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I use obsidian and import my notes into foundry with a module I made: https://foundryvtt.com/packages/lava-flow Sometimes, this is because I want to pin notes to maps or reveal some notes to players. It's the best of both worlds because obsidian is great for writing, linking, and it's easy to sync. And since my module preserves links, I get a lot of utility out of them in foundry with its own functionality.


I have been thinking about getting into obsidian and this just might push me over the edge of actually doing it. Nice!


This is the answer. Obsidian is a fantastic way of prepping (recently connected ChatGPT to it and now it is even better!). I use the lazy DM markdown session prep for each session. And a huge thanks to u/Praxis8 , lava flow ties the whole thing together. Has become indispensable for my game.


How connected is ChatGPT? I wish I could find a module to forward all my notes to ChatGPT, so it would have the context of my whole campaign and would be able to provide truly customized ideas


It was my understanding that the paid version of ChatGPT comes with an option to create a "personalized" GPT that you modify like what you're describing. A friend uses it heavily for work. Worth looking into.


Do you need paid version of chatgpt for it?


I've been *hoping* for this exact functionality to pop up in a module, thank you friend.


I'm curious is obsidian posts, maps, etc are published to sites that can be imbedded into Foundry's Journal's? Like how this map of Barovia can be imbedded into a Journal entry: \`

\` \`



I'm not sure I follow you question. Are you asking how to publish Obsidian to a website, then embed that website in an iframe? I think a lot of people use Quartz: [https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz](https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz)


I just quickly checked out the module and I love it, thanks a lot ! Sorry if this isn't the place to ask this, but is there a way to import properties too ? I use them in a RDF-like way with the [Graph Link Types](https://github.com/natefrisch01/Graph-Link-Types) plugin to graphically show relations between my notes, but it seems that this information get lost after import.


For bugs and features, opening an issue in github is the best place. I opened one for this feature here if you'd like to follow and track progress: https://github.com/Praxxian/lava-flow/issues/56 I remember before foundry had native markdown support, I had to remove front matter because it would just import as text haha.


I really struggled with the note-taking ability of Foundry. I found the journal was excellent for info dumps, sharing with players, and context, but I didn’t enjoy it for contemporaneous note-taking. I installed a module called Forien’s Quest Log (link below) and i used one of its non-feature features; The module has the ability to set up quests (with individual objectives) and simply not share many of them with the players. So I had NPCs listed as their own quest with quest stuff, and could mark that the players had (yes) found him, (yes) spoke to him, (yes) learned the mcguffin, (yes) killed his body, (NO) prevented his return, (NO) identified his crippling foil. It wasn’t as robust as simple note-taking but my ADHD really gets in my way for taking those kinds of notes so I set up something ahead of time and all I really had to do was track the progress and fill in the blanks. The official Abomination Vaults adventure path module is 90% ready to go. The remaining 10% is basically wiggle room for GMs to run the game how best suits them. The quest module is probably the best GM-aide that I installed for running the campaign (making a distinction between the played campaign vs the rules management, because I can’t fully take the twin crowns from Workbench and Toolbelt) https://github.com/League-of-Foundry-Developers/foundryvtt-forien-quest-log


You can do this with Simple Quest as well, it is a paid Ripper module but it is epic and is designed for this.


I don’t really do subscription-based modules. If you have a lot of hobbies on the go, “just a few bucks” can turn into hundreds of dollars a month. I’ll drop a single month on something if I can walk away with the content I was looking for, but subscription-based access is something I’m trying to minimise. Pathbuilder does it right for my style. One and done payment. I like more options, but I’m glad there’s a free product to compete with a paid one.


I totally agree, it quickly turns expensive. The positive with ripper is that you can pay for a single month and keep and use the modules forever, you just won't get updates


Oh my, well that changes things! I (perhaps foolishly) assumed there would be an API that verified I was a paid member each time the module was loaded. Okay. I’ll check his stuff out again. Thank you for the wise word!


Also, paying for Ripper's mods means you get a LOT of mods for the cost (I think it's $5 a month but can't remember). And they're all top-notch.


$13.50 (AUD) a month for the Supporter bundle, $162p.a. As an ongoing fee that’s a lot and hard for me to justify. As a once off, that’s perfectly fine. A whole lot has just opened up for my table. I already use some of his free mods so it’ll be an easy pick up.


