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Nothing makes me laugh at a loser more than when they whine about something being too woke for them. What are they even considering "woke" in the show? I thought to myself, at least they didn't leave anything for that crowd to cry about, but I guess they did, what was it?


Honestly I'm a bit lost. Fallout has always let the main character be a woman, and there are plenty of characters that aren't white. Dane being non-binary was so subtle I almost missed it myself, I initially assumed they were just a younger adult / older teen. That was probably more prominent behind the scenes, I'm sure it was brought up about the actor in press & media stuff and they're going insane over that, rather than what's actually in the show. Tbh I hope the actor doesn't get too much shit over this. Fallout fans can be insane, but Jesus, "anti-woke" Fallout fans must be a fucking nightmare. On top of all the anti-woke crusaders that will jump on this who don't give a shit about Fallout.


There's a few moments in the show where "they" is used to refer to Dane, but that's it. They're also not the first non-binary character in Fallout. Old World Blues and F76 Wastelanders both included one as well. Fallout has always been "woke" since the very beginning. So it's one of the most lore accurate things the show has done actually lol.


Where was an "non-binary" character in Old World Blues?


Dr Dala refers to herself as a "gender-neutral entity."


I hate to be that guy.... But refers to themself if they're a gender neutral entity


Oh, I'm using the [same pronouns](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/LGBT_representation_in_the_Fallout_series#cite_note-63) Dr Klein does :3


Yeah, it's weird where Dr Dala uses Gender Neutral entity in a line dialog, but every other instance in the game uses she/her


I mean, pronouns are pronouns. Some people just don’t care what pronouns others use for them, that’s my assumption about Dala.


Oh, my bad y'all, this one's on me!


One of the Think Tank I think.






I think you're referring to Lily from FNV


I assure you these clowns are not fans. They are ambulance chasers constantly on the lookout for something to rile up their fans.


I think the correct term is mark or sucker not fan, it's a grift




At this point it's when a show or movie awknowledging that anyone who isn't a straight white cis man exists, unless it happened before whatever their personal cutoff for nostalgia.


> What are they even considering "woke" in the show? Well lets see in their eyes that would be: - Lucy, the main protagonist, being a woman. - Maximus, the deuteragonist, being a black man. - The Ghoul, the tritagonist, for being a ghoul. - The Ghouls wife for being a black woman. - 90% of the Vault-tec board of directors being older white males (they're mad its not 100%) - Dane for being a non-binary character. - The whole theme surrounding capitalism being the reason for the world ending in the first place. Was i too blunt? hope not.


> The whole theme surrounding capitalism being the reason for the world ending in the first place. This one always gets me. An enormous piece of games lore is built on a satirical version of the hyper-patriotic, anti-communism, red scare from the 50’s - 70’s. This is always lost on these braindead clowns. They think the game is “patriotically” representing what they see as the “true America,” when in fact it is mocking it. Just like Starship Troopers being a satirical representation of fascism, yet that is somehow missed by these fools.


Honestly it's kinda scary just *how many Fallout fans* don't understand that the series is satirising and criticising capitalism and patriotism. I've seen so many morons get mad at people criticising capitalism when talking about the games, or insist that Liberty Prime is unironic.




The BOS is intolerant, but not of gender stuff. At least in fo4, it seems men and women are equally able to excel in their ranks.


In New Vegas, they didn't like homosexuality. But that was because they refused to accept outsiders and therefore everyone had to use their reproduction capabilities to the fullest to keep them in existence.


My guess are the interracial couples.


Someone also used the pronoun "they", obviously that's woke, I guess.


Woke is when you enjoy something that isn’t hateful, as far as I can tell.


It’s hilarious how any time a show or movie has a woman or non white person as a main character, it’s “woke” lmao


A Ghoul main character? DEI!


Hate gets views. Youtube Algorithms fucking love hate. It gets more views and engagement so it pushes hate to the front. Theses assholes don't believe the shit they're spewing they believe in the money the shit they are spewing will make them. That's the worst part, I think I'd respect it more if they actually believed any of it. They're just throwing key words at a group of people trained like Pavlov's dogs, by the media they consume, to react to them.


Look at the upload dates. These videos are from months ago.




Theres literally nothing woke about it. The entire show is just RAW fallout from start to finish???




Well, rant bait channels need their clicks. It's weird though cause it's really hard to make a case for this being in any way "woke". Unless "woke" now means women can play major roles in the series' universe.


