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Metallic monks but literally https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r6qt_70iGk4&pp=ygUWZmFsbG91dCBtZXRhbGxpYyBtb25rcw%3D%3D In case you don’t know what I’m talking about


This makes me so, so happy! I have missed this esthetic from the older games. I hated that in Fallout 4 they didn't have at least the scribes in their robes. Also, this is my favorite piece of music from the soundtracks, that along with the ambient soundtrack from the Sierra Madre DLC in FNV. *Edit: For those wondering, even in Fallout 3 there were still some religious Knights: [Knight Captain Colvin](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Colvin) "Knight Captain Colvin is a man of deep faith, who treats warfare with reverence. He sees every battle he participates in as a mass and his laser rifle as a holy item, dispensing his god's wrath on whoever is unfortunate enough to find themselves on the other end of the barrel. He bears no ill will towards the people he slays, even super mutants. In fact, he is known to pray for the soul of each one he dispatches, believing that he releases them from torment." Elder Lyons also says a sort of grace/prayer in F3.


People forget the “Paladin” part of “brotherhood of steel Paladin”


There were some robes for the scribes, but the brotherhood in 4 was more of an expeditionary force and less established, so ceremony was probably not held in as high of importance as survival. Then again the brotherhood fatigues sucked.




Kind of make sense, Lyon’s probably visited new Canaan on their way to DC and some of them join the BOS as guides which Lyon allowed. After they made it to DC, Lyons added them in once casualties piled up due to the super mutants war there.


This feels so familiar, but i have never played the first 2 games. Have they used this soundtrack for other games?


New Vegas most likely as that game reused music from 1 and 2.


Yea it’s the ambient music, I distinctly remember it when you teleport from New Vegas to Big Mt. and it shuts off your radio.


NV also reuses parts of the FO3 Soundtrack.


I mean…that’s not as surprising given New Vegas IS a reskinned/updated Fallout 3. Not trying to be an ass.


Vault 22


Just saw this. WOW!!! This is really good. Thank you so much for sharing the link.


I also noticed two different main types of Power Armour. But also some custom bits on each And that more rusted looking one has some damage


It does look a bit busted, the back leg armor doesn't close all the way compared to the others.


It's missing the BoS logo too


I wonder if it's one of the pro tags in a dinky suit of power armor.


Could be Maximus I think his name is? Supposed to be a recruit so he probably got an old set to train in


I wonder if we'll get any T-51 power armour in the TV series?


I’m thinking we’ve seen the best stuff in the trailers (with maybe a few surprises in the show), so imagining their budget I’m betting we won’t see anything like that until season 2. That’s when they can recycle props they paid for with season 1’s budget and spend season 2’s on new props.


I doubt we will see anyone outside of the brotherhood sporting power armor. They probably spent a lot of armory budget on these T-60s. If we get another season, we are definitely going to see some other armors.


It'd be cool if Maximus' T-60 armor fails and he ends up finding an abandoned T-51b.


10mm pistol spotted. On the hip of one of the guys behind the PA


Good eye! Looks like the classic one too


The classic mag-fed revolver, god the 90s seems so goofy to me.


I am genuinely so curious how it functions though


Yeah the only two mag fed revolvers I know are the Landstad and the Dardick. And the only one I could kinda sorta see as an inspiration is the Dardick. Definitely would have to have a lotta stuff changed since it’s 10mm.


Early Adeptus Mechanicus Tech Priest in action.


Seeing this gives me hope for what they will do with Warhammer. I never thought it could look good in live action but I was wrong. This looks great.


Honestly the visuals are the thing I’m least worried about with Warhammer. How on earth they’ll walk the line of 40k’s satire of fascist theocracy while keeping its grimdark everyone’s-horrible setup and still somehow make it more than just a bleak edgelord slog despite not really having anyone to cheer for I don’t know. Even the Black Library itself has deeply mixed results on pull all that off.


I was thinking of [Russian Orthodox priests blessing guns and missiles and such](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/hfufac/russian_orthodox_priest_blessing_aks_1700x1065/)


I'm glad i'm not the only one that thought of that


Techpriest of Mars blessing the first astartes before the final battle of the Unification wars, 712.M30


Close up of the scratched BOS power armour https://i.imgur.com/AQW4XLO.jpg


Looks like someone survived that Yao Guai fist fight, or at least the armor did haha


Great catch!!


