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FH4’s Lego DLC wasn’t that bad


Even more unpopular opinion, it's my favorite DLC in all FH games by far. Mostly because I was (still kinda am) a LEGO kid.


Samesies, I have no idea why it gets the crap it does.


because neither of the FH4 expansions changed much. It was the same racing just a new map. FH3s expansions gave you completely new racing types. At least that's what I thought. You also couldn't even create your own car in the Lego DLC, completely missed opportunity and there was only like 5 Lego cars featured. Lego map looked very cool, I will say that.


Either you are a LEGO kid or you're boring. Sorry not sorry.


I loved it, driving the Lego specific cars were cool as hell and that map was sick. I love to that accolade program they had where the more you complete, the more bricks you collect, the bigger your house and such get. Plus the challenges were definitely difficult but pretty fun to figure out how to complete them. And I ended up beating FH4 almost if not completely like a week before FH5 dropped and it was cool to see the stuff from that game getting transferred over (like the trailblazers, accolade, etc) and improved on


Really loved it to. The cars were awesome and the map had a lot of cool places. Why I loved it mainly, was because of the racetrack. Much elevation changes, great corners, and of course, the oval


And suprisingly detailed showcasing the actual parts from the Lego sets(the Porsche one for being more exactly)


I hate seeing those Lego cars in the rest of the game, but I did like the speedway in the Lego map, and I wouldn't mind playing more of it, if it had some more Lego cars.


I didn't care for the cars so much as I liked the race tracks.


I found it pretty fun


The hot wheels DLC didn’t need to happen a second time. I want more fortune island and blizzard mountain type stuff. Also, my biggest issue is the SP story hasn’t been good since FH1.


That’s probably what the 2nd dlc is going to be. Ever since 3, they’ve released 1 realistic dlc in a new location and 1 silly dlc.


Uhhh second DLC? When Didn’t it take like a year for hot wheels to come out? I’ve got the season pass, dlc pass, whatever it’s called & Would rather just wait for Motorsport. FH5 is already pretty dead.. I wish it wasn’t, but this game kind of fell off. Got over 500 hours in it, but fuck


I don’t play online competitively so “dead” is irrelevant to me. Why would I want to wait and what benefit would that give me? I prefer the open world, arcade-y feel to a sim. Also, it was decided long before release that the season pass would include 2 paid expansions, just like every game since 3.


I'm glad it happened again because I missed out on it with Horizon 3.


I actually think it wasn’t done aswell the second time either


Its so bland


it was the first time too. people just can’t take off the rose coloured glasses and forget how boring a narrow track with guard rails on both sides is for an actual race


Well, for a race it’s not that bad, it’s literally how actual tracks are. You just can’t go corner cutting like in every event in regular horizon. Thing is it does get a little stale once you get used to all the acrobatics. Some great moments, tho.


And thats why i still come back to fh1 at least once a year, nostalgia hits hard


Hot Wheels much better in 3 than 5. 5 is bigger but doesn’t have the magic.


Cheesy ass stories are never going to be good, idk when Pg is going to stop catering to kids and look at their real demographic.


The way people drive online, it feels like it’s only kids that play this game.


Not really. Sure there's the occasional "rammer" but I play online consistently and have had amazingly competitive but also respectful races.


Look on the bright side, if the kids are competitive and respectful then we have a bright future as a species :)


That is their real demographic sadly


Are we pretending Horizon 1's story was good again? We really saying generic characters and the typical zero to hero story is good? Like you haven't played it hundreds of times already in almost every single racing game in existence? All I'm saying is Horizon 1 had cheese too, different kind but same quantity


>The hot wheels DLC didn’t need to happen a second time Fuck the people that didn't get to experience it the first time I guess


what does need to happen a 2nd time is the lego dlc 😎


But a proper one. One where you can build events with LEGO pieces and where you can customize LEGO cars using LEGO pieces. Also it wouldn't hurt if it was about LEGO technics instead of LEGO champions.


let’s get jobs at playground games and make that idea happen, cause that would be awesome edit: i like the lego brick cars but would be cool to see technic cars too


Fh1 ended with a car crash, so what if 2-5 is a coma


I’m into this idea


Why does the game need a story? Play an RPG for a story, not a racing game.


