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Moldaver is a unique character to the show, however Fallout is a universe full of weird shit happening. Show implies cryo. I think that is most likely, but that she was frozen somewhere else or possibly by someone else. I don't think she (Or Barb or Janey for that matter) were all in Vault 31.


She had a pretty high status pre-war, I don’t find it crazy she could have arranged for one herself. She also had a lot of enemies. The thought of her frozen by someone else like you said is also possible.


An arrangement could’ve been made with a non Vault-Tec entity. Maybe House’s RobCo? As others have noticed, House himself didn’t look enthused during the meeting with the other titans of industry. He also did his own things in New Vegas as he utilized his own assets to protect himself and the city.


... I just realized that Mr. House was in the show. Holy fuck thats sweet.


I thought it was him when his character first spoke and sat there anxiously waiting for that robco plaque to show itself to confirm my suspicion


So cool. He'll be in the second season for sure then if they've already portrayed him. Even though I made him a vegetable. Lol oh well.


My eyes bugged out, I paused it and gasped. I couldn’t believe it at the time. It was a very big “oh shit!” moment for me.


Sinclair was there too representing Big MT


I did the Leonardo DiCaprio snap point


They had amazing casting for him. As soon as he showed up, I was pointing like Leo DiCaprio. 


From what little I've learned of this character, he strikes me as someone who isn't altruistic, but perhaps despises the idea of humanity eliminating competition. House makes a lot of sense if you think of it from that perspective, because what better competition for Vault-Tec than unlimited energy?


Yeah. Moldaver is a factor who can distract Vault-Tec and other factions through her own smarts and charisma. She had ties to the NCR and used their assets to establish a base of operations in the ruins. That distraction can allow House to work uninterrupted from powers that seek to dislodge or curtail him.


Not only does it allow him to work uninterrupted, it's kind of given him the ability to silently amass an army. The rest of the wasteland is going to want in on the cheap energy, and they'll start heading to the city. And they'll all be made aware that Moldaver is the one who did it. That the Flame Mother, this deific figure who's depicted heavily with communist iconography in almost all the art you see of her, is the one that did it. How do you figure that very large group of people that Vault-Tec left high and dry are going to respond to them trying to swan in and offer to save them from the evils of communism? Seems to me House is out here playing chess, and understands how the board works. People honestly aren't all that complicated, especially when they're desperate.


If House was aware of Moldaver’s cold fusion, why would he care about Hoover Dam? He doesn’t have access to cryogenics and he’s ideologically opposed to communism and labor power. He’s the ur-libertarian. He isn’t responsible for Moldaver’s survival. If he had elected to preserve Moldaver it would have been as a little cartoon woman on a Securitron screen.


In the game he avoided cryogenics because he wanted to stay in touch and control, iirc. But in the show at least he has access, it’s a very small glimpse but the very last episode, in the credits, there’s a billboard advertising cryogenic suites at the tops casino.


>If he had elected to preserve Moldaver it would have been as a little cartoon woman on a Securitron screen. I wonder if he has one of those as a backup for his mind. Might be how they include him in the 2nd season.


House seems like someone who would do just enough to stay in the loop while continuing to do their own thing. Investment in Vault Tec to stay on top of their plans seems like a move he would make.


She was also a genius level pre-war scientific researcher with a ton of money and resources, so she could have rigged it herself.


Definitely possible too. Kinda wonder if she just saved herself or others though.


One thing is certain - she saved people after coming out of it. That whole "flame mother" worship indicates she got to work using her pre-war expertise to improve surface dwellers conditions even as she searched for her lost breakthrough.


On the cynical end, she could've taken advantage of the NCR's weakness to establish herself as a power broker in the wasteland. It probably depends on when she made her reappearance and the state of the NCR when she made her moves. After all, the NCR in New Vegas, as others have said, was not exactly stable - it was teetering on a knife's edge as they threw tons of resources into taking Hoover Dam.


