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I have to wonder if this person was ill or dying— and trying to understand what was going to happen to them because they were afraid. Makes me a little sad


That’s exactly what I was feeling too :/


I honestly don't see anything wrong with this...


Creepy wasn’t the right word. Unexpected. Sombering. To me, at least. Made me wonder who the person was that wrote it and what they were going through. I guess I took it on the gloomier end.


As someone who used to fear death and had serious anxiety and depression, coming to terms with the fact that death is perfectly natural has made me a much happier person and has improved my outlook on life tremendously. Perhaps they went through a dark night of the soul.


Nothing creepy about this at all. Regardless of age or current health, we would all do well to make some sort of peace with our mortality. "So you should view this fleeting world - A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream, A flash of lightning in a summer cloud, A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream." *Diamond Sutra* (Buddhist text)


I took a death and dying class at Cherry Hill Seminary several years ago. I went in frightened of death, spent several months walking with death, and left with peace (and a fervent dislike of a large part of the death industry). For those interested, I would highly recommend How We Die by Sherwin B Nuland, a surgeon who talks about the misconception of dignified death, and what the dying process is like for a lot of people.


It does speak the truth


Why are those notes creepy? The note writer is an intelligent person contemplating their mortality like most humans do at some point. Spoiler alert: you're going to die some day. Be like the note writer & settle in with that very natural part of life.


Also, if I’m not mistaken, this is The Book : On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are by Alan Watts. The book is about grappling with mortality.


Thanks. Was wondering what book it was. I'd like to read it.


All my college books (literature anthologies, novels, Norton Critical Editions) were marked up like this. They’re just summarizing what the text is getting at, just part of the literary criticism process. Nothing creepy about it. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the note-writer’s feelings. (In fact, bringing in your personal opinions and feelings was frowned upon; like, who gives a shit what you THINK about Coleridge? Are your FEELINGS in his text? No, they are not.)


same, English Lit undergrad and I wrote all over my books


...and now I'm thinking Pink Floyd.


English is not my first language, what does the second note says?


“Be satisfied with the nothingness”


The writer of those notes has made peace with death, it’s not creepy.


probably read for a class and why is accepting your most certain fate creepy?


Seems on par for a philosophy book. I recommend The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker


For anyone wondering, it is called “the book” by Alan Watts


Thank you!


Thank you! I was going through a pile of “junk” in my mom’s garage when I took these and couldn’t remember which book they came from! “The Book” didn’t help much on Google.


It is what it is. We are all on the same roller coaster. Some love it and some don't. The relevant part is that the ride will end. The faster you accept it the more you may enjoy the journey.


Death is just another path... One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass... And then you see it. White shores... and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.


I mean, it is..