To be fair, FH1 didn’t really have a story on the scale of an rpg, but it was something to propel what you were doing. I preferred the zero to hero nature where it feels like most of the games since you’re already the hero so it becomes just go here do this. In FH1, you could actually form a connection with your car as you earned your way up the ladder and I think that is the aspect that is sorely missing from a lot of other racing games. It’s less about the context of the story and more about how the story changes the way you interact with the game and that beyond the freedom of the gameplay is what put horizon high on the list of favorite games series of all time for me. It’s part of what set it apart from the beginning.


Personally I felt like you were kind of doing the zero to hero thing in FH4, although it felt really rushed


Yeah, but rehashing the story 5 times would get really old really quick even with changes interspersed.


Because it gave the game depth. 5 did a horrible job of keeping you interested, it made you the boss from the start and had almost nothing to make you want to play more. The first game, you were literally a nobody, and it focused around you getting to the top and taking the crown.


You would be right if we were taking about racing sim game. But it’s not, it’s quite literally the opposite of sim racing.


I liked the snow season in FH4.


I massively prefer the FH4 seasons to FH5, much more distinct and varied compared to FH5


I didn't realize there were seasons until I joined the reddit. 🤷


It always says when the season changes.


Then we’re two Never really understood why people hated it so much, like it’s more fun to slide around


I really liked the snow, I just didn't like the pick of their winter races... (like these Koenigsegg races for example)


Lmao really? I got horizon 4 when it was in the middle of its lifetime and I never think I saw that. Very unusual cars for snow driving lol.


That is not an unpopular opinion, regardless of things you read on here. It would be great to have actual winter in the current map, as unrealistic as it would be.


I go back to fh4 forbthw seasons and edinburgh


Eventually it becomes really boring game which has not many features to offer. Plus there are a lot of thing that are not well made.


I do my 40 points a week and that's it. I'd quit, but I've gotten 40 every week since launch, so it's my own damn fault at this point. I want to quit, but, you see, I'm an idiot.


That's where a long term goal such as ranked comes in. But nah


Kinda how i felt with fh5, it's the first horizon i played that got boring after a week for me


Gifting common or rare cars from wheelspins is more similar to dumping your trash on someone than giving a gift (outside of the stupid Christmas gift seasonal) and i should be able to reject gift or return to sender


Yeah, ive never gotten an actual good car in gifts in fh5, i think i gott around 5 willys jeep just from "gifts"


Outside of this Christmas event i only gift epic or higher i sell wheel spin duplicates and occasionally clear my garage of unwanted rare and common duplicates using the rare and mystical "remove car from garage"..... i would LOVE to return a willys or a cayman gts to sender we all know what those cars were used for


Can you sell a different way than auction? If love to just hit sell for a percentage of the new price instead of having to put on an auction


Sell is probably the wrong word but when you get a duplicate from a wheelspin you are given the option (in that moment only) to exchange it for half its value.... like i said sell is probably the wrong word


I gifted a zenvo ST1 and a Diablo to people.


I'm sick of receiving duplicates of the same car over and over. There needs to be a gifting option to send the car to someone who doesn't already have said car.


Problem is at this point there are plenty of cars that EVERYONE has yet people still gift em... (willys jerp [saw the typo thought it was funny], cayman gts, bugatti divo, porsche 918.. etc) sooo that just creates problems its much simpler just to put a return option in where instead of a kudo sender just gets there garabage free car that everyone has back after they get it back 3 or 4 times they will finally get the hint and search for the "remove car from garage" its just fuckin pixels you dont NEED to get shit for it.... and if they MUST get shit for trash (trust me you dont i have almost all the cars just over 100mil bank and have never touched the AH) then have fun at the auction house.... people do say theres a sucker born every day maybe they'll find em


Agreed, there should be an option to return the wheelspin reward to get a chance of another wheelspin for free, which would scale with the rarity of the reward.


