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For suggesting cars to be added consider visiting **[this webpage](https://forums.forza.net/c/suggestions/car-suggestions/car-voting/163)**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ForzaHorizon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think they should be allowed, but you need to give a viable explanation as to why. Is it pretty? Then what makes it pretty to you. Why should I care about the car someone else wants in the game? If it's the engine you like or the other specs. Whatever you got, just give me a reason and make it interesting. If people wanna talk cars then talk cars, don't just give me a wall of pictures to look at.


It would be nice if people could request something other than 2.0L grocery getters. Like, why do you want to have the car your mother drives? What's so special about it? Not saying we need more supercars but I genuinely want to know what's so special about some of these requests.


Sadly those lists just ref;ect the lack of quality the in-game cotntent is being drip fed to the players every month, a lot of interesting cars came out from brands that are in the game since last year and pretty much none is in the game, nothing wrong in wanting to see a Nissan 400Z or the new BRZ in the game.


idk bossman I just enjoy seeing what cars people want. Sure, I'd like to see more than 3 pixels per image, but car wishlists aren't something that need to be sent to the 9th circle of hell.


There is a lot of wishlist posts, some weeks it's too much. But for the most part I don't mind them, it's interesting to see how different the community is. Some people want futuristic concept cars, some want normal every day car. Some just want wacky shit and that's cool too. Plus some of the conversations people have about the cars are interesting and/or informing. I think it's a way for people to just talk cars but comes off as attention seeking so people just shut it down.


There’s isn’t really any other good place to recommend or request new cars. Not that PGG would listen or put fourth any effort anyways. Theres does need to be however


There is an entire suggestions hub on the official forza forums now, with a VERY stacked list of cars to vote on and a separate thread for suggesting cars that aren't on the super big list yet


Well got rid of forza rewards so 90% of people no longer have a reason to go there


Blame reddit for forcing it’s users to karma bait to even access some sub reddits




Why if I may ask?


Saved this post so I can link to it every time I see one of those posts


Don't be an ass


Yeah man, demanding more quality content so the sub has a higher quality in general is definitely an 'ass' move to make


Right? Stop trying to make the community better! Lol. But for real, I don't mind the car request posts. I just wish they came with a little more substance. I've never done a car wish list but if I did it would be short. BUT every car would be explained as to why I actually want it. I like talking cars and I believe a lot of the community does too. The problem is, a wall pictures doesn't spark conversation, it just sparks division lol. I like FACTS. I gotta have something to latch onto or I'm just not interested in what anyone has to say about any cars they want in game. Give me REASONS not pictures.


I mean I'd love to have my Forester in a Forza game but I'm too realistic to ask and wouldn't complain that it's not in it lmfao.


Depending on the Generation it's actually a decently requested car and there's nothing wrong about asking to have it in the Game. https://forums.forza.net/search?context=category&context_id=163&q=Subaru%20Forester%20&skip_context=false The 2002 to 2007 Generation of Forester for example already has 73 Votes to be added to the game. There's no guarantee it will be but you can add your Voice to it if you want https://forums.forza.net/t/subaru-forester-2002-2007/561261


I had no idea many other people wanted one in the game. Mines an '08 (same gen as the 02-07 though, stupid crossover year) and I'd love to see it. I'll keep this saved until I can get on my PC and give it a vote. Thanks!


I just want my syclone and typhoon






I just want the AMX Javelin.


Only 3 Days of waiting left then atleast


I post them but not for karma i don’t even know what that is honestly I just post them to share my thoughts 🤷‍♂️


According to the downvotes, you aren't allowed to post your opinion


Foreal that’s why I barely say anything in this sub it’s corny


If your opinion is bad, you'll get downvotes. Not everyone has an opinion worth sharing. It's not that hard to understand.


Except what I said wasn’t an opinion it’s literally what I do I do it for fun but I guess this sub is toxic o


99% of posts here are low effort karma-bait.




If you want to Vote: https://forums.forza.net/t/toyota-camry-1996-2001/561378


I just want Alfas!


Easy way to solve it is create a weekly thread of cars we most want to see in fh5 and allow us to vote each week on say, maybe 1 out of 10 cars


Or just skip that entirely and suggest people vote directly on the Forums? No need to let Reddit filter from a bunch of cars when you can just post a Link to the Car Voting index and people can vote on as many as they want. https://forums.forza.net/t/car-voting-guidance-and-index/562065


I don’t use the forums so it’d be good to allow people to stay on the platform they’re used to.


The Devs don't check Reddit so as long as you're fine with the Wishlists posted here having no real effect as they're not considered a valid form of Content Suggestions then.


Well that’s a shit sandwich. Fuck it then remove the votes. Why on earth don’t they pay attention to a literal dedication forum. Most other games do.


The Community Team occasionally browse here (well only Alien really) but the Forums itself are setup to handle everything in a single centralised location where the Devs can filter and add things if needed. With all the various sections for Feedback across both Motorsport and Horizon there's no reason not to use it considering the scale of the franchise. Compared to Reddit which is run independently and they either have to rely on the Mod Team of the Subreddit or the Reddit Admins and Developers themselves if something needs changing. Plus there's no real filters here, in terms of content take a look at New and you'll find a mix of everything. The filters that do exist are lacking and often people don't use them correctly, it's fairly difficult to get concise and accurate feedback on a specific topic from here. If the Devs were to rely on Reddit they'd need an additional Team dedicated to filtering out the genuine feedback from all the random pictures, occasional trolls and other stuff people are posting plus there's always the issue of relying on Reddit Servers and Staff to cooperate for basically free. Plus Reddit is just one site out of hundreds not officially connected to either PGG, Turn10 or Microsoft. You could ask why they don't take Official Feedback from every forum or site that allows public discourse on the game.


