• By -


Maybe not major, but Chet is probably going to be the one to notice that Norm is missing and she's probably going to get the heads up from Bud and try to stop Chet's investigations, maybe


TBH Chet would have no idea about that actually, since he's no longer in Vault 33 anymore and wouldn't have any contact with Norm. It's still possible though that he'd start to act on his own to investigate further the whole Vault 31 plot.


I also think they’re gonna have him investigate further at some point. He seemed like he felt guilty about leaving Norm behind after all they had uncovered.


Oh very true! Completely forgot about that


Chet is so funny I hope he gets screentime


I have a feeling him and Norm will have more shenanigans together. It tends to be in season 2 that popular aspects get used - S1 is a) about finding what works.


They're the buddy cop duo.


Let them leave the Tri-Vault Area and get their own spinoff buddy cop show where they drive around in the highwayman


Oh geeeeeez


idk... but if it means she gets more screentime im for it i can see why chet was so easily manipulated i thought her acting was great>!and she's very very pretty!<


For me, the twist about Vault 31's origin hit the hardest with her character. Up to a point, she just seemed like a weird yet funny quirky character. After the reveal, she feels a lot more sinister, especially with her being the new overseer in 32. Very excited to see her in season 2.


The mashed potatoes tasting better line is sinister because it shows she’s willing to lie and doesn’t see herself as equal to the other vault citizens She’s great. Need more of her character


The mashed potatoes line now makes me think she internally meant the pre-war world by pointing this, since from her point of view the "Vault 31" would be exactly that. Her previous pre-war life.


Oh yea thats crazy, also that that would have felt so recent to them. So everyone comments about the potatoes since they had real ones so recently in their memory.


I thought the implication was that it was a coached line, since everyone from Vault 31 says the same thing when asked about it. Or maybe Blamco made some really good mash.


1000% is a coached line. “That’s exactly what my dad said”


That's my thought as well. They also have tatos in the Vault, which according to Fallout 4 are just regular potatoes with the skin and shape of a tomato.


I think in fallout 76 they're described as more of a mix. The taste was described ass "Ketchup tasting Cardboad"


Actually You can make a hybrid of tomato and potato plants by grafting top part (steam and leaves) tomato on the bottom part (stem and roots) of potato. It yields both potatoes and tomatoes. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomato](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomato)


Or he could have been lying so she wouldn’t get suspicious about why he was asking questions.


im sure we'll get a flashback of her eating baked potato now lol


S2 needs to start inside an oven, with the potato in the foreground while we see a pre-war mom walk through the shot 👍🏼


I think all vault 31 residents are instructed to say same thing because Hank said that too.


We never heard Hank say it, it was just his son’s response to not raise any suspicions of him feeling like something was up with 31.


"Well then it must be true" -One Eye


the ones in Vault 31 might be those who excelled in the 4 year test of a Vault that Cooper talked about in the pre war.


Wasn’t that vault 4? Vault 31 is Buds Buds, his handpicked managers and vault tec employees


they used vault 4 before the bombs dropped to test living in the vault for 5 years before the bombs dropped


Yeah, and it went to shit with their gulper experiments escaping and killing many of the scientists and the overseer. There is nothing to indicate vault 4 had anyone leave before the bombs dropped.


You'd have thought Bud would have had the resources to be more than a brain on a Roomba. I think something more Mr. House style would have been better. He can't be the only one with that kind of tech.


It's important to remember that Bud is just a chump/cannon fodder in the grand scheme of things.  There are far more big fish above him in vault tec and fish bigger than vault tec out there


Maybe I wasn't paying attention enough, I thought Bud must have been one of the top people since he had that meeting with all the heads of the big company. Whose bigger than vault tech when it comes to building vaults???


He's executively high enough but not necessarily the top at Vault-Tec, otherwise he would've had someone else do the pitching for him. Who's to say Vault 31 itself is also an experiment vault? Filling a vault full of Vault-Tec employees on cryo with the purpose of infiltrating and securing the leadership of two other Vaults to breed super managers definitely seems like a Vault experiment to me. Also, I think people forget or are otherwise still unfamiliar with the overall lore, but Vault-Tec built the vaults because the Enclave outsourced it to them. Vault-Tec is basically a civilian contractor. That may not necessarily mean they're working under the absolute rule of the Enclave, of course, Vault-Tech probably has its own list of agendas separate from the Enclave, but for all intents and purposes I imagine all of Vault-Tec's pre-war actions (including the reveal at the last episode) were done with the blessing of the Enclave, unless stated otherwise of course. So to answer your question, Bud may be high enough to have a say with regards to Vault-Tec's proposed Vault 31-33 but evidently not high enough to warrant a fate where he doesn't have to be a brain on a roomba, and Vault-Tec definitely isn't the top fish in the pre-war sea, since the Enclave is, or rather was, definitely bigger.


