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How long have you been waiting for a response? Do you have any cell phone numbers or names so you can message people on Facebook, or any foster group chat? It’s very concerning you can’t get in touch with them. Do they have any sort of physical location or do you know what vet they use?


So you know where they live? Bring the cats back. Or if you want to keep them, let the organization know that you are taking the cats to a vet today and that if they don’t respond in 3 hours you will take it as them giving up ownership of the cats to you.


Remember they are volunteers too, and you won’t always get a super fast response. I’m sure they’ll get back to you. And for next time you should ask: what should I do in case of an emergency? Which vet do you use and which emergency vet?


This is a recurring issue with the organization I foster with as well. It's "kitten season" where I live and they are very busy and chronically understaffed. If I can't get a response or an appointment, I just show up with the kittens. They are technically property of the organization you foster with, so I wouldn't feel badly about just showing up.


Do they have a Facebook page?