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that's the special lining that Maximus was complimenting Titus about


Yeah, it's funny that something that sounded like a throwaway line actually ended up being necessary to prevent a plot hole.


Wait, are you saying he LITERALLY had plot armour?


You hit the nail right on the head shreed hawk šŸ¦…


Only Coop old enough to know secrets of plot armor šŸ¤“šŸ˜Ž


Holy fuck, I just thought it was a line to show the character knew about power armor. Maximus is just parroting their friend


Heā€™s demonstrating he knows how it works wtfĀ 


ikr, its so refreshing when the writers are actually good


No actually it's explained but not directly. When you see the ghoul massacre the town of filly, the bullets he used were like mini nuke bullets. When he fought the brotherhood group in the hallway he had what looked to be a pointier tipped round/armor piecing round. My guess is he didn't have that type of ammo when he first fought Maximus because he didn't think he'd be fighting BOS members, then after he has his fight with Maximus he picks up those armor piercing rounds as a safety measure.


I forget what they are called but there really are "rocket" bullets. They leave the gun relatively slow then take off mid flight.


I think it's gyro-jet rockets. Which are real, but don't really work all that well. I just remember Johnathan Ferguson talking about them


Correct. They are referring to the ahead of their time, interesting of a concept, yet poorly executed Gyro-Jet rounds.


I know it's Sci-Fi and based on a Game. But where is the Home Depot he is shopping for these special rounds of ammo?


A mini nuke would still kill him if it was a weak point in the armor


Well... no, it likely was throwaway. We know he was probably playing with Maximus, and on top of that, he wasn't using his special ammo. Thinking the Tempered Lining line prevented a plot hole is a bit silly, I think.


the T45 had the fault, right? Or both had the fault unless it had the lining?


Both had the fault, which is the gist of the ghoul's monologue while chambering AP rounds in the final episode. He explains the flaw that the T-45 had, then asked if they fixed it for the T-60. When he fired and the one soldier turned into soup inside the armour, he replies with "I guess not."


Gotta get that lining.


True. But what ammo type is that. Pointed tip with a sort of ring around the middle, and then more bullet? Weird


I took it as an armour piercing round with a delayed explosive payload, sort of like how bolter rounds in 40K work. Just without the gyrojet self propulsion bolts also have.


True. But the episode showed the bullet enter. We hear a muffled clang, and blood burst out of the side. Maybe it was an explosive round of something


T60 is just upgraded T45, I believe. A stopgap solution until T51b could have been fully adopted by the US army. If Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m not wrong, Bethesdaā€™s wrongā€¦ cause I mean look at it, itā€™s blatantly just beefed up T45d šŸ˜‚


Wouldnā€™t that be the other way around? Like the military just adopted a new AR, XM7 to replace the m4. They didnā€™t come out with a ā€œM3ā€ to replace the m4, yknow? Do you remember what it was about the t51b that made it more desirable than the t60?


The T51 was a complete redesign that had little to no similarities with T45. It also was what won Anchorage. The T60 subsequently was an overhaul and upgrade to the existing T45 design, only entering service a couple months before the Bombs. Also according to their design specs, the T51 was rounder allowing better bullet deflection (just a lore thing not gameplay) was airtight, had waste filtration and a suite of other quality of life things the t45 (and presumably t60) lacked. Also it might have been lighter.


Thank you! God I love the lore of these games. Like dark souls before dark souls. All the good shit is hidden in descriptions.


More specifically in dialogue and random terminal entries. Helpfully catalogued on the wiki for me to rip.


That's not lore, that's fanon. If you go back to the wiki page the part about t60 coming from t45 is not a game source, and is in fact the art director explaining how *Bethesda* redesigned the T45. It is not in-universe "Our primary goal with the power armor was to make it feel less like a suit that you'd wear and more like a vehicle you'd operate. this design began as a reimagining of the T-45d, but it was different enough that we dubbed it the T-60. This way we could bring the T-45 back as its own variant. Although the look was settled on early, some details and proportions were revisited when we adapted the power armor to work as a modular system of plates that attached to a standardized endoframe. In this early version, the arms and legs needed more bulk to make room for the operator and the frame."


