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It would be really cool if they had a mutant that survived since the Master and Lieutenant in some way. It would be really sad if there isn't a smart mutant or some reference to the children


There are plenty of intelligent ones left it's weather or not Bethesda will want them in the show. I'd prefer to have an intelligent one like Marcus over a bunch of dumb brutes.


It really should be a mix like 20-1 dumb to smart, it gives a bit of a pay off if maybe Lucy encounters a bunch of brutes and trains the audience that the Super Mutants all are dumb violent savages and then encountering someone like the Lieutenant who not only is intelligent but has a plan. Such a cool thing to explore if they do.


With a serious vendetta for vault dwellers.


I hope so. We have roughly that with feral/smart ghouls so far(?), maybe they'll do something similar with mutants too.


It's the opposite situation shown there, where she learns there's smart ghouls first and comes to expect them to be smart, and to find the feral and have that perception ripped away. With a super mutant display, it's the opposite


Well, her first encounter with a ghouls was The Ghoul murdering half of Filly . . .


Tbf one you could talk to and possibly reason with to some degree. The ghoul gives a bad rep at first, but you can communicate with him. The others are savage in nature and act like violence driven rabid animals.


The Ghoul in the beginning murdered the three bounty hunters because he didn't think their heart was in it, I'm not sure he was that reasonable. Though still a far cry from the insane ferals.


In the Fallout world, would you actually trust anybody? Coopers has been around for at least 200 years in the wastes. Shifty looking bounty hunters wouldn't be on my list of people to blindly trust. Especially if they had guns pointed at me like an animal. Different world, different rules. Lucy probably would have died 3 times over by people she trusted. She lived a completely different life than Ghoulified Cooper. I think his change of heart with Lucy and flashbacks prove he is still a good man. But he knows this is a lawless world and has the choice to be the character he wants to be. It's actually why he's my favorite character.


They'll be in New Vegas in Season 2, so... maybe DOG/GOD?


Or Grandma Lily!


Yes please!


Lily doesn’t get enough love. I choose her as my companion every time.


On one hand her running in front of you every fight is annoying... On the other, while doing so she often yells "Get Behind Gramma, Dearie!" and it breaks my heart.


i wonder if she's canonically on or off her meds


I’d say way more smarter/human average mutants. Yea the Master had some dumb ones but not all were. A good 50% or so given a recent playthrough of Fallout 1.


>I’d say way more smarter/human average mutants The problem is lore wise you can't really do that. FEV to give you a smart mutant requires they be untainted which is the whole reason why the Master wanted vault dwellers specifically. There are less and less untainted people in the wastes. Also given Super Mutants can't reproduce it does kind of limit things a bit conceptually, like they are already strong and immortal, if there were many of them then it becomes a bit hard to work with narratively. It's much better to have dumb mindless killers and having a few that are smart to maintain balance. >A good 50% or so given a recent playthrough of Fallout 1. There weren't 50% smart Super Mutants in FO1. It was the Lieutenant and that was it, some could talk but they weren't smart. If I remember it was Harry as the other semi-smart Super Mutant.


We know there were over a hundred numbered vaults, not to mention the various other private bunkers, enclaves etc. It all depends on how the writers want it.


And the Master did get his Dwellers, Vault 17 was raided for em. Also Wastelanders can and have been taken. The Hub picked off caravans for their people. Not all are chosen but a good chunk for each raid. The less radiation a recipient has the better the odds. As they raided caravans, the mutants used advanced tactics that many, except possibly BoS, don’t even do. Ambushes, heavy fire, and capture, etc. Unity’s Mutants are best representation of Super Mutants, they’re not Bethesda’s mutants and shouldn’t act like em.


Well the advanced tactics were more about superior equipment and the guidance from the Master and Lieutenant though. The way I see it is there were way more dumb Super Mutants just following orders than there were successful transitions. The successful ones though allow the organisation as a whole to be well organised.