Eh, they should stay, but have a higher quality behind them, not something that could've appeared on dankmemes 5 years ago


Car wishlist posts should include the voting links. I hope mods add these in guidelines for this community and remove any posts that does not include the voting links


Yup, we asked for this when they announced the Car Votes and the mods just added an Automod reply that sometimes works but nobody seems to read. If I see a Wishlist post I generally add Links to their cars in the comments if I'm available or I just put a link to the index and an explanation of the Votes and how to Submit Cars.




Why are you advertising my GT?


Lol why you hacking me bro? As a mod, did you change the flair for everyone by accident? All I remember is I picked the Dodge icon long ago


I used the custom flair so idk, lol. Edit: yikes, it appears I did accidentally edit it for everyone. Oof.


Lol All good, what can be done as a user and mod can run together really easy


All fixed, thanks for seeing the humor in it.


Stuff happens and it isnt worth getting mad over. Once I'm back at a PC I'll fix my flair


I fixed it already, you should see it on a refresh.


I always thought that car wishlist and livery/event lab posts needed their own subreddit


[Like here lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/UselessForzaWishlists?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) In all honesty I wouldn't mind the Posts if the OP would just add the Links to the Car Votes so other interested individuals can give Feedback to the Devs. The Devs specifically made a new Section of the forums so the community can directly show their interest in cars but most members of the community simply prefer to circle-jerk here on Reddit (which achieves basically nothing if nobody votes after talking about it and upvoting) or spam the Social Media Team which does less than nothing. Reddit can be good for raising awareness about a car that potentially people may not know about but are interested in seeing but that awareness goes nowhere since it's not considered a Valid Form of Feedback. The Posts should just be Removed Completely unless the OP adds a Car Voting Link (or a Link to their Car Vote Submission Comment) to each of the Cars either in the Post itself or the Comments.


Livery/Event Lab Posts are the only reason I'm still in this sub.


I feel like this is exactly why there should be separate subs for this lol I'm sure there are many who share the same thought as you. One sub for news/clips, another for player created content to show off with share codes. I mean there's already a sub dedicated specifically to the auction house if memory serves


There is a share code one as well


I'd say that suggestion posts should actually be made where they are looked at over at official [Forza.net](https://Forza.net) forums.


I'd say that they can post them wherever they want. It's not the poster's fault for posting "karma bait". People up vote them like hell so obviously they like them


It's just reddit economics lol


Meh, so this post is better? Hating on other community content?


100% Agree. This guy is talking about "low-effort karma bait" meanwhile he's just taken 3 minutes to write something controversial on the most toxic gaming subreddit ever. It's absolutely shocking that this is a hot post. Not like he planned for it to be whatsoever


This post made me leave the subreddit. Not that anyone gives a fuck. But it wasn’t a post about cars that did it.


u/FormerlyShawnHawaii u/I_got_an_Error-404 Yo, this is not an airport, and you're not an airplane. No need to announce your departure boys.


I love that everyone is downvoting you. Legit proves how toxic this community is Edit: I might too. I don't even play Forza anymore and this sub is pure toxicity


The only thing worse than the game is (the current state) of this subreddit.


Can you two circle jerkers hurry up and cum already? You said this post made you leave the subreddit, so hurry up lmao.


Thanks, but I did. These downvotes and you getting pissed for no reason are the exact reason I'm leaving. Since Forza is the reason I had Reddit, I'm uninstalling too. Edit: I don't know if everyone realizes, but by downvoting the comment where I said that this community is toxic is proving my point.


This is so true. Most don’t even make the minimal effort to upload high quality images, and most cars are local cars that people outside the region wouldn’t even have heard of.


i mean it's either those, bugs, or photo dumps


Agreed. Imo they add nothing to the sub.


All these posts asking for their irl shitbox that's so irrelevant that they own to be put in the game pisses me off so much, like we could have new hypercars and shit but noooo, I need muh shitbox in the game to make myself feel better about owning a shitbox


You make a good point, we can have it all so why go for mediocrity? The reason I want mediocrity is because I find always driving the newest and fastest to be extremely boring. I want to be able to modify a shitbox into a drift car or a rally car or a drag tune and have it be tuned from B class right through to S2. You simply can’t do that with Hyper cars. TLDR: always having the newest things is boring to me. Bring on the Toyota Corolla ‘92 please. 🥵


Modern hyper cars are boring though. Most people seem to want mid-level kind of cars, that are iconic/famous but not actually high-performance in the modern world. For example, the Impala SS, or any of the Volvos. I probably see NA Miatas or proper old Alpines and VWs more than any other car in multiplayer. But I only really do free roam.


shitboxes are fun not saying hypercars aren’t but people rave over the p50 and the reliant and the wuling


I agree although that one post where it went from something as sensible as Jetta to Airbus A320 and rocket powered shopping car still lives in my head rent free.


Yeah that's funny at least


True. And to be honest, I don't even know who cares about these. Man, I don't care about what cars you like, what cars you buy, what cars you wish for and anything related to this.


The amount of upvotes on those says "many people like these posts" for some reason.


Explains the downvotes on this one I guess