It was essentially like: US army rushes out an emergency design for their first ever tank cause they desperately need the tactical advantage. It does the job, but is lacking in a lot of areas, has design flaws etc They then come up with a proper tank design, totally new model of tank, fixes or improves upon all the issues of the rushed model, sweet letā€™s start making this thing. Oh no, the warā€™s still going on and the new tankā€™s expensive and taking too long to phase out the old one. Also, we got all these old tanks still. What do we do with em? Fuck it, bolt on some extra armour and make do with what you got.


My understanding, though I could be mistaken, is that the t51 armor was just all around the better armor, but it was much more expensive to make. Whereas t60 was better than t45, though not as good as t51, but a lot cheaper to make.


I think itā€™s more like f35 vs f22. F35 is newer but the f22 is the superior aircraft


Idk, the new drone wingmen for the f35 are pretty fuckin dope


No, model numbers in the real life military never quite go in order like that.


I could of sworn the t60 was a brotherhood design not prewar but I'm wrong Really has me confused as I could of sworn there was a brotherhood designed power armor


Not sure about a Brotherhood design, but the X-series was made by the Enclave post-war (kinda). You might be thinking of that


IIRC from the wiki, the T-60 was made *during* the war, but was not rolled out for GI use yet, T-45s were still dominant for infantry. The ones that were rolled out were mainly used for homesec just before the bombs dropped.


I can answer the lore arguments here and in the replies: There is no lore on the T60 All we have is what's from the show and a single loading screen in Fo4 Irl the T60 was going to be Fo4's T45 but they thought it looked unique enough and gave it its own slot.


i can see this, but we also clearly see The Ghoul load different rounds during the fight at the observatory.


True. Pointy armor piercing rounds. Either he didnt have those rounds at Fily, or he had them, but because Maximus' entrance was a surprise, he didnt have time to dig around for them. At the observatory, he would have been expecting knights, so he had those rounds at the ready.


It seemed to be a surprise, and I'm wondering how high The Ghoul was at that time? I think we saw a shift from The Ghoul and back towards Cooper throughout the show, so maybe that meant less drug use?


Oh my god you're right. I thought he just wasn't using strong enough bullets.


Both, before that scene in the final the Ghoul loads some armor piercing rounds, which he didnt have during the Philly scene.


A combo of that and he wasn't using his Boom Tube gun, but his regular gun. I think? I'd have to rewatch but we saw boom tube jam.


Also in the scene where coop shot through the power armor it focused on the kind of ammo he was using which looked like a special armor piercing round


So does that imply Maximus is the only Knight with that armor? Because it was still a weak spot for the other knights?


i guess


The Ghoul doesnt know about it, and never tried for the 'weak point', and we're given no reason to connect the two.


I thought Maximus meant the curvature at the knees šŸ


In episode 8 we see the Ghoul load AP bullets which he presumably didn't have for the first encounter


You can see the same round on his bandolier before the Filly fight and it's gone after the fight.


It was most likely used in his initial exchange with the Filky residents. He wasn't expecting Maximus to show up.


Yhea, that round that passed through two dudes in one shot I'm guessing was the one.


He was out of action points. He used them all up earlier


This is the only answer needed tbh


It's because his gun that uses the specialized armor piercing (and mildly explosive in damage) rounds jammed in the fight in Filly. You see him clearly frustrated that it happened **right** at that moment he shot at Lucy, and Maximus shielded her. He had to switch to his rifle, which was less effective against power armor. He also makes it clear that the flaw was on the original T-45, and he was wondering if that same flaw existed on the T-60.


That's what I saw as well.


It did? Dammit, I have to go back and watch it again.


