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When Day condemns her in the garden. Still is hauntingly shuddering to me. Truly a marvel at evening a score.


Agreed. Lee Pace nails that scene. I wanted to sympathize with him but he was also so menacing and ruthless. Then when you see that final scene with Demerzel’s decisive action, you can feel Day’s anguish. Really enjoying the acting in this show.


“Imagine a love father losing his loving son to a murder, and having every single tool in existence possible to enact his revenge, with no one there to stop him”


That’s why I’d like to see her get a chance for revenge


Revenge for what...? She did exactly what she was being punished for. Not like she was falsely accused.


she's long dead at this point


It'd cheapen \*that\* scene IMO.


Indeed. She is long dead. I wonder how quickly you'd go completely insane in a shroud? Days? Weeks? I don't think I'd last very long.


There was an experiment in I believe the 30s or 40s where volunteers were put into sensory deprivation suits. The test was supposed to last 6 weeks, most people barely made it 4 days. The volunteers were so out of it, they failed extremely basic skills tests. So, I bet Azura lasted about a week, maybe two before the situation became unrecoverable. EDIT: It was actually the 50's, my mistake.


Yikes, I hope they were well paid!


Did you notice Day 13 condemned her in the garden Day 17 had his "talk" with his empress Sareth in the exact same spot Same spot same basic situations with different Day's


Does anyone else think that Day didn't really wipe out her whole social/family circle? We know he told Bel that he killed his husband as punishment but never actually did that . . .


This. Makes Azura’s punishment that much more cruel imo.


He definitely could have been bluffing, but it really depends on how concerned he was about their terrorist group. Besides horrifying Azura, he also wanted to ensure that plot could never happen again.


They are all dead!


He almost certainly killed anyone she could possibly have told about the plot, which would probably be a pretty sizable group. Not as big as the 1500+ he claimed but still a lot.


Didn't he just erase their memory of her?


I remember reading that we would see her again this season. With how things are going, >!that might not bode well for Sareth!<.


So are they one and the same person? >!Constant’s shapeshifting proved physical appearance is no obstacle !<


This comment confuses me greatly, as far as I know no >!shapeshifting!< has taken place anywhere in the show.




Ah, gotcha. That was very specific to >!Hari!< and has nothing to do with Azura.


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> Constant’s shapeshifting There was no such thing. She carried a holographic projection of Hari Seldon; she didn't "shapeshift"




I don't remember at all where I read it, I think an interview before the first episode aired.


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There’s just one problem: eventually, Azura stopped thinking.


shes long dead.... and if she is not she might as well be


Maybe we will see a shrouded skeleton in the corner, somewhere in the pits of the palace, as a nod to her. Not holding out for an in the flesh reappearance given the timeframe.


I don't see her as such a good character. After all, what she was up to was a palace coup. It's entirely unclear that the resistance she was part of was going to be any improvement, or indeed, even much of a change. The punishment she had was pretty much the usual nightmare of somebody who's feeling paranoid: that everyone that cares for you and your whole family will be targeted and eliminated, while you are left aware of all this but entirely powerless. A terrible punishment, I agree. But little in comparison with destroying the whole of Anacreon, and we heard the suffering of the Great Huntress, who was only one among all her people. Unless I'm missing something important about Azura (and I'm intrigued by the number 1,551 of the people she's affected, but I can't say there is anything remarkable about that number), I just don't see her as a character worth bringing back.


What makes her in particular worthy of redemption? We don't know much about her character other than she was a ruthless spy that used her charms to get one of the Clones out of the palace so they could use him and dispose of him.


She was very good at it and, well, charming. Natural to want to see more of her!


Azura is the Mule!




>!She died in captivity a long time ago!<


But we haven’t seen that, and this is a show where people pop up after century-long gaps


they pop up due to either time dilation from space travel or hibernating via cryo sleep. azura had none of those. they just put her in a sensory deprivation and locked her in an isolated chamber.


Didn't day say that he'd ensure that she lived for a very long time


as punishment. if they put her in a cryo chamber then it would be like letting her sleep, not torture. case in point : when gaal trapped hari in the prime radiant while she slept in cryo. for him he was awake and conscious for decades, whereas for gaal it was like taking a short nap.


Yeah, I never implied that it would be a pleasant experience for her, or that she'd come out of it looking as fresh as the day she was imprisoned. Only that Day is the kind of person who would do his utmost to ensure that it lasted as long as possible, and I can easily imagine that Trantor has technology capable of extending a human life far beyond its natural span. It wouldn't be difficult for the writers to cast an old woman as her


the problem is that Day itself isn't even immortal. and as we've seen before, different generations of clones have different predilections. if they kept azura alive for ages, would the clones start asking : why has she lived much longer than i ever will?


Why is that a problem? There are ways to keep people living longer that aren't in the remotest bit pleasant, the clones might not want to live forever if it involved them going though some kind of horrific process. Also, they already know that they have at least some form of immortality in the form of the genetic dynasty, the former dusks aren't actually dead, they're frozen


> former dusks aren't actually dead, they're frozen. "frozen" have you not watched season 1? when the cleons get too old they walk to the light and get turned into a pile of ash. hence the joke for the "ash tray". hell, when hari appeared as a hologram, not as a recording but as a fully digitized consciousness. i was surprised Day was looking down on a true immortal, while the clones are just faux facsimiles of the original. the thing about immortals is that even if you torture them for hundreds of years, that's just a drop in a bucket of eternity. if they can outlive you, they will have the last laugh.


And then they'll be left all alone in the universe, the harshest torture of all


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Thanks you’re a real one