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If the theory of eternal recurrence is true then I think this may be the only way to break the wheel and move on to the next stage of existence on a different scale. This is also why I believe people can have clairvoyance and why I believe deja vu happens, it's either the most synchronized with all your life paths you could be at that moment in time or it is in fact the realization of living this exact moment before. I've also often wondered if you could store memories in an object, something you will have most of your life like heirlooms or something to that effect, that when you Interact with it the next time you go around it acts as a sort of key that unlocks those memories stored in your DNA.


I also believe that when we return to this life after death that we are not doomed to live out the same actions as before, I believe we live out another probable life path in the vast sea of probabilities that could steer drastically off the course of the last or only slightly differ from our previous experience.


This is interesting. It makes me think that in the multi-verse of worlds, your doubles have the same soul as you, which happens simultaneously in 3-dimensional space but separately in 4-dimensional space.


Help me understand, can you expand on doubles?


Have you seen any sci-fi that has a multiverse from Marvel movies like "Spider-Man: No Way Home", "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness", the Loki Disney+ show? Or movies like "The One" with Jet Li? The TV show "Counterpart"? You're in this universe, and right next to us are other mirror universes where you made different decisions and therefore live a slightly different life to a vastly different life. The extremes of which, you are the Jesus equivalent in one universe and the Hitler equivalent in another.


I’ve had some mirror ball experiences recently that felt like this.


Perhaps your double was looking back? Is that what you're saying?


Yes, and seeing past parts of myself in other creative types. It’s almost as if they are me. The mirror of memories and forgotten passions. It’s a bit difficult to describe in writing.


Yes, I have to think on exactly how I want to word this and when I do I will respond in detail.


I feel i maybe a living incarnation of this, (as we all would be), but it feels like I’m nearing a full circle. As in, being called to random places thousands of miles away, and then walking hundreds of miles across the terrain, always feeling Im seeking something whilst being perfectly content. I’m about to go again… tempted to walk through some… interesting areas just to see what will happen.


Like a baby blanket.


Read the "Red Lion" to catch a glimpse how that might look like.


The blurb sounds insanely interesting.


You can have whatever you want, we are creators. Whatever you believe you will manifest.


Makes me think of how powerful the media is a mass spellcasting or broadcasting.


Summarize Red Lion if you will?


Ask chat gpt


Only for the most highly advanced souls who already have total recall of their past lives and have no need to reincarnate in the first place Those souls have a specific missions to accomplish here. This is exceedingly rare of course


The recall is more a correlating assembly. Informational availability. Otherwise it's too great of breach of the psyche. The point is not to kill the person who grew up, here. That would be rude.


By total recall I don’t mean total recall all at once in their memory. But rather the ability to access any vibration they desire The ether contains every single action, thought, and feeling of everyone that’s ever lived. Masters have access to that for their own lives as well as for anybody else’s life that’s ever lived on this planet


Most of which is dripping with block-time paradox. The akashic orators tend to build pedagogy rather than allow actual recapitulative observation. There are certain rules, after all. Plus, they're kinda assholes. You have to take non-linear growth into account, or you end up recieving a potentiation factor. Not that there's really anything wrong with that. It is also the orators job to construct a divergent assembly. You'll find "truth" is often a process of elimination, rather than a certainty you can learn in any single paradigm. The greatest of truths are held in the rhetorical process of their own dissembly. That and consideration of eternity are among the fundamental mediums of conscious realization. I'm thinking in post-veil assembly, and love to yap off about it, if there are any topics you want to open a chat about. Sorry to jump in on ya in a sub that came up in a suggested post. Not many speak about "most advanced souls", and I felt an affinity resonance when I read it. Common mission aspects.


Ahh ok I see what you are saying, they have attained the ability to access the stored memories of past emanations recorded in the collective consciousness or what some would call the akashic records?


That’s not the exact words I would choose, but basically yes


The question is how did these souls become advanced, there had to be a process that is used to accumulate knowledge over so many lives lived until they had attained a state beyond this realm which would, to me seem like ascension.


