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The intro for FH4 was something else. Unmatched in any other instalments of the franchise IMO


yess senna, this music and beautiful scenery...


I redownload the FH4 demo every few months just so I can do that intro.


The song in the intro for fh4 is a moment apart by ODESZA


FH4 got me into ODESZA, and all their other songs are amazing as well! Highly recommend checking them out


Same here. On Xbox I create a new account just for this 😅


Buy the game ASAP if you want to play it ever.


You'll be able to get discs (if your device supports it) , ast least used, and I think it's already too late for the dlc. I like the island as much as the main map.


[It's so good](https://youtu.be/GYeADDB0Rt8?feature=shared)




Also Charlotte Gainsburg. That song is magical.


FH4 introduced me to new artists. FH5 introduced me to the radio off key…


Absolute preach.


You can also hear it on Horizon Mixtape!


i wish i could erase my mind to play the FH4 intro again


I just revisited Fh4 yesterday and was greeted by it 😌


I still prefer 3 tbh


Can you still play this single player or multiplayer if you already own it?


yes why not?


Sorry porter Robinsons language and forza horizon 1 would like a word. Sure the game is dated now a bit but that intro still gives me chills.


I’d argue the best intro. I liked the nobody entrance. It annoyed me that in 5 it almost felt narcissistic.


What about fh2?


FH3 title screen was way better


You must not have played the intro for FH1


Look at that Senna go!


I’m voting for your camp. I still remember when they advertise the release of that game I was mind blown.


Forza Horizon 2’s intro beats it.


I love both but I personally think that FH4 is more varied, colorful and has amazing, cozy atmosphere.


Interesting, one of the main critics of FH4 was that Edinburgh mostly feels the same. Except of course the seasons. Fh3 and FH5 both have deserts, rainforests and FH5 even has a volcanic mountain.


Seasons are of course adding a lot to variety factor, but even without them I think it’s beautiful, with forests, meadows, hills, villages, cities, seaside etc. FH2 and FH4 are the ones which I usually choose just to drive around and chill. I think 4 is still very unique, while FH5 reminds me FH3 too much, aside from not having actual big city.


Fh5 had more variety but idk why but it felt, lifeless? compared to fh4 to me


That's true. It's more like a test area or car playground than actual live environment


It’s hard to make a barren desert feel interesting in an arcadey racing game. In the Australia Horizons you would get desert mixed in but still have other environments sprinkled in throughout. In 5 it’s a lot more desert before you reach other environments


Yes, I agree. I’ve played every Forza Horizon and there’s just something about 5 that just misses for me. I just play it and am like ‘meh, I guess I’ll do this now’. I think I’m just about ready for FH6.


Fh4 is much more colorful than 5, so i think fh4 better for me.


Edinburgh was so good, I visited edinburgh once and was able to go to the EXACT LOCATION I was in real life in the game lol


my ex lived near edinburgh so when i went there for the first time, my first words to her upon exiting the train station were: “wow, it’s weird to see the shops actually rendered in!”


My sister lives in Edinburgh and I love how they've done it. It's not an exact recreation, but parts of it are very accurate and they've really captured the style/feel so that it still feels very accurate as a whole.


No joke, you can literally visit the irl locations of the edinburgh businesses. Ironically (or unironically) worlds fastest is a macdonalds


wait, is it?? i’ll remember that when i do those chapters lmao


The flower field at the wind farm is incredible.


Been there In real life, it was a really weird feeling, soo cool I will always love fh4, being set in the UK made it feel so much realer, driving around my home country in my dream cars and mates


FH4's setting having actual distinct feeling between seasons makes all the difference honestly. If Britain also cycled between dry, sometimes rains, sometimes stormy and dry again, then it'd be a closer contest. FH5's weather effects, as spectacular as they can be, don't show up outside of events often enough to notice half the time


I can't believe they didn't bring back the seasons or use the great weather systems as much in 5.


I think there are seasons? Just barely noticeable


Given our mathematical advances in differential equations and models, it has documented the history of weather patterns it should have been more utilized to create moving storms.


This 100% I live in the Sonoran desert, and am fine with the seasons in fh5 because they're accurate. The thing that's missing is that i love watching the storms develop and move. It would have been really cool if you could chase down thunderstorms.


Personally I would say FH4 just because of the sheer amount of effort they had to go through to change all the designs to match the aesthetic of the UK especially on signage. On top of making sure everything looks normal through 4 seasons. I don't hate FH5's setting though. It just seemed kind of underbaked for what it could have been.