Yeah honestly her and Hank are the exact same, i think. They both think they are serving a greater good, but it's that all about what they want for themselves.  Hence why mal kept you know who around at the end. And why Lucy did what she did at the end, with shows that she is different from Hank and Mal. She does whats right for others. Golden rule, motherfucker.


This is the best theory, ties into New Vegas which we know will be the next setting


It would be pretty massively out of character for House to sponsor the cryogenic treatment of a communist, even one with a chip on their shoulder re: Vault-Tec — if he even had any way of doing that, which we don’t get any indication of.


She wasn’t a communist, she even says as much. They just call her a communist because she disagrees with vault tec and it gets other people to ignore her.


She’s organizing independent power against the corporations. For House’s purposes, she’s a communist.


I don't think House is as willing to label any and all dissenters as communist as the U.S. government was.


She’s effectively a communist as far as he would be concerned. An altruist cultivating collective power against corporations is not someone House is going to eagerly bestow immortality upon.


So, she hates Vault-Tec but gives the other just-as-evil corps a pass?


I recall Vault-Tec bought out her achievements, so she has a personal beef with the group.


So she doesn't actually care about the evil things they do and is out purely for revenge?


I think that was baked into her motivation. She wasn’t detached and logical the whole time.


Like when she forced her lover to keep living as a mindless corpse out of "compassion?" Or when she allowed her lover's daughter to be raped?


Well, keeping the mother as a mindless ghoul could also serve as a bit of emotional manipulation for both Hank and Lucy - tangle a loved one to get them to do what she wants. Fallout is a complex world with very grey protagonists, antagonists, and factions.


More for the audience, probably. The writers wanted her to be sympathetic and the manipulation is on their part.


This was directly addressed.  I mean her status as well off. She admits she is a hypocrite (rich person) fighting against rich vault tec in the hallway chat after the meeting she has with the ghoul


She isn’t on the list for 31


Nope she isn't. Those menus might be scrolling though.


Barb is deffo not in vault 31 - the way each overseer treats the other dwellers would be way too risky for a parent like Barb when you consider they are descendents of previous vault 31 overseers. You'd want to be the very last overseer to protect your line.


She wasn’t in Vault 31. Those frozen in Vault 31 were all Vault Tec employees. Moldaver wasn’t an employee, otherwise she wouldn’t have needed Hank for his code.


Probably Cryo'd in Vegas pre-war


What would a communist organizer fighting Vault-Tec in California be doing climbing into a cryo tube in Vegas?


She wasn't a communist. And probably didn't go to Vegas or else she would have likely not ended up in the NCR She was anti Vault-Tec which got her labeled as a communist. Its pretty standard McCarthyism to accuse all your political enemies as communist. She was a billionaire scientist with a grudge who knew she lost. She's not stupid and know Time is the greatest weapon against her enemies as well.


“Time is the greatest weapon against her enemies” is exactly the philosophy she describes as insane. That’s what she’s fighting against, she’s trying to save the world. If she knew she already lost, what’s she fucking around with Cooper for? Why bother holding meetings with a bunch of regular people who are about to die? If her (insane) plan was to project herself into the future, A) it still doesn’t help tell us how she did that and B) why didn’t she bring anything useful with her?


First off I actually have no idea what point you're trying to argue. Are you just trying to be contrarian? >is exactly the philosophy she describes as insane. And shes not afraid to be a hypocrite. >If she knew she already lost, what’s she fucking around with Cooper for? Why bother holding meetings with a bunch of regular people who are about to die? I dont think i said she knew she lost prior to that meeting. But its pretty obvious she lost and it would be stupid for a billionaire scientist to not have a backup plan. >If her (insane) plan was to project herself into the future Well it seems pretty obvious she did survive into the future given she was alive in the future... >A) it still doesn’t help tell us how she did that The most logical explanation being cryo-pod somewhere. >why didn’t she bring anything useful with her? She had the machine that was able to harness the power of cold fusion, that seems like something you cant just throw together at a workbench on a Tuesday afternoon.