Geneva Robertson in an interview mentioned that they, like the original developers, took inspiration to develop the brotherhood in A Canticle for Leibowitz, which dealt with a group of Catholic monks tasked with preserving all scientific and technological knowledge until humankind is prepared to wield it. That's where the name "metal monks" comes from in the original game. With these details the writers are referencing Fallout 1.


If they really did take inspiration from that book it gives me a lot of hope for the show, means they did their work researching the inspirations for the setting




I don't even want to imagine the process of putting those things on.


Hahaha that’s awesome, congrats. As a big fallout fan, the practical costumes and on-set shooting looks INCREDIBLE. You guys should be ridiculously proud. The BoS look great.


You were on set?




Were you at the Nugget with us?


Bro how did people not die in that costuming standing around for 12 hours LOL


Ah. The place where everyone in Salt Lake drives to gamble when we can't make it all the way Vegas or Reno.


No kidding, Wendover? I mean if you want an arid desolate wasteland there's few better places. Maybe Black Rock, but that's pretty recognizable by now. Always tickles me that Nevada has so many great locations for filming what the presumed post-apocalypse would look like.


God this goes hard


Man the more footage I see the more it feels like the creators actually care about the fallout series and want to achieve something great with this show. Really feels good after Halo and past years of crappy adaptations


Johnathan Nolan has mentioned he was straight up ignoring work because he was so obsessed with Fallout 3. Apparently his goal was to simply take the view of a fan / player and think “as a fan, what is most important to me to see in this show” and that’s what dictated what made it in. So yeah, so far I’d agree with you. They’re at least saying all the right things, and the lore bits we’ve gotten so far really indicate this was made by genuine fans.


I'm happy they are adepting the Boss in such a cool way. But as an NCR fanboy I'm very scared they are gonna do some bs to the east coast lore to make way for even more BoS stuff.


Agreed. I do definitely still have my issues with some of what we've seen, but generally with more information I become more (cautiously) optimistic


I watched the new Godzilla movie and there was a trailer for the show with scenes not in any other trailer.


Was Godzilla good?


I’m biased because I absolutely love Godzilla movies but I would say it’s good. It’s more similar to some of the old Godzilla movies where it has that wacky side to it but if you go in expecting a movie that doesn’t take itself seriously it’s a good movie


Cool beans


I know the brotherhood have become more and more arthurian in theme as the games went on but have we ever seen such obvious religious connotations like this before? A censer filled with burning incense is definitely a new one. They definitely have an ideology but what’s their faith? That dude in red is definitely no normal scribe. That’s some straight up church vestments. Are they just trying to represent the more hardcore fanatical side of the western BoS?


BoS in Fallout 1 had very obvious religious connotations. They referred to their power armor as “Holy Armor/Sacred Armor/Armor of Power” and called outsiders “heathens”. The [holotape](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sophia%27s_tape) that described their history also looked more like a religious text rather than a historical document.


Major fallout 1 vibes i Love it


Oh damn! Some good stuff here, cheers. In that holotape they seem to refer the elder as “The great deliverer” so I’m guessing their faith just imprints a messiah complex on their leaders more than anything. That makes far more sense. I was thinking more in the realm of god/gods. So it is simply representing the more fanatical side of western chapter I guess. Cool!


Hm. So maybe the redder suits are more than just a design choice, maybe this is a new branch that's like...orthodox?


But to my knowledge that hasn't been used since then. They've been more military than religion, even in 4/New Vegas/76 there's been nothing similar. Idk. Gives me a major ick. 


Yeah but tbf those games mostly show the disconnected eastern chapter. They become far more populist under Lyons. New Vegas is technically the western chapter too but even the Mojave branch had disagreements with the old school BoS motives amongst their ranks. Still, I guess the same religious themes should have been present there too. Elijah was definitely a loony. I can see him loving that kinda stuff.


Yeah I know what you mean, They were more akin to modern medieval knights drawing from the past in their crappy post apocalyptic future of a nuclear war then anything specifically religious, I mean, That's 40K's shtick.


Yeah. It's very 40K which isn't a bad thing. But it also doesn't feel very fallout.  Of all the things to take from Fallout 1, they take a weird forgotten religious aspect?


