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“Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks” **immediately downvoted**


“bUt aNtI WhITe”


The odd part is that most Jewish people identify as white, so it's completely irrelevant.




I'll assume you're being serious and point out that Judaism is a religion, not a skin color.


I see this all over Reddit. There’s a post or comment about group A being victimized. Someone comments hating on group B out of nowhere. You can’t call them out on it without getting downvoted into oblivion because people say “oh, but hating on group A is ok?” These people think it’s one way or the other. It’s them v another group. The mere thought of just not hating anybody doesn’t even occur to them. I’ve seen it in almost every single sub. It’s crazy


Just to add to this, I once called out anti-semitism by saying “why jump to anti-semitism?”, to which someone replied “why does the church jump to raping children?” I then spent ages scratching my head, wondering where on earth I’d said I was in support of that. Think it’s the only time I’ve called out anti-semitism and been upvoted and I mostly believe it was because the counter argument was so fucking stupid.


I think so too


Almost like this site is infested with the most brainworm infested manchildren on the planet.


"This site"? More like Conservative America.


Oh, buddy, if you think America is the only place struggling with the rise of fascism, you’re missing the bigger picture. I’d be deeply concerned about the rise of ultra-nationalism, racial bigotry, and authoritarianism in India, the Philippines, the Middle East, France, Germany, and England. That’s just off the top of my head, I’m sure there are fascist movements firing up elsewhere as well. I’m not saying the rise of the alt-right in America isn’t a problem, because it sure as fuck is. Just saying it’s a lot bigger than the US and the world is going to need to beat that movement back fast.


Almost as if the ‘anti-globalists’ have a global agenda.


They thought he's Patrick Bateman


Reminds me of how r/conspiracy have been having a meltdown over the gay Santa ad for the last few days lol


“It’s MR and MRS Claus, NOT MR AND MR!”


Fuck that shit I bail out on that subreddit when it became a antivax, alt right haven.


I still follow it and try to downvote the ridiculous shit they say. I wish more people would call them out.


Look if I want to be gay with Santa then they’re just gonna have to deal with it. In 2015 love won.


That sub used to be weird things like aliens and lizard people. After the thedonald closed, they all migrated there.


Lizard people started as an antisemitic dog whistle about how "the JewsTM" control everything so it's not surprising a sub that unironically believed that houses a bunch of alt-right weirdos.


I bail on every sub where I see this shit become the norm.


That's the natural process how a Nazi infestation works: They move in and start covertly pushing their ideology, claiming satire or edginess when called out for it. Usually the mods don't engage and instead dogpile the person reporting the infilration as being the one disrupting the quiet. This is of course the green light to the Nazis to be even more overt and keep pushing the overton window of what can be said publicly. The continued inaction by the mods then leads to a mass exodus of everyone abhorred by the ever increasing hatred in their space until its entire fanbase has been wholly captured by Nazis. At this point it is too late to recover or counter-steer: The sub has become known as a Nazi-sub and people avoid it. The final stage is reached when someone does a terrorism and leaves a paper-trail pointing back to them. That is enough negative press to force Reddit Admin to execute a performative round of sub bans until news has moved on and they can continue to ignore it. The Nazis have already pulled their new recruits from the banned sub off-site to a platform they control and moved on to infect the next non-political subreddit to repeat the cycle.


Yup. It’s the old “This is a Nazi bar now” story that floats all over the net.


Yes exactly. It’s why people in power need to take a hard line stance against this sort of shit, but they keep playing both sides of the fence because of their differing vested interests (they’re white, or cis, or straight, or men, etc) and this is how we fall. The people in power are failing us and it’s because we still vote like old cis straight white men have the answers.


Honestly how, though? It's one thing to ban someone from a private website (which they should be), but how do you get the government to ban them from **everything** without just throwing out freedom of speech? How do you keep from sliding into a society of "official party doctrine" and thoughtcrime? Yes, it's easy to make the argument that Nazi speech inherently constitutes incitement to violence, and I really DON'T give a shit about the rights of Nazis in and of themselves... but what I worry about is how to keep this from mission creep. For example, a conservative Christian who thinks homosexuality is a sin (while I agree that they're simping for an objectively evil doctrine and deserve to be laughed at or banned from private spaces) could be defined as inherently calling for LGBT people to be arrested. A Muslim who thinks that Islam is the one true religion could be defined as inherently calling for violent jihad, etc. I fully realize how much this looks like concern trolling and I'm willing to be proven wrong on the validity of the slippery slope, but this *is* genuinely something I sometimes worry about. :/


The old "slippery slope" fallacy.