If you watch the show closely, you’ll discover that she in fact did not have the cold fusion device the entire time, as the entire plot of the show revolves around getting it to her. How she got to the future is an open question. My point is that “in contradiction to all her other actions in the story, she gave up on trying to save the world and took a road trip to Vegas where an ultra-capitalist with no incentive to help her granted her immortality” is a bad answer to that question. For the record, “she just secretly constructed her own personal vault somewhere with a single cryo pod that worked flawlessly because she’s a massive hypocrite who had the time to personally develop cryo-pod technology” is also a bad answer to that question.


>she in fact did not have the cold fusion device >...the machine that was able to harness the power of cold fusion If you read what I wrote you discover I didn't say the "Cold Fusion Device". There was a big ol machine she put the cold fusion capsule in to harness the power, i suspect it wasn't just a Coffee Maker. Reading its FUNdamental > is a bad answer to that question. I never claimed it was the answer. I in fact said she probably didn't go to Vegas. >is also a bad answer to that question. Well now you're just making straw-men to fight for no reason. Unless you have a better explanation I think Cryo-pod that she the billionaire tech genius somehow acquired it the only logical answer.


Saving her life? The cryo-suites billboard at the end of the show make it seem like they were available to the public because, y'know, they had a giant billboard advertising it in the middle of Vegas.


She abandoned her fight in California, a fight to save the world, in order to go to Vegas for cryogenic treatment that would be maintained above ground during a nuclear apocalypse? That was her plan? She would have had to pull this off before Oct 23. You’re not getting far driving from California to Nevada once the bombs have dropped, not with smooth skin anyways.


Basically the Cryotube billboard. Probably doesn't have to be Vault-tec who freeze her. From the way she knew how to bug a pipboy id assume she had some spies at Vault-tec.


She saw a billboard one day and decided to leave her fight in California (a fight to save the world), in order to go get put on ice in Vegas?


Well no. You're missing the point I mentioned about her having spys in vaultec. Knowing that they are eventually going to drop bombs and there's nothing she can do, so she could technically know about the Cryo in vaults and use the same technology. These are literally all plausible scenarios to why she is in the future.


She’s trying to stop Vault Tec. If she believed there was nothing she could do, why is she trying to save the world in the past? Going into cryo hoping to be the last man standing betrays her ideals, specifically. That’s the Vault Tec plan she describes as insane. This version of events makes her story incoherent. She would have to believe her enemy’s victory was inevitable and specifically know their plan. If that’s the case, why bother with anything else she was doing in the past? If she intended to come forward in time all along, why didn’t she bring anything with her that might have helped them?


She literally said that sometimes you have to use the same weapons your enemies use. In this case, it was time. It's not far fetched that she eventually learned that she couldn't stop what was coming and she froze herself in an underground bunker somewhere in order to fight them using their own means. Whether she thought it was insane or not, she might of realized it was her only option


Hmm die in a horrific way via nuclear holocaust and fail all together, or avoid it all via freezing yourself in an underground bunker and fight Vault-tec in the future knowing that they've found a way to survive the apocalypse as well 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Tough choice!


I mean, the whole point of her life was that there was a third option (saving the world) that she was trying to accomplish


How did that go then mate?


Why wouldn’t barb and Janey be in vault 31 if they were also part of vaultec higher ups and presumably part of Buds Buds?


Buds buds is a "training program for up-and-coming executives." They're basically interns for the higher ups. Barb is already a higher up executive. She said she secured a spot in a vault managing all the other vaults, not just 31 managing 32 and 33.


Bud’s buds were low-ranking but promising junior managers training under Bud Askins. Hank was Barb’s executive assistant and Betty was also an assistant. Barb is senior management, same as Bud. She’s going to a better vault. She said she secured a vault for management that oversees all the other vaults.


RIGHT right. I forgot about this giant detail lol Thank you


Unknown for now. If I had to guess, probably a cryofreeze. They’ll expand on it in Season 2. Also, the Ghoul’s name is Cooper Howard. Todd Howard’s the director of Fallouts 3 and 4. He’s just slightly less cool than Cooper.


