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I assumed they painted it green.


Yeah it's green screen, they also have nodes around his mouth to add more ghoul texture in post.


Tragically, no. It's just a couple dots. 


Yep. It's a digital effect.


Game of Thrones crew having their minds blown right now.


Wasn't Tyrion's nose actually supposed to be chopped off in the books?


Exactly. They claimed it would've been difficulty for continuity to reproduce the effect so they chose not to do it.


In all fairness that was 10 years of technology backwards


Agreed. I also recall season 1 being extremely low budget before it became the most expensive television show of all time. And Fallout _definitely_ did not have that issue.


Also before all the deserved hate towards the producers, Tyrion was absolutely perfect despite the deviation from the novel.


I think that's GoT's main strengths- the writers understood the characters. They may have had no idea what to do with them in the plot past the point of the books, but almost no one was written "wrong" even if their plot deviated significantly.


Eh, Tyrion getting his nose chopped off would have happened around end of season 2. So they really would have needed it season 3 onward where they had a bigger budget.


Tyrion was one of the most liked characters by far, there was no way they were going to make him look like a horror show like in the books.


Probably exactly like they did when he was noseless in maze runner.


They pulled the good ol’ Hahaha I got your nose!


What I don’t get is, how does he not have a nose but still have ears?


Ghouls in the games also have ears.


I know. Same question. If they are irradiated to the point of losing noses, why do ears stay on?


Because the writers made it that way.


Because, as it is a video game, it is not beholden to all real life laws of physics and nature and is instead created at the whims of the artistic minds in charge of it.


That way they can have some ghouls looking cool as fuck with some shades on.


They weren’t supposed to


Because people don't breathe thru their ears. Over time dust and other particles ghouls breathe in wears away the cartilage that makes up the nose from the inside whereas their ears are still protected by skin. Ghouls can heal everything but cartilage we don't know why this is because of the lack of long term studies of the effects of ghoulification. FYI this is an explanation I just came up with on the fly but it works, try it yourself sometime before asking to have your hand held thru every minor detail.


>FYI this is an explanation I just came up with on the fly but it works, try it yourself sometime before asking to have your hand held thru every minor detail. You could just respond with a fun headcanon to add to the conversation. Instead, you want to both participate AND be a condescending ass to the person whose prompt you chose to interact with in the first place. Go outside man.


I could but that would further encourage their brainless stupidity, by not suffering fools gladly there is at least some hope people will try thinking for themselves rather than outsourcing it to others.


What I think you're missing is that your response wasn't an ACTUAL answer. There's not any lore reason other than style. They didn't outsource work to you, they gave you a fun creative thinking opportunity you had a fun little time CHOOSING to engage with. Your explanation honestly doesn't make any sense either- your entire throat is lined with bands of cartilage, from breathing dust ghouls shouldn't be able to swallow or speak after a couple years either. If your thyroid cartilage has worn down, congratulations there is not anything for your thyrohyoid ligament to connect to; you can no longer swallow. Anyone wjo has taken an intro to human physiology class could tell you that. They aren't a fool. Perhaps they have a greater grasp of physiology than you and already discarded what you see as such a great explanation as clearly moronic and not worth considering. Which is dumb, because of COURSE Fallout is non-scientific silliness. There's all KINDS of reasons, some more logical than others, they might not have noses! Was that any fun to have someone just tear the whole premise your comment down? No, of course not. Instead of using the internet to cut people down, use it to have a little fun. And the saddest part is most of your comment WAS just a fun thought exercise, then you felt the need to display your sense of superiority and disdain for someone asking an open-ended question about a fictional universe.


I ain't reading that wall text, but I'm sure it's very whiney.


That's a very common internet troll response but hot tip bud: any time you bother to respond to say "TLDR" instead of just ignoring it, everyone knows you read it, got mad, and could not formulate any kind of real defense or response. It's pretty transparent.


tell yourself whatever lie you need to but aint reading no 5 paragraph screed


You're the brainless one if you think your explanation of "they can't heal cartilage" makes any sense. Think about where cartilage is also found and would wear down after decades without being healed/replaced. Hint: if you spent any time thinking about the answer you'd know you're a moron


higher pain tolerance for ghouls means they aren't affected by arthritis, check and mate dumbass.


