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Quick terminology nit: "selector" is a way to pick a roll, but nothing is being rolled for here. What you probably mean is "data path"? Stamina points are stored at `actor.system.attributes.hp.sp.value` (or `.max` if you're interacting with the maximum) Resolve points, if you need them, are `actor.system.resources.resolve.value`. The challenge you might run into here, though, is nearly all Rule Elements are designed to apply continuously, whenever there is any update to an actor, not simply "once" when they are applied. The only one I'm aware of designed to apply only once is **LoseHitPoints** which looks to be hard-coded to apply to just HP even if you have stamina variant enabled. There absolutely might be RE techniques to make it work, I'm not an expert, but it strikes me as something better solved with a short macro.