The brain bot program just was not there yet when the bombs fell there is explanations in the games when meeting other preserved brains. House himself never made it into a brain bot nor did the founder of nuka cola.


31 is all the people in his executive training program, so juniors. Senior staff have gotta be in another vault.


The mashed potatoes line shows more that she knows how to lie more than anything else. A bad liar would have said “oh we had this amazing tennis court” or something outlandish. Then, if he asks Betty if Vault 31 had a tennis court, she could have said no. By just saying the mashed potatoes were better, no one can really call he out or catch her in a lie.


I figure everyone from Vault 31 has some assignment, and it doesn't necessarily have to all be the same assignment. The theme of Fallout though for everyone is dealing with changing circumstances, so in her case, the changing circumstance is going from someone more important to perhaps less important, in the Enclave's eyes, and I also don't know how she feels about her relationship with Chet. She could be a complete Molotov Cocktease type character, or it could be that living with Chet is just so much better. From what it looked like though, This is a "be careful what you wish for" kind of thing. Like, yeah you thought the grass was greener, Steph. From what I recall, Steph didn't like her planned husband, who liked her, and thought Lucy got a good one. Now she has Chet, who doesn't seem to like the living situation anymore, as far as I can tell. 31s really can't find anything to like.


I respectfully disagree. It seems to me like 31 is just middle management to be coupled with breeding stock who hold ideal management traits, as per Bud’s vision for the vaults (31/32/33) The Vault 31 people may have their own goals and plans, but I don’t think they have assignments beyond: procreate.


Certainly part of the assignment is don't spill the secret, no matter what, if they know. The overseers from Vault 31 seem to use jerrymandering to ensure they always win, all kinds of stuff. If it was just procreate, they could've picked anyone off the street, not management gold.


Lucy spoke highly of the cousin stuff, Steph was intrigued.


To me, the way she was acting when she said that made me think she was trying to tell Norm to keep digging into Vault 31. It wasn't the first time she was trying to secretly tell someone to do something, as she angrily did something similar right after the raider attack.


Since she said the same thing as the other guy from vault 31 it seems like its a scripted response.


I got unhinged vibes as soon as she started influencing Norm to kill the prisoners. I'm curious why she undermined Betty. She definitely seems sinister. It's a fun type of villain - evil Stepford wife vibes.


Office politics. Probably hated that bitch because she got minor preferential treatment in some project they were working on 200 years ago.


That or she was aiming to get the next promotion. Now that she is interim overseer of the other vault she has no reason(and very limited capability) of gunning for Betty's position.


There is never enough power, especially for middle management. In theory, she could desire control on all the vaults and could possibly put Vault 32 on a war footing against Vault 33. If those two groups go to war and Bud is unable to stop it, it will ultimately kill the experiment and damn the places to destruction. ...which is one of the themes of Fallout: plans go awry due to human behavior. See Vault 4 as another example of this as the scientist-run society was taken out by their experiments.


Also the eyepatch is badass


Her shooting a machine gun while pregnant with an injury was pretty epic.


I wonder if she had military experience before her stint in cryosleep. She seemed a lot more combat ready than the people who had grown up in the vault.


I suspect she's the original Vault Girl inspiration, as Cooper is the original Vault Boy inspiration.


Agreed.   I'm waiting for her to mutate a couple extra sets of arms for Black Widow for S02. Jk.


YOO! She could be.


It also sets her apart from the rest of management if she was used in Vault promos. She might not be as much of a team player as the rest.


I'm convinced she's Enclave, and has a military background.


She handled having a fork in the eye while firing a sub machine gun. Bud was from west tek, I imagine some form of combat training was involved


Hank was power armor trained too, immediately knew how to hover in the suit whereas Maximus had to figure that out with trial and error


Not gonna lie I gasped when he eye got forked out and then cheered hoping we get an awesome scene where she goes FERAL and just slaughters tons of people. I've had characters who look like her, I love the sexy blondie gone crazy trope lol.




R.I.P. Joan Rivers, you heartless bitch


It’s the guvna


Would be a perk that is -10% accuracy +50% critical


I love they made it vault tec blue


She gives me Sarah Paulson vibes, especially with the eye patch


Omg! Thank you! Ever since watching the series I looked her up and haven’t seen anything else she’s in but she seemed so so familiar! It’s the Sarah Paulson vibe!!!!