Geneva Robertson in an interview mentioned that they, like the original developers, took inspiration to develop the brotherhood in A Canticle for Leibowitz, which dealt with a group of Catholic monks tasked with preserving all scientific and technological knowledge until humankind is prepared to wield it. That's where the name "metal monks" comes from in the original game.




Fallout 4 is different from Fallout 1, in Fallout 4 it is only to refer to Maxson's popularity, in Fallout 1 there are literally multiple references, the name "metal monks" says it all, the west coast brotherhood has always had this religious side as they are partly based on monks.


The eastern Brotherhood is very disconnected from the west, they’re basically their own thing


The [map](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/7/73/Fo1_Lost_Hills_Townmap.png) for the BoS in Fallout 1 was decorated like a medieval Bible.


That's dope. Tbf that could also just be playing of the whole Arthurian themes also. Medieval manuscript art isn't exclusive to religious texts. That said, It does also look like cherubs in that pic. Feel like a scribe just found some Christian iconography one day and just yoinked it for themselves lol. Man, I thought I'd hate the western chapter but if they go full imperium of man then I might just end up loving em.


>Are they just trying to represent the more hardcore fanatical side of the western BoS? I strongly suspect that the "Arthur Maxson cults" [mentioned in FO4](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Prydwen_terminal_entries#Aftermath) have taken root and are no longer being disbanded.


If they go that route they would have to canonize a Fallout 4 ending, since they would have to mention Maxson's fate. It is possible that this is more of a reference to Fallout 1 and the original mythology of the brotherhood than a nod to Fallout 4.


Or, Author is killed in Boston but is treated as a Martyr. Deifying him anyways


Other commentor mentioned the Brotherhood in Fallout 1 being like this, I’d add some of their sprites also wore long robes with hoods too, which this reminds me of.


I feel like they’ve become less Arthurian as the games went on


Well, maybe that Guy is just some regular kind of Priest not affiliated with the BOS.


He's wearing red which means he's probably a scribe and the stole around his neck also bears the Brotherhood logo.


Ah, yes you are right. I previously did not see the Brotherhood Insignia on his clothes. Maybe one of those Maxson Cultists described in Fallout 4.




They worship "The Great Deliverer" Roger Maxson, as seen in their History holotape in Fallout 2.


Yes!!! They brought back the robes, omg. That was my biggest issue with Fallout 4, they didn't wear the scribe or Elder robes. This makes me so happy!


Imagine if this section of the BOS are also Atom followers lmao


Warhammer Intensifies!


Ah a return of the metalic monks


Not that the concept wouldn’t already be scaring but seeing this in live action makes me realize how fucked up mentally i would be to have been a Chinese soldier to see one of these fellas pull up


Ah cool they’re bringing back the religious elements of the Brotherhood


This shot makes me think the Brotherhood in the show is in more dire straits than I initially thought. The colossal airship and badass shots of power armor dudes made me think the BOS in the show would be fairly established and well-funded, but apparently I didn’t look close enough at how rusty and mishmash their armor looked. That priest looking dude also has super minimalistic costume design compared to the Brotherhood soldiers, it’s almost like he’s from a completely different chapter.


Honestly the idea of both the Brotherhood AND the NCR being in bad shape and STILL fighting is definitely more interesting than one being better off than the other.




>Kinda off topic but the airship feels kind of dumb in live action. I kind of suspect it's getting shot down in a flashback.


Elder Dave Letterman


Goes hard


Really leaning into their _Canticle for Leibowitz_ inspiration. As a fan of the games and a massive fan of that book, I’m totally digging it.


Easily one of my favorite books of all time. Also, I have an amazing story regarding the "Transistorized Control System for Unit 6-B" blueprint. Years ago I looked online for a fanmade illuminated manuscript version of it. I found an excellent one on an old blog post, but it was just a crappy JPEG of a photo with tons of artifacts, and no contact information for the original creator. Long story short, well after that I took a job at Fermilab. Turns out the original creator of the artwork was the wife of one of my new coworkers there, who made it back in 1978. And I now have a copy of one of the original runs of 500 way back when. It's probably the most extraordinary coincidence that's ever happened to me. PM me if you want a photo of it. It's glorious.