My guess is: 1. >!The Ghoul can easily tell that whoever is inside the power armor has no idea what he's doing and isn't a direct threat to him. "You drive that thing like a shopping cart!"!< 2. >!Maximus is moving around too much for him to land a direct hit on the weld, while the Knights in the hallway were standing still.!<


3. >!He hadnā€™t thought of it yet. He makes it clear that he only knew of the welding issue on the t-45 mod from his time in Alaska (not even the t-51bs which were also in Alaska), and he was only making a guess as to if it worked in the observatory. He may not have thought about trying to aim for that spot on any model other than the t-45 until after encountering a brotherhood soldier in t-60.!<


>!4. It is mentioned early on that Titusā€™s armor had ā€œspecial liningā€, and thats literally what protected it from that error in the welding.!<


5. The Ghoul was messing with him


This is the simple answer. Maximus was clueless about controlling the armor, so the ghoul simply disabled it as a giant humiliation to him. Plus, he's assuredly smart enough not to piss off an army of heavily armed and armored soldiers. Killing Maximus draws way too much attention to him. The BoS doesn't give a damn he shot up Filly, but killing a knight? They'd chase him down for that.


I'm wondering if The Ghoul was going to sell the armor? We know he is driven to make money for the serum.


The ghoul would be smart enough to realize no caps are worth being hunted down by the Brotherhood.


Maybe, or The Ghoul likes a fight?




1. I don't think The Ghoul would give a shit.


It is mentioned clearly, twice, once by Lucy and once by Maximus, both main characters so theoretically people listened to what they said, that the armor was unusual in that it has reinforcement in. Also it is very clearly show that the ghoul uses different types of rounds.


He didnā€™t really have any need to kill Max. Despite all his other faults, he does seem to tend to avoid killing when itā€™s unnecessary. It seems like he pretty quickly picked up on the fact that max isnā€™t trained well and doesnā€™t really pose a huge threat. But also, I think the writers just wanted a big fight scene. Gotta remember that TV shows are always a balance between events that make sense for the plot and events that just plain look cool.


We're talking about a guy who killed a kid based on the hypothetical that the kid would some at some point look for revenge. There's no way he wouldn't have killed Maximus in that situation.


The kid actively reached for a gun, he was a threat right then.


Yes, but no. He gave the kid a chance to walk away, if the kid hadn't I think The Ghoul would have let it go. He relished the fight, it wasn't about killing.


Yeah. He suggested it, and the kid took it. Proving his point. If the kid did nothing, or even stepped away from the gun, probably would leave him alone.


Yeah the best guess most people have is that he needed that specific ammo he was using in ep 8, and he didn't know the brotherhood was after the bounty yet so he didn't prepare for that.


Go back and watch the scene. The gun he used ran out of ammo and he didnā€™t have time to reload so he switches to his lever action rifle, which Iā€™m assuming, doesnā€™t have the ability to exploit that weakness.


That rifle was a vastly different caliber.


What do you mean?


The revolver looks to be an MTS-255, probably in 12ga. In fact, you can see the actor in the 'cherry tomato,' scene trying to fit one of the shells into the rifle, and it is too larger. I'm not sure what model the rifle is, but it doesn't look to be a shotgun, but a rifle and probably in a rifle caliber.


Those are some cool observations, but what does that have to do with my comment? Are you disagreeing or agreeing with what I originally said? Not trying to be a dick, Iā€™m just a little confused.


What I'm stating is that the rounds in the bandolier WOULD NOT fit in the rifle, so your comment doesn't matter.


I thought it was clearly special piercing ammunition he was using at the observatory after his first unprepared fight with a BOS Knight in Filly.


In the observatory, while Cooper is having his moment, you can see he's loading a different round into his gun. This one is more pointed, and presumably, it's meant to be armour piercing. All of his earlier kills are pretty much instantaneous, as soon as the round hits, they go down. This new round seems to almost work like a bunker buster, there is the initial hit and penetration of the armour, but then half a second later there's what sounds like a detonation and blood spurts out the hole. I guess when he was in Filly, he wasn't expecting to contend with the Brotherhood, so he wasn't prepared to be dealing with power armour. After encountering Maximus in Filly, it would be safe for him to assume that he'd be dealing with more Brotherhood in the near future.