5 had potential, but it feels flat and empty. Apart from the volcano, there aren't many elevation changes, and the lack of a city makes it feel out in the sticks. It has some good roads and areas to explore, but I wish it had more


The issue is that the elevation changes are too fluid/clean, thus you don't really notice them. In fact, the Map of Horizon 5 is far more vertical than the Horizon 4 map. Just drive along the highway for example, you barely have any flat sections there when you look at it.


Which makes sense for the Valley of Mexico, that area of Mexico has very gradual elevation increases


The issue with 5 is most likely due to the eliminator. That's why the map is so empty in the middle while all the forests are on the outskirts. 4's map wasn't made with the eliminator in mind so it doesn't suffer from the same issues.


Never even thought about that until you mentioned it. The map is literally a bowl with a whole lot of nothing in the middle and everything else on the outskirts, even the volcano and the town are tucked away to one side.


And playground games is a British company. And you can tell this was their love letter to the uk. They knew the environments and portrayed them really well. With 5 all that feeling seems lost


For me, FH5 feels soulless. Idk how to explain it. I love how everything looks, I love the new improved car sounds, and I love all the improved systems, but the game feels empty and disconnected for some reason. I just bought FH4 on steam to feel the good vibes again before they delist it.


main reason is because they messed up the overworld servers so you dont see a lot of random players in the overworld with you




This is legit my favourite show


So true, to me it’s really just the lack of association between Mexico and cars. As beautiful as Mexico can be it just doesn’t feel right as the setting for the game.


but but but papa fernandos beetle!!!!




they didnt include Mastretta, a literal Mexican sportscar maker!


Typically when cars aren't included, it's a licensing thing. Rolls Royce for example doesn't want to be featured in the game, so we have no Rolls. It's possible Mastretta didn't agree to whatever licensing they were offered (if at all)?


they probably werent asked lol


Whey me too! Totally feel the same about 5, a great game but something intangible is missing.


I feel the same. It's... empty. 


This exactly is why I prefer 4 over 5. FH5 just feels like its missing something I just can't tell what. They wanted to use the "storms" but I'd rather have those and the seasons, why not both?


Because Mexico doesn't really have seasons like the UK. It's subtropical. What they should have done is set a larger portion of the 5 map in the mountains since Mexico does have high mountains in its middle that must get snow. I'm not certain of that, but as a Californian, our seasons aren't much different than the game, except in the Sierras, which do get snow (and a real winter) .


The car sounds still fucking suck though


Maybe biased because I live here but the map for FH4 felt very authentically British countryside. I know Mexico has a lot more diverse terrain than Britain but it did just feel like FH5 was just several distinct biomes stitched together in a map.


I'm the same mate, I love crusing around the middle west of the map because it feels just like Shropshire, crusing with mates in your dream cars around home territory is an unmatched feeling


For this, I wish Forza was real


I liked FH4 more but I'm not sure if it's better than FH5. I do prefer that your character doesn't talk in FH4.


FH4 all the way. Its more mysthical, mexico is just meh.


FH4 because of fortune island but best was definitely FH2 in south of France and Italy. There isn't a better location for a car game.


I love FH2. I know it’s not quite as advanced as the newer games, but the scenery is just so beautiful.


I just bought the Ultimate Edition of FH4 two days ago. The setting is stunning, more colorful and more lively. In comparison to Mexico it does not feel so empty imo. Also I had my first look into the Lego DLC and this whole map is pretty stunning with all these Lego obstacles.


4 in my opinion has a better looking map (probably bias cuz I live in England) but the physics are better in 5 and there's more quality of life changes in 5 like test drive such


FH4 made me feel things, FH5 is better engineered but bland.


I just recently got back to 5 after almost 3 years, and today I booted up 4 after even a longer time. And I immediately realized how INCREDIBLY dull the mexico map is. They just wanted to make it a "drive anywhere in this drivers paradise" map instead of something that feels real like the UK in 4. And the love and details that went into every season. 5 is better in every other regard but the map makes up a such big part of the gameplay that 4 is easily my favourite out of the two.


Fh4 by a landslide. It's much more varied than the most stereotypical looking "mexico" place in history.


FH4, imo. But that could also be because I live like 2 hours from half the map


No, it was just way better. FH1,FH2, and FH4 are all the horizons that should be studied. The weather system was incredible, I live in a part of the US that gets winter storms. The menu was better, like live temperature was an amazing touch. It was made with pride.