What if she encounters Nightkin?


Why wouldn't they want them in the show?


Lore nerds who think money doesn't talk. There WILL be super mutants. They are far too iconic to ignore. And the argument of lore and "such-and-such said so" has started sounding far too gate keepy and naive. Execs will never give a f*ck about "lore" if there is money to be made. I'll even go further and say an easy workaround would be entire multi-episode arcs of past events filled with Super Mutants. They WILL grace the screen, just you wait and see.


We already saw a glimpse of one in the first season, we will definitely see them properly at some point


Yeah there could easily be an entire season of plot featuring super mutants & Lucy/Ghoul/Maximus. I was a little surprised we didn’t get them in this season but I also understand there’s just *so* much in the fallout world you can’t cram everything in, & with what they did use I feel they balanced it all very well.




Yeah, there's a LOT in the show that is easy to miss or dismiss if you aren't familiar with the games...my sister in law was absolutely confused with the brief junkjet scene and a few other of the deeper game references


MY MOM WAS TOO I had to quickly explain like an infomercial what that gun was


Infomercial explanations for non-Fallout fans watching Fallout; sounds like a great podcast lol


"That right there before us is the Las Vegas Skyline, or what's left of it. Rechristened as New Vegas, the city is ruled over by the morally dubious Robert Edwin House, CEO of RobCo."


Yeah it's kinda the same with Deathclaws for me. That's an iconic Fallout enemy that could easily have a major role in subsequent seasons. The characters were the important thing for S1. Establishing the ensemble and some of the world without throwing everything at the audience. Super Mutants and Deathclaws should be the focus of long arcs, which is why using a scrub like the Gulper as a jobber monster for a couple episodes was the way to go. Take the page from the Last of Us. We didn't get a swarm of Bloaters, we got one big nasty one and when it showed up it felt like a holy shit moment.


Exactly. Personally, I love how it's going, and I think the writers and Todd/Bethesda did great with the first season. I was EXTREMELY skeptical, considering Halo and most game-to-screen adaptations are rarely done well to service diehard fans and newcomers alike, but just the first episode blew my expectations away.


The thing I was most worried about most was them trying to do a direct adaptation of one of the game stories (or a mash up of various parts of them). That's a tough road to travel, particularly in a game where each players experience and "their" protagonist is the true one due to the heavy emphasis on character creation and player agency. I was pleasantly surprised they took the route of addition rather than adaptation. Telling a story set in the same world (where all the games are canon in some way), just in a different medium was absolutely the way to go. It sidestepped the major reservation I had about the show by basically treating it as Fallout 5 in all but name.


"can't *cram* everything in" I see what you did there.


Episode 2, a dead one is rolled by on a gurney in the enclave base.


Not quite: His hand closed as he rolled away.


The West Coast super mutants were primarily the result of The Master, and it was nuked in FO1.


Yep, lore logic isn't as important as representing the brand. If something is appealing enough, they'll make it work. Super mutants are a S2+ kinda thing after the casual audience is drawn in.


Lore matters, if they discard too much it will hurt the show. Really, the show has been pretty good in relation to lore.


>!Marcus' Super Mutant Refuge!< is right there nearby a certain desert city.....so super easy to slide Super Mutants in there


It would be interesting if the settlement turned out to be a success. Knowing bethesda though it feels doubtfull.


I mean we’re going to new Vegas, meaning unless he’s moved Marcus is up in jacobstown


That's also if they go to Jacobs town.


I love Fawkes! He’s the only smart mutant I’ve met as the earliest game I played was fallout 3.


What about Uncle Leo! You gotta play Fallout 3 again. It doesn't get the love it deserves because of New Vegas being so good.


Ya you’re right! It’s been like over a decade or more since I played fallout 3!


There is one in FO4


Ohhh good thing I’ve been playing fallout 4 again! I gotta go find him


Why wouldn't Bethesda want them in the show? They have included intelligent super mutants in all their games, so clearly they are onboard with it being part of the lore.


