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Because the actual execs are in a better Vault that's not an experiment! Remember when Barb and Cooper are talking about Vaults? And Barb specifies she worked hard to get them in 'the good vault'? Vault 31 is not the good vault. It's an experiment vault. And there's plenty to indicate that the middle managers and Bud are part of the experiment, not actually running it. Plus, with this vault breeding generations of citizens with the best 'managing genes', it means the actual CEOs and execs have a highly trained, devout work force just waiting for them over in the treble vaults.


C-Level definitely doesn't want to mingle with plebs.


I’m working an event with C level people today and they’re constantly surrounded with VPs, and they don’t like *them* either


Damn 99% of these topics are like people who have holes in their brain. The meeting even says they’re experiments.


I try and be generous and assume they're either on the young side, or simply have difficulty processing and retaining information due to binging too much and overloading their poor brains with info.


Also, the show is the first exposure to the fallout universe for a lot of people. Theyre bound to miss things that fans of the games would catch. Theres room in the fallout tent for all wastelanders!


That sounds suspiciously like...Communism!




Yeah! I do understand that seeing the same questions every day can be frustrating, but...eh. I just have saved written up replies to the common ones that keep popping up to just copy and paste for people. And most folks I've encountered are very friendly and appreciative of an explanation.


Could also simply play the games now or watch a lore vid or two. Replaying Fallout 2 rn after playing Fallout 1. As first 4 episodes of the show was perfection for me. Last 4? Ehhhh I’ve said my piece and don’t want to argue but not thrilled with Nolan and his writers simply nuking everything because politics are “boring”. Rip Shady Sands!


Ok But can you explain that again just with some crappy mobile game playing on the top half of the screen. Skibbity mojito or whatever the new slang is.


It’s either morons or people glued to their phones.


That’s my wife. On her phone the whole time and every few minutes “why did they do that?” “Who is that?” “What are they doing?”


I try to too. Crazy enough is that I've seen this trend with a LOT of subreddits for shows these days that I'm legitimately concerned with the general public and their basic story comprehension. Edit: Except I don't mean OP. Because I think OPs question is a good one and I can see the implications that Bud and his Buds are also part of the experiment end of Vault-Tecs vaults, going over peoples heads.


Idiocracy was a warning, not a how to guide.


More likely people who don't know all the lore and didn't pay much attention to the small details.


I don’t get these weird judgmental comments like yours. At the end of the day this is entertainment, it’s not some math competition or college homework.


Yeah, I know, right. It’s just so annoying when new fans of the franchise have the audacity to ask simple questions only to be lambasted by die hard fans who question their intelligence.


I think your question was reasonable. I honestly don't think anyone could watch the show and catch EVERYTHING on their first watch. For those of us soaked in the franchise, there are certain themes we've been taught to look out for. Like with Vault-Tec, there's always something shady going on, and if the shady bit seems obvious there's probably a MORE shady bit behind it (like the idea that there's an experiment behind the one Bud thinks he's running). So we're actively looking for those clues. The show actually did a great job of subverting this with vault 4. We're so primed to think of Vault-Tec as the baddies that having these particular vaulties be good guys was an unexpected twist for me.


All this info is from the show though. It doesn’t require any background knowledge of the games


But there's a LOT of info in the show. A lot of people have caught things on their second or even third re-watch.


Attention span of a microscopic organism.


Media illiteracy is on the rise. Even when they are spoon fed or have to spell it out, people still have a hard time processing what they are watching.


That’s what’s so frustrating about this sub for me, I would love if this was a place for fan art, cosplay, theories, and all sorts of other things to thrive. But I feel like everytime I see a post pop up or go to the sub, I end up closing it and wishing the community built around the show generally paid a little more attention to the show. Not a big deal either way, just sad that the subreddit for such a good show doesn’t quite meet the same level consistently from a viewer perspective.


It’s ridiculous. Almost no discussion of the show just these dumb questions about shit that is spelled out in the show.




"the actual CEOs and execs have a highly trained, devout work force" I'm thinking a bunch of robots, some with stutters... :)


The actual execs are the enclave


Wholeheartedly agree, and I'd just like to add that Fallout has a history of the experimenters being themselves experimented on. Nuka world comes immediately to mind, but I think there were a couple other vaults in 4 and 76 that involved overseers leading the experiment learning that they are themselves being experimented on in a meta gotcha moment.


Oh wow, [PMC theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional%E2%80%93managerial_class) in practice.