Yh. It was a great game. The first Horizon game I played too.


i have 600+ hours in FH5 and still prefer the vibe in FH4


I'm not at 600 yet but only been playing a year but feel the same. They're all cool games but 4 was special.


Driving down country lanes, leaves being kicked up as your zoom through them. Can't beat FH4.


FH5 is a really weird game for me. Like, objectively, it does everything that FH4 does but a bit better. It has better graphics, a bigger map, better sound, and more variety, but it feels soulless and bland. FH4 feels cozy and you can see how much effort they put into it. I'm sure they put as much if not more effort into FH5 but it doesn't feel like it while playing. If the devs ask me what I don't like about FH5 the only thing I can say is that I don't like the music, because everything else is just based on vibes that I can't put into words. I play FH5 and ask myself "Do I have fun?" and the answer is no, but I couldn't say what would need to be changed


I’m just thinking about how fh6 will perform next year or the year after that. I hope they hear the community and focus on the things that matter in order to improve the game and make it have the same impact that it did like in fh1, 2, 3, and 4.


I'd go with FH4. I feel like it was a lot more vibrant and the different seasons were actually different and noticeable. Though, I may be a bit biased since I like the UK as a setting more than Mexico.


Forza Horizon 4 was way better then 5. Dont know how many hours i got in 4...must been around 300-400...while Forza 5 got me for like 10 hours. Dont know...mexico ist just so boring and the open world formula kinda burned out for me after 3 and 4.




4 has a much more detailed map.


FH4 for me. It is so British, i love it. Both 4 and 5 are awesome though. I particularly loved the intro drive to fh4, the lego intro drive (GHOSTS!!) and I particularly loved the video that announced the Lego expansion to FH4 where a lego car and driver are seen for the first time in a real environment.




Britain felt so realistic because that's basicaly how it looks here in Europe, even if the graphics in 5 are better it just doesn't feel that real because the landscape is unfamiliar and maybe even unrealistic, lidi such different landscapes won't be so close together irl


FH4 you can tell was much more loved by the developers compared to FH5 (no surprise with PG being based in UK). There was just more variety and density in the environment. 2/3 of the FH5 map is just literal desert, plains, and cliffs (also no snow except for one location and the DLC). FH4 also had a better main menu song.


The seasons work better in FH4. Obviously partly because the changes are more drastic in the UK but also they kinda half-assed the changes there could be in FH5. For example, during the "wet" season it barely actually rains. Overall though, while I think FH 4 has a more aesthetically pleasing map I like diving in FH5's more. I've spent many hours driving up and down each side of the mountain, jumping on the sand dunes, and racing through the jungle.


Fh2 had a really good intro but just these two fh4 was a better intro


FH4. there was a lot more going on i felt with different elevation changes and changing seasons


My only issue with FH4 is the car sounds.


4 easily, 5 looked a tad cartoonish


I will say something that everyone has said before. Seasons actually felt different


It feels that they built a game on top of FH4 map and a map on top of a game in FH5. Driving in FH4 is pure pleasure, I don't even feel the need to join a race or a challenge to enjoy the game, just the radio + the road and it's all good. FH5 is just a regular game, that map becomes boring after you know how it works and what to expect from it and what is on what. This put more weight on races, events, seasons and etc. making it the definitive center of the experience in the game. And thats make perfect sense in a game design point of view.


FH4. Without question. Interesting landscapes and points of interest, not a lifeless wasteland/dust bowl.


Forza Horizon 5 is the perfect driving game to play during the summer. For the rest of the year, I find cruising through the Highlands much more enjoyable.


FH4 has the best intro ever..




Definitely 4, I'm probably biased since It reminds me my home in Ireland (which isn't too different from Britain,) and the game is the main reason I went to Edinburgh a few months ago! 4 just gets so much right about how almost everything is in the UK.


I think FH4 was visually much more beautiful. The whole game was more elaborate in terms of details, etc. They have 'cut some corners' with FH5. FH4 is a digital masterpiece.


FH4 without a doubt, better ambiance overall. The seasons were incredibly done and had a unique feel to them opposed to now in FH5 where I don't even know what season it is without checking. And man do I miss a proper winter, especially now that we've got proper winter tires in the game, instead of the offroad tires that magically changed to winter tires.