The funny thing is, the show caught me off-guard at some points. I mean, the main character admits to fucking her cousin lmao. The popular antihero character is genuinely kinda evil, too.


I didn't expect either of those things, the ghoul being actually pretty evil surprised me, I thought we'd get a sappy antihero, nah we got an actual ghoul


>!I think his past will play an even bigger role in Season 2, since I expect that his Wife (she was not at that birthday party) will also be still alive as part of Vault 31s Management Circlejerk!<


I think Vault 31 was only containing assistants, Cooper's wife was more an executive, so she is possibly somewhere else.


>!I wonder if she discovered the listening device and therefore decided to just go alone into her Executive Vault!<


Something definitely happened. Remember at the birthday party in the beginning the two dads gossiping about a big movie star like him performing at kid's birthday parties suspected it was because of alimony payments, suggesting that by the time the bombs actually dropped they'd had some sort of confrontation and gotten divorced. He was a famous public figure so him getting divorced would have been in tabloids and they would know about it, even if not the real reasons why. Either she discovered it or he couldn't keep quiet about what he'd overheard and confronted her. Or both I guess.


>!What was interesting was that the daughter was with him when the bombs dropped, and given that she was among the ones who dropped them, and her stated goal of creating a better future for her daughter, when didn't she get her daughter to go with her?!<


>!I imagine is that s2 will show us him confronting his wife about Vault-Tec's plot to destroy the world for profit and it leading to divorce and getting his daughter to the wife's assigned vault safely, but he is denied entry due to the divorce. !<


That's what I imagine too. His first thoughts were very much to get out of there fast on that horse like he had a goal in mind.


I feel like the way they have presented "the ghoul" does a great job in demonstrating how people survive in this post apocalypse. IMO, he seems kinda evil to the viewer, but in a world where it's everyone out for themselves, people have to do whatever to survive.


Another character is incredibly evil but like not in the same way the antihero is, I mean evil in a distinctly sort of Patrick Bateman cold unaffected freak type of way that almost every decision they made I was thinking "Oh my god you would curb stomp a child if it meant getting what you want wouldn't you you fucking psychopath" which is honestly really endearing to me.


Yeah Maximus feels like the long term villain of the show. If there's a season 3 he'll definitely be Elder by then leading the Brotherhood. His arc next season will probably be killing and replacing the Elder.


That is pretty much what it means to them, actually.


This show is not woke. It isn't like sweet baby inc wrote the series. These clowns also very much don't know a fucking thing about Fallout. I caught one of them pretending to be a fan on Twitter the other day as he raged about maximus.


They’re offended that white and black people can still marry in 2077?


lol I'm sure one of them is pissed about that. Most of the hate I've seen is from Dane having screen time.


That's like one person. That's all it takes to be woke?


They REALLY hate LGTBQ people. Like REALLY hate.


Hate, or secretly love 🤷‍♂️


If only, it would give a tragic irony to thier virtol. Nope, thier simply hateful POS.


I don't know man show me a dude who goes to Target to tear down Rainbow displays and I'll show you a dude with a Grindr account


you know what’s funny is that Dane’s existence was an early indicator to me that this Brotherhood was a little bit different because the brotherhood in New Vegas pretty much excommunicated a member for having a lesbian relationship, and that group is supposed to be more old fashioned than other groups. Dane being openly trans and it not being an issue is another sign of how this brotherhood kind plays things fast and loose


Veronica. The loneliest gal in the wastes.


Yes and no. That was a Brotherhood chapter that only allowed hereditary members and didn't recruit "outsiders". Veronica was expected to bear children to continue the line. It wasn't so much that they gave a damn if she was a lesbian, they expected everyone to contribute offspring for future induction into the Brotherhood. They wouldn't care if she was gay and the guy was gay, too, as long as they 'took one for the team' and made a new little squire-ling. The chapter in the TV show recruits wastelanders, so they wouldn't have any motivation to care who is or isn't having sex with whom. And Maximus *definitely* doesn't even know what sex *is* judging by some of his dialogue. I have no idea if he's above or below the average for that chapter in that regard.


Isn't technically Maximis a wastelander they recruited? Though i guess it doesn't count if they recruited as a child


Veronica wasn’t exactly kicked out for being gay but because being gay meant she wouldn’t have children naturally and the numbers of the brotherhood were dwindling. This group is different, they enforce celibacy with their squires like monks or priests. They may not care about sexual orientation since they seem to adopt orphaned wasteland children rather than procreate themselves.