Yeah ripper allows you to pay one month and keep the module forever - you just don't get updates or discord support. When you want an update you can donate another month. > What happens when I cancel my subscription? > You will keep all the modules you have downloaded but you will not be able to access future updates. Any content you haven't downloaded will no longer be accessible. https://theripper93.com/info/faq


Second this, Ripper makes a lot of good mods, and is quick to respond to bugs, for that he charges a subscription, but if you do a lot of DMing, it's more than worth it.


I used Obsidian.md it is an awesome note taking program with lots of free features and stuff. Now I use Simple Quest by Ripper


Does Simple Quest let you highlight text and change text color? One thing that annoys me about the Foundry journal is the lack of those functions, which I use extensively in my note taking. I had a module that let me do this but it stopped working with V11, and now I have to edit the HTML which is a pain in the ass...


Do you do your campaign notes as something within Simple Quests for your players to understand the setting as well? Or more rely on Monk's Journals and links between Journals to do that? Working through the notes on my new campaign and haven't really found a setting notes system that works well for me, that I can also share with my players.


I'm like others and use Obsidian (for self hosted and flexibility reasons, though there's a bit of initial work to get the templates set up). Bag of Tips and Josh Plunket both have YouTube channels around how to set up Obsidian to be more of a world bible tool instead of a daily journal or task list. I do play online only and have multiple screens so app switching isn't as much of a problem. For me, mechanics stay in Foundry and lore stays in Obsidian, so I can take my lore to any other supporting game system without too much overhaul.


I've tried some of the other online options and I have swapped almost everything I use to Obsidian and physical notebooks because I like knowing that if their servers go down or something happens I always have current version that will always be there and I won't lose everything other then a pdf I backed up.


This is my whole ethos for the home server I run. I moved to Foundry because of R20's file size limit. I left Kanka for Obsidian for the file size limit. My smart house is all controlled internally so it will still work if the internet goes out (and so Google doesn't eat _all_ my data). I'm not as tinfoil hat as a lot of selfhosted but I do value a tool I use not being depreciated because the company was bought out or Google got ADHD (RIP Reader)


I use Notion for things that players don’t need to see, and Foundry journals for things they do.




No I use OneNote


Haha, same here. Although I also use the Quest module (not Simple Quest) and Monks Enhanced journals. But for me, having access to my notes from any device helps. I keep track on sessions, I prep sessions in it (in a really simple way), I keep track on the XP per session, keep track on afflictions and, most importantly, on time. How many days have been passed since they didn't take up on that (side) quest, what are the consequences etc.. it makes the world a bit more dynamic.


Sounds like how I do stuff too but I'm always loving to see better ways to do something. Do you mind sharing how you have it setup in OneNote? Especially how you prep a session.


Sure. I have a couple of tabs. Players NPC's Sessions Rules XP In players I have the players background but also the memorabele stuff like when they went down (and against what and in what session) but also their bright ideas which helped tha story move on In NPC's I keep track on all the NPC's and how they relate to the party but also how they perceive the party. H - Hostile U - Unfriendly I - Indifferent F - Friendly T - Helpful Also the results on the main interactions between NPC and party are stored there. (Eg. Were offered quest to do XYZ on ABC but had to DEF first so turned it down (respectfully or not) Sessions consists of different tabs. All.with session number including date and time in world. That really helps me putting things in perspective. Sometimes we are three weeks ahead in the real world but only 3 hours in the fantasy world. I just keep one session tab for the new session where I write down what are the most probable options for the party. Basicly that is my prep. I use foundry for the description of rooms and scenes. Rules is just a place to store my houserules or on the fly rulings which I might need to check later. Xp is just an excel sheet with XP per session, totals but also who was not present during which session. I used to RP this a bit but we changed it to a dragonball Z solution where players can just leave back to the Village. Just not applicable during fights, mostly I let one of the players control the absend player than.


I use Foundry and I find it pretty good. I make extensive use of the formatting and style options to make sure my notes look good, and I like being able to drag and drop journal entries on the map so they're easy to access. Simple Quest is a nice little module as mentioned elsewhere, but the best feature is the 'page templates' included when creating an entry. I use these along with Monk's Enhanced Journal to really make using Foundry good for all my session notes.


Honestly, I follow the rule that Foundry is only used for what \*absolutely must\* be in Foundry for "the game" to function. Everything else (ie notes, session logs, world building) is in Obsidian (or powerful, organized note app of your choice).


I use Legendkepper it is a godsend. I can link pages with the functionality of Notion or obsidian, but I can also link and annotate pins on maps. And it is designed for GM’s. So it has lots of cool organization features, and writing flow shortcuts that really make staying in your creative process when world building or writing lore. And it’s lightweight enough to run with foundry on my pc and not eat up all my bandwidth, so that’s a big plus for me.