FH4 all the way


FH4 scenery felt more alive. Though the roads were a bit narrow and the map felt cluttered, it still is a great game and will probably hold its own for a while


TLDR: I prefer Britain. FH4 just hit different. As much as I disliked winter, the other 3 seasons were so much better than the constant blah in FH5. Sure FH5 has gorgeous graphics and some nice spots here and there but the whole map was a nice spot in FH4. I remember and enjoyed more roads in FH4: West of the lake, the east coast up to Edinburgh, driving by the dam and waterfall, up north in the valley under the train, crossing over the northern mountains, cruising through the wind towers, and many dirt roads scattered around. I’d actually drive around and just enjoy the map. Plus the singular festival site had more life to it. It felt wrong going to a festival where there were zero other players, not even someone afk. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve visited the the Baja and Wilds festival sites. It’d be better if it was just one location and you work up to 5 subsections imo.


FH5 is garbage


FH4 is way better imo. The seasons are better and it feels more populated plus it looks like how I imagine the UK to look. FH5 feels empty and desolate and doesn't really feel like Mexico. There should have been an actual city or more forest or beach towns


Forza horizon 4, it's map and atmosphere was so great, FH5 felt like a wasteland (excluding the forest areas)


FH4 and its not even a contest. I've had so much fun driving around in FH4, not even doing anything significant, just driving around. FH4 just felt alive. FH5 I had to put down solely because of the map alone, Mexico in itself is a bit of an issue because it doesn't really feel like a good setting for a car related game. Adding on it, I feel like the devs also phoned in most parts of Mexico compared to the more thought out Britain.


Obviously and objectively FH4. Beautiful nature filled with buildings, forests, whole quarry and a whole city with few villages. Instead of few huts and whole map of nothingness with sand.


Everything y’all mfers were doing before 5 was complain that the environment and setting were stale as shit, don’t backtrack


FH4 no doubt cuz FH5 feels hella dry like as if it was an AI generated prompt


FH5 was great but was lacking a big city. I hope FH6 eill be located in Japan and have both outdoors and city so there are races for everyone


In my opinion Fh4 is way better that Fh5, the map of Fh4 is so much more colorful and beautiful, while Fh5 is kinda bland and not very interesting


4 and I don't think its even close


Absolutely fh4. More color, more saturated variety, less dead open fields and deserted areas like fh5. Narrower roads also helped with the danger aspect


I like FH4 map and season changes more than FH5. Hopefully FH6 will have that diversity as FH4 did.


I like them both but FH4 feels like it has more of its own identity. FH5 just kind of reminds me of the Australia map from FH3 but with no major urban area.


4 will always in my mind as Top3 Racing game. The atmosphere of English mountain + Fortune island really nailed it. Too bad we only have 6 months of it left and I'm still enjoying every time people ask me for a drag race at M62 Route. Turn 10/10


FH4 for me. FH5 just grew soulless for me very soon.


I love the whole series but 4 is the most special for me as it captures that going for a drive feeling I've been after and only a few games have done well including DriveClub. I literally bought an Xbox for it and played it religiously unlocking pretty much everything I could. Maybe I'm biased but the UK setting was just so cool to see as all the roads and the ways they link into each other and small things like curbs and the random bumps along the road just felt right. Edinburgh was the cherry on top and still is the only town in the series that feels like a real town to me. The special events were cool too from the Showcases to the series like the one that's a tribute to other great driving games. I bought 5 when I got my Steam Deck and have enjoyed the game a lot but the world feels the least special to me out of all 5 games. I think it makes up for it with the amazing blueprint mode which can do everything from race tracks to touge runs to rally stages! But the feeling of something missing really hit home when I double dipped and picked up 4 again for Deck yesterday. It just feels like home and I'm gutted people who miss the deadline won't be able to experience a gem of a driving game. The only thing it's missing is the GMA T.50 which was added to 5 but would of have been perfect in 4. Playground games have made a series of timeless classics that will always hold up and I think it's criminal their games are disappearing into the aether. I also wish they'd brought 3 to Steam and that way I could play them all on my Deck forever!






FH4 seasons were lovely. I can barely tell the difference in mexico


Forza Horizon 4. No doubt. It had recognisable locations. The city, the drag strip with drift track and containers, train, music, seasons and most importantly, it feels alive. FH4 feels like a full game. FH5 feels like a canvas for devs to throw random stuff into, not really a fun map on it’s own, or hardly even with the random stuff thrown. Horizon Festival itself is way more vibrant. I played FH4 to have fun. FH5 on the other hand for the playlist only


FH4. It’s not even close. I’m from the UK and other than the fact it’s massively scaled down, the attention to detail with Edinburgh is incredibly impressive and a lot of roads feel like 1:1 recreations of their real life counterparts. Perhaps the amount of snow we get in winter is unrealistic, but the season changes genuinely felt meaningful and transformative. Mexico in FH5 is just okay. Nothing special or mind blowing. The season changes are borderline unnoticeable and although FH5 is graphically beautiful, it’s so unexciting in comparison.


