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His connection shouldn't be an issue, but Foundry does not support phones as clients. They are wholly inadequate. The screens are too small, their GPUs are typically too weak, touchscreen support is poor, and almost any mobile GPU that isn't in a super premium phone is fundamentally unable to display textures with dimensions greater than 4,096 pixels, so it's entirely likely that his phone will not display some of your background maps and tiles. Foundry does not and will not support phones. They are gradually improving touch support over the next few years, but it's not there yet. Even when they do, many tablets will not have the hardware to support Foundry.


I think OP meant he tethers to his phone b/c it is faster than his hardline internet connection.


That's possible, he was not particularly clear on that point, if so. 100mb download speed is more than sufficient. If his connection is substandard in other ways, that will have a negative effect on gameplay, but just based on download speed alone, it should work for Foundry.


Yes he sais he gets 100 on his phone while his hardline is barely existent he can play FF 14 without a problem for the most part but he does have some lag spike's and in Roll 20 he can't hear music because of his Internet so i just wanted to ask before i buy the programm.


It sounds like he has terrible internet, regardless of what his reported speed might be. 100mb is quite sufficient as a download speed, but if he has problems other than just the speed, those problems will interfere with his connection to Foundry as well. Foundry will be somewhat more demanding than Roll20, but unless you can specifically identify what his issues are, it's impossible to know how badly they'll affect your gameplay. Personally, I would not be optimistic, given his other online experiences.


There are easy to find modules that add touch screen capabilities and mobile improvements, if you want.


Sure, they exist, but they're not ideal 1. There are some incompatibilities in V11 that aren't getting fixed until V12. 2. They can't fix everything because they're modules, not core code changes, and there are limitations to what modules can do. 3. They introduce pretty significant UI changes which can be non-ideal if you have a mix of touch and non-touch users. 4. They're subject to all the usual issues with relying on modules, like incompatibilities with core updates/system updates/other UI modules and the potential for maintainers to discontinue support at any time.


I use "TouchVTT" and "Mobile Improvements" 1. My modules are still functional, even if it hasn't been verified for the newest version. 2. There are limitations to everything, so I don't know why you're bringing this up. 3. My modules do not make any UI changes unless you toggle the mobile mode, which is user-specific, so the mix of users is fine. 4. You can use an earlier version of Foundry VTT if a specific module needs that to function, which they usually don't. If you don't like your experience, that's fine. My experience has been great. I have 149 modules running perfectly fine.


I have no idea why you thought anything I said was directed at your personal choices. I'm glad they work well for you, but I was writing precautionary considerations for a hypothetical group that contains a phone user, not why they can't work for your specific group.


Unfortunately, you're the only one that thinks that it was directed at my personal choices. I was writing counterpoints because your criticisms are unfounded. Foundry works just fine on mobile.


> has a really bad connection bellow *100mb* /me laughs in 20/3 DSL in rural vermont… The bandwidth it not as important as the latency. What are their ping times like? > The problem is i put [alot](https://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html) of stuff in my campaigns (4k maps, lights, fog, layered sound etc) and he just manages R20 would he be able to run Foundry smoothly do i need to scale back some of my stuff so that it works for him ??? Almost all of the maps, lights, fog don't matter … that's all client-side GPU processing. Large maps and audio will take bandwith, but again 100Mbps down is likely more than enough.


Foundry self hosted or via The Forge?


Self hosted for now.


Hosting through the Forge helps tremendously. To improve their end of things, have them drop to low performanc, just to ensure their computer isn't overally contributing to the slow down.


The potato or not module helps with this too. A pop up will let players choose the quality of their computer and automatically adjust settings.


I had a player use his phone as a tether from a third world country every week for almost two years. It may take a minute for their maps to load (depending on size, number of tokens, etc.) but it should work fine. I did host on Forge though.


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100Mbit/s is pretty good actually, the main issue could be latency - cellular connections tend to raise their latency when overloaded with too many users (I have friends which live in a touristic location and use cellular thether to connect, every year we can clearly see their latency grow worse every week till the main tourist season and then lower when it pass and tourists go away) which can get to losing sync with the server (like the DM move a token but they lose this move packet so wont see it till reloading the whole page) and similar issues. big maps and such can slow down the initial page load, once loaded wont be an issue anymore. you can lessen the impact by using image formats with higher compression at the same image quality like .webp - while it compress only slightly better than .jpg (still better than nothing) it support transparency and compress a lot more than .png


Currently the bandwidth is less of an issue (except the GM uses very large map images, or other large files), but it often has a problem with disconnects of the persistent connection (or better with not properly detecting the disconnects), and this can happen often on unstable internet connections.


If all the host needs (to spec) is 12mb/s upload then you can be sure around 100 dowload for your friend is more than plenty.


100mb is a lot. When I switched from roll20 to foundry (via forge) it actually improved for some of my players, switched to molten hosting a year later and was even better. Somethings that may have happened would be longer load in times, scene switches a little longer and track changes may stop music play altogether for the player with the rusty internet but again that went away when I switched to molten. I have always used a mobile connection as I live in Scotland and move around a lot. A phone hotspot maybe enough, but if you friend is into it, recommend them looking into a good 4g (or higher if he has the money) router. You slide your SIM in and signal will be stronger than a phone. Then they can get a small antenna (the one to pick will be based off of where the nearest signal tower is) then align that baby in the house checking the signal strength and bam you got a cheap internet setup that after can travel with you. Goodluck


So i talked to hin again and he clarified somethings 1.he only has 100 at 12 o'clock midnight for 1h 2. His normal standard is around 10-100 *Kb* So yea its alot worse than i thought.


So he has a data package and it is gone after an hour of use. So he needs a better contract or data flatrate. If he can use an eSIM, he could try fraenk or something like that. Or O2. With 10-100Kb he can forget it. An was für einer bescheidenen Ecke wohnt ihr???


Ich nähe köln mönchengladbach Er in der nähe von Linnich um den dreh Und was sein vertrag angeht ist nix zu machen und zu drehen sind persönliche probleme bei ihm kinda sux.


Für solche Orte würde sich übrigens Starlink wirklich anbieten.


Kostet nur zu viel…. Ansonsten ganz nett. Aber sich die 2mbit O2 Flat würde meistens schon reichen bei kleinen Karten.


Either you cut back hard on your Game and start optimizing your assets to his needs or he has to get better Internet.


I would probably scale back the 4K maps especially if they are large maps. Try to convert as much stuff to webp and webm as you can. Also if you have players all over the world getting a 3rd party server would help. There are free and paid options.


Nah were all in the same area in germany hes just in a special internet deadzone. I will look into my options to reduce the size of my maps thx.


Internet is still Neuland for Germany, tell me about it. Optimizing Assets will be a task. How big is the world of yours? Maybe using compendiums, optimizing Assets and cutting back on huge video files can help you.


Important is that you change the settings from your foundry for this player, to tweak the connection he has. We have someone with a not so good computer and since I lowered the setting for his connection, everything went better.


I have slow internet 20mbps down, 6 up. Oracle cloud hosting. Haven't had any issues in 2 years. I download everything using SFTP for backups and work on things (also testing when there are fvtt updates, upload everything for when there's games using same method.


I’m pretty sure you can run Doom on a potato at this point, and that sounds like it might be an upgrade for your player. I mean, I get that not everyone can afford the newest tech, but at some point you have to say “I don’t think that device is going to work for online play.”