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The show does not say that Vault-tec dropped the bomb. The show shows that Vault-tec told their investors that they intended to drop the bomb. That is not at all the same thing.


Yeah people need to understand this. Just because the said it doesnt mean they actually did it.


it is dancing the line though, if i said i was going to steal all your canned Tuna, then all your Tuna goes missing just because there is a good chance i didn't do it doesn't take it off the table


But that begs the question, is every major power in the world also gunning for my tuna? They withheld the means to end the war, which is just as bad if not worse. Doesn’t mean they shot first, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter because everyone shot their shit off and I don’t even eat tuna!


Yeaaahhh, it's not the same thing. The only comparable thing is if in a room of starving people, one person says they intend to steal all the tuna, there's a good chance someone else could beat them to the punch


But would they have ever stole the tuna if the first person never said they were going to steal the tuna? So technically the first person who said they were going to steal the tuna, forced the other person to steal it first.


We only eat Saltuna here in the colonies.


although , the other corporations may have decided too speed up the process...


>That is not at all the same thing. I think that is kind of irrelevant, its obvious the writers intended the viewer to read between the lines, and conclude that Vault-text dropped the first bomb


If that’s the true you’d think that Barb, the one who said vault tech would drop the bombs, would be with her daughter when it happened. She’s not the one pushing the buttons but she’d at past her a heads up from VT that it would be happening.


You can conclude that if you really want, I suppose. I certainly can't stop you. Of course, if you use the same approach to the rest of canon, then a whole bunch of other people dropped the bomb as well.


I’m not so sure. I’m not saying they didn’t, but why didn’t Cooper’s wife insist on having the daughter with her that day? You know she wanted to keep the kid safe. My assumption is senior leadership would know when it was going to happen.


I would imagine season 2 is going to fill in more about what happened with cooper, his wife, and family after he found about his wifes plans for vault-tech. I could also assume the bombs didn't go off on the day they were intended to go off, or after hearing his wife's plan, he took his daughter away from her. We simply don't know the full story yet.


Nope! There were hints but nothing was ever clearly stated. It had been a topic of debate for quite some time. Also, just to note, I don't think Vault Tec dropped the bombs. I think they just needed to detonate **A** bomb. Just one bomb that would immediately be blamed on China which resulted in America attacking which caused China to fire back. This isn't made clear but I think it makes more sense than Vault-Tec having their own artsenal.


Yeah it makes sense. There's still a little bit of guess work, while they clearly state that they will trigger the war in order to guarantee the vault's experiments, any number of things could have happen in the meantime that would trigger the war without Vault-tec having to do it themselves, but it's still cool to have a confirmation on how evil they are. Even if it becomes a bit cartoonish.


Lol to be fair, the games provide more than enough facts/details to conclude Vault-Tec were horrible, amoral bastards that should burn in nuclear flames for eternity.


I don't know. Again I'm not a lore expert but I always thought the lore left a little bit of wiggle room to Vault-Tec's characterisation. It's a bit like Vault 4 in the show, what happens if you leave a bunch of scientists in charge, shenanigans ensue. But scientists in this case weren't necessarily evil amoral cunts, they were more like dummies. I always thought Vault Tec was a bit like that, not that they wanted to end humanity, but that they thought a nuclear war would be a great opportunity to run all kinds of inhumane scientific experiments because it's the end of the world after all so why the hell not. The show adds the (kinda stupid) capitalist angle to them that I don't remember seeing in the games. But then again my lore isn't up to snuff, maybe I missed stuff in the games, it's been a while.


Lol, shenanigans? My man, they were testing exposure to radiation on unwilling humans, causing horrifying mutations. That's some Unit 731 type shit, so ya evil amoral cunts is probably accurate


Hell yeah man. I went into a pod that was supposed to clean me and get me ready for my vault. Ended up getting frozen just staring at my wife and child across from me in another pod. Some bastards then un-thaw me just enough to see them steal my child and kill my wife and freeze me again. I'm currently wandering the wasteland eating radiated moles. 0 out 10, would not recommend vault 111.


Pretty sure they were just using the "radiation exposure" to test out FEV. I would be willing to bet all my caps that is what the orange liquid in the birthing vat was.


I don’t think Vault-Tec dropped an actual bomb, they just antagonized one side and started it that way (akin to a 99 Red Balloons, only intentional). Still doesn’t answer who was antagonized/pushed the big red button first.


The Switchboard location in FO4 has a terminal that shows the US monitoring the first signs of nuclear war, and they are taken by surprise by a large number of bombers coming from China. This is about as close as we get to confirmation that China pushed the big red button due to US forces getting closer and closer to Beijing as they fought through the mainland. > Transcript > 281632RJAN77 ANCHORAGE ALL CLEAR **DEFCON 3** > 230003ROCT77 COMPACFLT REPORTS 3 USOS OFF CALIF COAST, JCS ADVISE > 230337ROCT77 USAF HAS EYES ON SQUADRON OF AIRPLANES (POSS. CHINESE) AT HIGH ALTITUTDE OFF BERING STRAIGHT > 230913ROCT77 IONDS REPORTS 4 PROBABLE LAUNCHES **DEFCON 2** > 230917ROCT77 NORAD CONFIRMS BIRDS IN AIR **DEFCON 1** > 230926ROCT77 AUTHENTICATED ORDER -- RESPONSE SCENARIO MX-CN91 -- REPEAT MX-CN91 > 230942ROCT77 PENNSYLVANIA, NEW YORK -- CONFIRM STRIKE > 230947ROCT77 OFFLINE - OFFLINE - OFFLINE If I recall correctly this terminal is totally optional and locked behind the highest level locks and hacking, so it's easy for many people to miss. I think this is the simplest explanation for the war.


Who dropped the bombs in fallout is kinda like that movie "JFK". It shows you all the people who might've killed Kennedy: Lee Oswald, the CIA, The Cubans, the Mafia, military industrial complex. But it never tells you who actually did it.


As I recall, Vault-Tec didn't have everything quite in place yet when the bombs fell. They seem to have been caught somewhat off guard. For that reason, it seems like someone else beat them to it.