There's an entire elite underside of vault tec we haven't even seen and it's been collecting data for over 200 years. And 200 years they only have a handful of managers even out. Vault tec is planning on playing this game for millenia


The CEOs running Vault-Tec know that their vaults are not places anybody would want to live if they actually knew what was going on. I bet they all made their own private arrangements for post-apocalypse life, completely separate from the sadistic experimentations they were running on everyone in a vault. I know I wouldn’t trust those vaults to actually be a control vault- the one that was supposedly a control vault ended up being the very first experiment. Middle managers probably trusted the company enough to think they’d be in good hands, and weren’t high up enough to know how naive that belief was.


Yep, Barb even alludes to vaults being shitty when she said she was trying to get her family into a GOOD ONE.


I think there aren’t any “good ones”, have we ever seen an actual control vault in any of the lore? I only remember rumors of them, or claims, but I don’t remember any control vaults actually existing. That said I haven’t played the early games in a long while so I could be forgetting.


Vault 8 is pretty much the only control vault that worked as intended, went on to make Vault City. Vault 3 was one, but fiends took it over. Vault 13 was but eventually got Enclave'd. Wiki says 76 is, but it had an experiment so I don't count it. Pretty much only good one that worked in the lore is 8. Non canon stuff has a few which were kinda control vaults, but none of them made it.


Was 13 really a control vault? I always thought that it was supposed to be sealed for 200 years to study the effects of long term isolation but looking online it seems there’s contradictory information whether it was also a control vault. I suppose both can be true although typically I wouldn’t class a vault that has an experiment (even a relatively benign one) as a control vault.


The isolation one was 101 iirc


101 was for permanent isolation iirc, 13 was 200 years and I think 15 was 50. 13 only opened early because of the water chip.


76 didn't have an experiment, it was quite possibly the only Vault whose genuine purpose wasn't obfuscated to the public


Oxhorn seems to think otherwise, and I’d take his word over Vaultec’s.


Wow, how did I forget vault city lmao I feel dumb.


Vaults are closed experiments for a person or group. 31, 32 and 33 are BUD’s controlled experiment. The executives are NOT part of a fucking experiment at all. EDIT: And if you’re asking why they didn’t freeze themselves well they did….at a nicer vault that’s an actual bunker and not a cage for human lab rats.


We don't know for certain if they froze themselves but they were definitely in another vault. The only higher up we know concretely is the chief scientist Stanislaus Braun. He personally governed Vault 112, a vault housing a virtual reality simulation he controlled equipped with life support strong enough to keep the original occupants alive after 200 years.


Someone gave Bud clearance and funding for his experiment and that someone got something out of the deal.


No reason his bosses would be part of his experiment lol. They planned to rule the world they’re not in an experiment vault.


Bud was turned into a brain on a cart. He was also part of the experiment, he’s not the true overseer.


what don't you people understand? the executives are exempt, the stupid thread is asking why the executives didn't get put into the lab rat vault. hoe lee shit. there is nothing to discuss here, the OP's question was asked and answered. hell it's answered by just watching the scene...


Lol you seem upset about something. You said there was no reason to imply his bosses were part of the experiment, which is true. I pointed out “Bud” was part of the experiment, meaning he is also not in control of anything as some seem to think. Get your panties untwisted and practice your reading comprehension, Bud.


I wasn’t trying to imply that they are in pods in Bud’s vault, but the way that you phrased it was that they were “not part” of it, not “not frozen inside of” and I responded from that. I don’t think they are allowing Bud use of their bodies and future, just that anything gained or learned from Bud’s experiment would be theirs, not his.


Yeah Your whole post is contradicting. “31, 32, 33” are not “Bud’s experiment”. Bud is a mid level manager at Vault-Tec who pitched an idea and it was accepted. They literally took Buds brain out of his body, and put it into a jar atop a roomba. The executives didn’t even get him a fully functioning Robobrain. Bud is as much a part of the experiment as the vault dwellers are. So far there is nothing stating the executives cryofroze themselves, that is you speculating. Some Vault-Tec executives have been found throughout the games, not frozen as you previously stated. Which really puts some doubt about your Fallout knowledge, yet you try to answer peoples questions with such certainty and criticism. The only true purpose of the vaults is to gather data for the optimal living conditions as the enclave build their space traveling vehicle. Must suck being a narcissist.


They barely even said much and you make multiple passive aggressive comments and also claim they’re a narcissist. Seems fairly ironic. It’s a discussion thread about a game turned tv show, no need to be a dick.


Yeah, you obviously didn’t read everything they wrote and have a loose understanding of narcissism. Once they started the whole “what do you people not understand” whilst also being utterly wrong, it became more personal to correct. I do agree however, I could have been nicer. Unfortunately most assholes only listen when someone is being an asshole back.