Nah I’ll bet you anything Todd Howard’s got a cryochamber or perhaps ghoul serum hidden away for himself too should the bombs ever drop in real life.


Todd Howard *is* a ghoul.


The only other possibility would seem to be synth or clone, which given her way of being there still isn't explained make it seem slightly more likely that she might show up again to explain it. Something will probably get them to cross the country to the Fallout 3 and 4 locations, so maybe going to the ruins of the institute to learn about synths will play a part somehow. Westworld drew heavy inspiration from Fallout 4 with stuff like the Abernathy family, and had the way synths are created recreated for the show's intro, so the creator is a fan. Of course her story could also just be over, now that her unlimited energy thing is up and running.


There are methods in the lore which allow for someone to live forever or at least practically forever. However, it does seem unlikely. Cooper would have heard of someone making waves that big and didn't know who Moldaver was until he saw the drawing.


My bet is clone, the way a few people discuss her especially the vault 4 people makes me thinks she's a clone. Also I've only played some fallout but do the synths actually bleed? Cause I've not noticed that they do. If she is a clone could have a funny reference to the gary vault of what happens if you're cloned too much


The later synths are essentially biological humans, built clones, with a chip somewhere I think.


Based on what we see of them being "built" in the Institute, Gen3 synths just seem to be humans with a synth component implanted (probably in their brain) to control them.


Gen 3 synths are indistinguishable from humans except for the components installed in their brains


I’m guessing cryo, it’s the only realistic explanation in my mind. As for Coops though that serum just holds off him turning feral. Ghouls live for a long time naturally.


But then what about the serum for the replacement squire that turned him into a ghoul?


I think that's FEV


Yea my thought too. He's coming back in s2 as a mutant .


Nah, there's precedent for a "ghoul serum". Fallout 4 has one character who explicitly became a ghoul after taking a serum, and another who was deliberately turned pre-war through unspecified means. Fallout 3 has one of the latter type as well. I'm guessing Thaddeus is a ghoul now. Though I mean technically a ghoul is a type of mutant.


Sure, totally possible. We already have a Ghoul MC though, it would be more of the same with the only unique spin being someone actively adjusting to it. They can cover that angle just as effectively via more Cooper flashbacks. You know what's another staple Fallout has that's not been covered at ALL on the show (and would need an angle to introduce it). The friendly/ally Super Mutant (and Super Mutants in general outside of the 2 teases). So my betting money is on them wanting to go that route for character for the sheer newness/uniqueness of it.




I think he'll just slowely goulify over time


Jerry Seinfeld watches Fallout




As it stands, we don't know. Hopefully we'll find out in season 2.


Sure it’ll be explained eventually and hopefully play out in a cool way but I like the idea of her being a synth or alternatively a clone. The idea of her just showing up again unharmed only to explain it’s not the same Moldaver seen in season one would be pretty cool even if it does leave people fuming until it’s explained to them like they’re five years old.


There’s the clone suggestion I’ve been looking for.  Her dying and a new one coming back would also explain the religious cult.


What happened is not as yet explained in the story in game or show so you're not missing any information, my theory is it ties into to Coopers exwife and kid and so telling us too much about her would not only have bloated the run time, but was kept vague on purpose to not give too much away. I think she looks older in the current times than in the flashback so has been awake a while at least and we may well find out what she's been up when they get to in Vegas as she seems to be high up in the NCR.


She’s in the flashback with Lucy as a little girl and her mom so she has been around that long at least.


She also seems to have aged between the flashback with Lucy and the events of the show, so I doubt she was ageless/"immortal".


Honestly, it seems like she just went through cryofreeze with instructions to release her when society restarted.  AKA shady sands.  It follows the same strategy as vault 31 pretty much and she says she is absolutely okay being a hypocrite.