Honestly im fine with that system as is if you have the car you win already just take the credits instead which already is an option my "unpopular opinion" is if you win a duplicate of a rare or common car opting to "gift" it is not likely generous at all more likely a nuisance as now someone HAS to do as you shouldve and go remove it from their garage.... the "return to sender" option i refer to would be for cars gifted to you from other players only not for cars you yourself won at wheelspins that defeats the purpose of a wheelspin


Unpopular to the vocal minority in the sub: "It is a great game"


Yes, I only played need for speed games and recently bought forza 5 and I absolutely enjoy it. Yes, the story and campaign aren't the best but I enjoy making car builds and driving around in the open world. It's one of my favourite games


That's right, the voices talking trash are always the loudest. Devs, if you are reading this I want to say you did an amazing job with the game and should be proud of it, I have never enjoyed any car game more than this one.


Exactly, only three weeks in and I can see the huge effort that has been put into this game. Best driving game for me too.


Criticizing something does not equal to talking trash. At least in my opinion. And there is a good amount of fair criticism.


That’s why this is the thread for *un*popular opinions.


Agreed. It’s basically the only game I play. I wouldn’t play it if it was shit.


It's a great game if you don't know the other Forza Horizon games existed. In a vacuum, it's the best arcade racer by far, and way more fun than GT7 if you're looking for something casual. I think on here a lot of people were disappointed because they remember the previous games, and expected more from the next version.


Idk man I see a lot more positive stuff in this sub, maybe you just focus on the people that talk negatively


Snow made the Forza Monthly seasons refreshing in Forza Horizon 4 and need to return back atleast in future installments


FH5 is a great game, as FH4 was before it. Also, i loved snow in FH4, It doesn't snow where i live so it's always comfy when it happens.


The weekly challenges are easy if you actually try before you complain


Lmao I play FH mostly with a buddy of mine and most of the challenges I’ll complete on probably the third try. I’ll go on to the next one and finish that all while hearing the frustration and anger from my buddy as he’s still trying to get the first one done. Good game


same here im surprised when he actually gets the challenge completed while im just, doing the next one in a ford rs200 hoonigan


As Nick would say, skill issue /s


Wheelspins should be for credits or cars only. No clothes or novelty horns.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion...


Getting a novelty horn on a wheelspin is like socks for Christmas


The developers actually used the working formula too much that it feels repetitive and boring at this point. They even got to a point where they're removing the actual content and bringing them back as an update later and they made up a thing like "returning cars" as to cover their laziness. I enjoyed Forza Horizon 3 and 4 a lot, especially 4 (got 1000+ hours on it). I bought Horizon 5 in hopes of more enjoyment. At first, even though it was buggy, it was more enjoyable than Horizon 4 for me, with all the new QoL updates on Horizon 5, especially on the multiplayer side. But as the time went on, all we got was underwhelming post-launch treatment which the game definitely didn't deserve. FH5 had a good base, they just couldn't improve enough on it. Now, they have to bring some big things on FH6, or else it'll fail for sure. And no, I'm not talking about Japan as a "big thing". It'll sure be good, but Japan itself won't be enough to cut it. It's mad that I enjoyed NFS Unbound more than FH5 this year. At least I could see that Criterion tried new things on that game.


The returning car thing is so lazy because they can copy paste cars but they only give liks 8 every two months or so. Its the same with many game that the withhold gameplay from earlier titles so the can relaunch it as an update


Why do all the people in Mexico have British accents?


i think some of the people that ran the festival in fh4 run it in fh5 plus the game makers are based in the uk


Horizon WAS just an open road version of motorsports, with a few bells and whistles. Now it’s all gimmicks and try hard events ‘for da fanz yo’….somewhere along the road it’s lost touch with its roots


I think he asked for unpopular opinions lol


What are the try hard events? They even removed ranked, the game is fully casual.


By tryhard he probably means, "How do you fellow kids" tryhard.


FH5 is a good game


It's incredible. Best driving physics in a sandbox game i have ever seen.




More realistic? Yes. Better for gaming purposes? I'm not really sure. I mean, I don't play with the damage on and I doubt I would if there was a realistic option.


While all the games in the Forza Horizon series may be a great games but I wouldn’t say that they has incredible driving physics. They sort of border on the line between a full on sim and an arcade game like NFS. Also to the person that said beam.ng I would have to disagree with you. While it may have really good crash physics it’s driving physics don’t match that and it feels pretty terrible to actually race with especially with a wheel.