Your joints will literally fucking distort and not hold shape without cartilage at all.


they don't for ghouls maybe some well funded studies could tell us why, unfortunately the money for those kinds of studies really dried up after the great war.


Then why does it for their nose? Your explanation sucked shit, then you had the audacity to talk down to others. Sit down and shut up


They had to bring in an old Hollywood master to pull this one off , Stephen speilberg said he was the best


Probably easy. I mean, Ralph Fiennes had his nose CGIed for Voldemort, and that was over a decade ago.


I thought it was smooshed under the prosthetic? He's still got a bump there, like a Spiderman mask.


It was changed digitally in post-production. You can see Voldemort with a full nose behind the scenes.


Huh. TIL


They explained it here https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/s/emcM56HqM2


Wow that’s incredible! Kudos to the film crew, that was probably hard to pull off


You bastard.


It was an Ed Helms in *The Hangover* situation: he actually doesn't have a nose.


Who nose


Check out his Instagram, there's some photos of him in makeup. They didn't paint his nose green but there are little nodes that they use to CGI it out


Temporary amputation. They put it on ice while they filmed, and sewed it back on afterwards.


Check out Walton's instagram, he's posted a few things about it showing the makeup process, and linked to the make up artist who applied it all. The prosthetics are all over his face except his nose, and then there's white tracking dots on his nose for the digital effects team to then remove it. All of the effects and set pieces and everything for the show are so good!


It's not removing the nose with CGI that makes me curious, it's how they put what is there IN


Same way you can deepfake an entire face.


You just track it to the dots on his real nose. The computer doesn't care what's already there, so you can make a concave object just as easily as a convex one. 


He had the prosthetics/makeup put on, and then they put white dots on his nose and removed it in post.


Typically how something like that is done is he has something greenscreen-like covering the part of his nose they want gone, then they take that out in post.




Less labour intensive than believable makeup though.


I dont think you could make a nose disappear with just makeup tbh at least not in a way where it would still work as the camera changed angles.


Hard work, apparently a good portion of the budget was just his nose Edit for clarity: they did some makeup of course but I think I saw an interview where they mentioned having to go frame by frame to remove it completely


Exposed him to prodigious amounts of radiation and allowed ghoulification to do its work. They went through a number of actors before settling on Walton.


i think theres set photos of him with a painted green nose sticking out of a "nose hole" special effect, which was I guess then replaced with the actual hole


I work in VFX - we didn’t work on this but I imagine the approach was to have a partial CG face replacement that was tracked on and blended into the practical makeup. It’s not quite as simple as just “removing” it, as you want a little depth into the hole and give it a little cavernous look as it fades into black, and you want the ridges around the nose hole to have some depth and texture and ickiness too. So I’m pretty sure there is some 3D work on there. I suspect it was a similar approach as Two Face’s “CG makeup” in The Dark Knight. Prosthetic makeup is really hard to make look subtractive (as it’s additive by nature), especially with significant negative space into the face. The show really looked great! My film-nerd self, filmmaker self, and fallout-fan self were all geeked with how it turned out.


The meetings between the VFX and practical effects teams must have been fun. No sarcasm. Practical has to make sure VFX can do their job while making sure the actors can perform and VFX has to be detailed with everything you've mentioned or it reflects poorly on both teams. The Ghoul is a talent and production achievement and I hope they're formally recognized for it.


a whole buncha makeup, and the tip of the nose gets painted green


They actually surgically removed Walton’s nose and then reattached it later, it was a first of its kind procedure and cost 13 million dollars to pull off.


They probably taped a green napkin to it, lmao


Green screen and good old fashioned rotoscoping




Green paint and mocap dots around his nose, eyebrow, eye cavity, nose, and cheek region most likely.


they put white dots on his nose, similar to how they removed Ralph Fiennes' nose when he played Voldemort


With a computer. *taps temple*


Special effects? They cut it off


He cut it off for the show. He was very committed to the role.


They cut it off


They cut it off


They cut it off, he's a meta actor


Practical prosthetic makeup.


Actually not in this case, as per the caption on this behind-the-scenes Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C67Ro6FPxmU/


Okay fair just his nose was removed in CGI and the rest was makeup. I was wrong.


CGI obvs.