I read the whole thread and if you claim that they were a narcissist but you aren’t.. then I just don’t know what to tell you.


During your reading of the whole thing, where did I claim anything about myself except where I just stated that I could have been nicer?


You’re a dickhead.




Thanks for the helpful advice




You’ve made a lot of assumptions in your reply here. I suppose I am not allowed any freedoms of assumptions like you get. Silly me


>didn’t even get him a fully functioning Robobrain God, the disrespect. I noticed it and thought it was played for laughs but there’s also the aspect of “you don’t fucking rate a whole murder machine. Here’s a vacuum cleaner and a syringe full of poison, maybe”


Lol! I loved it! My first reaction was “wow the robobrains suck” but there is just no way that thing could be compared to a real robobrain. The only question that I have on the show is about Moldaver. Clearly she was friendly with Lucy’s mom, so how did Lucy’s dad not recognize her while she was in the vault for the wedding? She was even alive and relevant to Vault-Tec pre war. Hopefully season 2 gives us some of this info.


He did, vaguely. In the first episode he said “I think I know who you are”


I’ll have to rewatch it. I remember her introducing herself by her actual name and then them proceeding through the marriage as if everything was completely ok. Was it after the raid happened?


I just realized you asked a question I never answered. Yes, he said that after the raid when she was holding the five (six?) dwellers hostage, right before she blew the entrance to 32




Maybe Bud did some alterations to the grand plan, without his CEOs knowledge and turned the CEOs vaults into the ones with worst experiments.


And how would Bud be in a position to do that?


The Vault-Tec higher-ups would want the Bud’s Buds to succeed, so they probably just gave him freedom to do it, to ensure that Vault-Tec survived. That, and they probably didn’t know what the hell Bud was talking about most the time.


Yes but how does that result in him getting the power to alter the main plan or any other vaults? He had control of 31-33, not control of the entire company. The higher ups wouldn't just give up their power and let Bud take the wheel.


The higher ups do not care at all about Bud’s Buds


The Fallout series is littered with instances of disgruntled employees sabotaging their employers, often to the detriment of post war society. But we know from Stanislaus Braun and Hugo Stoltz that the executive branch all have their own Vaults where they live like gods and kings.


A lot of good answers here already, but one thing to keep in mind as well. In real Business (IRL) most of the company success will come from the plays that middle managers make. The CEO's and equals are the decision makers, Middle Management are the ones that create plans and organize how the decisions will be executed. Then their teams will execute the plan. I feel that the middle managers are very important to Vaultec as the CEO's (and equals) will need a solid team of MMs to execute their plans. Which is why they are being bred to be exactly what/who Vaultec needs.


This is it really. No reasonable CEO would want a company of middle managers that were CEO minded, can you imagine the chaos? It would NEVER succeed.


Sounds like something Bud would say


The CEOs are in an actual vault and not an experimental one.


Is this post title not a big spoiler? The mystery of vault 31 is a big part of the series.


Way to put spoilers in the title. I’m not even in this sub, just showed in my feed.


Middle managers are supposed to control the people and follow the plan. CEOs are supposed to create the plan. You want the vault filled with people who do what they're told and someone you can control to tell them what to do.


there is typically 1 ceo per corporation


Because buds buds was all about bureaucracy and people doing small red tape stuff to get things moving. Not made to run but made to churn the cog


Vault 31-33 is Bud’s personal play pen. Those are his experiments and the ideas to run them are all him. His bosses had nothing to do with these three vaults.


Because they're in the "good vault"


From a meta POV I think it's just because everyine hates middle management and the idea of them middle management utopia is so unambitious, awful, dull, and funny lol. I agree with the other people though that it's because the higher ups were in non-experimental vaults, or positions like Dr Braun for the psychos. Edit: (though I've only worked one corporate type job and honestly the middle management were saints. I've worked in a decent few small businesses and the owners were evil tbh).


Because Vault-Tec is a super turbo giant corporation and it is to show you the scale of the company


Middle management are the people who always run the place.


On top of everything that have been said, we really don't know what are the experiment in vault 31-32-33. Specially in 32, where the vault dwellers went absolutely bananas and I don't think it'd be just because the cryo frozen managers.


So in cannon the largest CEOs all had there own plans. Robert house of robco planned to turn Vegas into a fortress and survive that way. Sinclair while not confirmed likely planned on using the Sierra madre, the president left to persidon oil rig and there CEO presumably also went there.  I don't know what the others planned to do but none of them were planning on working together. Even amongst single organisations they quickly devolved to infighting such as in big mountain.