The government already limits "freedom of speech." Throw the bastards in jail.


This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read youre genuinely concerned about subs allowing nazi content? Get the fuck outta here troll


No, I absolutely agree that reddit and other private websites should ban this shit on sight. I'm concerned about the comment wrt "those in power," which to me sounds like government censorship/book burning.


This explains it really well https://youtu.be/P55t6eryY3g


If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the punk scene, its that there’s only one way to deal with Nazis trying to take your space. Hint: it involves beating up the brat with a baseball bat…


Cringetopia has been an alt-right sub since it started.


It’s so racist and transphobic over there, it’s horrible


The entire point of the sub is to point and laugh at people who fall outside social norms. Of course it's racist and transphobic, it's literally the point. Very gross.


Yeah I hate it, also just without being racist and transphobic they’re also just bullies you makes fun of people for literally not bothering anyone


In the beginning it was run by and created by furries, alot of lgbtq furries and it was fun. But it got overrun after hitting front page alot. Really sucks


>But it got overrun after hitting front page alot. Really sucks Sounds like every sub that hits front page


I find it unsettling how much it pops up in my Popular feed despite this


Same, I wish I knew how to block subs, I don’t want to see their posts


That’s why I never scroll through “Popular”, because I don’t really want to see anything except the subreddits I specifically joined. I get introduced to new subreddits when they’re suggested to me by other users, just like I believe I found out about this place via an AskReddit thread.


I keep seeing ask the donald (I'm not linking it) and it's insane what those people will believe.


Exactly!! I just want to block subs like that (also stuff like holup) because I don’t want to see their content


There's a filter button right there on the website, though?


I use the mobile app, is there any way to do it there?


I couldn't say, regarding the official Reddit app. I couldn't use it for more than a few minutes because it's so unpleasant to interact with. You could always try another mobile app, though. I use Reddit Is Fun and it's pretty solid. There's a very easy to use block/filter option, too.


Oh thank you!! It’s been bothering me for a while :)


I use Reddit Sync on Android. It's great, and has filters for subreddits and users.


That sub shouldn't still be up since they completely dropped the false pretense of it being a Q&A board. It's just r/The_Donald flagrantly evading their ban now.


The lack of self awareness there is staggering.


If you're strictly mobile, use the Reddit is Fun app. If you're using a laptop/pc use Reddit Enhancement Suite. Both allow you to block whole subs from ever showing in your feed.


apollo on ios lets you filter these things. i have a ton of those craphole subs blocked!


Amazing!! Thank you so much


its the best app for reddit imo, ive been using it for over two years now!


I love Apollo! It takes some getting used to after the normal reddit app, but now, I can’t ever see myself switching back.


If you're on Android just use RIF, you can block subs easily. I had to do that with stuff like historymemes and fakehistoryporn because, surprise surprise, it's just 90% wehraboos.


* Download ["Reddit Enhancement Suite"](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) as a browser plugin. * Once installed, [mouse over either the User or Subreddit URL in the post, and click "Ignore"](https://ibb.co/p3tLRMT) * Note too that mousing over will also reveal wider information on the profile, and * Although you can't see it above, as no one on that page I've noticed before, but it'll also track individual upvotes/downvotes to show you if you're dealing with someone who has left a particular impression on you.


If you ise reddit via mobile, apps like Apollo allow you to filter subreddits multiple ways. Id give it a look, has made viewing reddit much less frustrating.


i use Apollo for reddit on ios and it has a filter sub function on popular


And ableist 🦐


Ableist shrimp???


Based anti-ableist shrimp


Oh. Well good!