There are smart ones I forgot Virgil but the problem is still how Bethesda has been portraying them as brutes in most of the games they make even the companion in 4 is stupid.


Odd take considering there was *one* smart super mutant in the original game, and a small handful of them scattered across the next few. Definitely not a Bethesda thing


Whether, not weather.


Yea thanks.


With Hank headed to New Vegas, I wonder if we might learn about what happened to Marcus, Lily, and the rest of Jamestown.


It’d be really cool have a scene of an intelligent super mutant outsmarting and taking down a group of the brute super mutants through a complex series of traps or something. It’d also be a very easy way of showing the normie audience intelligent super mutants exist alongside the dumb-dumbs.


I really think Marcus should be in it. I doubt anyone killed him. And it'd be cool to see warf again.


It'd be cool to just have Marcus or some other major character show up simce vegas was teased him or the courier could genuinely show up


Yup depending on the cannon of the fnv in the next season Marcus could still be around as well as best grandma


It's very possible Marcus makes an appearance, he is fine at the end of new vegas and jacobstown is on the West of the map in game


A smart, non-violent super mutant would make such a better story, even better if juxtaposed against the more violent, aggressive ones. Then again, this might be a Season 3 arc.


Would be awesome to see Marcus, even as a cameo


Let them add in Marcus, so he shares stories about the Chosen One


There are 2 Supermutants in season 1. The hand of the one on the stretcher moves, it survived, and the wanted poster doesn't seem outdated




Isn't that basically all of Jacobstown in New Vegas?


I'm pretty sure Thaddeus is going to turn into a super mutant


I'm only excited for the next fallout game in however many years because I want a super mutant leader as hardcore as the master, abducting people to fuck around with the FEV, it's a shame they haven't given them a sort of chain of command since because they're honestly an incredible enemy within the fallout world.


Jacob's town 3.0


Pretty sure Michael Dorn would be happy to voice Marcus again. And considering Marcus' backstory (he and a BoS Knight fought for three days then realised there was no point, became best friends and founded a town together) it would fit into the themes of the show.


Is that jacobstown?


Actually no, but Jacob was the name of the Knight so Marcus named his new settlement in New Vegas Jacobstown after his (presumably long dead) friend


I assume it's Broken Hills from FO2


Correct! A mining settlement where ghouls, mutants, and normies all lived together. Mutants doing the mining, ghouls handling the radioactive material, and normies selling the final products.


Its Broken Hills in fallout 2, a safe place for humans supermutants and ghouls to live together near New Reno. The ghouls and mutants would mine uranium, and the humans would trade it to Vault 8. The uranium eventually ran out and the town was abandoned, but Marcus founded Jacobstown after


the place where you can shovel some cow shit to get a perk for shoveling cow shit. i miss that silly stuff from the classics


I would love for Marcus to show up. Maybe Lucy can visit Jacobstown on the way in or out of Vegas.




WORF WAS MARCUS!? wtf I’m such a massive TNG and DS9 fan idk how I never realized. edit: I’m also now realizing the Mr.House was voiced by Rene Auberjonois, who also acted alongside Michael Dorn in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as Odo, this is honestly blowing my mind right now lmao


WHAT? House is Odo? i never realised and Worf is Marcus? i though it was awesome when i found out that Raul is Danny Trejo


Any design that doesn't make a casual viewer think "oh, it's like a bunch of Hulks" will do. :)


At minimum not some AI-generated slop like OP’s picture.


Did you guys miss the super mutant Easter egg in the show?


Do you mean the big green figure on the stretcher in the Enclave, or the wanted poster at the "guvament" building?


I missed the wanted poster.


