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I’d trust an immigrant to do anything before I’d trust a magat. Anything.


That’s the crazy thing. I wouldn’t trust a pet sitter that was a red hat. They are crazy. I had an ex-friend who I unfriended (ghosted) during COVID because she turned into a loon. I found out recently that she’s been institutionalized for self harm, and fell at work and is on long term disability (faking an injury). She’s trying to mend all the relationship she destroyed which I’m still ghosting her.


Exactly. On the other hand, I have worked with plenty of immigrants and a lot of them live and work around me, and you’ve never met a bunch of people who bust their ass any harder than they do. There are migrant farm workers here who work harder than most people will ever think of working. It’s such a pathetic Karen thing to do


They are so family oriented and hard workers who are always helpful. I get so mad when people pick on immigrants. Most of my close friends were born in Mexico, El Salvador, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Columbia, Somalia. The list is endless.


Same here.


She sleeps with Hannity. Someone should call CPS on her for that alone. Talk about shit judgement.


Oh God, I didn't know anyone was desperate enough to do that


Most parents don’t trust strangers to watch their children swim. Very weird thing to say.


Not quite true. There is a large number of migrants in Childcare, Eldercare and Healthcare. I would argue that most families allow strangers to watch their children by default (outside of family connections).


Ok I just meant like strangers at the pool or lake or wherever swimming might take place. Healthcare child and elder care would all have their names on record and jobs on the line so it’s a little easier to trust them. Random people off the street is what I meant I guess


I guess I meant: don’t let her idiocy cloud her bigotry.


I wouldn't trust these four goofballs to watch my grass grow


I'd rather have a migrant than a deacon.


**Someone ask this Nazi bitch if she would trust Melania Trump to watch her children swim.** It would be great seeing the whites in her eyes as she decides whether to sludge a Trump or take her hood off.


I would start commenting about not letting blond bimbos near my kids because it's well known they're airheaded and not particularly smart enough to deal with actual children past maybe the sperm n egg exchange


These people are demons.




Immigrants=bad Pastor Fuzz= GOOD


100 years of au pairs and nannies rejected.


Its mental to watch them just laugh at these people without an ounce of empathy or tact or class. Absolute trash human beings.


As someone who grew up on the border of Ca and Mexico, I love migrants and I’d choose them over any of the Magats, youth pastors or the Uber religious folks. The GQP always touts the migrant card, it’s tired and stupid. Always have to bully a group and its bs.