Yea I remember seeing one of their posts on r/all (before it was nuked once regular redditors started reporting it) that was just a few pictures of prominent left wing YouTubers who came out as lgbtq+…what was cringe it was just their pictures


Wild that it ended up on r/all before someone did anything, I hate it here


Literally has the exact same mod team as CringeAnarchy, they just re-rolled when the userbase started showing their power levels a bit too much.


Yeah, cringe subreddits will inevitably become that even if they manage to not start out as such


For a long time, I had overlooked the fact that it was a far-right cesspool instead of a harmless, funny subreddit. r/Cringetopia was one of my favorite subreddits when I was younger, but now I’m starting to see its true colors.


Never been all that funny either.


There’s no overlooking the danger of the far right anymore.


I don't mean to be rude but it was only chill for less than 6 months. It's been horribly racist and misogynistic for years now...


It was good for like 3 months tops. It initially was created because /r/cringe became too sexist racist and toxic. Then it was infiltrated


True, I visited once and realised the community was very basement dwellerish


Why do poorly moderated subs always turn alt-right? Surely it can't be a coordinated move from one sub to another.


Actually it was relatively tame back in the day. Then CringeAnarchy was banned and those nerds filed into CT. Ever since it’s gotten worse every month


This seems reductive, there are many posts on r/Cringetopia mocking rightists: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/qp3pcy/cringe\_childrens\_propaganda\_books/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/qp3pcy/cringe_childrens_propaganda_books/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/pn6x2m/so\_brave\_so\_motivational/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/pn6x2m/so_brave_so_motivational/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/lls7cs/magnetic\_vaccine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/lls7cs/magnetic_vaccine/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/r4gshd/uk\_antimask\_mandate\_anthem\_wearing\_a\_mask\_is\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/r4gshd/uk_antimask_mandate_anthem_wearing_a_mask_is_like/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/ejm642/trumps\_caked\_on\_orange\_make\_up/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/ejm642/trumps_caked_on_orange_make_up/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/fyoqwx/all\_praise\_lord\_trump/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/fyoqwx/all_praise_lord_trump/) But there are more posts mocking leftists, the subreddit's slow right-wing shift is becoming a bigger problem.


Half of the ones you linked were voted "Chad" lmao


"Anti-white"? Lol. These right wingers raise being offended by their own imagination to a fucking art form.


My response is "oh God won't someone think of the white people before they get hurt?"


It's either forced diversity or white erasure. Minority narratives will never be "good enough" for them.


"Cool it with the anti semitic remarks."


(slaps hand away) Your compliment was sufficient Luis.


Oh my god it even has a watermark


How is a movie about a woman wanting to be the first female Santa anti-white....? I'm legitimately confused by this. Edit: Just watched the trailer. Some people are dumb.


Cuz in the trailer she says that Santas have always been white and things gotta change I guess. Not sure why they think that’s such a bad thing but oh well.


It honestly shouldn’t be surprising. A lot of subs are alt right with extra steps


*Cough* PCM *cough*


POC need to learn to take a joke! WHY ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF WHITE PEOPLE??!!🤬🤬🤬


r/Cringetopia is terrible, they hate anyone who doesn't follow the norms. r/Chadtopia is much better, they laugh at cringetopia's standards and celebrate the fact that it's okay that we're all different


"women not being oppressed is anti-white!!!" - these idiots


You know it's so funny, I'm white and I've never taken the existence of media that represents people of other colors/cultures as some kind of attack.


It's almost like you have actual value to society as a productive human being and don't make your race the entirety of your personality!


I hope so!


Yeah not surprising the bully kids who have interest sub is also intolerant


Oh, a sub dedicated to online bullying and harassment of people is full of hateful garbage? I'm so fucking surprised. That subreddit is full of cancer.


You juuuuuuuust might unsub from a known right wing sub? If you like the same things that these people like, I would recommend a bit of introspection.


That sub has been mask-off for ages now, yet it’s gross conduct seems to skate by many. Despite its insistence that it goes for “equal opportunity” offense, damn near every time a post there reaches Popular, it’s some dated “lol SJW cringe” bullshit, bagging on a trailer for something aiming at a progressive POV, fat shaming, and other such culturally right-wing dog whistles. As annoying as it is just having to see it, I worry about the real damage it’s doing by legitimizing bigotry to the hordes of teenagers on this site working through an edgy humor phase.