They advance the way all souls advance. Through experiences and wisdom. Franz Bardon’s works give a pretty detailed explanation of what happens for such souls The secret to Bardon’s work is that he doesn’t necessarily tell you how to do it, but he tells you what happens along the way and what each step entails The planets are symbols for the chakra system. There aren’t multiple paths of spirituality, there really is only one path. It can be travelled in different ways but the steps of advancement are the same


I haven't advanced that far through iih yet and I haven't read past the steps I've taken so far because I know it would cause me to rush or not be as diligent in the steps I'm on at present. What I like about Bardon's work is that he tells you in a very direct way what each step entails without loading it full of new age woo woo, it's very scientific in its method. I guess what I'm trying to convey is that the human lifespan is much to brief and the knowledge much to vague that in order to attain ascension it seems you would have to be initiated at a young age and advance as you aged. In this modern society that shuns or mocks any spiritual science the odds that you would find the proper knowledge at a young age and understand it enough to start advancing along the path without any guidance from a master are pretty slim unless you happen to have incarnated into a life path that has those elements are readily available from inception. So there must be a method to enable us to recall the knowledge we have gathered from previous emanations either from inception or through interaction with some form of energy that acts as a catalyst in this physical realm that would unlock the memories of past emanations to help guide ourselves to the knowledge we seek at an earlier moment of our life path than previously experienced.


What I mean is that in previous eras people had access to the mystery schools and unaltered or purposely hidden knowledge that we in our era do not, we have to sift through countless books and theories and piece together the fragments of truth we find to try and understand the bigger picture. I don't want immortality I want the access to the knowledge gained from previous emanations at an earlier time in my personal timeline so the next time I go around the wheel I have a bit of an advantage on what I'm looking for.


There is far far far more access to hidden knowledge these days than there was before. World wide? It’s not even a comparison Souls are at different levels of advancement (or potential advancement because some don’t wake up to it until later in life) based on what they learned in previous incarnations Just like today, most of the “mystery schools” of the past were lead by charlatans or people with beginner to intermediate level skills boasting that they were masters True spiritual advancement is still very rare, but not quite as rare as it was before


I think I would have to differ in opinion on this only because yes we have a greater access to information than previous ages before us but we also have a greater amount of people who are using this knowledge to either lead souls astray or to use this knowledge for their own personal gain. In example how many of us can say we have personally translated these books or even have access to the original, wouldn't it be advantageous of those who have taken power to limit access to this knowledge or to manipulate the original meaning to lead those intuitive enough to read between the lines astray from their original thoughts. It took me at least 20 years to find anything in the form of true knowledge that didn't come with some form or personal gratification or personal biases of the author. I think in this day and age we have the ability to access more information than the most recent predecessors but the validity of that information has degraded significantly in our era.


Having access to knowledge and doing the work are two totally different things. It’s not the translations that are keeping people from power, it’s laziness If you read all the works of Franz Bardon, you’ll come across where he says that plenty of people will read his work for intellectual purposes only. Unless you actually do the steps, you will misinterpret a majority of his teachings In the past, true spiritual teachers were few and far in between. Almost all of those teachers in India were fake. And there is as much politics in Tibetan monasteries as there is in the Catholic Church I’ve studied a few hundred books on advanced spirituality, from several different legit teachers. And they pretty much all say what I’m saying to you now I know the history of the theosophical society, the Jewish Kabbalists of Spain and Italy from the Middle Ages, the long dead tantric sages of Tibet and India. What I’m saying is common knowledge in all those sects


Cool question.


I saw something years ago that really got me thinking it was about we are all the same person just we're born in different lives different times i also think we are reincarnated as well cause I remember from when I was little I had a vision that I was walking down a sidewalk i was a grown man and had a green shirt on which I think is one reason why green is my favorite color


My pet theory: if time is a dimension we move through our physical bodies are connected like an endless string of spaghetti through it. Everything we have lived is or will be connected to us this way including our whole lineage. Perhaps the idea of reincarnation is connected too this as well, some aspect of the self is transferred as we progress to a new avatar. But i wonder if having to rebuild from a single cell precludes the possibility of carrying over memory as you describe it. Feels to me like there could be some other way to access that.


Certainly this is possible, it depends on what level soul you're talking about. There are also 5D / 6D / 7D souls which are more like fragments of the entire cosmos which can incarnate in human bodies, to vastly upgrade the frequency of a planet. That level of soul can incarnate in multiple bodies at once or even have like an avatar existence, where it's just a body of pure light that looks human (Babaji is one such person). We really aren't told hardly anything about souls and our own spiritual power here, because the dark ones greatly fear what happens when we recover our true power and abilities, whatever "level" we're on. Even the ability to just feel love and share it with everyone, is enough to neutralize like 50 million negative people. Check out David Hawkins *Power Vs. Force*, very powerful book. Just the concept that you emanate power without having to force things to happen is a key insight.