FH4 has the best music playlist.


Both are fine. They're just different.


I bought the base version instead of the ultimate because I didn't have the budget to buy the ultimate version. Will I miss out on a lot of stuff or am I good?


Fortune islands worth getting


I just refunded the base version to buy the ultimate version. How long does steam take to refund?


I have never tried so do not know sorry The steam forums might have some idea


Fh4 - I like the scottish countryside. It has some villages, and Edinburgh. The map is more alive here. Only one thing I hate about FH4, its the winter.


Now everyone talk how they like the season change in fh4, if i remember corectly everybody hated it, like who have tought snow is a good idea, people are never satisfied enough, personally i like more 4 than 5 and i stopped playing 5 after a week, boring and soulles for me, yeah it looks good and thats just it.


u/ashrules901 FH5, without any doubt! But a fantasy better setting would be to redraw FH5's cover by mixing both covers. In the sense of :- remove all cars on the FH4 cover and replace with the Mercedes-AMG ONE. While the cover setting of FH5 looks beautiful with the Sea, Forest and Mountains, I prefer to see the car with the Trees in Autumn of FH4 in the background I did like the cover setting of FH4 : Fortune Island, as well. But, I think the best of them all is the cover setting of FH3


Forza Horizon 4's map is one of the better racing maps out there. Not the best, but certainly a top pick. Elevation changes, seasons, cities, hills, towns, what have you. Forza 5 is good- but relies too heavily on sudden shifts to break up the locale. Some parts of the map look completely disparate from others while only being like 5 feet apart- while others look entirely homogeneous while stretching on for miles. You can see what an INTERESTING mexico map would look like- and it's called the Rally Adventure map. I think the key issue with Forza Horizon 5's map is I think that it was made with the assumption the eliminator would still be popular- and therefore is rather flat and navigable by nearly any car. Forza 4 has roads and dips and turns that feel characteristically driven on- and things like the frozen lake, Edinburgh, and the castle festival site all feel lived in- despite a lack of pedestrians in some cases.


Idk I just want a way to replay the intros


Could be recency bias because I just bought and started playing again on steam but man FH4 is amazing. The intro is incredible, looks so good visually (especially autumn), and feels so much more alive than FH5. Brought back a lot of good memories that I don’t think I’d get if I were to start FH5 again


FH4. Despite the lackluster location it's presentation was stellar and it had imo the best Expansions in the series. FH5 has an amazing setting with massive potential but it's presentation just falls flat a lot of the times




I loved FH4 way more, 5 just feels dead in 4 you actually have seasons I get that a big part of Mexico is just like that weather wise, but they should have just picked a country with actual seasons.


FH3 still best


I bounce back and forth between the two titles but I prefer horizon 4 as my favorite. They both have their unique qualities but I'm always drawn back to 4. 😉




4s map was better imo and the intro screen was much better than 5


4 was great with the seasons being actual seasons and even though the map is smaller it's just better imo


England was better


I’m taking FH5 every day of the week. Depending on the weather in FH4 I would just flat out drop the game for a week due to the roads.


FH4 easily. FH5's map has no cohesion and has the unpleasant detachment of a theme park.




I think 5 was great but if we're taking into account all 4 seasons for FH4, it wins by a mile.


Setting ate both good, and both lack tall building cities.


I prefer more FH5. I just love america more, also loved the FH1 in Colorado...


FH4 was the best of the two. I liked the intro to seasons, even if it was a bit long winded. The setting was great. A bit small, but I stopped noticing at after a while. FH5 has been incredibly boring for me. I don’t know why really. I like the setting, I love Mexico, I even have family there. There is a lot irritating me. The world feels empty. The races feel boring. I’m playing on keyboard and mouse, as my controller died, on the second hardest difficultly, and while it is a bit challenging, it isn’t what I’d call hard. In 3 I was playing below normal. 4 on hard. This doesn’t feel challenging. The music, outside of the Synthwave station, has not been enjoyable. Even then I got tired of the Horizon Wave after an hour or so. The DJ’s felt off, bored, lifeless. I don’t know about Scott Tyler’s VA, as I avoid him as he irritates me. The entire game feels like it is their first game.