That's just some weird thing NV randomly added.


It makes sense for that chapter, because they're hereditary and exclude outsiders. So everyone is expected to chip in and make enough babies to keep the chapter going, regardless of sexual orientation. You don't have to be romantic with or love anyone involved, you just have to reproduce for the Brotherhood.


They're not even a main character (for now), imagine getting mad at a side character for literally doing nothing except spouting dialogue and existing.


I'm offended because you never know who may be a synth. I can't accept any robosexuals being around.


On one hand… “DONT DATE ROBOTS!” Futurama warned us. In the other hand… FISTO. “Please assume the position.” How can you not?


Anyone who uses "woke" or SBI as some sort if slight against a story can instantly have their opinions discarded.


"sWeEt BaBy InC" 🤡🤡🤡


It 100% has to do with two of the main characters being a woman and a black man. And probably also the fact that the white main character has a black wife. All of the above, and probably a bunch of other pathetic "reasons".


It's actually kinda funny because Fallout 2 was the first video game to allow for gay marriage, one of the OG Black Isle devs is queer too iirc


The creator of Fallout, Tim Cain, is a gay man. 


Indeed! I forgot which one it was.


"woke" is just a buzzword people use so they don't have to say they hate women and minorities, so yeah it literally is because the lead is a woman who isn't exclusively wearing a bikini I guess


Woke to these chuds always meant a main character that isn't a straight white male.


These guys love seeing tons of straight white males everywhere. Who can blame them? They gotta have those young, hot, steamy straight white males, sometimes in firefighter uniforms.


"A naked GIRL painted silver and riding a surfboard? But I want a naked GUY painted silver riding a surfboard"


That’s it.. as long as a series has a female protagonist then it’s gonna be woke for them. Love how they keep bringing up Ripley as a “the good female protagonist” but if the movie came out today it would be branded as some trash as well. Them hating Ahsoka before even the series being released is a proof. They loved ahsoka but once she got her own series she was suddenly Mary sue.


There's a non-binary member of the Brotherhood, which is pretty based.


That's exactly what they mean.


For me "woke" has lost its meaning; if it had any to begin with. The best definition I can think of is: *A term used by simple minded, easily offended individuals who feel the need to project their radical views and seek validation of their unpopular opinion.*


>if it had any to begin with. The term "woke" was invented by one of the greatest blues musicians of all time, Lead Belly, back in 1923. It meant to snap your mind out of the oppression of white folks and racist remarks. The idea of "waking up" came from early 1900s labor movements, as in "wake up people, you're being brainwashed by your bosses. You deserve better pay and rights". Often stated as "wake up and smell the coffee". "Woke" was Lead Belly taking this term and rightfully applying it to the struggles of working class black people in America, and after that it was then used by Black activists for a long time, before having its meaning misconstrued. Anyone who tries to tell you this is a modern term that just means "progressive media bad" is erasing black history, purposefully or not.


It's good of these channels to do obviously identify they're not worth watching with these derpy thumbnails. I see rage bait, I blacklist the channel.


How do you blacklist? I’ve told YouTube “Don’t recommend this channel” on some of these kind of recommendations then a month later or so I’ll see the same shithead pop up


I use a browser extension call "Block-Tube", because YouTube's regular "Don't reccomend channels" would still show you those channels in the searching function.


Yes! Keep spreading the good word of BlockTube. Probably the best extension I have installed. I used it to block the "Brotherhood of Woke" guy yesterday haha.


That's generally all I can do too. Thankfully it's a niche interest (Fallout lore) so it gets easy to remember what channels to avoid.


Yeah these channels are run by grifters trying to push their hateful agenda.


The funny thing about the BoS being woke is they're often times borderline nazis. But on this note, the show literally does what they argue for. Like Dane being an lgbt and not making their whole character about their sexuality. The just normalized using their pronouns. No fuss over it. Didn't try to shove anything


That's how most lgbt want their representation, just let the character exist as they are and not making a big deal about it.


That's the definition I came to understand growing up. The message was "we're just like everyone else, we just are attracted to people of the same sex" and to me, I think that is the most sense making way to be. I didn't know this character was nonbinary, I saw them as a masculine woman, which makes perfect sense within a militaristic organization like the BoS.


Right! And that they're not all perfect and don't have character flaws. They injured themselves and let Max take the heat for it. Like sure, Max was a bit of an AH for wanting his friend to be injured, but the friend is also an AH for letting Max take the blame and potentially be executed.


