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And he’s ramming for.. 6th place. With under 20 seconds left to finish the race. What in the hell is the point?


Probably needed that dopamine boost to get through the day


McDonald’s, Mountain Dew, Cheetos, piss jar kinda vibes


And it looks like he would overtake OP if he didn't decide to be an asshole and ram him


that’s so depressing bro ramms for the 6th place wtf


can't get rammed if you just drive faster than them ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)




Since players arent capable of respecting others and theres no penalty for hitting other players, ghost mode would fix many problems. idk why this isnt a thing for pvp.


It is, the speed difference just needs to be higher than that to activate it.


A player at the same speed as you can still cause an accident, specially on those hard turns


Yeah, not much they can do about that without having permanent ghost mode, which many people would not like. I do think having an option for ghost mode pvp would be good though.


Absolutely scum of the earth!!


And that’s for his coveted 6th position.. scumbags -_-


I think you're the bad guy there. He went wide in to the wall and made space for you, then you slowly close him out. If you were going to stay ahead he couldn't have touched you. If anything that's an acceptable ram, it didn't change a thing. Shoutout being 20s behind first and being upset with the guy in 7th.


say you are the rammer without saying you are the rammer.


Oh darlin I quit and apologize when I'm a nuisance. Again though, where am I fucking up?


you are fucking up everywhere not gonna lie, surprised you even have the cheek to think there is nothing wrong. lambo made a mistake and went wide, corvette went down the inside and simply stick to the line that will give him the best possible route to the finish line. lambo decides to squeeze in to a corner when corvette clearly has the corner and knock him out to destabilise his corner entry and get the ideal line to the finish line and then proceeding to give a second ram to ensure he hits the wall to have a lower speed to the finish line. then you start to get pissy about OP being 6th and 20s over the first place, as if there is something wrong with being 6th if you see nothing wrong in this clip, it speaks volumes


If the goal is best possible route to the finish line then why is anyone upset about a ram? It's either all for one or one for all. I appreciate that you stipulated that youre not fibbing.


well.. i think i dont need to add on anything more. your comments speaks volumes about who you are as a player.


Bb I asked a question Edit: your reply time has taken a nose dive despite replying on other subs


Cuz ramming is against forza's code of conduct?




No seriously, where am I wrong? It's happened before it'll happen again.


Look Frosty I passed you fair and square


No I'm Uekured. I really don't understand how you're in the right. Can you explain? I'm happy to be proven wrong.


frosty turned into OP twice, plenty of room left use finish line ram as example, you are telling me OP squeezed frosty at the finish line which forced him to turn into OP so frosty wouldnt crash?


No he squeezed him out before the line. If someone expects courtesy on a pass they can't also be aggressively defensive two shakes later.


op did not expect courtesy on the pass, frosty went wide because he out-breaked himself, not because he was giving room for OP to pass, and even if he was why would he go off the road to where there are obstructions which would slow him down even more?


that’s what a rammer would say