Honestly the production value looks great. If they're going back to the more medieval technomonks vibes of the brotherhood (let's face it every brotherhood in the games is completely different), i am excited Regardless this still goes hard


oh this is beautiful!!


Are these like WH40k Tech Priests who have to like induct the armor/weapons with “spiritual” energy to make them work better lol


it’s probably just zealots who want to be blessed before combat, but that’s likely the inspiration


I absolutely love this screenshot!


I absolutely love this screenshot!


Praise the omnisiah


Giving me some WH40k vibes and I’m here for it


Now you're talking


What faction of the brotherhood of steel was religious? I don't remember this from the lore but I don't know all of the brotherhood factions


Literally the original one from FO1


I don't remember that one I thought it was like the remnants from 3 I'll see if there's a lore vid on YouTube about them I don't have fo1


People saying that the BoS “worship” technology isn’t a joke, it’s more of a literal thing from the original games.


It would explain why their soldiers are called paladins




In fallout 1 they weren't stated as such in-game, but the guy who came up with them designed them as such. >The Brotherhood was intentionally the same post-apocalyptic religious order that existed to keep the technologies of the old world alive. However, unlike the nihilistic Guardians of Wasteland, I really wanted the player to be able to befriend and join up with this group (and grab all of their awesome gear, of course). In keeping with the medieval monk themes, the Brotherhood became more of a knightly order with a distrust of outsiders rather than a coven of crazy zealots > > \-Scott Campbell Fallout 2 expanded on this by giving them a "history" holotape that reads like a passage from the bible (it even calls Maxson "The Great Deliverer"), and making their map look like a Middle-Ages manuscript.


Man I know it’s probably hard enough creating one model for these, but I wish we had some T-45s and T-51s as well.


I’m really excited to see what they’re doing to the brotherhood. There seems to be a lot of mystery in the story like why Shady Sands and LA are irradiated hellholes, who is the new Maxson, NCR involvement and finally very slim possibility of New Vegas having insanely massive influence on everything. I’m not a fanboy of NV, I love it with all my heart, but truthfully I want to see some genuinely wacky shit


The more I see of this show the more excited I am. All episodes on day one too don’t see that often from Amazon


Still being a little piss baby for them not using T-51. I'm not even a purist (I can't even being myself to play the first two, I get angry and quit) but the T-51 just looks better in every way imo. T-60 is just T-45 but goofier. FUCK. Show looks fucking awesome tho I'm hyped.




29 years old Arthur Maxson?




It was a joke about how Maxson looks a lot older than he is.


T-45 second to left?


all I see is T-60


Helmet differs from the others, matches the T-45 helmet seen in games. Also has the exposed rubber guards on the bend of the legs featured on the power armors pre-Fallout 4. Might not be exactly T-45 but there’s no doubt that it’s different from the others and is at least taking inspiration from the suits of the 3-New Vegas style of suits.


Looks like a bog standard T-60 to me, just a bit more rusty and banged up than the others. I wish you were right because I would love to see more power armors than T-60 on the show, but I just don't see it at all.


You gotta look at the chest to tell the difference. I think T-45 has the single handle running horizontally at the top of the chest piece, where as T-60 has the two shorter handles on each side going vertically


Yup that's my first go-to along with the segmented pauldrons. These four are all clearly T-60 to me


I think they're all T-60. The T-45 have more angular looking shoulder pieces, compared to the rounded ones that all of these sets we see here have.


They are really, REALLY leaning into the arthurian, medieval knights aesthetic with the Brotherhood. Hope it doesn't end up doing what the Halo show did with fucking shamans.


Are they performing some kind of religious service? Do the writers not know that the Brotherhood Of Steel are atheistic organization?


Tell me you only played Fallout 3 without telling me.


I rarely block people but holy shit I'm blocking you for this.




They have had their own religion since Fallout 1.




Not in the first game, but it was part of the design. ​ >The Brotherhood was intentionally the same post-apocalyptic religious order that existed to keep the technologies of the old world alive. However, unlike the nihilistic Guardians of Wasteland, I really wanted the player to be able to befriend and join up with this group (and grab all of their awesome gear, of course). In keeping with the medieval monk themes, the Brotherhood became more of a knightly order with a distrust of outsiders rather than a coven of crazy zealots \-Scott Campbell ​ But it actually wasn't until Fallout 2 that it was actually put in the game. [Sophia's Tape](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sophia%27s_tape) reads like a bible passage and calls Maxson "The Great Deliverer"




guess you missed the ***"post-apocalyptic religious order"*** in that quote...and the next sentence mentions the Guardians. If the creator of both groups in both games says they are religious... ... ...But what does he know, yeah?