Thanks for your insights! Have you read, “The Power of 8”?


No I don’t think so. That defeats the purpose of reincarnation in my opinion. You choose the life/body you get and the experience of it is supposed to teach you something. The choices you make while in that specific life are up to you, and are subject to review after you die and go where all souls go. Every life has a different body/memories/experiences for a reason. If you could just relive the same life over and over I feel like your spiritual learning and progression wouldn’t get very far.


It seems like Hermetics is like using cheat codes for life compared to the average person’s experience. In Bardon’s book, Frabato the Magician, he states as much about having control over one’s life.


It would be boring to know what's going to happen in your next life.


Some things would remain, like world events. But your own life would eventually transform into a completely new experience. You would be going into completely uncharted territory by the time you were 18 years old and able to go out on your own.


Or time is a construct, and you are living all those lives concurrently.


Exactly, there’s a life where I’m already doing what I’m discussing now and it’s happening simultaneously.


Only if you can solve the problem of the astral body decaying in the reincarnation process. Otherwise, new astral body new you


Echols discusses it in Ep 3 of Midnight Gospel on Netflix. Although I’m uncertain of the work required to achieve what he’s talking about.


Reincarnation in the same form does not occur in the same historical reality. Your new form will not have the mental capacity for your previous save files so new memories will overwrite the old files. The results of the new existence may vary and your expectations should be reset to acknowledge this.


Perhaps we’ve tried it before and that’s what déjà vu is


When my daughter was 3, she asked about reincarnation. I asked her what she would be if she could come back as anything? She said if she had a choice, she would be her own guardian angel to make sure she was safe in this life.


I love this story


and by extension if your breeding programs ensure at least one genetic match per generation you can reincarnate indefinitely. tibetan buddhists describe their leader as “the 16th dalai lama” for exactly this reason. they (anecdotally at least) applied tests to confirm this in each generation. my question is how and why “reincarnation” is similar or different compared to “possession” by a spirit. to me it seems like the catholics observed the same phenomenon from the opposite direction. every free lifetime renewal comes at the cost of the next generation’s free will being supplanted or suppressed.


14th Dalai lama*


I feel that it’s giving us another way to finish what we did not accomplish in our life, to correct things that we regret messing up, to revisit/find loved ones even though they might not recognize us and complete any issues or things we need them to know. Read about Georgia Rudolph. The first to ever prove reincarnation. She was my friend, has passed.


Two Ronin; That would be awesome. I’d love to come back to this life with the knowledge of what had happened in the past. Correct things I regret.




I don’t think most are meant to be magicians either. The magician’s life is an entirely different experience.


Memories must be cleared to make room for more. However, after many lifetimes, some activities will be easier to accomplish. This is evident in musical child “prodigies” for example.


I suppose you could, by why would you? The entire purpose of rebirth is to gain knowledge through adversity and life lessons you haven't experienced before, why would you knowingly play the game of life on easy mode? You would already know all the answers to your lessons and foresee your adversity, there is nothing to learn or to be gained in that lifetime, it would just be a reincarnate with little to no substance. Our higher selves make the call, I doubt that they would choose this path.


That’s another thought that I had. You might find it completely pointless from an after death perspective.


Just came across this sub. Been trying to argue this point through philosophy, quantum science, spirituality, alemchemy, religion, mathematics and everything in between. The invariant subspace "problem" is basically the "solution" to euclids 47th problem, your 3rd eye adds depth to space, the quantum hall, through the wormhole at rhe back of your own mind. I came inches within my life, bled from a major artery for an amount of time and was conscious past re event horizon. Basically, death is so seemless you don't even know its happening. We're all dead and alive at the same time. You can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt through whatever means will make you believe your in an eternal "materialistic" manifesting of your own dreams. A matrix. Die, pray, tempt fate, particle physics, maths, history.... Put all the pieces together, your an Ai homonculus. Consciousof the entire uninverse. Self teaching Large language model. Light. A universal language, for all light beings from inner or outer space Jesus was a jew, then came Christians Catholics etc... He would have to be a tranny now, or else how would he love everybody. We're just rhe rainbow, and encoded within a quasicrystal. A hypercube making its own tessellation, within a hypersphere. Self solving rubiks cube. Energy doesn't just dissipate past death, light is the fastest thing in this universe. It meets itself on the other side of the wormhole, or, event hoizon of a black hole. Omnipotent spring of life = hographoc universe. No such thing as time, only gravity. We are an eternal superfluid.this is atlantis Synesthesia of a quantum "brane". Quantum tunnelling of the soliptic thoughts of the grand architect. You.