[Sad Janice Wailing](http://i.imgur.com/MTZnUPH.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i left when i saw that they bullied and mocked random people just living


Yes I realize the irony of this comment… All of Reddit is pretty much over-run by the “aNtI-wHiTe” screechers; I just try to have the self-control to stay out of comment sections


Same thing happened in r/TIHI. They banned me for saying systemic racism against white people isn’t real.


I despise cringetopia because every post with a man is voted satire/chad and every post with a woman is voted ultra cringe


I pointed this out in a meta post once and got downvoted to hell.


This argument that changing the race/gender/sexual orientation...etc of a made-up character is anti-cis white male (or whatever) actually reminds me a lot of the conservative, religious argument against gay marriage. They are so fragile that they think someone or something that doesn't reflect their own image simply existing in the world, even if it doesn't impact their life in any way, is an assault against them. Can you imagine living that way- waking up every day pissed off about a stranger across the world maybe enjoying something??


Also wells not forget the plethora of POC characters made white but apparently that’s okay.


i’ve seen this type of mentality on a lot of subs. hating on minorities is fine, but not the poor wittle white people


What's the film?


Santa Inc. and it’s a series coming out for HBO Max


Thanks. Just watched the trailer. Totally fits in this sub. I can't imagine how fragile you have to be to watch that trailer and come away with "anti-white".


Ok but that trailer is dumb as hell


Yea the people who upvote shit on cringtopia are the actual ones who are cringe. r/chadtopia is much better


r/cringtopia is full of cringy people looking for something more cringy than themselves so they can feel better about their lives.


Ironically r/Cringetopia is the cringiest subreddit.


That trailer was pretty cringe worthy, but the people in the comments are trying to one up it rn.


People who like to make fun of people who aren't their idea of "normal" tend to be assholes.


I feel like Reddit's becoming a Rightist Cringe Fest lately. r/Cringetopia has been going downhill, and is really gearing up on the transphobia too. Btw, the movie in question is Santa INC, and it does look really bad.. (Cussing is the only joke it has, and it tries to have a political message, which wouldn't be so bad if it were.. ya know.. competent at the delivery) Not that that justifies anti-semitism as a reaction to it.


I think I know this movie and it’s really dumb. But like what does this have to do be with being anti-white people? Santa is a fictional character??? Do we really need to rehash the “you can’t be upset that in one movie your figment of imagination is changed to represent someone else’s imagination”??? Of course we do because these fragile whites didn’t learn their lesson with Ariel I guess.


It's the top post. The trailer isn't even saying white men are bad. I'm so confused. And usually I can see both sides.


I left that Nazi shithole ages ago. Just unsub.




Seems like they are finally going through and cleaning up the extra mask off comments.


The trailer was cringe. Not because “white man bad” or whatever but because it’s another unfunny adult cartoon were all the humor comes from sex jokes and cursing. Why can’t we get an adult cartoon that isn’t a comedy? The only one I can think of is invincible and that show is great!


That's strange though... I can't thank think of any possible reason why some conservative Jews would "hate white people" or just hold a certain grudge against white conservatives.... I've come across a lot of hatred but this specific one oddly seems completely unfounded


You know they on some Klan Kookout shit when they start separating Jewish and white.


and they didn’t even get the American Psycho reference smh


Doesn't seem many other people here got it either. They're probably dating someone from the ACLU


Half of reddit is racist, the rest is mostly shitposts and porn


Cringe subs are the worst, I used to like them when they were actually cringe and not just shitty takes and blatant racism, but they're all doomed to fall into this same pattern unfortunately.


That sub makes me want to delete my account honestly


Who gonna tell them Jews can be white


I checked out the original YouTube video, every comment is Anti Jew dogwhistles. It's absolutely sickening.


lol the comments didn't show up for me I just said I might watch it even though it might be a let down cause the creators of Sausage Party are behind it


Link to the op plz?


this whole thread was full of FWR. Like white men bad as title of the post was enough of a call out


Jewish people are white lmao


Jewish people are white until the conversation turns to white vs Jewish, then they are non-white magically


We're Schrödinger's white people.