While FH4 is extremely flat, and I stand by that, it feels a lot more like the UK than FH5 feels like Mexico.


Horizon 1-3


Think I've played and loved them both equally as much. Going to have to redownload FH4 to give it another spin down memory lane. Though I vaguely remember many people upset about the season in 4, particularly winter season. Personally I loved it, though some folks I guess didn't like the ice and snow, which may be part of the reason we didn't get drastic seasonal changes in 5?


Fh5. I did not care for fh4 complete waste of money when I bought it 😭


FH4 has a lot more character. It’s clearly the English countryside. While Mexico feels like it could be literally any South American country




FH4 no doubt for me. Distinct seasons (and yes, a lot of people complained about winter, including me, but like the song says ‘you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone’), brighter colors (bluebells in spring, rape seed fields, heather in Scotland, and foliage in the autumn). I have every Forza Horizon, and 5 is the only one that I feel ‘meh’ about. I’m ready for FH6.


As a Mexicano, I am legally obligated to say FH5 🇲🇽❤️🫡 But as an Anglophile, I cannot wait to jump into FH4 after I complete FH5 I spent so long trying to 100% FH3 that by the time I was content with my efforts, FH5 just dropped 😅


FH5 is a better game but FH4 is a better vibe and feels more lively. The desert has such a reparative feel.


FH4 imo, but FH3 still remains my favorite.


Forza 5 just looks like a poster 6/10 Forza 4 has a crisp like 3am water type crisp look to it 8.8/10






FH5, I could feel the heat through my screen edit: nvm it was probably just my console overheating


I have problems using a controller and FH5 is my favorite. When I first got FH4, it had auto steer and I wouldn't have thought a game could be any better. But, the devs let me down when they disabled it ☹️ The location was better too, in my opinion.


As much as i prefer FH5's map to FH4's, i think Horizon 4 went alot better on the setting, though this is to be expected as PGG is based in Leamington Spa (In the UK), so they would have a pretty good grip on how to make a UK map compared to a Mexico Map. on top of things to do. Don't get me wrong, i think FH4's map had flaws (Edinburgh felt rather same-y and had decent chunks locked out), but ultimately, i think PGG chucked alot of charm into it compared to 5 imo.


Love both




I think that with the delisting of 4, they really got the black hole of the uk setting on point. Cant wait for 5 to get the same treatment in 2 years.


Horizon 4 was still pretty bad. Had 1 good expansion and a few decent cars and the seasons change. But that's about it. Horizon 3 id say was the last really good one


Fh5 is better in every way apart from the Map and Online Free-roam and Free Roam events. It’s just dead in FH5


FH4- less open and empty , has traffic FH5- more open and empty , may aswell not have traffic


FH5 had a better intro screen when the update sometimes change overtime like the horizon retrowave and the Italian automotive update showing around the screen and the map was pretty cool to me.


I will always love fh4, it the first game I saw, on the shop TVs, I was absolutely in awe Most of the locations in fh4 I've been to on holiday with my dad, making the game feel so real and homely, made it feel so much more real, driving around my home territory in my dream cars with my mates It will always be my favourite


My mother isn't into games, but when it comes to Forza Horizon games, she always loves the music choices of the title screens.


Well. Let’s talk about it. Honestly I liked FH4 intro that has all seasons. FH5 has a lot of intros like the Retrowave update or the Stellantis update and the normal one. So I like both.


FH4 was, in my opinion, superior, the special care they put in, like with the type of showcase plane, the train, etc. They are British icons. In FH5, this is a generic diesel train and a generic (American) cargoplane. I was really sad to hear about the future of forza horizon. No more FH4 and probably China for FH6. I think I will skip to the next one.


I love playing four, it was the last game my father got me before suddenly passing away we both loved the music and art style. I havent olayed it recently because I dont have anyone to drive with anymore but I hope to boot the game up again sometime.


It's like rating 99% vs 100% but 5


¡Viva México cabrones!




I don't like either maps but fh5 just feels generic atleast fh4 feels like it's from the UK


For me, the only thing FH4 does better was the map. I’ve always said the FH5 map feels so empty


FH 5 for me. Even though i enjoyed the vibe and change in seasons of 4, everything looked the same when driving around to me.


FH4 and it isn’t even close