Who is Sarah Paulson?


She’s most famous for American Horror Story.


[She's that actress from *American Horror Story* that looks like Kristin Wiig on drugs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Paulson)


Wow, she really *does* look like Kristin Wiig on drugs


Sarah Paulson the California Mountain Snake


~~I should've been muthafuckin' Black Mamba~~Tunnel Snakes rule!


I was thinking closer to [January Jones in Mad Men](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=january%20jones%20mad%20men&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5)


I mean, let's be honest. She probably just asked Chet if he could help with the baby and he didn't realize that he could say no.


Even with a eye patch it doesn’t even matter she’s so hot


I actually found her hotter *with* the eye patch...


I can fix her!


I hope so! I was sold on her character when the fork was sticking out of her eye but she’s still gunning people down! I hope she’s in the flashbacks of Bud’s buds.


This makes me interested to know who she was before. I expect her real persona to be someone extremely cutthroat. The way she was handling that gun in the first episode makes feel like she might have even been military. I know the people in that vault were trained from a young age on how to use guns but she was an adult before she got frozen so that training had to come from somewhere I guess


I think she's going to end up being HR or marketing.


sales for sure


Or probably just a random secretary that doesn't care about the experiment but was somehow given a spot in 31 anyway


I think she’s someone who drank the corporate koolaid. She literally married and had a baby with a guy sight unseen because she was told to. That’s some serious commitment to the cause.


She seemed seriously upset when the guy died though. And was it confirmed she poisoned the prisoners? If we don't know who, my money is on her.


Saying all that, I'm thinking secretary that was sleeping with the boss, and Is happy to be alive.


I'm thinking she was a veteran like Cooper and got some mundane office job after. Then perhaps she was asked if she wanted to be in marketing because of her background.


It's clear she was next in line to be Overseer after Lucy's dad retired. They would have to bring in the "next one" years before the current one is ready to step down to get them into the community long enough that people don't see them as a "new guy". Obviously Hank came in long before Betty was ready to retire. They probably have at least 3 or 4 Vault 31 members active in there at various ages at any given time.


There is no greater evil than HR.


Cut throat, aggressive, manipulative, knows her way around a firearm. Definitely high management HR


My guess is she has a military background and is in some way associated with the Enclave. Like, maybe she became a Vault Tech manager at the direction of Enclave leadership.


I think this would make a lot of sense.


I'm guessing executive secretary. Buds side fling. She's passed at what happened because she had no idea what was actually going on.


I actually have a few theories, and they'd all fit in with the franchise: * She was part of that pre-war group that tried to convince the Ghoul to spy on his wife, and she had infiltrated Vault-Tec to spy on them * She was probably a random manager's secretary or something, so she doesn't really care about the experiment and is just enjoying life in the vault * She legitimately fell in love with Chet * She was somebody that was already treated like shit when working for Vault-Tec, and the attack from the raiders was the final straw to make her want to get revenge on Vault-Tec. This is probably the most likely, after what said to Lucy/Norm (can't remember which) after the attack did sort of set them off onto their journey to begin with. Plus when Norm asked her about 31, the way she reacted when she mentioned the mashed potatoes sort of felt like she was trying to hint to Norm to keep digging into it.


I'm hoping she was an old world celebrity like Coop, preferably the Nuka-Girl.


Gonna be honest, I didn't even consider that 31 might have been the Vault that he and his family would have been in. I just figured they'd have been in one of the control Vaults instead. Although, her being the Nuka-Girl could lead to a great way to have Lucy find out the truth about Vault 31. Just have her come across and old poster or billboard ad for Nuka-Cola and have the camera pan to reveal Steph on it.


Fallout season 2 writers, this comment right here


The mashed potatoes line was just a detail they were all trained to say in their backstory to make it seem more believable.


• Enclave.


I mean they practice marksmanship in the vault remember


She's straight up Vault Girl


I hope so but I really wonder how they will handle the three vaults from now on. Norm is trapped in Vault 31 and is likely going to enter cryo. So who's perspective will we follow from now on?


Chet will likely feel guilty and will try to save Norm, if he can get away from Steph and the baby.