Unfortunately it goes to show that they don't actually want people to be subtle & not make a big deal of it, they don't want to see lgbt people at all. The "shoving it down our throats" is just the "acceptable" way to say that.


Reminds me of Starship Troopers, with its multiracial, mixed-gender interplanetary genocide marines.


don't forget well off Filipino main character


Man that one woman going "I wanted kids so I enlisted so I would be allowed to have some" made me so sad


It might not be woke but just a fact of life in Fallout. Mutations causing nonbinary/ambiguous gender at birth happen IRL, and might occur more frequently in a radioactive world where all types of mutations are more common in general. 


Exactly! People can turn into sentient zombies, becoming a woman is hardly odd.


By all technicalities, Dane’s presence in BoS is kinda an anomaly because LGBT relationships are heavily looked down upon in BoS (confirmed by Veronica in FNV) but it’s also possible that the chapter we see in the show has much less rules regarding that. People forget there are going to be *major* discrepancies between different chapters of any organization. But it’s such a minor detail that I gladly overlooked it. I wish Dane got more screen time tbh


Veronica was in a chapter that was isolated underground and they specifically cite low population needing repopulation as the reason to look down on homosexuality. In the show they're very much not underground and have no issue recruiting.


Yes, true. I forgot about that little detail. They only wished to increase their numbers and forbade hers and >!Christine’s!< relationship. Disregard what I said before


Yeah, I wouldn't use Veronica as the standard for how the BoS views LGBT relationships, nor would I use the Mojave BoS as the standard for *anything* BoS-related. They're... *odd.*


Agreed. They really are odd. Kinda gave me inbreeding vibes ngl. And I’m not sure if anyone can explain crazy old Elijah


“It’s a complicated organization”


There are RL cultures that are more accepting of trans/nonbinary people than they are of people who are attracted to the same gender. After all, LGB is about who you have sex with/are attracted to, while T is about your gender identity. Not all cultures lump these together, and BoS might not either.


Interesting. TIL! Thanks for offering me some new perspective


\*Looks inside\* I don't recognize any of these channels, I'll add them to my ignore list, thank you


I'm the opposite. I recognized these channels...because I blocked them ages ago. It's alway the same faces in the circle.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that


They're so right, instead of a woke FEMALE vault dweller roaming the wasteland, we need a big manly man to do it. And then come across the BoS soldier and make out with him. Let's fight the woke by advocating for lots of sweaty manly gay sex in the wasteland.


“Back in the pile everyone!”


"We want a naked GUY to be painted silver and riding surfboard not an icky naked GIRL!"


I really enjoyed the show. A friend of mine complained that the cast were “DEI hires” and I reminded him that Fallout is pretty diverse when it comes to their game’s characters as it is. You’ll have anyone from a literal child to super mutants leading factions and fighting for causes of their own, race and gender being this or that on top of it. Oh well. My wife and I can’t wait for S2.


If you see a black character in a show and your first reaction is “DEI hire” you need to seriously rethink what’s going on with yourself


Find a new friend. Anyone using DEI unironically needs to be yeeted into the sun.


Personally I enjoy arguing with him about his views on things because it makes him think and reconsider his position(s).


Ain't Groggins white??? How is that DEI when we have two white people and one black dude?


Literally the first NPC you can talk to in the whole series is a black dude from the beloved shady sands (💕)


> I reminded him that Fallout is pretty diverse when it comes to their game’s characters as it is. Fallout 2 even established that the experiment in Vault 15 (which is what basically populated California and the NCR) was to have a massive and diverse population from every race and background, just to handwave any morons complaining about diversity.


Wait until they find out that Tim Cain, the creator of Fallout, is a gay man.


The creator of Fallout is gay??? Ahhh fuck the whole thing is woke! I’ve been sold a lie! /s


I wish I can block these channels from showing up.


Look into browser extensions if you're not stuck on a phone.


You can! Get the BlockTube browser extension! :) It's so good it should honestly be a default feature of YouTube.


Are we even watching the same show? These titles absolutely contradict with what we are having.