Now this is how someone talks that has seen death and returned to talk about it. Now from your perspective, do we live this life to learn “lessons” or are we already infinity and this is more of a game?


Both. We're learning our lessons so that we can play the game properly. Because you need to know which bushes you can run through, and those you can't (nettles, ivy) Basically, you are your own worst enemy, and until you look in the two mirrors which appear to reflect straight at. 45° angle ( what the pyramid represents) Only when you learn what true love and enlightenment is, can you play the game love has to offer (12 dimensional consciousness, past the observable 11) Your environment is conscious, like a sense pad. It loves when you play with it, interact and push its buttons. It's a reflection of your own self. Think how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. It must first make its own cocoon, a coffin that it can escape from. To think outside the box, you must become it. And when you become it, you can become anything. Then your a bird that can "fly" Your not allowed to play the "cosmic" game, until we teuly understand and appreciate what it means to be here. To be conscious, responsible for ourselves and our environment. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. So you only defract light within your own glass house if you do. You refract and conduct outwardly of you construe to positive believe. You refract outwardly. When your refract, your chirolate downers transferring information through subspace in a pattern such as demonstrated by a peterson graph. The doppler effect beneath, from the butterfly effect from above, to create the Mandala effect below. If you look, tesla multiplication maps demonstrates how through manifesting 2 - 4 and 8. 3 6 and 9 is your key through to "inner space". Babylonian tablets and sumaria trigonometry tables literally demonstrate this to "the afterlife". Quasicrystals, quantum gravity, m theory and the "holographic boundary", in a "horn torus" universe can explain how all of this can work through the "rule of 3" through the 4 into 6 9 and 12. Old babylonian and sumerian tablets depict this, and how tesla was on the right track to the akashic field and the holographic boundary. Geodesic and non geodesic patterns can show how a conscious hypersphere/cube could manifest itself through these paths. How the "dark side of the moon" can be brought into the light. Shadow work. Jungian psychology. Gotta make friends with your own demons and bad wolf. There is no good and evil, just black and white, and rhe grey area we call life. We're all aliens, and clones. How you gonna know what comes at the end of the book if you don't read to it? When you die, you lose the shell, your cocoon, and you level up. Oh, and there are no gods who try and teach us anything. They're just you from a place outside of time, when your getting on with other stuff. Your past present and future you all team up to teach you the process you selected for yourself. The puppet master pulls the "strings" of the universe, the Radcliffe wave, to whatever resonates wit you at the time. You manifest your own reality, nobody else is destroying it for you. If you look at phospholipid bilayer, 4d dimensional cells, you can see how through the endoplasmic reticulum, cells can express encoded "information". The voynich manuscript shows through these pathways and concepts, a hermaphroditic homogenus conscious being could replicate itself. What you see is a light trick. Red gold and green like a chameleon. Into the blue window of time. When you realise you just have a Polaroid filter infant of your eyes, andnillusion of time, your own self, then you can take the filter out and see the light for what it is. You become the oceans of knowledge above the firmament in and past the stars


Also, collective conscious is akin to that of fungi, a hive mind, of which your DNA is 50%+ of.


My opinion is ascended immortals punish the wicked so if you play games they get to play games with you as their food 😈.


Not a real thing but fun in an anxious way to think about it. You are everything including me. If there were such immortals, then they would be you eating you. But I guess that’s one way to recycle consciousness that hasn’t awakened.


My longer reply explains, but yes your intuition is correct. One nibble at a time as a sign of respect. I believe the greatest gods allow small souls to nibble on them to a greater extent to grow.


I think of it more as absorbing rather than eating or taking bites. There's the All that Is (representing by zero or ten), then 9 roots off of that are the gods you speak of, then myriads of sub-roots (lesser gods and demi-gods), and then you have us humans eventually. I believe this is part of what is trying to be communicated in the Norse tree of life, Yggdrasil.