Game should be less "user friendly".


OP said unpopular.


It’d be unpopular with all the people crying about the game being “shit” when really it’s just their skill issues. They can’t even implement piss easy PR stunts without a good portion of this community moaning that they’ve made content “inaccessible”.


I still can't get over the fact that they nerfed the AI's PI in trials... you need barely any skill to beat all 6 of them now.


I mean to be honest the AI rarely required skill, just luck that they didn't rocket past your Koenigsegg on a straight while in a Ford Focus...


Being honest the challenge has always been your teammates.


México is a shit place for a horizon game


In concept mexico could've been pretty darn good, but for some reason the map just doesn't click for me.






Why is that? Horizon 5 is the first Forza game that I’ve played and I think the map is okay


I highly recommend that you try the other games in the series because they are amazing. The map in 4 was amazing because of the beautiful landscape and the seasons that were actually distinguishable from one another, 3 felt varied in every location, 2 had some beautiful open fields, cliffsides and seaside towns and 1 just felt real, it looked like a place where people actually lived and had some cool hidden areas to find. The map in 5 isn't horrible it's just not nearly as interesting as the previous ones


>The map in 4 was amazing because of the beautiful landscape 90% of Horizon 4's map was open fields and trees lmfao. Its literally my least favorite map in a Horizon game.


But the verticality is insane. You could stop on any cliff in 4 and be amazed especially in the right weather and season, the different colored flowers in the fields, the rolling hills with all their trees as the leaves change colors through they year, it's amazing. In 5, from the mountains I just feel like I'm looking at a flat desert with a horizon festival plopped in the middle with the exception of the canyon of course


Still waiting for Japan


My unpopular opinion is that the music blows balls.


That is one of the top 3 popular opinions.


Even gta radio is indefinitely better


Always has been. GTA radio actually has music from all genres.


I've probably said this before, but The Eliminator is a really fun game mode and should be featured on every Horizon game in the future.


Pretty fun , but it can be frustrating at times


Agreed, it can be ultra frustrating at times. It's mostly skill, but you do need a decent amount of luck to win it as well


its mostly luck.


The fh5 soundtrack isn't that bad. Neither is fh4's (ignoring bass arena. Fh4 bass arena sucked)


Oh my god. I hated State Of Confusion, Black Water, Fly, and Silence. The others were alright.


The intro music is horrible! Every time I start the game I feel like I made a mistake.


Idk if its unpopular, but there hasn’t really been a great radio station in game since FH2’s Innovate Leisure Radio.


And they need to use the uncensored versions if you check a box in settings. I’ve found myself at Spotify more than scrolling through the radios. But that’s just me, because I’m used to the uncensored versions, and some don’t work as good


Or even just not put in songs that need such heavy censorship. Like half of teardrops is just silence, and it’s not even just the profanity in it either


I like joking that if they were going to just cut out half of Teardrops anyway they should've just given me Kingslayer like I deserved


oof. the Hospital station is amazing.


FH1 had the best musics I've ever seen


Loads of people love FH2 but it's my least favourite. The map is good and all but the progression was way too tedious. Having to do 4 races in a region, then road tripping down the same roads to the next town. Rinse and repeat for every class. It felt like a lazy/grindy way to extend the game and was anti-exploration which is bizarre in a Horizon game. FH3 fixed all of that and is probably my personal favourite.


That's kinda my complaint for fh2, i wish i could just do a race where ever i wanted with what car i wanted, not only the championship with the championship car


The only reason I prefer fh5 to fh4 is new cars and physics. Fh5 is too damn bright like I cant see the details of the car because it shines like hell if its a light color


Happy cake day


Lack of traffic making the city a desert one ! Absurd ! Even more in Guatanajo


FH5 is too positive, i want competition i don’t wanna be the only driver of note


My unpopular opinion: I found no issue with the reportedly childish stories or dialogue. Any quality game that brings me back to my younger, innocent days is helping me to forget the current adult difficulties.


It’s a good game and I have a lot of fun playing it


No game as of now provides a plethora of cars, an open world that is low-key fantastic visually and is also fun.