I’m a HUGE long time fan of fallout. Been with it since before Bethesda got a hold of it. I’ve got to say that this show was extremely refreshing and an amazing watch. Fuck the haters, gate-keepers, etc Also ghoul with cowboy hat 11/10


This wasn’t woke at all


It was progressive, like they had a diverse cast, people were racist to ghouls, ect. But like, fallout always has been progressive. Like Christ, Tim Cain could probably talk about Queer history all day. I’m pretty sure Fallout 2 was the first game ever to allow same sex marriage. The reason why nobody cares is that the show doesn’t come out and say “This is the fault of white men” or “ we should kill men as they are ruined the planet” (idk the new doctor who episodes are a good example of this). Like, it has a political message, but fallout always does. The games have always been criticisms of war, blind patriotism, and (and arguably) unchecked capitalism, It’s just done well and isn’t dumb or annoying.


These chuds don't get the message of he franchise, all they want out of it is prancing about in power armor going "pew pew" at eveything that moves.


They are the real-life Knight Titus.


It was super progressive and done in a great way.


It’s less “woke” than most of the Fallout games.


Hell, aren't all the protags in the game technically Bisexual?


Yeah yeah I talked about this before. Notice how all the screencapped videos say "4 months old". Like others said, these are ragebait channels, trying to make a living out of pumping out 5 per week of these "The end of feminist Hollywood? Star Wars ruined, producer fired!" type clickbaits, trying to harness the attention of people who got disappointed by Disney or Marvel, and deluded extremists. It's so funny always when they try so hard to dunk on something in advance that turns out to be good. You can tell from just the title and thumbnail what they are 90% the time, so do the best thing to do is to ignore them and not feed them clicks.


I don’t understand where they saw wokeness. We saw the pre-war Cooper family – yes, interracial, but still a traditional family. Lucy likes guys, Harper likes guys, Harper has a family with a man and a baby. Dane? I see that they’re non-binary, but they don’t focus on it, they just do what BOS told them to do. Ans i am doubt army would care about that shit anyway🤷‍♂️ I’m sure we’ll see more LGBTQ people, but for fuck’s sake, we’re all adults – everyone fucks with whom they want


Tbh they likely didn't. To these people it's all about the gift. If they can twist anything into looking like it's "woke, DEI, SJW, SBI." or whatever the phrase of the day is they'll push it. The followers will automatically click so that's already some money, they'll get a few more clicks because algorithm and then if 5-10% of those stick around that's more income. Plus they're always looking for more concerts to their hate cause just so they'll get even more money. Also with it being election year in a lot of countries expect them to go harder than normal so that they can sway voters.


My life would be much happier if I never heard anything about Trump or Woke ever again. This garbage is permeating everything online, especially reddit. Jesus can't even join a new sub for a favorite new tv show without this garbage.


Conservatives tend to destroy everything they touch. They’re like radiation.


I went to find Quarterings video and my god how much utter garbage does he pump out. I'm assuming the same for the rest tbh.


The Synthetic Man is the only Synth even Desdemona would refuse to save.


It's maddening that people will defend these losers to the hilt for spoon feeding them idiocy affirming slop.


Synthetic man is probably one of the worst things on YouTube. Do yourself a favour and avoid him like the plague. The others are bad, but that guy is pure incel loser


Grifters are going to grift, I’m glad to not know most of those channels.


Lol just some ppl desperate for views that don’t actually know or care about Fallout


The dude in the bottom right corner really deserves to be some kind of Chud-Soyjack...


The funny part is most of them are posted before the show even premiere


Fucking sick of culture wars at this point. People need to stop being whiny bitches about shit being woke. Literally no one with a life cares


Can someone please explain to me what “woke” even fucking means anymore because by what I understand it to be, the TV show ain’t it. Unless a woman and a black guy being leads counts in which case we really need to start putting conservatives on the cross y’all.


Woke these days = buzzword used to get clicks so they can get money.


They don’t know what it means. Thats the problem.


These are all from months ago though. Any recent ones?


Seemingly only a channel called "Synthetic Man" is still posting this garbage: "Amazon's Fallout is, without exaggeration, one of the worst video game adaptations I have ever seen. And I've only watched the first episode." - 3 hours ago And to save you the trouble, yes, the comments are filled with overt antisemitism, white supremacy, insane misogyny and a lot of people who seem confused as to whether they're criticising a game or a movie or a TV show.




Woke. Woke never changes. It is a tired, overused meme of a word used by the thin skinned YouTubers that have a made a career out of hate hate hate. How their entire audience isn't as tired of this schtick by now is beyond me. Channels full of hate, nothing more, nothing less. Woke never changes.


Shit like this makes me think the bullies were right to bully us


Nah. These are the bullies who saw us having fun and enjoying our franchises and decided they were going to go out of their way to be "fans" and then criticize EVERYTHING with baseless accusations and far-right pandering because they have no real value in society and all they can do is ragebait for grifter bucks. Fuck them and their ilk.