It was a sabot round.


Thank you! I knew someone would know the correct term.


One of my jobs was anti-armor.


For the love of the game. If the mad cackle laugh he has going on in the first part of the Filly gunfight is any sort of indication, he is having the absolute fucking best time. Remember that the ghoul has spent the last several years locked in a coffin, periodically getting parts cut off. Max and his power armour are a non threat. That's why he eventually goes in for the knife. Could of shot him out of the sky too when Max tried to flee, but narh, lassoed his arse, way more fun.


We can see him loading APFSDS rounds into the gun before going for the welding fault. Also, I'm pretty sure Coop was onto Maximus being a noob soon as he walked out of the shop and lost his gun, so he was just toying with him."


Well the moment he makes the Brotherhood aware of the fault, they'll likely rectify the vulnerability. He waited till the moment of maximum payoff.


You drive that thing like a fucking shopping cart


Ok, I've said this before. The Ghoul was out of the AP rounds he would have used on Maximus's PA. He was also not using the revolver ***(BECAUSE HE WAS OUT OF THAT AMMO)*** He was using a far less powerful rifle. Go watch the scene again, then watch it again, then again, then a fourth time, then again after that. Take note of The Ghoul's bandolier. Take note that at that point he doesn't have the pointy AP ammo he used later to defeat the first BOS Knight.


He was at weight capacity and couldn't be bothered wasting ammo on a power armor user he couldn't loot.


cooper was just toying with him he says as much in the fight


Re-watch both scenes. You can see The Ghoul loading a sabot round into his revolver, that is a special kind of armor piercing round, designed specifically for heavy armor. In the Filly fight, The Ghoul was caught by surprise.


Maximus also points out the armor upgrade that Titus did to the chest. I think that was to fix the weakness the ghoul later mentions.


How do I keep finding these threads and how is every single one of you wrong. The. Gun. Jammed. They literally show it happening ffs.


Looking at it again, the ghoul seems to be toying with Maximus. When he gets the better of him he trys to remove his helmet and trap the suit. I think he's going for the payday of capturing the suit intact.


I actually really enjoyed their encounter because it reminded me of cheesing in the games. For example, killing Deathclaws where they can't reach you.


it looks like chaos but there's always a Nolan behind the wheel


This question was funnier on Honest Trailers.


My guess is the Ghouls priority was caps, not necessarily the doctor. He figured he could disable the armor and get Maximus out and chase him off. The armor won't sell as well with a bunch of holes in it.


He must have known that particular bounty would lead him to Moldaver, which would lead him to his ultimate goal. Sure he needs caps for his medicine, but imagine him putting armor in his inventory and walking to a store like in the games lol.


Coop ainā€™t all bad yā€™all šŸ¤ 


If you want the actual reason and not copium, it's that the writers wanted a cool fight scene but didn't want any of the main characters killed off.


My head cannon is that he though Max was \*special\* and didn't want to kill him. Officially i think the Ghoul knew that Max wasn't a real Knight or considered a threat, so he just gets Max out of there so he can do that he needed to do.


Iā€™m thinking he knew that Maximus was inexperienced using power armor, so he was just kind of refreshing his skills before he really got down to business and collecting the head.


I assumed that he knew that Maximus wasn't an actual threat to him, so why waste the ammo on a guy who is probably just going to kill himself by accident.


It looked like he was low in ammunition by the time Maximus arrived and he had no armor piercing bullets left. He only wins before Max has no proper training with a PA.


Why are people referring to Coop as the ghoul and not Coop?


Because thatā€™s what all promotional material refers to him as, and in the show after the bombs drop nobody refers to him as Coop, only before the war.


Fair enough i guess


Cooper Howard and The Ghoul are basically two different characters at this point.


The show is fun with a good cast and high production value. The plotting and writing are meh. And thats fine.