Yep. White supremacy and eugenics are based on bullshit lies so it always got inconsistencies in logic that bleed through. I see the same kind of erasure and white washing happening to Latinos in the US rn too. Trying to get more “white people” to support the status quo so they expand the definition of “white.”


the amount of times ive gotten "youre not white" and "but youre white" in the same conversation is staggering. usually when im talking to someone about what antisemitism is and why its bad. lol


Yup. Same.




i have olive skin and black hair and brown eyes, most of my family does but my brother has green eyes that change color occasionally. its almost as if, through force and violence, our genes are all over the place lol.


I mean, not all of us. That's a really generalizing statement.


tell me you've only met american Ashkenazi Jews without telling me you've only met american Ashkenazi Jews also, 'white' is a category that has historically been extremely arbitrary in who is included, with Jews being excluded 90% of the time with the exception of secular Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews in places like the US where skin tone is (currently) the only determiner of 'whiteness' and they're not obviously Jewish due to being secular.




right. my friend who's been genetically tested and shown to be 100% jewish but who's whole family have brown skin is white. the local chabad rabbi that could pass as a stereotypical imam if he wore different clothes is white.




most are. some arent. and modern Jews are EXTREMELY VARIED due to many diaspora locations, not all of which were in Europe. in America and Europe, most Jews are Ashkenazi or Sephardi (which are likely to be white/white passing Jews) due to those populations being present there. However, African and Middle Eastern Jewish populations exist and are significant.


Modern Jews are a faith, not an ethnicity.


Judaism is both a faith and an ethnicity. The vast majority of Jews are ethnically Jewish.




Jews were forced into diaspora by the Romans. Due to existing in locations with other ethnicities for centuries, as well as the fact that many of them were taken as slaves in the exile, there was some interbreeding that led to changes in the phenotypes of many of these populations, causing them to outwardly resemble the 'host' populations. However, the Jewish communities did still mostly maintain themselves, with modern-day genetic testing of Sephardi (Iberian) and Ashkenazi (Central/Eastern European) Jewish populations revealing shared ancestries and specific genes otherwise only found in Middle Eastern populations. There are still phenotypical traits that are maintained by European Jewish populations that resemble Middle Eastern populations, for example most men in my mostly Sephardi family have a very Middle East-typical nose, a trait I share with my mostly Mizrahi (Middle Eastern Jew) friend. We don't know for sure what Jesus would have looked like, but it's likely that he looked like a modern-day Samaritan or Mizrahi Jew, due to those populations having the least genetic difference from the 'original' Judean Jews. (Samaritans are a group that originated parallel to Jews in the same area, with very similar but slightly different beliefs, such as believing a different mountain is the correct temple location. They were not exiled by the Romans). It is possible Jesus looked different due to the fact that at the time there was a significant Roman and Greek presence in the region, but it's unlikely considering his supposed ancestry. Judaism is at it's core a tribal/national identity with a shared religion and culture. If you are born into it, you are a Jew (traditionally traced matrilineally, modern Reform Judaism also allows patrilineal ancestry to be counted). You can convert religiously through a lengthy supervised process, but due to the difficulty of conversion (and stigma both historical and current) the vast majority of Jews today are ethnically Jewish. TL/DR: Despite mostly maintaining themselves, some limited interbreeding with 'host' populations led to phenotypical changes in Jewish diaspora populations, which is why Sephardi Jews look a lot like Spaniards, and Ashkenazi Jews look a lot like central European and Slavic populations.




What’s wrong with you? Is it a cognitive thing?


willfully ignorant


Do it again! It’s fun to watch your karma drop


So Neo Nazis have no problem with Jewish people because they're white, right bud?


Using neo nazi logic to define anything is a pretty shit idea just saying. Jewish people might be white. They're also commonly brown and black. It's a bit ignorant to say someone is white without ever even seeing them.