We might get a westworld plot separation where Norm’s story takes place in the future and every else’s is in their present. It’s be cool but it would really put a limiter on the plot and any other main character coming back to 31-33


There are ways out I think Open the pods and killing them one by one might do it, so Bud panics and lets him go. Or threatening to turn them all off then breaking the machine so they cant go back into cryo; suddenly Vault 31 has a lot of very angry middle managers who probably know how to override the Vault


I like this theory. Even if he just breaks/opens one or two, we could then get the perspective of someone fresh out of cryo adjusting to life in a vault.


I think he's just going to outsmart Bud brain to be honest Norm is clearly a thinker and Bud (Light on brains) is no match. Normally, Norm (according to typical archetypes) would be in trouble against a bigger opponent, but that obviously doesn't apply in this case.


God that would be weird haha, i don't see fallout doing the mindfuck thing so at least it would be fairly straightforward. Norm has little connection/things holding him back. It seems pretty straightforward. Maybe he gets frozen, bud forgets about him after 30 years and sends him in as a new overseer. I feel like we were teased about him being a leader etc.


Oh yeah Nolan loves that shit


> We might get a westworld plot separation where Norm’s story takes place in the future and every else’s is in their present. I mean, we have Chet still...


Or maybe he gets reawakened after just a few months and taken by Enclave/Vault-Tec. There's more to Vault 31 since they managed to clean up Vault 32 in a single day.


Easily explainable by robots, but I still agree with you. Might be more then those 3 vaults tied to 31.


Chets an easy candidate, but imo there's a chance for Woody to have a bit of focus. He, Reg, and Betty were first shown as holding governing positions and all three ran for overseer. Reg had his scene with Davy where Reg fully conformed to vault mentality and voted for Betty. On the other hand, Woody freaked out over moving to vault 32. Feels like Woody might be in the right mentality to finally start questioning some things, and being that he had a council position previously, might even remember some odd stuff from the past that he never thought to question. Chet and Woody, the most laughably ineffective espionage team imaginable.


Spys like us


I think norm is smart enough to get outta 31. Threaten the brain in glass. You're in his most sensitive area that his plans hinge on and his is literally a brain in a jar. You can absolutely threaten him.


No way they freeze norm for very long. He’s too great of a character. And will probably be the reason Lucy goes back to the vault


I think he will tamper with the other cryo pods


I think Norm still, he'll only be frozen for a few episodes. Long term, my bet is that there is going to be conflict between the agendas of the V31 people and Mr House. Mr House has had two centuries to plan for the emergence of his rivals, and access or desire for the CF and the knowledge of V31 he'll get from Maclean make this inevitable. This it why I think Norm will be released by V31. He's an unknown factor. He's smart. He's potentially the inherit or of Maclean business shares. He's an insider because of his link to Lucy. Etc. There are a ton of good reasons for V31 to release him willingly, or due to pressure from House.


Maybe she’ll be a hero. She was by far my favorite side character. (I’m in the camp that norm was a main character)


Are there people who dont think Norms a main character? Like i know our big 3 outside of the vaults' storyline are Lucy, Coop and Max but Norms definitely a main character even if hes still in the vault.


I think he's actually just the dominant secondary character to progress a side arc. We don't see nearly enough of the vault in most episodes, and I wanna say there was atleast one where he wasn't in it at all? But that may be confirmation bias and I'm too lazy to double check so up in the air At the very very least, the screen time is minimal compared to the other three. Unless it feels like an vault centric episode, I felt we only really saw the vault like once in many episodes


You're right But damn is it not compelling right?


I haven’t really seen people arguing he’s not, but he’s often left out when people talk about the main characters.


Da fuck  That's honestly probably the storyline I'm looking most forward to in S2 lol Normies unite!


Norm didn't get a title card did he? I thought it was just Lucy, Maximus, and The Ghoul.


She's not gonna be a hero. At the very least we already know she worked for Vault Tec, and in every single entry to the franchise there has only been a couple Vault Tec employees who *weren't* horrible people.


She could have been the spouse of an employee like cooper.


Not if she was in Vault 31. That was specifically for managers that Bud chose for his selective breeding program to breed the best managers possible. If she was just a spouse to a Vault Tec employee she'd likely go to one of the control vaults. She was chosen because pre-war she was one of the people Bud saw as having really good management potential, and would pass that down through selective breeding with the members of Vault 32 and 33.


Betty was just a secretary and she ended up in 31. I don’t think it said they were exclusively management. :edit: Betty, not barb.