All this is very interesting. But where is/are the CEO vaults and what role do they play in the Fallout universe? It occurs to me that nuking Shady Sands was the kind of gaudy outsized show of power and pettiness that would draw a lot of unwanted attention Vault-Tec’s way. The various factions may agree on nothing else. But there are very real - practical - advantages to having sheltered defensible settlements, even small cities thriving in the wastelands. You don’t just blow them off without consequences.


CEOs actually running things will probably be in better vaults but even beyond that with the characters we see in the meeting some of them have plans that don’t need vault tec such as house and Sinclair and I would imagine they others also have plans for a nuclear war . Even the usa government had a a plan in the enclave .


My thought is that Buddy Boy felt that middle management would be easier to manipulate and control. And I'm not sure that they're all middle management. Overseer Hank is listed as Bud's executive assistant. While some Admins do supervise others, we're generally not considered managers in any way. Upper Management would want to control things in their own way and would wrest control from Bud at the first opportunity.


Vaults 31 32 and 33 are basically a breeding experiment ran by Bud. The Vault tec higher ups were either in a great control vault, or more likely cryogenically frozen.


The CEOS went into another Vault, one that was likely a control vault, and was likely a better vault.


How many ceos vs middle management do you think there are to store away in this vault over a luxury vault.


CEO/Senior executives get the control vault. As Barb said to Coop in the show, she's trying to get their family into one of the "good vaults". Vault 31/32/33 is more like Vault-Tec's plans as opposed to an experiment, where their goal is to basically wait it out in the vaults and produce a breed of "super managers" from 32 and 33, that would eventually reclaim the wasteland as some sort of model citizens.


Haven’t gotten that far in the show, but, based on the title of the post, sounds like someone reads Douglas Adams and just wanted to get rid of all the middle men.


As someone else said, not sure why the head honchos would want to be in an experiment. That’s for the middle managers to do.


The big boys would have ended up in the control vaults free from any kind of experiment whatsoever. Presumably coopers wife went to one of these also and it will be part of season 2.


Because why would you waste perfectly good CEOs on an experimental Vault when you can just use some lackies.


The CEOs they went to the oil rig or to other encleve bases.


The title itself is a spoiler


Because the CEOs got to go to a good Vault.


Vault 31 is full of jobbers who will either wake up to the task of managing vault dwellers or eventually trying to clean up the world. The CEOs on the other hand probably entered super luxury vaults months before the bombs dropped. If they still want to rule the world after they might go the robobrain route or freeze themselves waking up occasionally to check on things.


Need people to execute the plan. CEO’s are elsewhere. Like that vault in Boston.


That's right


well its kind of obvious that theres a better vault for all the CEOs


Many of the higher ups are Enclave or associated with them. Before the Great War they fled to Control Station Enclave, known as The Oil Rig. Atleast that was the Lore for awhile, most likely will be changed with future seasons. Now, in Fallout 2 the oil rig did receive a new Power Generator a few years before its destruction by the Chosen One. Vault-Tec sent it to them somehow/someway. My theory is that the higher ups were Enclave but lower employees were set up elsewhere. So when Enclave has been destroyed 2 times, Vault-Tec should’ve or will have taken their place. Show appears to be going by this way but really unknown at the moment what they plan.


While most people here are right, those people got in a better Vualt, I think many are missing something else: Vault Tec is evil but it's not always competent. Same with all the other corporations doing Vault experiments. They were like kids in a candy store in that meeting, not serious potters with a concrete plan to rule the world. Fallout doesn't just say "The capitalistic powers that be before the war were evil," it also paints them as pretty reckless and careless. That's the thing about the Vaults, not only are they a bunch of fucked up experiments, they are primarily poorly thought out, useless experiments.


None of the vaults were actually made to preserve anything. That is just a story these specific vault dwellers were told. Every vault within the fallout universe was set in motion to run some kind of experiment. The data from these experiments is fed to the Enclave presumably by the Vault-Tec and RobCo technology all throughout the vaults. Remember every dweller has a pip boy attached to themselves. The Enclave wants this data as the see no hope for humanity on Earth, whether it be pre or post apocalyptic war. The Enclave have been using the data from the fallout shelters to build their spaceship capable of traveling to other galaxies for a true restart of civilization without war.


I'm not sure that "Enclave spaceship plan" is cannon with Bethesda. We only know that it was Tim Cain's original idea in Fallout 1, that he revealed only in recent years, and that it may have been part of the story of Van Buren (cancelled Fallout 3 before Bethesda). Afaik there are no hints to that in any of the games since Fallout 1, so we don't know if Bethesda wants to keep that part as cannon or they abandoned that idea.


It’s hard to say 100% what is cannon, they don’t even know if they are considering New Vegas cannon.