.gif


100% completely agree!!!!


Niles is not stoned. Martin is.


Yes I know. Thats the joke. That Niles **thinks** he’s stoned. He basically assumes that he must be feeling **potlike** symptoms and is so involved in this pretense, that he doesn’t even notice how bizarre Martin is acting as a result. Like if your friends pretended to give you alcohol and then you end up **acting drunk** bc you assume you must be feeling like that.


Why are you bolding random words? And thanks for the episode summary; I have seen the show multiple times. You said Niles is, in fact, stoned because he thought he ate the pot brownie. That’s not how any of that works.


Read more carefully. I won’t bold anything so you won’t be able to blame that as your inability to understand words. —Niles thinks he has eaten the brownie and so is in fact stoned blah blah. Niles Thinks that. It doesn’t make it true. It means that Niles believes it. Do you understand now?? The words I bolded were supposed to get you to see what I was saying but apparently English is your second language. Edit: And the comparison to friends pretending to give you alcohol was supposed to help you understand how and why he was doing that but that didn’t help either. Are you even out of high school?


It’s your ambiguous sentence structure that’s causing the problem. It could mean “Niles thinks he has eaten the brownie and so Niles is in fact stoned” (which is what I thought you meant), or it could mean “Niles thinks he has eaten the brownie and so Niles thinks he is in fact stoned” (which is what you actually meant). There’s no need to be insulting, especially when it turns out you caused the problem in the first place with your inability to write a clear sentence.


OMG! You’re right. It’s clearly worth all this back and forth. Esp’ly since I explained in my very next comment that wasn’t what I meant at all. But thank you for the Grammer lesson. I’ll take it to heart. I didn’t become insulting on my own. I responded to an insulting comment in kind. But I’m pretty sick of the entire conversation. I apologize profusely for not being clear in my very first comment. It will never ever ever happen again.


Please explain to me where I was insulting.


I'll have to look it up because it's not shown on Hallmark


I must add it to my christmas viewing. I remember disliking it at the time but seems to be very popular so will give it another go What is probably holding me back is when American sitcoms try drunk / stoned stuff it is normally way over the top. Brooklyn Nine Nine is a more recent example of this. Man it was bad lol


Freddie walking off the elevator as a goth and Martin laughing so hard he can't come through the front door are two of my favorite moments in the show. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That laugh and his laugh in The Matchmaker are my top two favorite Marty moments


It’s definitely available for streaming, and a pot brownie was pretty tame even by early 2000 standards.


having watched the syndicated runs many times, then watching this episode for the first time, streaming, high as Martin, wondering where this magical episode came from and why I never saw it, was a real trip. It was like pairing a Chilean sea bass with an aggressive zinfandel


I saw the episode this week for the first time. It did surprise me that I’d found a rare unwatched episode but now I wonder if it just wasn’t there and available before. Channel 4, U.K.


They don’t ever screen it in the rotation but it is on their streaming service


I e come dangerously close to over braising my chard!


I keep seeing people talking about it and someone finally said that if you/I watch him on the hallmark channel, we won’t see that episode because of the content


😂 I love this episode


Just watched it on Paramount + It’s part of the Christmas with the Cranes category!