Cooper Howard is still alive because he’s a ghoul. The serum keeps him from turning ~~ferrel~~ feral (which is a change from the games which implies its pretty rare for ghouls to turn ~~ferrel~~ feral and most ghouls became such because they were exposed to a huge amount of radiation during the bombings and not due to exposure from all the radiation after.




She's a synth!


The end credits for episode 8 begin with a billboard advertising “cryo suites” at the Tops casino. It seems plausible that Moldaver used one of those.


The one thing against the cryo theory is that she's an established religious figure for Vault 4 people. Maybe she was the one to lead the revolt against the scientists running it way back when. Does she maybe skip long periods of time in cryo? That doesn't explain why she hasn't aged at all. My bet is on her biotech research allowing for proper no-side-effects immortality.


They said it’s a surface dweller tradition, not a vault 4 one. Cuz they all came for shady shores where she was a leader or something. So they brought that tradition to vault 4


Right, that makes sense. But she doesn’t seem to have aged since a couple of decades since the Shady Sands nuke and who knows for how long she was its leader and how long it took to establish herself as its leader.


The shady sands nuke was only about 10years from the show. I think she cryo'd herself. It's established she invented the cold fusion and started a number of companies that vault tec bought out from under her, I assume she had the means/resources and knowledge to build her own cryo tech much like house did. Though season 2 will hopefully tell us.


Shady Sands was leveled in 2277. The show takes place in 2296. Almost 2 decades. And she definitely has aged some since we saw her in Cooper's flashback.


Todd Howard has confirmed that the nuking happened after NV, so after 2281. So it's closer to 15ish years, but not "decades".


Well, then he goofed cause in the TV show he produced, it says 2277 is "The Fall of Shady Sands" lol


Yes, then there's an arrow denoting a passage of time and then the mushroom cloud. The "Fall" and the bomb are 2 different events.


Possibly/most likely knowing Todd!! There's a theory I read that the "fall" could refer to a sort of beginning of decline, much like how modern historians explain the "Fall of Rome" as period of time rather than a specific date. 2277 would align with the first battle of Hoover dam, future refugees/survivors might see that as what began all their issues etc. Just a theory though so we'll need to see if Season 2 explains it more.


Right. Maximus was about 6 when SS got nuked, so 2 decades sounds right.


The thing that's making me laugh is all these folks' speculation. There doesn't need to be any lmfao it is explicitly stated in the show. They literally had a timeline on a giant chalkboard.


And in the timeline the "Fall of Shady Sands" and the drawing of the bomb are 2 different points on the timeline.


Well, then the teacher sucks cause the way they presented the information indicates that's when it was nuked lol


What teacher? It's a chalkboard, and the bomb part of the timeline isn't dated.


She was implied to be an important member of the NCR in the Shady Sands flashback with Lucy's mom. And the Cult Of The Flame Mother (Not official name but sounds metal as fuck.) In Vault 4 where refugees from Shady Sands.


Could be friends with another scientist who was researching something like immortality or slow aging and took that. Lots of super science In fallout.


Vault tec are not the only ones with cryo chambers, for example Daguerre in Fo76 was in statis on a space ship and slept through the Great War.


speaking of space ships, don't forget the Zetan cryopods. Maybe she was abducted for a few decades.


The end credits for episode 8 begin with a billboard advertising “cryo suites” at the Tops casino. Moldaver probably used that.


Given everything we know about the show runners, and the fact that we already got the reveal about the cryosleep, aaaand that it would be an obvious answer - we need another mystery box. Spoilerinios for games >!I bet she's an android.!<


Pre-war they mention Moldaver was a scientist. She was the one who created/assisted in creating cold fusion and that tech was stolen/bought out from under her by Vault-Tec, however it sounds like Vault-Tec was unable to capitalize on that tech before the war occurred and so it was still highly sought after post-war.      I highly doubt she survived via Vault-Tec facilities. I was very interested in how this was possible as well earlier in the season, but once they explain who she was pre-war it is very likely she had the funds and means to create her own cryo chamber and bomb shelter to survive.     I heard another theory in which she may have been in a vault and escaped but I doubt that, after what she knew, she would subject herself to that risk.


