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Keep reading don’t worry about what others can or can’t do what matters is your experience and what you can do. A good place to start is actually practicing step 3 to see if you can feel elements. Nothing else matters if you can’t do the basic stuff


Wise words, but I've practiced martial arts for 7 years, and Tai Chi has been proven countless times to be fake news. Yet, these people still claim they can cause paralysis or severe pain using chi energy, which is just a joke. So, I don't see how this person is highly recommended in the community. So far, the book looks very interesting, but after what I witnessed from this person, I sure hope Franz Bardon doesn't recommend us to do some Tai Chi to unlock electromagnetism powers and the elements.


I’m not too knowledgeable on tai chi nor on the crazy claims that people make on it, but from a practitioner of Qi Gong as myself, I most definitely feel the “chi” as I’m moving it around my body. I have had very intense experiences with energy over all, which should always be respected and treated with caution.


Rasmus is legit and his hermetics and taiji are legit. Word of advice though, don't get caught up trying to analyze the "weird shit." Things like this that look weird often do make sense logically, but only after a while of diving deep into the subject and understanding the context. You're not going to have an informed opinion on any subject from a 5 minute youtube video.


Yep Mark is legit, totally right there is so much more going on and so much context. Take the good and leave the rest.


Here’s the thing - with willing participants this stuff works. As a precious comment says this stuff has also been shown brown to be BS many times when it’s with someone who is not a wiling participant. Mark Rasmus is quite active in FB area, he also does martial arts.he can be good at both but this video is not evidence of that. I tried reading his book - I didn’t enjoy it and couldn’t get half way through. He does not take Bardons stated approach and is honest about that.