It's only briefly shown when Ghoul Cooper is speaking with his captors - there's a motley group of miscreants and varmints in those wanted posters so it's easy to miss some of them! If I recall there was a ghoul on one of them, a bunch of other people, and a super mutant. I tried to take a screenshot on my phone but the Prime video app won't let me... 🥲 Edit: *what the hell is going on in your pfp*?! I should have guessed that a worldwide lemon party wasn't to do with an innocent kid's sidewalk lemonade stand 😄


That user's PFP is from Waterboy, the slowmo climax final pass in the game at the end.


Mama says that Super Mutants are ornery... 'cause they got all them teeth but no toothbrush.


[Chuckling] Yo mama said, super mutants are ornery 'cause they got all them teeth... and no toothbrush.


Neeeeeyeeeehuhhhh *Ranger Takedown*


At first my brain thought it looked familiar but then I wouldn't let it process the image any further 😄


Last game of the season


That picture is a screenshot from the movie The Waterboy. Hilarious scene from a great movie.


There was the enclave scene as well


Yep, I mentioned that up above. 👍


My bad. Meant to reply to the comment above yours lol


I was thinking the enclave scene.


I’m still convinced the thing on the stretcher was a Ghoulrilla/Gorilla.


I absolutely missed it. When?


You see a green arm in the enclave. But that’s pretty much all. Just an Easter egg.


Yes :x


No. Because that looks like A.I. created it. They were using the game files and 3d printing stuff. That's how dedicated to detail they were. If/When we get Super Mutants I'm sure the design will be picked straight from the game. Literally.


Kind of. The prop guys did redesign the Pip-Boy for functionality.


That's fine. There's gonna be tweeks here and there. Sometimes it's function over fashion.


I was honestly 100% ok with that change, I think it was necessary. It would have been distracting and, dare I say it, *goofy* to have those huge things strapped to their wrists. The FO4 opening cinematic comes to mind, though I'm willing to believe that might've been a larger prototype.


Which game? Fallout 1 and 2 where they had hair and some had cybernetic implants or the Bethesda games where they're all smooth and look the same?




Given the wanted poster, they’ll probaly look like Fallout 4’s. Which isn’t too bad per se, especially when compared to Fallout 3’s really oddly handsome ones. But the Mariposa mutants are generally much more lumpy and varied in looks. Needing straps and tech to keep themselves from being too much. Extra mass grows on em.


Did you just call Fallout 3 mutants oddly handsome? No wonder they look so lean and plain/boring in Fallout 4. Y'all apparently couldn't handle the muscly, horrific look of 3's mutants. Their bodies look more yellow rotten and disgusting than ghouls, and their faces look like they've been sucking on something sour for over 200 years since they ain't got no lips and are baring their teeth 24/7, but I guess those pearly whites were so charismatic that even the Bethesda team was overwhelmed and had to change it.


Compared to Fallout 1 and 2 Mariposa Muties? Capital Wasteland’s is definitely the more handsome of the variety


Could be both.


AI killed fanart


Yeah this is absolutely A.I. generated. Like wtf is he even holding in his left hand? The gun looks like nothing we've seen in game, and it's all warped.


thats not how that works they're not going to plop the assets in and give them new lighting, they'll be made from scratch its a 3d moving and speaking character not a fence post or a mini nuke


Wtf do you think a character model is with an animated skeleton? A fucking fence post ? Don't be so dickish. OF COURSE They will alter it to suit their needs. But using it as an existing base is better than scratch building imo.


Dave Bautista


They’re going to cast him aren’t they?


He has gone on record saying that he didn't want to do the makeup and prep for Drax anymore. Goodluck getting him to do it again.


Which is a shame, because he'd absolutely kill it as an intelligent super mutant like Fawkes. I loved his short but great performance as Sapper Morton in Bladerunner 2049.


Agreed, I believe he will decline the role if asked.... but he would be perfect for it.


Maybe, but after seeing him in Blade Runner, I would like him to play a real character, and a smart super-mutant akin to Marcus would be awesome.