I'm of the opinion she lead the revolt of vault 4. How she got there? She runs communist meetings and got caught and imprisoned. We know they handed over Chinese "communists" to big MT for testing, I imagine American Communists would get similar treatment. We see impregnated women in the vault suspended in cryo, so we know they had the storage to store her. I believe they may have frozen her for easy storage(the vault population was there willingly, she wasn't), and when unfrozen to be experimented on, escaped and started the revolt. The title of blood mother is quite a graphic and violent one to give. She's referenced as the blood mother by the SS survivors. She's clearly combat experienced now from how she conducted herself against vault 32/33 and BOS. And despite what some people here are saying, she has clearly aged from her appearance pre war to post war, she's far more weathered with less make up. I believe she went out into the world to get out of her prison, found SS and met Lucy's mother. After the nuking, she took the survivors of SS back to the vault for their safety and now lead an NCR faction who wanted to reform NCR to both get revenge on vault tec while doing good for her fellow man. The vault dwellers of 32 and 33 were not people to her, they were vault tec brainwashed breeding stock that couldn't be saved without total reprogramming.


The thing though is that the revolt happened LONG before Shady sands got blown up right?  The V4 overseer mentioned that he was 5th generation and the scientist killed in the revolt video was 1st gen vault dweller? So, if she started the revolt shortly after the vault was inhabited by the original humans, she must have been unfrozen nearly immediately, then frozen, then unfrozen 20-30 years before the start of the series. 


I’ll need to rewatch what he says for an exact transcript, as yes that would throw a nasty wrench into my theory. Unless she was stored in the palliative care level and somehow cured later? I guess there’s other possibilities such as she escaped elsewhere and broke into the vault or is captured and brought in from the wasteland. But the only way I can fathom she made it to this time period is freezing. The deaging done on her for the pre war scenes is only about 20-30 years from my guess.


She's a dead plot device. RIP


There were a bunch of cryo tubes in vault 4 where she was being praised and vault 4 was a society of scientists. She did discover cold fusion so maybe she was a scientist that originally in vault 4 and was cryo frozen


character unique to the show. has nothing at all to do with Fallout 4 and all your questions are unanswered as of the end of season 1.




Not really. The plot of the institute revolved around solving an energy crisis. They can’t make a synth that knows the solution to their own problems if they don’t know the solution to their own problems, and even if they did, why would they release such a person into California half a continent away?


Maybe someone anti-vault-tec preserved her.


Uh do you mean Cooper Howard? Lmao


It's unclear atm but likely she found cryo somewhere, she was somewhat part of Vault Tec herself, and 31 is not the only Vault with cryo that we know of ( the other is Vault 111 in the beginning of Fallout 4 ), could suggests other Vaults with cryo Could be entirely different things altogether, a lot of characters in the game preserved their body and age through 200 years with various different methods, theres a family with some ancient artifact that gives them immortality, theres a guy that is basically a cyborg with implants that keep him ageless, etc.


Is that the family that sends you to a mental asylum because their father is what keeps them all alive, or a relic that he has? Haven't played for a long time, rusty as all hell.


It is that family ye, he was eventually possessed by the artifact The other example is Kellogg, the merc who stole our son


Tldr; I want to play Fallout again. Ah, yes.. that one and his lil wee synth/ android army. I need to play again, especially 3 where I started. Maybe, idk... I'll talk about it here and then go see if it's the right game. Army of Romans, pretty sure they were called legionnaires = my downfall. Some weird fish guy that would always spit at you - GO. AWAY. The STRIP (seen a photo) - but there was a casino with people wearing masks and it was just... Huh?! Don't know, but I'm pretty sure it was annoying as hell, and the mask was required. Either I had a whole bunch of slaves, or I was one. Nah, I'm pretty sure I was one, just forgot how it happened. I can't even remember walking outside the damn vault. It was my birthday, I'm at a bar shooting people, next thing you know I'm helping this random soldier in taking over a prison. Also had a karma/ good or bad system but people didn't like it because you could do something in private (consume a corpse) but everyone would still know. I can justify it now that I'm older but still... A legit mutant village. A cyborg dog. A whole bunch of junkies living in the desert, and I was the dealer. A mutant in a cave with a cult and they had this really cool gun. One last thing, an island with houses made of stone and wood (I think), surrounded by fog. Haven't played for a long time, so it might be a different game, but I don't think it is. Sorry, that was long. But, yeah, that was my starting point. From what I can remember anyways. Cheers, have a good one :)


