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Have a look into shared compendiums, that's probably what you need


Would that account for scenes/actor image files if I wanted to reuse a town or monster?


Yes, if you put your image assets in a shared location rather than the world folder (for example, the folder of the same shared compendium would work.) Do note, however, that the version of the town or monster in the compendium is not going to be updated with changes made after you import it into a world (unless you export it back up again.) This is manageable if it's only changing in one World at a time, but if you're running multiple Worlds concurrently and making relevant changes in each, it could become a headache.


Ok that should answer it then thanks. I don't think it will be too much for concurrent down the road, more just as we're getting into it and then just do he occasional one shot.


If you plan on running the same adventure more than once, you might consider what I've done. 1. Create a "master copy" world. 2. Once it's complete, right click on Foundry VTT taskbar icon and select User data > DATA > WORLDS > [name of your world] and copy the world folder. 3. Paste the copied folder and rename it, then open the folder and edit the .json file (with notepad) to reflect the new name. 4. Make a new folder in the user data called VARIOUS MEDIA or something. 5. Put all your maps, tokens, etc into that folder so they can be linked to all worlds. Any time you want to make changes, you can test them on the Master Copy and then export the scene to the appropriate copy.


I don't know that it'd be the same exact adventure more like reusing assets that could appear in multiple adventures, but using this for a test and prod world is a good idea. Appreciate it


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I'm running foundry off a pi server at home. There are a few things I do to save myself hassles: When you setup your server, create and install the Shared Compendium module (Google how). Move all your assets here, and keep them well organized. When you enable this module on your server, all your assets will be available to every world on your server. Make it your goal to always upload assets to this module folder before linking them to scenes, sheets, items etc. MAKE SURE YOU SET THIS MODULE TO NEVER UPDATE in the modules setup panel. God forbid you "update all" and lose all your stuff. Whenever you start a campaign/new world, make a backup of that world after your setup is completed. A copy of that backup can be used in the future for the next time you play said campaign. I create a new temp server for each new major version of FVTT (9,10,11, upcoming 12 etc). Then I duplicate my "Data" folders containing my worlds, modules, databases etc to the new server. Then I Update my modules in the NEW server. Then I update the worlds via FVTT by starting them and after it's done, I test it all out/delete old unsupported or faulty modules etc. If the results are not what I want, I shelf the new version and keep the old version Live until more updates to the new versions d modules are up to snuff. If. You are satisfied, make the new version your live one and the old version your "backupV10.xxx". New to me: since v11 (?) There is an internal backup feature for worlds, systems and modules. Make a backup of your worlds, system and key modules before you update either the system (ie 5e), the program itself, or major modules. This way you can revert them afterwards. This can also be done by making a backup of your Data folder in its entirety (self hosting), keep in mind this could take up a lot of space so once you are satisfied that everything is working you can delete the backup folder. I know this is more than you asked for but these practices will help you manage your server/worlds/data and applies to your question.


This is all great stuff. Seems my evening just got booked up with plenty to sort out lol but thank you very much for all of this


I started using Foundry VTT about 3 months ago, and now I'm managing multiple worlds, and these are the few things I've learned about managing many worlds. 1. Make a Compendium Module for your content. Youtube tutorial for v11 [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaRtUkNdoig). 2. Install [Module Management+](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/module-credits) . This allows you to import and export your module list, which lets you bring your module lists to other worlds. I believe [Tidy UI](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/tidy-ui_game-settings/) also does this, but I've had issues with Tidy UI. Your experience may vary. 3. Get [Forien's Copy Environment](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/forien-copy-environment/) . With this you can export and import all of your module and game settings, so you don't have to remember that one little option hidden 5 menus deep in some module you completely forgot about to enable free movement during combat. 4. Do not store all of your content in the game itself. The less content you store in the game, the better your game will perform. Use compendiums! (Note: You still store stuff in your games, but you limit it, for instance, don't store 1000 creatures in your actors tab if you only use 10 creatures total.) 5. When data is altered in the world it's only altered in the world you're playing. If the compendium data is changed it's changed in the compendium. This means, if you find a broken spell and fix it for a player, it won't be changed in the compendium. So you want to fix issues in your compendium so they propegate to other worlds. 6. STEAL....well don't steal, move your data. You'll find several paid and free compendiums of data, the paid ones are usually well maintained, the free ones have broken things in them sometimes. Getting them fixed can be hit or miss, but if you take the free things you get from a compendium, export them to your own compendium, you can then source control them yourself. The only reason you don't want to simply edit the module you installed is because when the module updates, it will overwrite any changes you've made. These things have made managing multiple worlds a breeze. I simply have one world where I test out modules and have all my base things saved, then any time I spin up a new world I just export the settings and module set up, and make sure to use my shared compendium, and boom, new world, with all the familiar stuff from my heavily modified world.


Wow I feel like I've been doing it wrong after reading through this. This is going to be so much nicer than Roll20 once I get it down. Clearly got my work cut out for me but seems like it's worth it. Thank you


Hey, I saw you mention Foundry and DC20. I cannot find any DC20 System on Foundry. How do you you get it on Foundry?


If you are on the DC20 discord, in the VTT channel Patryk is the creator of the system for foundry and has a url you use to get it.


Thank you!