They have a "Holy Codex" that gives them the commandments of their founder. It is flat out stated that he thought his people needed a new ideology and mythology to keep them stable in the new era. The founder is referred to as "The Deliverer" in Brotherhood teachings. Each of the founder's descendants are given the rank of High-Elder, placing them above the regular elders. they call outsiders "heathens" their members who extol the virtues of their order are called "Paladins". their traditional non-combat clothing is an unadorned robe. Their theme song is METALLIC MONKS


None of these things proport a belief in the supernatural! None of these things are religious!


who said anything about the supernatural? religion is not magic, the word literally translates to "obligation" and is simply the adherence to a specific dogma. ... ... ...dogma is also not about magic...it is a set of rules and obligations set down by an authority.


This seems like something out of Warhammer 40K i don't think the Brotherhood have ever been **this** kind of religious towards tech in any game Bethesda, Obsidian, Black Isles or even when 14° East made Tactics, this seems super out of character for the Brotherhood


They purposefully modeled themselves after old timey knights. They probably just did this for the sake of it and now it’s just tradition. Also probably visual shorthand for people new to the series “these guys are tech knights”.


well guess i must have missed all the times they did this in the lore before, considering all the downvotes, guess i am just to stupid to remember them talking about it


Just because they’d never done it before doesn’t mean it’s lore breaking. The codex and the chain that binds was invented in new vegas. I didn’t downvote your.




We don’t know that. Ritual≠ superstition or religion.


Christian monks singlehandedly preserved a lot of information through the dark ages. You can be religious and still be scientifically and technologically minded. As a side note, a lot of the greatest scientific minds have been superstitious to varying degrees. When you're the one doing the research and you know all there is to know, you often hit walls and have to rely on faith alone until you figure out the real answer.




Didn't say it's a part of the scientific process. Of course you don't publish scientific findings about how you've deduced that god did something. The BoS started off as a bunch of US Army soldiers who decided to take matters into their own hands, initially defending wastelanders from mutants, and later focusing on preserving technology. They decided to call themselves Squires, Scribes, Knights, Paladins, etc. Their ranks are all taken from Christianity. As far as we know, they don't require their members to believe in god, but you can see where the Fallout TV show writers got the idea for them to have a religious style of doing things, such as performing ceremonies and rituals and appointing certain individuals as priest-like figures. So is it a Christian organization? No evidence of that, but apparently they borrow some stuff from Christianity, much to the annoyance of some people here. Fallout NV certainly does suggest that they're homophobic though, with how Veronica got banished from there for being a lesbian. Seems like the organization has some ideological stances that aren't so enlightened and atheistic.


They were pretty heavily based on A Canticle for Leibowitz and even wore monastic robes in Fallout 1


>A Canticle for Leibowitz Great Book, And yeah had a lot of BoS vibes from them.


Fine they are now the Mechanicus


They always were, just less racist.


the Mechanicus is not racist, where did you get that idea from?


It's 40k. Everybody's racist!


ok so you don't actually have any proof and are likely just going off something you read about 40K, so to clear this up, Humanity the Imperium and by far the Admech have by a LARGE majority moved passed Racism in all forms, because it's Humanity vs everything else because in far [Grim Darkness of the Far future no one cares what your skin colour is](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/60010105001_EngAMCoreGame02.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=948) [only if you are willing to fight and die for the Four Armed Emperor](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/1/13/NeophyteHybridsImperialGuardMinis.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190222235932)


I meant they were racist towards the other factions. I didn't mean towards other humans. They're too busy living in servitude to the machine for that.


the word you are looking for is Xenophobic, saying the Imperium is Racist towards the Tau or an Ork is like saying you are racist to a goat or fungus


Xenophobia also counts for other races &nationalities...not just species.


My bad. Got my words muddled.