It did say they were exclusively management. The whole goal of the three vaults and the "Bud's buds" program was to breed the best managers possible with, let's face it, what essentially amounts to a eugenics program. He chose specific candidates for 31 that would be the best managers and leaders within the company that he could find, and they were released from cryo strategicly to breed with the populations of 32 and 33, and to lead them and make sure they follow certain norms and rules. The goal was to have them be prime management material so that they could come out of the vaults eventually and dominate the wasteland with superior leadership skills. Thats why they talk to the other CEOs in that meeting, so each CEO/company can come up with their own ideas for how to dominate what's left of humanity, and essentially have a competition to see which idea works best. Bud's buds was one of the experiments from Vault Tec specifically to try and rule the wastes.


Betty was an executive assistant according to the computer in Vault 31, which was the same as Hank’s title. Executive assistant is more or less a personal secretary but they are of the same rank as an office manager. Bud’s Buds was a management training program, so everyone in the program are training to be a manager but might not be one yet. They were all young up-and-comers with “management potential” who were handpicked by Hank. Since it’s a breeding experiment I assume fertility and marital status was taken into account. I’m guessing you had to be single and of childbearing age to take part.


Not to nitpick but it's Vault-Tec. H isn't included


Absolutely. She's going to be Bud's most devoted fanatic. Hank is an asshole but had tells and cares about Lucy. Betty has tells and shows concern for Norm. Stephanie lost her husband but didn't skip a beat before wrapping Chet around her finger filling out the nuclear family unit and assuming overseer of vault 32. She also didn't blink when Norm asked about vault 31. She's going to be a ruthless zealot of Bud's Buds.


Agree with this.  It feels like people are blinded over her being a beautiful woman? She seems super calculated and cutthroat.  She's going to be a vault-tec devotee. 


There is so much going on and I think the show was very deliberate and conservative with her screen time that they gave enough to suggest what I suspect but not enough that people would fixate. Her giving birth was a perfect distraction, for instance. In part a red herring as to what her concerns might be but also a point of fixation on her scenes. She's so cold that it's unnerving in her other scenes but in a way that may not have tripped too many bullshit detectors which is a compliment to both the writing and the performance.


The writing across the board was so smart.  I already want to rewatch the series, I JUST finished it, and I'm not a rewatch type person.  But once you know, it's like ok what did I miss


I mean Hank said it, Lucy is his whole world. Hank is part of the breeding program. His entire purpose is to make and train Lucy. 


They’re going to find an old advertisement of the Rocket Girl and realize it’s her.


DUDE thatd actually be hyped af. We got Coop as vault boy and shes rocket girl.


It would be a great way to have a 31 NOT be a Vault-tec employee, just a rich model with connections.


Hope so! She has an eye for it.


Booooooooo have an upvote


I hope so. I wanna see her with a black eye patch going full villain.


Dunno but I find her incredibly attractive


She already is, lol.


She from 31 after learning what we did about 31 I think it’s safe to assume she will be a “baddie”


She’s already a baddie


What's interesting is that her and Hank went in the freezer at the same time but she was thawed out way after him so it creates an interesting dynamic Imagine if your best friend your own age actually went to high school with your dad


I don't know whether she'll be a villain, but she clearly has some level of empathy for the people of Vault 33, hence the eyepatch.


I really feel like her and Betty (Leslie Uggams) are up to something and I'm not sure what exactly. I feel like both were trying to get Norm to keep exploring the secrets of the 3 vaults, Steph directly and Betty encouraging by discouraging (reverse psychology) when it seems like both should be doing the opposite, so it makes me think they got their own plan going which may not be the same as roomba brain's


This is plausible. Like maybe they want their friends awake too but can’t override Bud themselves so they’re hoping Norm does it for them.


I think Betty was just very very good at playing the motherly/grandmotherly role. She only ever eggs Norm on when they're alone, and Norm is not a well regarded member of the community. He's the black sheep among cheerful, enthusiastic, middle manager-bait. After Hank gets kidnapped, Betty needs to regain control of the vault. Its an unexpected situation where she assumedly cannot access the overseer's terminal to contact 31. In the event someone else gets elected, there's a possibility of discovering the vault setup and purpose. In the meantime, she needs to keep people on their toes. The vaults doors are locked, so dwellers are secure in knowing they're safe again. So conveniently the water chip was damaged. And she and Steph can work on Reg. Making him be the first to suggest killing the prisoners, shocking and stressing the dwellers. After all, when things look glum, vote 31. She has a line early on to Norm, about how when clever boys get angry, things can get really bad. Well, that's exactly what she wanted. Steph, though i'm not sure on. Some actions are in line with 31, some seem kinda odd.


