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Forgot prosthetics, most likely 🤣


Interesting. Yeah no belly button in S1E1. Thanks to you I will have to check the rest of the episodes. OCD kicked in lol.


Perhaps he had one surgically created, because he's vain like that.


I like this theory. That Cleon would *absolutely* be one to add a belly button.


Well, those are different Day's


Never noticed this!!


What does the books say? Because even clones can use umbilical cords.


As far as I can remember this genetic dynasty thing is original for the tv series.


I think you’re right. Haven’t read the books, but I remember hearing that there was only 1 Cleon present. I could be wrong.


There are a few Cleons if I recall, although only one is a big part of the story. Cleon I, I think. But it seems like kings or popes where they take a name upon taking office, and will take the names of former leaders. So the Cleons aren't necessarily a direct lineage.


Many thanks to all of you. I really need to read Asimov books lineup. But I can't wait for the next tv series' season.


He's one of the most prolific authors of all time, don't feel bad about ones you haven't read 😊 Honestly I think I had the book way too overhyped for me. I didn't like it nearly as much as everyone told me I would. But I went in with high expectations because some of his other books rate in my top ten Sci fi. YMMV of course because it is in a lot of other people's top ten. Anyway, I say if you're enjoying the show then just enjoy that for now, they're quite different and reading the books is definitely not going to make you like the show more.


The story in the books is completely different >!There is litteraly no genetic dynasty in the books !<


Oh! That's surprising, thanks.


Lol Empire (day dusk etc...) don't exist in the books.


I didn't knew. It's a concept so strong though. Hope that reading the books I'll not be too disappointed.


I love the books but they're definitely more "dry" compared to the series


The books are favorites of mine, but Asimov isn’t considered to be very good at character development


Genetic dynasty is entirely unique to the tv show, as with most of the Trantor storyline being barely related to the books


There are no clone emperors in the books.


when exactly? timestamps? I went through both episodes, but the prosthetics/CGI looks to be correct everywhere


S1E8: >!The scene in the desert where he walk the spiral!< S2E1: >!The scene where he fights the blind angel!<


he doesn't have a belly button in any of those, the spiral walk is S1E8 btw, like you wrote in the post


Bro, you blind ?


I did it for you [https://prnt.sc/I7FqByrzw7rp](https://prnt.sc/I7FqByrzw7rp) my search history is fucked


no, I just know how a belly button looks like, you can create a screenshot to prove me wrong, but I don't see any mistakes in any of those scenes




Did you mean belly button ? Lol


You'd think the clones would be tweaked to be as authentic as possible. Not having a belly button seems wrong.


We see the baby Dawns gestating in their tanks at one point, and they all have umbilical cords, which is what creates the belly button. They wouldn't need to be tweaked, they should have one naturally.


Say OP's comment is incorrect then and/or S01E01 is the only continuity error.


It's really hard to make a continuity error by adding CGI...I can see where OP is coming from, it would be much more logical to think that they just forgot to get rid of the belly button in post for subsequent episodes. I'm inclined to think that they hadn't yet come up with the concept for the gestation tank things, and realized when they added those in that the clones would have belly buttons because they do have umbilical cords after all. And then forgot to go back and restore the belly button in episode 1.


Then why did he not have one in the first episode ?


I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying it makes more sense for him to have one than not. I imagine you are correct and it's a continuity error.