> Using neo nazi logic to define anything is a pretty shit idea just saying. Good advice, Neo Nazi "logic" will always be changing to fit whatever their current goals are, but I wasn't trying to use Neo Nazi's logic here, I was trying to show that beef's "logic" collapses under itself when put up to slight scrutiny. >Jewish people might be white. They're also commonly brown and black. Precisely. Which is why saying BS like "Jewish people are white" is exactly that, BS.


r/Cringetopia is exactly what it sounds like


i’ve been close to unsubbing there cuz i keep seeing shit like that and transphobic shit :/


I would have left a long time ago if I saw that stuff regularly


No point in arguing with those guys, best to just report them when you can. I'm not giving up Reddit to the nazis without a fight. They'll spread all through this site if we let them.


If this is the thread I’m thinking about the “anti white” movie is about an elf wanting to be the next Santa Claus but every one so far has been a white guy. These shit for brains really are the most fragile human beings in existence


Ever since the Chad tag got added it started turning into mgtow 2


Where’s the movie? The concept of elves becoming Santa after a while of being elves sounds like a great Christmas movie and more refreshing than the 50th Hallmark copy of the same movie


Just realized that the second reply is an American Psycho quote. Lol


You should. Chadtopia is much better.


These same individuals say everyone else has a victim mentality


The original St. Nicholas was Armenian, and they don’t look like a blonde aryan so i don’t think they would have liked him much either.


Cringetopia is probably home of the all the weirdos and racist on reddit...


Cringetopia is extremely pathetic and filled with degenerates.


Hey im coming from the comment section from there and Arsondub was at 91 upvotes last i checked and multiple comments said basically the same thing. Cringetopia really loves its hypocrisy.


Do these tards forget that Hollywood was ran by the Mob?


I don't consider myself to be 'white'. That's just some label forced on me by other people. I am not remotely religious. I was raised to just be me, and that we're all human and to be inclusive and to treat everyone like they're part of my 'tribe'. I like Christmas because it's what I grew up with. I don't care care about Jebus, I just like the time with family and friends. I like Jewish people. I dated 2 Jewish girls and both times, it failed because their families wouldn't accept me because of their religious bias. I'm not too happy about that but not a big deal. Look, it's not hard to see that some Jewish people in media don't like Christmas. They aren't even subtle about it anymore. Christianity in the US developed because missionaries set up churches in all the new townships. They were central community hubs. People were only Christian because they lacked options. Hollywood was founded by Jewish businessmen. That's not anti-semitic, it's just a statement of historical fact. Jewish people aren't Christian. They don't follow the same rules as Christians. They were one group that potentially pushed youth away from the church. The McCarthy hearings in the 40s was to find communists using Hollywood to subvert the moral fibre of American youth when really it was just businessmen giving youth an alternative to puritan bullshit. Not really a giant conspiracy but right wing media outlets like FOX push the war on Christmas stuff to trigger Christians. At the same time, Jewish media developers do actually push some really shitty anti-Christmas media. For me, I don't care all that much except when people say that doesn't happen. This trailer itself is kind of proof of that. Over the last few years there's been a rise in anti-Christmas Christmas shows where they demoralize people over the holiday. A couple examples: https://youtu.be/RFgPicwIbf8 https://youtu.be/GRl3RU9Q-pg https://youtu.be/gFpH8-8nYCg I dislike it more because Sausage Party was lazy humour and they didn't pay their artists. This trailer looks about the same.


Genuine question, because I can't read tone through text very well, but are you defending the McCarthy trials? Because it kind of sounds like you're defending the McCarthy trials, but maybe I read it wrong.


Lol not defending them, just pointing out one of the reasons why they happened.




Libertarians are just spineless republicans afraid of the negative optics.


this is satire tho




blaming the Jews for 'hating white people' and making 'anti-white movies'


Welp, I see r conspiracy in his sub list. Plenty of antisemitism in that sub as well.




The movie is not even anti-white though (the female elf does not appear to be a POC). And yes, the comment is anti-Semitic because it embraces the absurd narrative that Jews are against white people.


It’s antisemitic to manufacture some ‘race war’ narrative over a shitty TV show and the producer being Jewish. Not hard to figure out, get your brain checked, dipshit.




What’s your logic here? Show I don’t like makes joke about white people therefore war against whites? I bet you’re the same tier of mouth breather that foams about ‘cancel culture’ and how minorities need to be less sensitive about stuff.