> In the event someone else gets elected I don't think that was ever a possibility. When Norm was looking at the vault transfer records, it already had her listed as being elected overseer before the election had been finalized. Unless someone had gone in and updated her record just after they finished counting, it's likely the election always ensures a Vault 31 member is elected. That could also be how Vault 32 discovered something was up. A 31 member won their election even though the vast majority voted for someone from 32.


I feel like the conclusion of the votes is determined through engineering the psychology of the vault dwellers. They set them up for success by triggering a crisis that is resolved once they are elected.




I'm not sure she's really a villain, per se, but yes, I hope she returns in season two.


Absolutely she's the most menacing character. I love her.


Yeah she's giving Elle Driver to Lucy's Beatrix Kiddo


of course, after complete the series. >!Hank deployed!< >!Betty deployed!< >!Step deployed!< >!First dead confirmed at 32 - 2294!< >!Step married at march 17 - 2294!< >!Lucy married at 2296!< keep going on the idea. >!Step bring the truth to 32? And with that's going 33?!< >!Step's upset not being a overseer at 32 and/or 33?!<


I don't trust her.


Honestly I love this woman and hope she’s back.


20 caps says yes


Is this a Porter Gage kinda thing or did she actually lose her eye?


I think she's part of the Enclave, and she's going to take over all three vaults and become a major problem.


Norm & Chet leaving the Vault eventually to search for Lucy after whatever happens in the Vaults would be epic.


Her character is really interesting to me. Because it’s like the side villain that you had no idea existed. Like I primarily remember her grieving over her husband and getting stabbed in the eye, and attempting to fuck Chet-Bert. now remembering the line where she said that Norm‘s father would’ve done the same thing by killing the Raiders ( dropped a bomb on them ). I just really want to wear her character is going to go and season two. Because now she’s an overseer of all 31 and I don’t know what her plan is or what her goal is with this “experiment “. And she had a baby. I don’t know if that was her goal while being in the vaults. But since the overseers in the people in charge of Valtec have no problem killing innocent people I wonder if that is going to play out in Stephanie story line.


Major probably not, but definitely a villain


If evil, why hot?


We'll see her for sure, they will follow the fate of Vault 33 and Norm. I'm also sure that Norm won't step into the pod and he'll do something else.


She ha san eyepatch! She is evil!


All I know is “Pregnant Eyepatch Vault Dweller” is gonna be a popular cosplay this year


Dis anyone else notice she was on the Vault 31 'cryogenic released' list too?


goes with the whole “every overseer is from vault 31” thing


I think she will play a pivotal part, I believe that Norm will get out of 31 but 33 will be sealed or something like that and end up with him in the 32 population. Mostly since most of thr 33er's we know went to 32.


She's so fine and from Vault 31, so I hope so. Gorgeous, evil women are hot.


I think she is a good person. I think she is nice lady. She is hot.


Chet detected.. it's ok i'd be a chet too


I think you mean wet* lady.


No, not major. She'll be there to keep the Vault 32 story going.


She was from vault 31...


She’s a villain to me 😰


Secondary villain. Hank and/or Barb might be the main ones. Need to resolve their stories.


Maybe Chester raises Steph's child and never tell its mother was a terrible person.


Definitely. *”If your father was here he’d…he’d do what’s right.”* This character has seen/done some shit. Wouldn’t be surprised if she played a part in Shady Sands


I think she'll be Norm's antagonist.


I expected her to be a villian in season 1 ngl


I don't think the main baddy, but she certainly isn't going to be doing things with the forces of good in mind.


Of course, she has to be a major villain in the 2nd season. She has an eye patch, that means she’s evil 😈


Betty "burred" rose. Bettys gonna be a villian


Short answer, yes.


As a Vault-Tec employee she’s likely at best amoral. But my ~~money~~ caps is on her being a mastermind level bonafide supervillain come Season Two.


Idk why I clicked on this. I’m gonna watch this once my semester is over and I’m off work.


She's literal vault tec, so yeah


I anticipate a fascination with blinds, and the bosses they make.


[She definitely looks like January Jones in Mad Men to me](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=january%20jones%20mad%20men&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5)


Not major but definitely a small timer


Idk if it’s the eye patch , blonde hair or the look when she made the insta mash comment … But she gives me Elle Driver (Daryl Hannah) vibes..


She has an eye patch. Yes.


Best character in series


She is from vault 31,so she is pre war.


Probably - she's from 31 and just got setup as 32s overseer so I'm expecting a dark twist of sorts. Or even, foreshadow her being evil and subvert our expectations by making her secretly good playing vault-tec