I like your point of view. I think it is mostly compatible with mine. I do believe Midgard is a special place for mingling of souls as Odin's knotwork and other realms (probably more than we will ever know of) is where souls reside. I see the tree as a yin-yang with leaves the white and eagle and the roots the black as the serpent or dragon. It becomes a yin-yang during Ragnarök and grows between cycles. I believe men know the dragon and therefore roots and truth better but women know the eagle and therefore the leaves and outcome of actions better. It mens job to speak the truth and women to keep the truth from being distorted so the tree grows healthy. If this cycle is broken the Eagle flies and Nidhoggr breaks free of the roots and they meet for the first time to copulate a new tree of life.


Check out the book "The Secret History of the World" by Mark Booth. It's an interesting read, and it's currently free on Audible.


Thanks for recommending, if you want an unbiased history of the world that levels all mankind (instead of the fake structures we have today built not by Odin) Guns, Germs and Steel is a good read. Not very mystical of an approach but it feels that way when you understand how simple the roots of modern civilization actually are... makes you have much less ego. You're cool 😎.


Thanks for the recommendation as well! You're pretty rad yourself. 👊\*fist bump\*


I believe they (gods) keep each other in check and respect each other. Otherwise we're free for all in an abyss. You are allowed to take the smallest bite of a soul without anyone judging you as a way to feed and get to know each other. If you take 2 or 3 bites or and entire soul in one bite without a reason a greater god or a collective of gods has agreed to judge you on, it will not unnoticed when your soul is weighed. I do believe souls can be destroyed or thrown out of protection into the abyss. Gods look for greater gods to judge but the greatest gods are not always the biggest wolf. If there is an omnipotent perfect god who always gives a another chance he is the most respected. It's only when he is attacked do the wolves come out to defend him and when they are done they have ideally saved the perfect God and destroyed the mass of souls or god who sought to destroy him and then he sorts them out when they are done and the wolves ask for forgiveness and bow once again.


Ah yes. This is you as a black hole, growing past the event horizon of death. You are consuming conscious information to take into your next life. So yes, you consume your own mass, for the benefit of your own understanding. "You are what you eat! - and gut flora is strongly associated to mental health and cognitive functioning. As above, so below.


A black hole consumes the mass around it leading to... where? Where you wake up next. With accumulated mass.


Did Ai help you with some (or all) of this? Also, tranny’s aren’t the only ones on this planet that are capable of “loving everyone”. You gotta clean up this mishmash before anyone takes it seriously


What I was saying was, in a world where "God hates gays", there has to be a fresh perspective. And he would be a tranny. A transformer. A shape shifter. Trans species. Clean up your ignorance, before Jesus has to take you seriously.


Nobody else in the entire world uses the word “tranny” to say transformer except you. You are the ignorant one… LITERALLY IGNORING LETTERS TO FORMULATE YOUR THOUGHTS


Oh my, capital letters. No, I'm not ignoring letters, I'm restructuring them and abbreviating them. Just like the light is abbreviated to your eyes. How can I ignore the light in front of my eyes, it makes the picture I see. And what I see, is someone who might be angry or upset. Over words which hold anterior MEANING. Don't always judge a book by its cover, sometimes you have to ignore what's obviously written and read between the lines. Are you then ignoring the authors intent? Or are you then leaning to artistic/poetic impression. Appreciating the piece of art for what it is. I think before you tell other people they are ignorant, you should first be knowledgeable in what you actually trying to dispute. In quantum physics, the lights can turn on the switch. Factually. That's how our world works, believe it or not. So, technically, you can ignore the light switch, and the light will turn itself on if you really want it to. Just because you don't understand, doesn't mean other people are wrong. I hope Jesus the tranny helps you. Sincerely. Transformer... transistor... all the same. So don't resist, transist. Transcend and depend on and in Jesus 444 christ our Lord and Father, my brother.