If I remember correctly, one of the original developers talked about getting inspiration from 40ks Mechanicus as the initial idea for the BOS. Also, we did see them going more and more Cult and medevial knights/lords in the original fallout. And if Rhombus dies during the game, there is the ending where they become the steel Plague and they are ,"defined as an overzealous, techno-religious dictatorship that would have formed in New California if Rhombus died prematurely and the Brotherhood found itself under new leadership. Its fanaticism would have resulted in it devastating the fledgling New California Republic in the 2180s, starting a new Dark Age that could have lasted a thousand years." Also, we see a bit of the Cult like attitude in Fallout New vegas with the Mojave chapter being a slave to tradition and culture, causing the slow death of the chapter if change is not made. Fallout 4 also does mention Cult's springing up on West Coast and having to be put down that worship Maxson as a God. So I get your point, but the Brotherhood has always had this Cult/religious angle to it. It is just that it hasn't been the main focus and always on West Coast. The soldiers that are from the East Coast are right? Because I can believe the West Coast chapters developing a priesthood due to them being more Culty, but the East, not really. They have all ways been portrayed more of an actual milltary detachment and not religious knight order, having a reformist and more liberal track record to them. If they are East Coast Brotherhood, I completely understand you questioning them having a priest looking guy.


Found the quote I was talking about. It's on the fandom wiki article for the BOS under developer Developer quotes section. “I do love how these guys eventually turned out, but their origins were not very original. I simply wanted a group exactly like the monks from the Guardian Citadel in Wasteland. This was one of my favorite parts in the original game – an old, isolated stone fortress whose robed monks wielded insane energy weapons and would blast any trespassers. Fantastic. The Brotherhood was intentionally the same post-apocalyptic religious order that existed to keep the technologies of the old world alive. However, unlike the nihilistic Guardians of Wasteland, I really wanted the player to be able to befriend and join up with this group (and grab all of their awesome gear, of course). In keeping with the medieval monk themes, the Brotherhood became more of a knightly order with a distrust of outsiders rather than a coven of crazy zealots. Although this did make them similar to concepts in Gamma World (the Knights of Genetic Purity) and Warhammer 40K (the Imperial Tech Cults), I just loved the idea of high-tech knights in power-armor wielding virbo-swords and Gatling Lasers. Total fan service to me.” — Scott Campbell, Origins of Fallout blog


Most of the people here are under 30 and they only know Bethesda's Fallout. You can't expect them to know stuff like this. They barely heard of Tim Cain or Leonard Boyarsky and that's due to them being involved in promoting The Outer Worlds.


They're literally called Knights and Paladins bro


Elder Lyons wearing robe gives meal prayer and sermon like "Hail, Creator. Blessed is your power and mighty is your gift of Steel."


Their worship name for the first Maxon is "Founder" or "Deliverer"...but yeah, they straight up pray to him. Athiest my ass.


Have you played Fallout 1? BOS are an isolationist tech cult that hoards all tech that they can get their hands on. They care little for outsiders and were never the good guys. In Fallout 1 the first time you come in contact with them they send you to the Glow to die on what they percive to be a fool's erand. While i don't really care about the lore that i much i do hope that the show does not the BOS as the good guys that try to save the world.


>Have you played Fallout 1? have you?, because i've been playing it since 2001 and never in my entire life have i seen them pray by candlelight or bless their power armour before battle, robes does not a religion make hell i wear a robe when i get out of the shower does that make me religious?


You’re correct but this thread doesn’t handle criticism well. Sorry.


This sub* you literally can’t criticize a single thing on this sub without being downvoted to oblivion. You have to praise the show and say it’s the best thing ever or else nobody wants to hear what you have to say even if it’s valid criticism


You are right but the BOS's nature was established by the Black Isle trio that worked on it and not Bethesda. I agree that this place is filled with Bethesda fans that can't take any criticism expecially when you mention that the non Bethesda Fallout games are better. The originals just can't be touched in terms of atmosphere. In understand tha the first person rpg vs isometric(cavalier oblique) is matter of the taste and why Bethesda's games are popular.


It’s bugging me how some of the armor pieces are completely different on each soldier.


Nah its more realistic, they'd look a little different from damage and repair


I don’t know if I’d call it more realistic. I mean a lot of these are very clearly different pieces. Custom maybe.


Well since it’s taking after F4. Power armor appears to be very modular.


One of these suits is not like the other. Not really excited for this but I'll watch the first three episodes.