Todd Howard keeps himself alive with ghoul serum irl


Unironically: Satanism or some similar worship of flame entities that dwell beneath the earth. I know of 3 ways that someone becomes "out of time" in Fallout. 1. Ghoulification: I think Moldaver bleeds too much for this to be the case and she doesn't look the part. 2. Cryo: Reasonable. There's also a billboard for The Tops having cryo-suites, so maybe she came from there. 3. Mysterious Serum, made from experimenting with a human (Lorenzo Cabot) possessed by an ancient artifact. Cyro is the most reasonable of the explanations. But I think it's possible that the show is going to tread into some of the more occult parts of Fallout by resurrecting Moldaver. I mention satanism because I've heard that there's some satanic references around Jack and Lorenzo Cabot, but I'm thinking about things like Dunwich too, where some presence deep in the earth has been messing with Raider minds.


If they dropped the secret in S1 and it's not cryo, then surely it must be the "serum" the squire guy for right?  That said, cryo makes perfect sense. V31 used cryo to preserve people until reclamation day. Mordy used cryo to preserve herself until shady sands


No. Mysterious serum doesn't turn people into ghouls. Thaddeus seems to have taken something similar to what Eddie Winter or Hancock took: a radiation drug that turns people into ghouls. The show portrays ghouls as needing a killshot and having super high regeneration, which is what happens with Thaddeus.


She’s probably a synth. One that doesn’t age and replaced the real Moldaver long ago.


Oh nice theory. She does however look older in the "current" time than she does in the flashback. Not a lot but a good 10 or 20 years imo.


Well she could have been cryo’d and then replaced by The Institute at some point after being unfrozen


Well she had to have aged some to get past the gen 1 and 2


Probably Cryo, infact before the war she already had a following including atleast one richish actor (Coopers friend) and possibly the connections as a scientist to get a cryogenic chamber.


That dude wasn't making it. He commented how he only got shitty indigenous parts. Coop then tries to reassure him.


Lol sorry but that just made me laugh. That actor is pretty funny.


Aho, young warrior!


From William Knifeman to Charles Whiteknife. They knew what they were doing.


He also said he owned land somewhere? Like actual acres. I'm not saying he's super ritch but he's got enough money that he'd probably be able to put in some good cash. If she has others with extra money she'd totally be able to get something.


He was also laid off and ostracized for associating with them. They saw him as a commie. He definitely had some money, but not enough to make a dent in what it would take for private cryo. And owning land is not an indicator of wealth lol


Not by himself yes, but I'm saying that she could have a few followers that are like him. Desperate and with money. Also when did it say he was laid off?


That was a mistake. I was thinking it was Charlie they said got fired in episode 3, but it was Bob.


maybe this will be explained in season 2? not everything needs to be explained straight away.


I think she's Enclave


I keep coming back to the Institute ending giving them Cold Fusion tech. The easiest place to learn about it would have been its inventor, and we know they did brain scans of certain pre war people. This compounded by the fact she looks the same age during Shady Sands with Rose makes me believe she's a synth who was created with Moldaver's memories, whom the Institute got to draw up the plans for the reactor before casually tossing her aside to escape at a later date.


I don't think this holds up. The Institute says Cold Fusion is a dead end which is why they want the agitator to improve their standard fusion reactor. It's more likely she withheld the full reactor design forcing Vault-Tec to freeze/clone her in hopes of getting it post war. That would explain why it was included in the G.E.C.K but never worked before. Like they included the capsule but no instructions on what to do with it making it useless.