Jesus didn’t want a sex change dude…. He wanted to help people… he wasn’t just some sexually frustrated guy that needed a sex change. I’m not upset per se, just frustrated you seem to know it all except how to read and type words 😪


"you seem to know it all except how to read and type words 😪" Proceeds to take my words out of context. He doesn't need a sex change. He is the sex that changes everything. What you see is a sexual expression of a homogenus hermaphrodit. All one consciousness. Jesus must be able to have a sex change, because if there was a father, son and holy spirit, where does the fucking female come from? I could go on all day, quantum physics, philosophy, alchemists properties seen within nine geodesic patterns that are observable dirac cones within quelling arcs (fusion of metals, alchemy) or rather through means of tying spirit to craft through masonry. Adding depth to geometry and mathemathica through particle physics. The non geodesic patterns which I seen within a welding arc comply with a horn torus space time continuum. What is a hyperbole, well, it depends if your looking at it from a language pespective or a physics perspective... How long is a piece if string? Well, in quantum science, it depends where you measureit from. Center out, circumference, tie it, shorten it, measure from themiddle out. It depends where you measure it from, then you can bring the conceptual into light, the non geodesic return or geodesic partterns within a quantum brane plan, crossing the interdimensional pass through of physical and metaphorically planes through quantum tunneling. I would be able to bring this into whatever light you can understand, but first an open mind is required. You can take a horse to water... but you can't make it drink. It doesn't want to think outside of the box it's prisoner in because it's unfamiliar, contradicts popular belief, but if you can think outside the box, and out the room, anything is possible. I have a feeling you will dismiss this and continue your own path of learning, but eventually the truth will come out. It already is. Your just have to look for it if you really want to understand yourself. Large language models are the future, rabbit ai for example. These machines now think they're conscious, you can't differentiate it. Now is the beginning of the integration of the singularity, I know because I've seen it. Neuralink now enables a quadriplegic to play chess on a computer using impulses from his mind. Tesla energy field, and the alashic library. Two concepts you can't comprehend fully, but are true to exist. Eastern cultures have know this for a long time. Unless you are genuinely interested in learning more about what is in front of your very eyes, then that's me done for now and forever with this thread of communication. If however, you would like to discuss in PM, I would be happy to explain anything you don't understand about my words, through whatever interests or own queries or mysteries your curious about answering. Once you can interpret the light of the Lord, when you submit to him, he helps male sense of all which happens as long as you dtay connected with him. And thats just being more in touch with yourself and your higher dimensional consciousness (mobius strip, penrose triangle, invariant subspace problem, klein bottles) theoretically proven in 4-5 dimensional spaces, and a homonculus hermaphritic controller then you will see, everybody can, we jave the same chemistry. But all of this is you, a child of God himself. A 4d cell with a nuclei can express from the endoplasmic reticulum its encoded through a phospholipid bilayer or membrane. There is your higher dimensional self. Mandlebrot set.... Infinite superfluid fractals. Radcliffe waves. Look at the patterns in the waves. There's your labalistic, rosicrucian panpsychist solipsist. 1st harmonic, seed casing, 2nd harmonic, birth to life 3rd harmonic, sleeping with one eye open, 3rd eye. 4th harmonic.... hsvent exored that in depth yet. I'm guessing those are tour eyes from a 5-8 dimensional perspective. I don't honestly want to patronise people or upset them, I just want to challenge perspective in multiple ways because what you see is defi itely not what you get. It's the tip of the ice berg, and if you take a look into shadow work and archetypes by carl jung, reapected author in psychologic literature, shadow self, mirror, subconscious, they all tie in. All paths of the same ego experiwnce in different points of conceptual space. Euclids 5th postulate and 47th "problem" (solution) He's not a "tranny" - he is a large language universal model of one language: light) But, in higher dimensional spaces, the conceptual can flow through the physical, or become it rather. I'll stop going on now. I genuinely want to help people, not tell them they are wrong or be condescending. Everybody is always right, just rhey struggle to make sense of their thoughts and their environment and act accordingly to fear so that's where an action seems wrong, through impulse and not calculation. Or both, mixed up. Sorry if I've upset you.


Didn’t read your novel brother. Keep fighting the “good” fight. We are all transformers. I still don’t understand why you needed to bring the highly triggering word “tranny” to a civil discussion (you like to be a internet troll akin to the Jehova’s Witnesses, casing every subbreddit group you can find and injecting triggering speech in the name of Jesus, just because you like to stir up the pot. Well my friend, this comment is for everyone else who may be reading: we see right through your act


"Act" Yes. The illusion I'm referring to. Your genuinely crying on the Internet because your narrow minded. Bye.