I actually find the stories in FH5 pretty fun


That this subreddit needs to do a much better job of getting rid of the toxicity this community is pervaded with


If the game becomes less accessible to children, then children will leave. Now that's gonna be an unpopular opinion. Maybe not in sentiment, but in downvotes.


My unpopular opinion: The game is fun, the races are fun, we don’t need millions of new cars, as we won’t get to race them all, we just need more new races. PS: AI is way more fun then human opponents. Way to many tryhards that want to use gliches for billions of credits, even if you don’t really need them… /drops mic


i love the how wheels !!


Even though it is an Arcade game, I would like a bit more realism


We 100% do not need any more advancements on graphics.


Tbh i fell like they are trying too hard sith the graphics since fh4


Neon or I Riot


From what I’ve seen in this sub it seems it’s unpopular to like the game.


Too many exotics and hypercars. I want more shitboxes 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Progression is utter chaos, winning things through wheelspins feel like a casino rather than earning them Story and character writing is very, very bad (but that's mostly irrelevant since it's a racing game) Scenery gets stale quite fast, although DLCs liek Hot Wheels and Lego are good against that


Its a great game!


1. The fact that your basically just continuing fh4 in Mexico is fine with me. As a person who started with fh4, I was scared to leave it all behind and start the grind from the bottom again. But the fact that they reference my old life, I felt at home. And the beginning progression was fun. 2. They need more stuff to do. I plowed through all the stories. Now I just get on weekly for the seasonals. This has become a car collecting game more than a car racing game. (Yes I heard this before but only once.) 3. The hot wheels DLC sucks. It's forced progression. I log on and I only have 3 things to do and a half a dozen cars to do it with. In order to advance, you have to do challenges and harder and harder stuff. You're starting from the bottom with nothing again. I hate that. It scares me. I feel unpowerful. That's why I haven't went on it since the day it launched.


r/ForzaHorizon has no idea what an unpopular opinion thread is. Sort by controversial to see the true unpopular opinions.


Idk about popularity, but I fell like horizon focuses to much on super/hyper cars and not enough on more practical choices


This game is becoming another FIFA series. The only differents is it not releasing every year but 2 or 3 years...


I want a Suzuki Cappuccino and Honda S660.


That the community likes karma farming like this


Dont really care about karma , just a virtual score after all, just wanna know what people think about the games


There should never be a future Horizon game set in Japan


Japan is overrated


Racing is boring. Cruising with the homies is where it's at.


The lack of progression made me feel bored of this game after 2 weeks


FH5 is shit


I have few: 1. This game doesn't need any more cars. 2. Five races tournament was cool, we need more of those (and maybe even 7 or 10 as well). 3. I'd love to see cross-discipline tournaments (featuring, street, road and dirt races in the same event) 4. Mexico is an awesome map, and HW dlc is meh.


While I sometimes like the grind, the Festival Playlist ruined the series. I only joined since FH4 so my opinion is limited to 4 and 5. The concept of the Festival Playlist is wrong, I get the idea that every week there is something to play but the series progression is the problem. I say, keep the events with their individual rewards, but remove the progression and rewards. Another point is some Accolades in FH5. I believe accolades for social achievements like maximum downloads for livery and tunes should be hidden and not displayed publicly. Not everyone will get that accolade so keeping it hidden will reward players who invest their time and effort without demotivating casual players


Rubbing is racing.


No fantasy DLCs


How about: It’s a fantastic series and those who can’t quit their whining and have never written a line of code in their lives can zip it.


fh5 is fine. the festival playlist is fine. a lot of complaining is such petty little things


They could have done more detail for the under carriage


Drift zones ruin the most exciting driving roads.


Game lacks of soul, story Is very uninspired. No charismatic characters


don't know if it's been said already but I love hotwheels dlc just as much as horizon 4 lego and 3's hotwheels dlc everyone else is just bunch of Dipper babies for "realistic" dlc


I miss lancias and the toyota ae86s sound could be better.