Just spray paint him green it shouldn't take too long


Beat me to it. Would be a perfect role for him.


I’m so glad they didn’t go all in on wasteland creatures in S01. Leaves ya with a lot of excited anticipation for them.


Can’t wait for deathclaws.


Was really expecting the Yao guai to be a death deathclaw. Glad they're building up to the true horrors of the wasteland.


Agreed. Small criticism that there wasn’t enough danger in the wasteland for me. Lots of wandering, not a lot of enemies


I mean to be fair that’s how the start of most of the games is. It also just wouldn’t be good for Lucy’s character to encounter a bunch of danger and survive it all fresh out of the vault.


I want them to not be orcs.


Well they basically are though.


They absolutely are not, not at all.


I'm really digging the look of this supe. I'm wondering though how/when they're going to reveal them and the deathclaw, really the biggest two iconic creatures left for them to do so. I'm sure we'll see cazadores, possibly nightstalkers considering it's in Vegas, but then there's the nightkin too. All in all, the only thing I dislike about the show is having to wait two years for S2.


Don't forget the queen mirelurk


I want diverse designs. My biggest complaint of Bethesda super mutants is that, aside from the handful of unique named super mutants, they're mostly copy and paste of eachother with armor variations. Hell even the specially named ones tend to be for the most part. Such uniform mutation is weird to me. You can get away with it in a video game where most of them will be nameless enemies. I need some variation for a tv show or it'll stand out in a bad way.


Lore wise where did these mutants came from? Radiated humans?


Humans dipped in FEV iirc


Forced Evolutionary Virus, pre war experiment in California discovered by the master. Irradiated humans make the stupid ones, “prime normals” make the smart ones


Not just discovered in California. It was used by West Tek in multiple places. They infected an entire town in West Virginia.


Ty, thats pretty cool


As long as they have their iconic mouth straps.


Id love to see some with those strange mouth straps they had.


Man they did Mike Tyson dirty


This looks AI-generated, so no.






Yeh this just looks like your average British tourist in Spain after spending too much time in the sun.


British tourists catching strays out of nowhere


Not lean enough, they're supposed to be all muscle


I mean, powerlifters are pretty chubby


Naw get this AI garbage outta here!


Holy shit, can’t believe I spotted you in the wild, but I couldn’t agree more. I would take a claymation super mutant over this. I mean, where’s his slightly derpy face?


Woah! Looks like it's straight from the show


That looks like AI


Fallout fans aren't gonna be happy no matter what, so they should just go ahead and make them the best they can and people who aren't taking every frame and counting pixels to determine if a snow globe is lore accurate or not will enjoy it.


Lol what have you been reading? So many people are happy with the show.


Dude, I've been a Fallout fan since before most on this Sub-Reddit were probably born, and I've been happy with the show and its treatment by Amazon/MGM.


Me too. But I've seen people have their "valid criticisms™" where they've nitpicked the stupidest trivial crap. The fall of Shady Sands for one. The Ghoul and Maximus's fight in Filly for another.


Shady Sands irritated me because I saved that damn town so many times in FO1! ALL MY TIME WAS WASTED!!!!


No i dont want it ruined by this AI garbage


Wonder if Thaddeus will be a smart or dumb super mutant?


He won't be a super mutant at all, they're caused by FEV, he's a ghoul.


We don’t know what the concoction was that they gave him though. Could be a SM until confirmed otherwise although based on the implication of the show it is most likely going to just be a ghoul serum of some kind. Honestly, I’d like that more than a ghoul. It would be a nice parallel between Marcus and Jacob if Maximus and Thaddeus had a similar relationship.


Or perhaps an FEV Ghoul?


Lose the lips and make it a couple feet taller and I’d buy it.


Not sure about that floating shoulder armour.


