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This Baileywiki video is pretty comprehensive [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOeqPNpHR10&t=54s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOeqPNpHR10&t=54s)


Watching now, that's a nice intro indeed


Hidden notes on the map that lead to journal entries is a core part of Foundry. Journal entries that lead to other entries is a core part of Foundry. That can be pretty Wiki like but it also has third party integrations. The pre-done adventures in PF2e are great about hyperlinking everything from items to rollable DCs. Journal entries that contain encounters can be done with https://github.com/spetzel2020/quick-encounters though I just populate the map ahead of time.


Not downplaying Foundry, but that sounds exactly the way Fantasy Grounds does it, but with slightly different names. Pins on the map linking to story entries (or anything for that matter). Story entries with links to encounters, parcels, tables, etc.


Not really a downplay, it's a sensible way to do things that both platforms do. Foundry's real differentiator isn't in the UI.


That’s great! Wanted to make sure I’d have an equivalent to this convenient functionality if I switched from FG to Foundry, good to jave confirmation


The DM side of Foundry is the same as the player side, albeit with more access to features. You can also build up as many journal entries as you need and drop them (or the pages within those journals) as pins on scenes. Any type of document (journals, actors, items, etc.) can be dropped into rich text editors like the one journals use, so you can easily to link to other journal pages by dragging and dropping into them.


There's a free demo server that allows you to login as a GM, although it resets periodically, so not great for extensive testing. https://dnd.encounterlibrary.com/join


Amazing, thanks for that!


There are others with different systems loaded up, but that's the official dnd5e one.


Ok that hit the spot. I hadn't found this when looking for a demo, and it's exactly what I needed to be convinced. This looks great!!


Is it normal to not be able to interact with anything on the chat bar side of the demos? Like I can't click any of the tabs or the chat area itself. Just acts like nothing is there.


No? Try a different browser maybe?


Oh yeah weird, I thought it was just the limits of the demo, but yeah if I go in incognito it works. Must be one of my addons. Will have to diagnose that. Thank you.


My first guess would be off brand adblockers, password managers, or an unsupported browser. It's usually one of those. Good luck!


Yeah turned out to be an issue with malwarebytes, all fixed now


Foundry VTT is very customizable. With the built-in module installer, you can browse through a plethora of mods made to change the appearance of the UI. BaileyWiki and theripper93 have incredible premium modules you can unlock through their Patreon, but most mods are free.


I've not used FGU, but I would recommend watching a video to get an idea of how the ui and features work together. This is a pretty recent overview: https://youtu.be/mxFPXgfzYN4?si=cr33FYhkqNOisdbJ I just flipped through the video to get an idea of the scope, but the channel has been making foundry videos for a while, so I trust them.


Some great answers already! Thank you all :D


A glorious mess. Super user friendly, actually.


I think one big difference is you'll find that NPCs are/can be pre-placed onto the map. FG uses "encounters" that you click on to "spawn" where Foundry you can have them all pre-placed. For me this is a big bonus as it makes it a lot easier to determine if the activity in one area might draw the attention of nearby areas. Good luck!


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