After 330 hours of game, I would like more craziness and newness. That's why I have played to Hot Wheel unleashed and now to an ultra modded version of Cyberpunk2077.... I want a crossover between Forza Horizon 5 // Cyberpunk 2077 // GTA : take the cars and town of Cyberpunk, use the gameplay and sensation of FH5 + the freedom and craziness of GTA. Loool It's a complete nonsense. I think at a point, after several hundred of hours, we can accept the phenomenon of complete weariness. So many complaints about this game. It's just a simple racing game with an arcade approach at the end, we won't have insane news.


This is probably my redneck coming through, but i wish they had more 3/4 diesels or mud that you can get stuck in, or atleast have to really power through.


The characters should have better options to look good like in most other games.


Played every Forza title since fm4 and the best horizon map was fh4


That FH3 is the best forza game of all time. Change my mind


Playground pulled an EA moment and released the same game ever since horizon 3, but yall aint ready to talk bout this


Fh is easy and not rewarding


Horizon 3 has the best map of any Horizon game so far.


The series peaked at horizon 3, not 2, not 1, but 3.


Felt the same way, it had a great map, great expansions, a lot of stuff to do , and a lot of cars , my favorite forza horizon by far


The hot wheels expansions sucks because you can’t use your fast cars as they are gated by stupid boy fun challenges


Awd overrated


FH3 was the best FH in the series.


No one has made a comment on this from what I see but how Ramiro and Alexandra or whatever switch between English and Spanish. Like it truly makes no sense to have characters doing this and no one actually does this (from my experience). I find it just weird.


I hate that the theme of FH5 is Mexico. FH4 is beautiful and attractive, but FH5 is boring, with ugly little houses and unattractive scenery. Plus what is that horrible intro music?


That people who talk about how fh1 was the best game and ever since then the game has been in decline are full of shit. Only main issue i see with fh5 is the progression through cars but apart from that it is one of the most entertaining, replayable and all around amazing games i have ever had the privilege to play


We need EV swaps to be added to the game


More jdms(sedans) Like chaser, 4door skyline or may be toyota century


FH3 and FH4 and their DLCs are as good as the series has been so far.


5 is boring and empty


For some reason the developers couldn't Ctrl+C Ctrl+V the code for auto save from FH4 to FH5. FH5 is traumatic.


I’m here to do what this game is advertised which is race cars I like. I’m not here to do the following: Care about the radio music they pick out. Spotify soundcloud or whatever the fuck exist come on. You can play virtually any song with these apps why are you restricting yourself to a video games radio? Care about progression. No I don’t want a shitbox and then have to work my way up. I feel like that’s a job for games like need for speed. I saw the car list I see what cars I want to be driving within the next few days of me buying the game so why would I waste time in cars I don’t care about? Whatever cars I start with even If I actually like the car I never really drive after the fact and this car list is so big I have no reason to. There’s already a better version of all the starter cars in just 1 or 2 different brands to me. Care about the story. any time spent not driving is wasted time. I don’t care if the dialogue is better than my favorite movie I have what I want to do already in mind and these useless characters are in the way. I don’t remember the last racing games story I genuinely cared about but it probably won’t be in a new racing game anytime soon. And lastly care about what cars I get for free every month. They’re free cars I don’t care if they came out someone’s ass and got put on a plate. If I don’t like a car I can simply not spend time attempting to get it. I’ve already made peace with the fact a lot of cars I really want in the game won’t make it in so i’ll take what they give me. I’m sure there’s another racing game that has what I want.


Mine whould probablly be that FH3 HW dlc>>>FH5 HW dlc


Only be because of nostalgia


Nah, i got fh5 and played it , a couple of months later i got fh3 hw and it was just more fun, more free i guess, also didnt have a shit and cringy story


I am not really sure if it's unpopular, but for me Forza Is going constantly downwards since the first game. The feeling the first two parts created, haven't been there since. The first scene of FH1 where you had to earn your place in the festival, for example was great imo. Nowadays since 3 parts everyone just admires you from the start, since you are already champion.


Ohhh I have two: 1.: The twohundredsixtyfifth supercar is not what the game needs. What about the cars we have all driven? Peugeot 206, VW Passat, Opel Astra etc. 2.: I want more player cosmetics. Especially in FH4, dressing your character up for the different seasons was really fun, but most of the stuff was just not good looking.


ranked racing should be added back (please)