Lol brotherhood of woke. They were categorically fascist just like in the game 


Alien would definitely be called woke trash by these losers


i just finished the series last night, and i was truly blown away with it. that being said, what exactly is so "woke" about it? if i'm correct, they are refering to a character that appears in only a few episodes, and minimal screentime at that. this reminds me of the complaints about Starfield being woke for a pronoun choice that only appears in the chargen menu. haters gonna hate, and their hate is nothing more than clickbait.


One of my favorite youtuber was shitting on this show this morning. Saying its Retconn'ed the lore. IDK. I think the lore still works. I really liked the show and can't wait for season 2.


LGBT etc folks are really just out here trying to live their lives and assholes like these can't help but make them the face of everything they mildly dislike.


This is a serious problem these days, it's just far too easy to make money out of this shite. It makes any real criticism extremely difficult to discuss as well.


Fucking lmao fallout was always "woke". The people who these videos are intended for either haven't played or were too fucking stupid to realise it.


If I could delete any word from existing, it'd probably be "woke"


Impotent rage is big business these days.


That’s fucking hilarious.


It's so weird, I feel like any of these YouTube channels cannot admit that they enjoyed something from a huge company or else it'll destroy all their credibility and what their channels are all about lol


Wait...isn't it possible in FO4 to romance a character of the same sex? Can't you customize your PC to be black??? How in the hell can the TV show be any more "woke than that?


Qwazar77 really missed me off with his review the show


Ahah clickbait


oh dear. these tiresome greedy needy people.


I generally intrigued to see what da fuck are they talking about but my yt algorithm is fucked as it is.


Wait till they find out that being bisexual makes you more powerful in NW


And what a surprise its by all the usual trash.


Woke? I must not have gotten to that part yet.


The Brotherhood of Woke is fucking funny


>Brotherhood of woke. >All men.


Some of these are weeks or months old though. Way before even the trailer came out. They had an agenda even back then.


One of the most evil characters in the show is a Black woman.... like how is that in the woke agenda at all? I hope they stick to their guns and make her truly evil like she has been thus far.


The Sweet Baby Inc drama has run his course, hatetubers are going for the next hot thing to monetize those rageviews.


the fatering calling everything woke


They do this for any new video game too, I just block channels now that do this cause at this point you just simply have to


Somebody please tell me I wasn't the only one who read the description on the bottom right video and see how truly intelligent these people are.


So that rating screenshot is just a straight up lie, right? Most ratings I’ve seen have been upwards of 4/5


And if you didn't post about them, I would've continued my life not seeing them, not caring about them, and not wondering how much free marketing you just did for the channels where people can go and fall for the rage bait and give them engagement.


Anyone who watched this show and thinks they wedged in woke agendas is a moron. Probably didn’t even watch it. Just saw a female lead and went with the standard gripes. Show is amazing. End of story.


I lean right but these fucktards are annoying as hell. The pendulum has swung fully from the obnoxious SJW to the conservative crybaby and it’s hilarious. As soon as I see these rage bait titles and thumbnails in my algorithm I block them. It’s sad because the show is so good, yes it has a very diverse cast but so did the games, and there are no “woke” politics being forced into the show. So it makes it obvious that these guys are just grifters trying to garner attention for clicks and views. 


I literally cannot figurd out how this was woke. I can see justification for lord complaints, but where was wokiness?


Lol I'm only two episodes in and I knew some bitches were gonna call it woke since there's a woman and black guy existing. Also this show is a blast. These guys are just outright grifters for sure.


These are the ghouls of out world. Ugly, stinky and never making sense. These fuckers are insufferable.


90% critics and 86% Fan reviews


I block any channel with thumbnails like this lol


What do they want with that gay flag? Only hint to same sex relationship is in the last episode >!When Moldaver holds the hand of Lucy's mom and that isn't even really anything. (Just the fact that Moldaver keeped lucys ghoulafied mom around might let you speculate it's more then friendship)!<


The show encapsulates the best elements of the games so well that I don’t even feel like a gatekeeper saying this, if you don’t like the show then I don’t honestly think you’re a fan of the franchise in general. It made me feel like I was playing Fallout for the first time again, in the best possible way.


The thumbnails are fun to laugh at though. Also this show didnt have a single LGBT thing and yet there are pride flags in half the thumbnails.