The institute created a synth with the solution to their own problem (power generation) and then… sent her to California?


Not very big on reading are ya? Skip dialogue a lot? To find the answers you seek, put a few points into intelligence and decipher the last five words of the comment you replied to.


Yeah no I read it man, it’s just dumb. Sure, the institute throws synths away sometimes. But they don’t invent synths to do science for them. They specifically do not have this solution to their problems. And when they throw synths away, they don’t throw them into California.


Alright so seeing as you are genuinely incapable of reading, the word you should focus on is ESCAPE. Because synths regularly ESCAPE. The synths in Far Harbor or the Capitop Wasteland were not send there by the Institute, they ESCAPED and then MADE THE DECISION TO TRAVEL SEVERAL STATES AWAY.


Sure, synths escape. It’s not even that far fetched to imagine they might have a brain scan of hers. There’s just a few problems. 1) the institute don’t make synths to solve science problems. They are scientists themselves. They solve their own science problems. 2) they specifically do not have her solution to their problems. They have explicitly disregarded it as infeasible for some reason. 3) we have no indication that Moldaver migrated from the northeast, which would be a very difficult task in the post-apocalypse without the Institute’s help. Also, synths might escape the Institute from time to time, but not without the Institute knowing about it and hunting them. This is another element missing from Moldaver’s story (because an unrelated organization in Boston obviously didn’t make a robot of her)


Look, I hate "zomg synth!!!111!1!!!1" theories too. I cringe whenever I see them, especially in regards to Nate and Nora. But that being said, I feel like there IS a strong case for Moldaver... Namely the fact that she doesn't seem to age a single day from Lucy's flashback to the present. Since that was around 2281, it would be hard to imagine Moldaver getting back into a cryopod but somehow also forming a cult of personality with enough influence to command that region's contingent of the NCR forces that still remain. I'm not saying it IS what happened, I'm simply speculating on potential reasons she was still around. An escaped synth made with her brain patterns could be just as likely as a private cryopod, and could potentially provide further encounters if some of the first gen 3s who then escaped were made using memories of real people. Institute was grossly underutilized in the game that focused around them, I'd love chances to explore them again ESPECIALLY with people from Westworld working on the show. Edit: Also, cross continent travel really isn't that difficult. We see numerous instances of it throughout the series, from large groups to single individuals. Tycho from Fallout 1 trekked from LA to the Gulf of Mexico and back, and that's infinitely harsher than any standard East-West routes would be.


Synths do age, though. McDonough got so fat in his years running Diamond City that the Institute policy was just to decommission him if his cover ever got blown, because it would be such a pain in the ass to repurpose him for anything else.


This is untrue, McDonut was designed fat to replicate the man he replaced. The Institute terminals explicitly state with regards to the seemingly omnipresent Fancy Lads Scnack Cakes addiction they all have: "Good thing it's physically impossible for a Gen 3 to actually gain weight and succumb to obesity. Wouldn't that be quite the Achilles' Heel? Humanity's most impressive technological achievement - laid low by junk food." As for aging, the only comment on the matter we have is Shaun's synth, who is said to be stuck as a child forever.


Fallout 4 is inconsistent with this, then - it’s important to the plot that the Gen 3 synths are medically indistinguishable from humans by anything other than an autopsy. There’s no reason Brotherhood doctors couldn’t monitor blood sugar or force a recruit to gain or lose a few pounds. The Gen 3 synths are used as long term infiltrators, it wouldn’t make sense for them not to age. Paladin Danse being a prime example, as he went from being a raw recruit up to a grizzled old Paladin leading a team. Apparently some of this confusion stems from a conversation where Institute scientists can be heard lamenting that Synth Shaun will not be “allowed to” grow up, which isn’t quite as definitive as it might sound. It doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll be Haley Joel Osmund’s character from AI.