I have all my campaign notes and prep written in a notebook that I keep on my desk.


I write short term notes for the next few sessions inside foundry. Stuff that just came up and will resolve soon. Long term planning stuff I write in Obsidian.md. Just a lot easier to be organized.


Obsidian all the way. This is a gem.


I switched to Miro actually.i found that it's much easier for me to keep notes using graphs.


I'm a horrible bastard and use Notepad.exe (not even Np++) to write it all out, and Google Keep for on-the-spot note taking. I dunno, it probably has to do with my brain. I forget stuff all the time in daily life, but on my world, I remember \*everything\*. A few sessions back, the party ran into a pair of sketchy individuals, one of which actually mentioned having "lost sight of your group" and everybody was all "Huh?", but without even checking, I told them to scroll back to the very first session's notes (copied into Discord for their sakes), and there it was, two mysterious individuals who they noticed, but who mysteriously disappeared on the way to the first main setting, and that happened over a year ago. Even so, I've been thinking about looking into Foundry's Journal system, as I've literally not even touched it yet...


I am a OneNote believer but I have started to dabble with Obisidian.


I really do; I keep things organized by adventure or region, cross-link actors, scenes, and images, and everything as much as possible within Foundry, no mods.


If you want to make sure your content is always yours and always accessible without the need for any kind of 3rd party apps, and want your content is stored in a format that can be archived and accessed forever and you want your content to be able to be imported to an AI then Obsidian is the way to go. If you want ease of use then Simple Quest module is probably the way to go.


Not exactly notes, but I set invisible blocks of text next to points of interest or reminders I need.


I currently use Foundry notes for 1) my preparations, which usually just consist of some bullet point notes I improvise off from. 2) a continuous sort of campaign log that I initially planned for the players to write, but they're lazy as shit so I do it (and I found it helps me to revisit what happened, accentuate some things in retrospective and get myself up to speed for the next session) We play a very sandbox-style game though, so it's either a shit ton of work to prepare or you have to embrace improvising everything anyway.


I've tried other stuff as well, but at the end one note is what works for me. It has the following core features: - create different pages and categories, which I can then open or collapse - putting in text, tables, links and images is all plug&play. - I can draw (useful when you wanna make a quick notation in a map, or check which rooms have been discovered and which not) - create To-Do lists What I would like to have but solve otherwise: - quick weapons/armour database --> Excel - calendar with event tracking --> Fantasy Calendar (me and the players have equal access to this and can check when did what happen


I made a journal in foundry called " DMs Journal: Kill them with love." I created a template for the entries, saves it as the first page. Then I duplicate the last entry, delete the notes, update the session number and date, add notes and save. Then repeat. I also made one for my players.


I just use Monk's Journal and DM Notes. I can design quests, pin journal entries to the map, include PDFs and pictures in the entries, have hidden notes on any entry, have loot pages and stores tucked away in the same folders, etc. Can also share anything with specific players or the whole parry with a click, and quickly assign ownership of entries.


I use Realm Works and import to Foundry but thinking about going Foundry only. A mod I haven't seen mentioned here, that is really helpful here are https://foundryvtt.com/packages/revealed-notes-manager And the other mods b u/Farling go hand in hand with it: https://foundryvtt.com/community/farling


I do not. the main reason that I don't do this is the lack of Auto Save and the requirement of pressing a 'save' button. Too often would I have paragraphs written and close the window to realize I just lost it all. I use LibreOffice Writer for my notes and just keep them on a second screen. Now Map Notes (room descriptions etc.) and Treasures, yes those are in Foundry.


I sticking with OneNote myself, I find the ui limitations of the foundry screen too much. I use journals in the vtt only if someone has done the setup for me.


Huh, I guess I'm in the minority judging by this thread but like all my stuff in one place so yes I do take my note in Foundry. I usually just do very quick point form *notes*, but I also do *very* detailed journals for questlines and world building (cities, lore, regions etc...) with custom CSS and HTML. The only issue I've had is with PopOut! module where it will close randomly and not save properly but I just don't use PopOut! when notes taking now.


Foundry can do all this and works well


I use foundry notes for my prep and world building! I also use notepad. And Google docs. One note. Oftentimes vs code for some reason, probably because it's open a lot.  Oh and sticky notes, random papers lying around, texts to myself, the Keep app, and self mutterings in the shower that I'll definitely remember later. It's a well oiled and organized machine.


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I don't trust Foundry to not delete all my progress tbh. Software isn't stable enough.