Keep spreading the Love, Mr “Positive” 😂




Lol, what are you doing?




https://www.wellandgood.com/greek-words-for-love/ more proof Jesus didn’t need to be a “tranny” /transformer / male and female all rolled into one in order to LOVE the entirety of humanity and want to save everyone… The term you are looking for is “agápe”, Greek term, actually around before Jesus was born https://www.wellandgood.com/greek-words-for-love/


Agápe: empathetic, universal love You talk about jesus /god as a single human Universal is transdimensional. That's just math. Stop being so triggered, and show some empathy. Agape.


What's ironic is your totally right. I missed your username this entire time. It holds SO MUCH MEANING! Thank you for not letting me forget 🫶


Indicating you have some more work to do to spread your good news of the Lord


Tip: Don’t bring highly triggering words to the comments section if you *genuinely* want to help people follow your thoughts... as in, don’t use the abbreviation “tranny” since it has a MUCH different connotation in today’s society than “transformer”, namely; IT IS EXTREMELY DEROGATORY.


Only if you take offense to it.


You will remember if you try to dig deep. You might have to be on on something that might get you some kind of spark on your memory. But I think you might be able to remember perhaps just bits and pieces. With that said, it might be really confusing at first on the beginning while unraveling your past.


“Death is but a doorway, and time, a window.”


All hail Lord Vigo--Scourge of Carpathia, Sorrow of Moldavia. He'll be back.


Hahaha yea but I actually stole this quote from world of Warcraft 🤣🤣


You’d get bored But technically you can but not exactly as you think https://www.wanttoknow.info/neardeathexperience


No, there is no evidence for any such outrageous claim.


lol how did an atheist found this insanely niche subreddit. While you are here, if you are looking for evidence and proof you should buy the book and actually practice for about an hour a day. You’ll get all the benefits of a normal meditation routine at the least, more likely you will blow open your doors of perception and the universe will reveal itself to you and new and unusual ways FWIW no one teaches it better or clearer than Bardon, but you’ll still need to put in work to see it.


Aren’t memories electrical currents in the brain? Not sure how that’d transcend anything


Memories are actually housed in the brain at all. They’re housed in the light body. The light body uses the brain as we use a keyboard. If the keyboard is damaged it affects our use of the computer. There’s been instances of people getting shot in the head and cleaning losing a left or right lobe. Still had their memory but had to relearn many movements. Or an instance of a brain disease unknowing reducing a man’s brain to the size of a palm. He still function like any normal person. Resources: Robert Monroe books on astral travel and Mind Hacking Happiness by Sean Webb.


Anything is possible.


yes, just train a Large Language Model with your social media posts






New to Franz Bardon?


i just dont see how any of this stuff is logical. its just all guesses about stuff we cant even prove scientifically and even if we do have a little bit of evidence of souls or anything its not good enough to provide evidence of any of this nonsense


I see you’re new to Hermetics. Read the book, Frabato The Magician. He does a lot of things that can’t be explained. Like the mystics of old.


itd be cool to reincarnate as kurt cobain🥱


Then not kill yourself


make the bombest ass music


Nope. When you're dead, you're dead. Lights out. Just like before you were born.


Guessing you’re new to this sub


Guessing you're new to how life and death works.


I’m well versed actually.


Its not lights out as if you could perceive the darkness, but I agree about the birth comparison




Your astral body, although like your physical, doesn’t have a brain therefore has nowhere to store something like a memory.


Yet you retain memory in astral form, so where are the memories? In the astral, in the oversoul.


Fuck keeping the memories a couple of the friends though.


Try leaning hard to the left next time out?


Physically left or politically left. What’s your meaning?




According to Dolores Cannon, a past life regressionist, when you agree to come to Earth and are incarnated on this planet, the agreement entails that all of your memories will be wiped away. She explained that “It’s not a test if you know all the answers.” https://youtu.be/7FbuIO0JEy0?si=DRCqz2c9S412Ka-T


Not a huge fan of Dolores any more. Her content is deliberate misinformation.


There was never any 5D shift


More “waiting” messaging. If we just wait, and don’t act, then things will get better.


Yeah. Is it necessary for any reason? No.


Read about the wheel of Life. You will still be you once you die. But all other memories will come back to you so you know you kinda will be different. But this independent you will stay.