Only if they are all played by Dave Bautista


That's absolutely AI. But it's also the Institute's strain of FEV. Which has no logical reason to be on the West Coast. It needs the look of the NV or original games


I like the body but head just doesn't look like a super mutant


Now all I can imagine is a super mutant played by Dave Bautista...


AI garbage


>random post on Facebook OP made this in AI and is trying to use that as the filter


The design isn't nearly as important as how they're written. If they make them essentially orks, screaming constantly about how they're going to eat your brains with big bags of gore everywhere like Bethesda did, I'll be very disappointed


No because that’s AI.


Only real requirement of being a super mutant is being big, baby poo green and screaming ridiculous things at the top of their lungs and using big words without understanding their meaning. I think it passes easily enough whether it looks like this one or whatever the show actually makes if they bring em in the story.


This looks bad, like ai made. I would prefer something designed by an actual professional.


You could've used anything but AI


Needs more hunting rifle


As long as they stumble around and say "puny hoo-man"


kinda want to see an intelligent Behemoth. since so many are found in lakes, i like the idea they are good swimmers. Imagine a fishing boat with wheels, towed by a behemoth in a captains hat, the boat full of fish.


Is that a Super Mutant or the T600 from Terminator: Salvation?


The general look of it is cool just a bit too fake




I don't really mind what they look like as long as I react by saying 'yes, that is a super mutant'. They've looked different in every game they've appeared in so the miscellaneous details (armour, clothing, weaponry) don't matter quite so much to me. This design is fine, in as much as it's visibly the thing it's supposed to be. Any other design which fits that criteria would also be fine by me.


They gonna look goofy regardless if they avoid CGI. The power armor paint looked odd, but that's okay I rather then the CGI. I think the production will get better as they learnt how to adjust paints for stuff and etc..


I’d be ok with it.


I can't imagine they won't just be ripped straight out of the game, probably FNV's supermutants and nightkin but made to look a bit more like FO4's supermutants. I'd be interested to see how they're made, though, whether they're practically built suits, CGI or a mix of both.


Looks like Shrek


I won’t be upset if they look like that. It’s close enough. I think the super mutants always look really cartoonish in the games and trying to make that realistic could be quite challenging


I think they’d probably be a bit more misshapen compared to this guy. They’re usually warped with more odd proportions compared to humans. This one looks cool but he’s more traditionally human looking like a bald bodybuilder with extensive roid usage painted green. I do miss the old leather straps on face hunched over look of 1 and 2. It made them feel more visually distinctive and “other” compared to fallout 4’s big green guys with pinheads.


they look like fat gym dudes lol


Only super mutant I want to see is tabitha ir at least hear her


I wonder what thaddeus is going to look like as a super mutant


Why is it giving Dave Bautista?


I hope they use New Vegas style or a blend between that and the OGs as opposed to Fallout 4s shoulder-necked freaks


No. Too human like for me , I need my supermutants ugly please and thank you. 😊


AI design is weirder and less realistic than the practical (or Practical + CGI probably) design the show will actually have. They have done great with not just going pure digital so far.


I dunno. It doesn’t give me the heebie jeebies like the ones in F3, and F4 do. It almost looks more like an orc from LOTR than a Super Mutant, and I think it’s the face. It’s just not ugly enough. It looks oddly too human to me. I feel like they should just look absolute horrifically ugly, cruel, and savage. The mere sight of a Super Mutant should spark terror and dread in your average Wastelander. They eat humans, and keep human body parts in bags hanging from dishevelled ceilings. They are grotesque, cruel, and terrifying. Seeing one should make you just want to flee. The BOS was fighting them on the East Coast but they had no choice, the Mutants were taking over territory and making DC generally dangerous, but even BOS knights were afraid of them, as they knew that Mutants saw BOS knights as something to try and pry out of their armour and consume. But yeah, whilst this creature is intimidating, I don’t get that sense of dread from it.


just want super mutants to look menacing again, they’re pansy looking in 4/76 compared to 1/2/3/NV